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The worst part of it was that when I saw the way the cops looked at her, I suddenly realized that Melanie was beautiful. She was far better looking and also built better than any of the women that I'd cheated on her with. And where most of those women just wanted to use me for something, much like the same way I used them, Melanie loved me. Her only complaint was that she wanted to spend more time with me. I realized, all of a sudden, that I was about to lose the most important part of my life for a girl who wasn't half the woman Mel is.

"Melanie, I won't give you a divorce," I screamed into the house. "I'll fight it with everything I have."

"Meanwhile, back at the ranch," said one of the cops. "Let's go get your clothes, buddy. We don't have all day."

"Yeah. Chop chop," said the other.

They sat there on my porch, drinking my fucking coffee, smirking at me and ogling my wife. I was pissed. But I still needed my clothes. I also needed to talk to Melanie. I needed to know if she'd told her parents yet that we were getting a divorce or not and whether or not I still had my job.

I was determined to win her back at any cost. Nothing that I wanted had ever been taken from me in my life. Melanie was not going to be the first thing taken away from me either. If she wanted a fight, I'd give her one.

I moved all of the clothing and all of my toiletries into the car. I had clothes in the trunk, the front seat and the back seat as well. The cops were looking at me crazily. And I could hear them mumbling.

"Jeezus, why the hell does he need so many clothes?" asked one. "Is he some kind of fashion model or something?"

"Shit, the bastard has more shoes than my ex-wife," said the other. "Are we sure he cheated on her with a woman? I mean I'm just saying. God damn his wife is hot. How much hotter could any woman be? Maybe he cheated on her with..." then they noticed that I was listening to them.

"Ah, sorry sir. We're out of here. Thanks for the coffee," they said. Then they got up and got back into their squad car. A couple of houses down the block they chirped their siren and pulled over one of the neighborhood kids who was riding his bike.

"Hey there, Speed Racer. Slow it down," snarled one of the cops as they drove off.

* * * * * *


I remember being really pissed that morning as I got ready for work. I put on the smock that I always wore to work. For today it would be really good camouflage, because I was wearing a pair of shorts that showed my entire ass. The shorts were mostly just a waistband with pockets attached in the back and they were as small as a G-string in the front. I knew that Ryan would love them.

I lifted the smock in the back and turned around and looked in the mirror I applied some lotion to my ass to make it look smoother and gave it a little shake. I'd had to become more extreme as I got to the home stretch. I didn't want Ryan to lose interest, before I got him to marry me. It was especially important now that his fat, old wife wanted a divorce. I had no idea how long divorces took but very soon Ryan and I would be married. I guess now would probably be a good time to tell him about the kids. Maybe I should break it to him gently. I'd start out by telling him that my daughter was sick. Then I could show him a picture of her. She is a really cute little thing. After he got used to the idea of Suzy, I'd break it to him that I also have three boys. Those little bastards were going to take some getting used to. They tended to destroy or piss on everything they came close to.

I wasn't even sure that all of the boys were Joe Bob's. Someday I was going to have to get a DNA test done and then sit back and figure out who their fathers were. It really made no difference though, because they were all mine.

"Where the fuck are you going with your ass hanging out like that?" asked my husband Joe Bob from behind me.

"Since when do you care?" I asked.

"Since we're still married," he said angrily.

"Well that may not be the case for much longer," I said as I started brushing my hair. "Besides you've been fucking Lucinda for so long that it shouldn't matter to you if I give someone else some pussy. It's not like you're using it."

"How do you know I'm not using it?" he snapped. "It's so stretched out from you squirting out four God damned kids that I don't even touch the sides when I'm in there anymore. Last week I got drunk before I came to bed and fell into your pussy. It took me the whole fucking night to climb back out and every time you pull your panties down, I can still hear the echoes of my screams."

"Like I said, you probably won't have to worry about it for much longer," I told him. "If things go my way, I'll be leaving this fucking trailer park and you far behind me. You might want to make up your mind whether you want custody of the kids or you want them to go with me and you just have visitation rights. You should get some say in that, since SOME of them probably ARE your kids."

