A Butterfly with Bite

"Yes, of course."

"Fallen Butterfly Rescued."

"Oh goody, readers will be attracted to that because it's different -- it will be good for our magazine.

"She'd a loaded gun, Charlene. You watch yourself."

* * *

Young Maisie was alone in reception when Camilla strode in.

"Good morning Maisie?"

"Y-you know my name Miss Young?"

"You know mine Maisie. Think about it. Take me to my office please and tell Chris to come to me. Are you English?"

"Yes miss. My family immigrated two years ago. I believed I'd lost my English accent. Chaucer will be pleased with your comment."

"What was Chaucer noted for Maisie?"

"Language rather than literature."

"Do you have a degree in English Lit?"

"Yes but only a BA."

"Please advise the head of HR you are to be my PA and compensated accordingly. If you strike resistance don't hesitate to call Mr Al Marks. He's been instructed to fix my problems. You don't appear surprised by your elevation."

"If you think that's my role I have no reason to object."

Camilla smiled warmly, wondering if she was looking at a rising star.

Chris Keller entered the office tentatively and taut. "Yes?"

"Good morning Chris."

"Um, good morning Miss Young."

"It's Camilla and that goes for everyone around here. Bury the hatchet and stay with me Chris. In time you'll get your own editorship somewhere else but in the meantime team with me and we'll make Passion rock."

"I was..."

"Sorry, it's time for our meeting. Let's go. Is there coffee available in that room?"


"Change that please Chris. Coffee is fuel to magazine people."

Camilla pulled out her phone. "Maisie, it's Camilla. I'm heading for the meeting room. Please have coffee rushed to Chris and me."

The coffee arrived when Chris was about to speak.

"Camilla has asked for coffee to become a permanent fixture in here after today. Meanwhile she and I are the lucky one. Everyone this is our new editor Camilla Young."

"Hi everyone. Please introduce yourself as I walk around the table and look across at you. Just your name and title."

When Camilla left for the TV station senior staff gathered around Chris.

"Guys, she's the one, not me. She's awesome; I felt her power and the truth is I was dough in her hands."

"Well directing personnel and planning are your fortes," said Rebecca.

Rebecca has just returned to her office when her phone rang. She saw the caller was Camilla.

"Hi Camilla."

"Hi, I'm in a cab. From today we become daring in fashion. If a tit is shown hanging out no problem but only one every four issues for something like that. But no tats and no body piercing are to appear in my magazine. If they exist, have them airbrushed or surgically removed electronically."

"Yes Camilla. Um, I have two tats."

"No problem darling. We're not circulating you to our readers."

The call was cut. A little dazed, Rebecca walked out to brief her fashion team.

Ellen their coordinator pointed out they had a featured plans on tats five issues away.

"Can it Ellen and ask for discussion on its replacement at our next meeting."

A reporter asked exactly what was wanted.

"I'll tell you when I know," Rebecca snapped. "Intuitively I think she wants leading edge with fire but will expect a range so we also present practical fashion."

"Aren't we delivering on that already?" persisted the reporter.

"The message I get is we're to indulge in some risk-taking."

There was excited chatter and Rebecca slipped out to cogitate.

* * *

Dress in shimmering blue, co-presenter Jenny Silverstein walked to the wings to greet their guest and brought her to sit between Clive Manning and her. The broadcast was already going out to viewers live.

"Hi Camilla," Clive said, standing and kissing her very correctly. "Welcome to the show. Why are you here?"

"We went to elementary school together and you thought it was time we should chat. Your wife Eve probably told you I was the wrong person to take the wheel of 'Passion'.

"Actually Eve hadn't heard of the magazine when I mentioned it to her last night."

"Oh, that's a big gap in her reading."

Jenny: I expected you to walk in here wearing a lurid beach sari and huge hat to seduce viewers by your panache?

Camilla: No, I leave that for our fashion editor. I changed from my conservative office suit in the cab on the way here into this gray knitted top and stretch pants to appear neutral to avoid out-dressing you darling.

Jennie: Is it true magazine people call you the bitch in capital letters?