I turned away from him with a smirk on my face. I know that what I'd said had hurt him, but he'd hurt me too with all of the things he'd said. In all of our time together, Joe Bob and I had argued a lot of times. We'd yelled at each other and we'd screamed at each other and we'd even given each other the silent treatment a few times. But none of those prepared me for what happened next.

"What do you mean SOME?" he spat.

"I don't think all of them are yours," I said matter of factly. That was my last coherent thought. He spun me around and punched me in the face as if I was a man instead of a barely five foot tall, one hundred pound woman. My head bounced off of the back wall of the small bathroom and I slid down the wall to the floor. I vaguely remember Joe Bob standing over me as if he was getting ready to hit me again.

"You fucking whore," he screamed. Then he spat in my face.

"I knew that both of us played around a bit because when you've been with someone since you were both barely out of diapers, things get stale Tabby. I thought that we were both just spicing things up, but I have never run off on you or those kids. There have been days when I was drunk out of my mind or so pissed at you that I couldn't see straight but I've never stopped loving you. And yeah, I know our life isn't perfect. Neither one of us has any kind of education and there aren't many jobs available but I've never run out on you and I've always done the best I could."

"So yeah, I fucked Lucinda a few times, but I always wore a condom even when she didn't want me to. And I never left you for her even though she wanted me to. And I never touched Lucinda until I found out about you fucking half of your customers at the station. All of this shit you've been talking lately about leaving me has really hurt me Tabby, but I stayed. And now you're telling me that one of or some of the people I love most in the world except for you may not be mine. You're telling me that you not only played around but that you let some guy or guys knock you up and have been letting me think their kids were mine all of this time?" Even though I was dizzy, I could hear his voice break and I could see the tears in his eyes.

"Fuck you, Tabby," he spat. "I'm sorry I hit you, but I just lost control." Joe Bob was crying uncontrollably by then. "I loved you Tabby. I won't stand in your way." He turned and ran out of the trailer. I tried to stand up but I was still too dizzy and too weak. I knew then that I had fucked up far worse than I'd ever imagined.

I sat there feeling really bad for a few minutes and then I heard a voice. It was Ruth Anne Terwilliger who'd spoken. She lived in the trailer next door and was always stopping by to borrow things. I got the idea that the real reason she stopped by so often was because she wanted to borrow Joe Bob but it had never happened. I called out to her and she came in and saw me. She helped me up and practically carried me to her car. She was smart enough to know not to bother calling an ambulance. They never came out to the trailer parks and if they did, you could call them when you were twelve and die of old age before they got there.

She took me to the free clinic a couple of miles away. We waited for about a half hour before someone saw us. He looked at my shiner and then at the bump on the back of my head. He gave me a small bottle of aspirin and told me I'd be fine.

"Is that it?" I asked.

"In your line of work, much worse will probably happen to you before you quit," he said.

I looked at the way his face had screwed up when he said, "Your line of work."

"I work in a gas station," I said. He laughed at that.

"Sure you do," he said. "Don't worry about it. We don't judge. We get professionals in here all the time. And dancers too," he added as an after-thought. As he walked away, I looked at the way I was dressed and realized that I'd crossed a line somewhere. I was a mother of four who honesty didn't know who the fathers of all of her children were. I was dressed in a pair of shorts that were tinier than any bikini and wondering why a doctor would think I was a whore.

I had alienated the man I'd loved since before I was in high school because he was doing the same thing I was, but at least he'd had the decency to use protection. Joe Bob hustled doing odd jobs and brought in more money than I did and unlike me, who spent most of mine on cigarettes, beer and clothes, he paid the bills with his. And I'd still decided somehow that I was better than the life we have. I decided that I deserved more than what we have. For some reason, I thought that I was special.

Looking at that doctor and the way he looked at me, made me realize that I'd been prioritizing the wrong things. If I was going to get my family out of the trailer park, it had to be done with both Joe Bob and me working together. Maybe one of us should keep working while the other worked part time and went to school. Then the one who went to school could get a better job and move us into a real house or apartment while the other went to school. It would take time, but we'd wasted so much time already. We'd had our fun, now it was time for us to work. While our friends were busting their asses in college, we'd been making babies and moving into our trailer. Now, a lot of them had careers and great jobs and we were still living in a trailer and there were six of us now.

I guess the thing that really made me think about it was the fact that I'd seen the devastation in Joe Bob's eyes. I also had to admit that all of this was my fault. Joe Bob hadn't started screwing Lucinda until I'd been at it for years. I'd often screwed guys who came into the gas station in motels, in their cars; anywhere that I thought I could get away with it. And I mostly did it because I just kept hoping I could find someone who wanted to fuck me so bad he'd give me another life.

It took seeing the hurt in Joe Bob's eyes to make me realize that I really did love him and I was sure he loved me. When I got back home, we were going to have to sit down and have a really serious talk about our future and our marriage. Lucinda had to go, but so did Ryan and everyone else except for the six of us.

"Do you want to go to the police station next?" asked Ruth Anne. I looked at her like she was crazy.

"For what?" I asked.

"So you can make a report, Honey," she said. "I know your husband hit you. He shouldn't get away with that."

"Ruth Anne, I appreciate you bringing me down here, but can you just take me home?" I said.

"But he hit you," she said. "And did you know that he's been..."

"He's been screwing my cousin Lucinda, right?" I asked. She nodded. "Ruth Anne he's been screwing Lucinda for about six months. I've been cheating on him for years. He snapped when I told him that my four year old daughter and possibly my six year old son might not be his. He loves those kids. He probably loves them more than I do. I think I hurt him more than that punch hurt me."

"Why would you do that?" she asked. She just stared at me like I had three heads or something. I had no answer, but I didn't need one because my phone rang and saved me from having to come up with one.

* * * * * *


As I stepped out of the shower, I heard movement from downstairs. I put on a robe and went downstairs.

"Officers," I called out.

"It's just me Mel," said Ryan.

"Ryan, you shouldn't still be here. Remember the restraining order?" I said.

"I just wanted to talk to you Mel," he said. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Isn't there some way we can stop this?"

"Ryan, please don't do this," I said. "I need time to get my thoughts together. You need to get a lawyer. When we get our lawyers, they can arrange a meeting and we can work all of this out then."

"But I don't want to work this out with lawyers," he said. "Why can't the two of us just sit down and talk."

"Ryan, we did that last time," I said. "You broke my heart last time, but I loved you so much that I put my pride aside and gave you another chance because ever since I met you, I just wanted to be married to you. I know that no one is perfect. No marriage is perfect, Ryan. I thought that last time was just one mistake and it might even make us stronger. So I swallowed the hurt. And after a few months, you went back to the same pattern. I don't know if you were cheating on me the whole time, but I was always alone. You were always working or doing something that simply didn't involve me or us."

"But..." he began. I held up my hand so he'd let me finish.

"Ryan, my father owns the company and he has plenty of time for my mom. I see my father more often than I see you and we don't even live in the same suburb. We haven't had a marriage for a very long time Ryan. I can be alone all by myself. I even felt alone sometimes when I was with you. Your cheating on me didn't even really hurt because it was just another symptom of a marriage that failed a long time ago. Now you need to leave or I'll have to call the police."

"Okay, Honey," he said sadly. "I don't want to upset you. So I'll go. But I'm going to fight with everything that I have to show you that I've changed. This isn't over. WE aren't over."

"Ryan, if you'd cared this much during our marriage...it wouldn't be over," I said. As he closed the door, I felt a sense of relief. I slumped to the floor and sat at the top of the stairs, watching through the big bay windows in the front of the house as he drove away. I didn't feel a sense of elation. Who would be happy that their marriage was over? Even a marriage as one sided as mine had been takes a heavy toll on you when it dies. Your life changes forever and it leaves you all kinds of self-doubt.