Camilla: It was but presently I'm known as The Fallen Butterfly and my enemies in the media will be delighted. Super bitch publisher B. B. Joyce -- it's not true the initials stand for balls and bangles -- fired me as editor of 'New York Chic' because I was depressed after my ugly divorce during which my outgoing husband attempted to deflower me of every dollar I had. I left my position without a whimper. Then Jay Rank called within hours to disagree with Bumbaca Joyce that I'm a waning star and hired me to add passion to Passion magazine. One of my immediate aims is to attempt to blow my former magazine out of the water because Balls and Bangles didn't stand by me.

Clive: I take it you and Mrs Joyce never have seen eye-to-eye?

Camilla: It's difficult because she's cross-eyed.

Jennie: So who will you dig your fangs into on Passion?

Camilla: Mr Rank's lieutenant Al Marks. I instinctively dislike him and would think the feeling is mutual.

Jennie: What about Jay Rank?

Camilla: I'm probably hopelessly in love with him but neither of us knows that yet. I admire him for moving to put 'oomph' into women's magazines.

Jennie: How many women's magazines does he publish?

Camilla: I haven't a clue. My focus is on Passion.

Clive: What do you think about that magazine?

Camilla: My feelings are positive. I believe there's a case for every woman in the country identifying with its name.

Clive: I really mean content, layout, art direction and so on.

Camilla: Sorry but I've never seen beyond the front cover.

Jennie: Are you saying you've never read the magazine of which you are now editor-in-chief?

Camilla: Yes.

Jennie: I'm sorry but I don't understand.

Camilla: There's nothing to understand. Mr Rank has hired me because of my proven track record and flair, not because how many times I've read or not read his latest magazine that I intend raising the flag with it for him.

Jennie: How can you improve something you don't know what it is?

Camilla: It doesn't matter what you think Jennie, or Clive or even Mr Rank. Several million women out there will sound the bugle if they are impressed with what my team and I deliver. I only began work today and remember the next issue is already going to press without me laying a finger on it. My influence will be evident in Passion from next month.

Jennie: Well one thing you can do for me is to stop publication of models displaying tats. I think..."

Camilla: Done an hour ago. It was my first executive order Jennie. Have you a pet gripe with the magazine Clive?

Jennie: He wouldn't read it... it's too raunchy for him and too ultra feminine.

Clive: Your motoring columnist goes dotty on talking about the color range and child restraints. There is barely mention about riding comfort and maneuverability which I think would be important to female drivers.

Camilla: I promise to look into that. Reader feedback is extremely important to us so perhaps today your readers could write me saying what they expect of me and the month after next write expressing their views of the first issue of Passion under my fingerprints.

Jennie: I'm sure they will do that. What do you think of men Camilla?

Camilla: Males are half the population. I love my dad and like other men to be fresh and interesting and be loaded with passion.

Jennie: You like your men passionate?

Camilla: Yes, doesn't every woman including you?

Jennie: Clive you mentioned to me you and Camilla had an affair well before your marriage. Was Camilla passionate?

Clive (running a finger inside his collar): We were college freshmen and had grown up together. We had a short fling and nothing since. Yes I think I remember it as being very passionate.

Camilla: Your wife Eve appears to be passionate by nature.

Clive: Absolutely correct. Well thank you for being our guest Camilla and here's hoping you fly spectacularly with your magazine.

Jennie: Women will be watching you climb back to the top with interest Camilla. You'll do it; I know you will. You will be a tremendous loss to your last magazine. Good luck and remember to treat women readers with intelligence and aplomb.

Camilla: Thank you guys. You know you both and your producer run this show with passion -- that's why this show rules in the Nine to Midday timeslot.

On the way back to the office Camilla called Jay on his unlisted number.

"Hi, what did you think?"

"This is supposed to be a line to reach me in crisis situations."

"Oh Jay, you gave it to me knowing I was a person with a jaundiced view about rules."

He laughed and said his executive team watched the broadcast. At times everyone including himself were quite bug-eyed. Even Al was amazed how time times she managed to work in the word 'passion'.

"So you are satisfied with my performance?"

"Yes and I particularly liked that bit about you never having read the magazine. It made me look like a complete dipstick and I watched Al cracking his knuckles. I could have strangled you until your became philosophical about that and I accepted your reasoning as did most people around me I think, but of course not Al."

"No not Al. Are we likely to have sex?"

"I really don't think Al and you..."

Camilla giggled. "Now who's the idiot?"

He laughed and said soon.

Before Camilla could ask 'soon what?' Jay cut the call.

She smiled like a cat licking cream.


Camilla arrived in her office to be greeted by Maisie.

"Good, I knew you would achieve your goal."

"It was difficult Camilla. Mrs Burke created such a fuss and said no appointment without a signed requisition from you."

"And what did you say?"

"I said you don't do requisitions, that you rely on expressing your instructions orally because you are a creative person, not an office widget."

Camilla screamed with laughter. "Oh what an excellent response. I don't think I could have topped that one. So Mrs Burke gave you the cold shoulder..."

"No, she ranted and raved so I put her on to Mr Marks and..."

"... he said 'Do what you're told you stupid bitch?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Al appears to me to be that kind of horrible person and yet a very effective administrator."


"Learn about men before you cut loose Maisie. Is the coffee machine installed in the meeting room?"

The reply was yes and Maisie was then asked to show the boss around her little empire. There was crossover in lower management and services with centralized production shared with other magazines but the core functions of Passion magazine were unique to it.

After the tour and before the 2:30 meeting of all senior personnel where Camilla proposed outlining her management style, her methods of reward and punishment and almost paranoid demand (her words) for loyalty and obedience as head of the family of 'her' magazine, she asked Maisie to fetch her a thick salad bagel and coffee. Camilla then opened the proof copy of the upcoming magazine. She later closed it thinking how the hell could she improve on that; she was a writer not an editor. Camilla temporarily buried that thought by visiting the group financial controller to find out how her magazine was funded, what its outgoing financial streams were and the directions of revenue streams, and asked to have direct access to that information as from that day.

Jay called her almost an hour into her big meeting.

"Hi I haven't had a companion living with me for more than a year. Want to fill the gap?"

"Oooh, am I supposed to be dizzy with the honor of such an invitation?"

"Just a yes or no is fine."


"Good, I'll collect you at 8:00 for dinner... informal."

"I live at..."

"I have your address. You should consider leasing your apartment."

"You think I'm likely to be long-term?"

"Yes." The call was cut.

Buying time to settle her mind, Camilla asked, "Now where was I -- sorry about that call but it was the boss. My phone I was given was off but appears rigged so still accepts his call when switched off."

Someone said she had started to speak about confidentiality.

"Oh yes, the absolute rule on this one is everything you learn on this floor stays within these walls. Leave this floor and you talk to no one, not even family and boyfriends, about what we are doing and how and when we are doing it. Understand?"

There was a chorus of yeses.

"Right, write that down those of your who haven't already done that."

"Charlene, by the very nature of your work and your personality that fits your role, you are the most vulnerable of us to breach confidentiality. Not only that I'm told your partner works in editorial on a newspaper."

"Yes Camilla. I must earn your trust and check my vulnerabilities. May I keep my partner?"

"Yes by all means. God are you stupid enough to value your job over your partner? I view you in awe."

"Rebecca, as fashion editor you and your people will be under pressure to talk about our secrets. Please talk to your personnel and the outside people you use; they must do everything possible to maintain confidentiality. It is our goal to be first with everything."

"Yes Camilla. That's already noted and underlined. I realize that after time and not having noted anything amiss we could have become complacent."

"Exactly," Camilla smiled. "If we regard our work as we would regard confidentiality for a secret lover we'll be fine. I wish to advise you Rebecca that the entire emphasis on my magazine will be fashion, weighed on upcoming fashion but at the same time featuring the pick of what's rising in popularity in the marketplace. I want your department to expand into home and recreational but not travel fashion and you will receive a salary increase and authorized to appoint a new person with insight into home fashion as your assistant editor. I'll need to approve of your final choice. Well that's me finished. Anyone with questions or seeking elaborations?"

Rebecca the redhead stayed behind to talk to Camilla. "I would have thought polite procedure would have been to advise me of your expansion plans for the fashion department coverage?"

"But what could we have discussed? I've only come up with the concept. The planning and commission is over to you and your team. Just don't disappoint me or only go off half-cocked."