I wasn't an old woman yet, but I wasn't a hot, young chick anymore either. Men my age all wanted younger women. If I did choose to start dating again, most of the men I'd find would be either defective in some way which would explain why they hadn't been married before, or they'd be divorced guys who mostly just wanted some woman to fuck or at best an FWB relationship. I wanted neither of those, so my future looked bleak. I have several friends who are divorced and not a single one of them is happy...well there's Theresa. But she got divorced because her husband found out that she'd been cheating on him every time he left town on business.

All she really wanted was to go out and fuck a lot of guys and now she has that, so she should be happy. But I still think that eventually she's going to regret what she lost and maybe I will too.

I forced those thought out of my head. I was becoming depressed. I dropped my robe off on the floor and bounded into the office, my office now, completely naked. It felt kind of dirty to do that, but this was my house now, mine alone. Just thinking that started my mind analyzing every thought that I had all over again. The words I concentrated on were, "House," and "Alone."

The word house threw me because I'd said this was my house not my home. I guess in my mind a house only becomes a home when you fill it with love and have someone to share it with. And that brought up the second word, "Alone."

For the first time in my life, I was unsure about what my next step would be. I'd grown up with my parents helping me to make decisions about my future. In high school, my guidance counselor had told me how to get into a good college and even helped me decide which field I should consider going into. Before I left college and embarked on my journey into adulthood, I already had Ryan and we'd planned what we thought would be our future together. I had all kinds of possibilities in front of me and no clue of how to proceed. The one thing I did know was that whatever my future held, Ryan would no longer be a part of it.

I sat my naked ass down on the seat of my office chair. Maybe that could be my future. I could be one of those women who worked in those online sex services. I could sit here naked in front of a web cam and flash my titties. They really had gotten bigger as I got older. I cupped them and posed in front of the computer screen that wasn't even on. I laughed as I realized that I could never do that. Ryan's lover, Tabitha, probably could and she'd probably be good at it. After all, she was sexy enough to take my husband away from me despite how much I'd loved him.

Despite the fact that I thought the pending divorce wasn't affecting me badly, I realized then that it really had. I was definitely out of sorts. I couldn't for the life of me remember why I'd actually come into the office. I was unfocused and forgetful. I tended to lapse into periods of pondering my situation or wondering what I'd done that was so wrong that made my husband unable to remain faithful to me. As I thought about that, my eyes settled on the computer in front of me and I remembered that I'd come in here to see if my lawyer had emailed me. I booted the computer and opened my email program.

As I scanned my message box I noticed an email from my online pen pal. I opened it immediately. The letter was beautiful. He had some type of email stationery with all kinds of flowers and smiling faces on it. It was like some kind of online card that he'd written a very personal message on. My eyes teared up all over again. The flowers on the email reminded me of another really shitty fact about my marriage. The last two times that I'd gotten flowers had been on my birthday and Mother's day. And both times they'd come from "B," as he signed his emails, not from Ryan.

It was really touching and I think that we'd crossed a line then. I remember how he'd very tentatively asked me for my address. I think that both of us realized that we were taking a step that we probably shouldn't have taken. But I never once felt threatened by him. And I know that thousands of women all over the planet make the mistake of giving some guy that they met online their addresses and end up being stalked or hurt by them. But I thought I'd be okay. I guess I was so God damned lonely that even having a stalker would be better than the loneliness.

Anyway, he repaid my trust by sending me a beautiful bouquet of flowers for my birthday. He hadn't sent a card, because he didn't want to put my marriage in jeopardy, as if he could. Ryan just assumed the flowers were from my mom and dad. Ryan had, of course, as usual, forgotten my birthday completely. But those flowers made my day. I spent most of the day wondering who'd sent them until I got his email that day asking me if I liked them.

The next time that he'd sent me flowers was on Mother's day. It came as a complete surprise and was one of the most thoughtful things I'd ever seen. I tended to tell him everything in our letters. And I think that he was the only person who knew how badly I wanted a child. Ryan always told me it just wasn't the right time in our lives.

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