"Jesus, it's up to me?"

"Yes but if you are less than confident about anything consult with me before we start talking about planned work at editorial meetings. Also expect me to come up with ideas and whims."


"It's an editor's prerogative Rebecca. It's one of the quirky things I believe gives a magazine individual character. You can assist in this but expect to see a firmer drift that way from our columnists."

"We have work planned and even commissioned for four issues ahead, even further ahead in some cases."

"I understand that Rebecca. So if you can put off other commitments in the morning I'd like you to show me what your department has already placed into the framework for my approval, rejection or requested modification and then I wish you to have coffee with me and discuss their staged production."

"But the other editors will resent that."

"But why? Those heads of departments have just heard you are being promoted to the position of senior editor. The sooner you are seen working in collaboration with me the better, and they'll know to go to you with problems when I'm not here."

"Just how big is my promotion?"

"The title is senior fashion editor and the salary increase is $12,000."

"Ohmigod. I'm being appreciated at last."

"I read everyone's CV and work record last night Rebecca. I'm glad you are pleased."

* * *

Camilla arrived in the foyer at 7:58 and noted Jay was just arriving in a cab. He held the door open for her, offering just a verbal greeting, and hurried around to the other side to enter.

As they drove off her kissed her and said she smelt lovely.

"I removed the smell of stale sweat."

He grinned and wormed a hand to pull hers off her thigh to rest in his on the seat between him.

"Is this familiarity okay?" he asked politely.

She said she'd expected nothing less and had her hand squeezed.

As they were leaving the restaurant he said what now? She replied she was interested in inspecting his apartment and found herself arrived at their office building.

"My apartment is midway up, below our offices."

"Not a penthouse?"

"No, too noisy, too exposed to rooftop plant."

"That's good thinking. They kissed leisurely and Camilla patted his chest and said, "I like you Jay, I mean as a man."

He said, "I like you too Camilla, as a woman. There are things I'd like to do to you."


They had stopped a little too long and Jay caught the door on the 20th before it closed. "I chose this apartment because it's farthest from the elevators and catches full morning sun and has splendid evening views. I prefer sunrises to sunsets," he said, gaining entry with a keycard.

"I prefer sunrises too. Oh this is lovely," Camilla said pleasantly.

"What would you change?"

"Well after just a quick assessment glance, just the colors."

"Good, I don't like them. The incumbent before last changed them to this muddle. The last one was only interest in sex so wasn't here long."

"Do you wish to show me the bedroom?"

He grinned and unzipped, walking ahead of her.

Camilla knew that for the moment at least she was back at the top of her game although she'd done very little apart from positioning herself and bringing her team in behind her. The real work had yet to start.

* * *

Jay had her breasts out almost before she knew it.

"Wow, that was quick," Camilla said, sounding impressed.

He seemed pleased about the comment and said, "I start quickly and finish slowly. It's what I like. I've learned it doesn't matter what I do it is never right for women so I do it my way but leave room to adjust under demands because after all having sex is a two-way sex. Well, I better ask since we are discussing this, how do you prefer it?"

"Very wet."

He laughed hugely and said she'd caught him out; he'd not expected that reply, ever.

They didn't come together like Titans. Just like two people out to enjoy recreational sex. Jay had a gym fit body and good sized cock that he used well and Camilla moved her ass and fucked like a lady... not nail gouging or sinking in her teeth.

They finished, panting and Jay's accolade was brief but said it all: "Jesus."

He then made a little speech while toweling Camilla dry. "Just a few house rules darling. You don't bring anyone to this apartment -- ever. If you'd like someone to visit you ask me and the answer will probably be no. Meet them at restaurants. You don't talk to me about your magazine, you talk to your own staff, head of finance or if you require an executive decision you talk to Al. You may ask me about the company and what I do and have been doing... no problem. When moving to hire you I made the decision to give you Passion to run it as you see fit because no one can control the emotion called passion... it just happens. I believe you do your best things intuitively and so that's how I want you to run Passion. If you become too bullish are we lose advertising, so be it. My feeling is subscribers who are passionate about your magazine will keep us in profit from subscriptions alone if your radar is set well and you maintain your confidence and drive. That's all. Oh treat this apartment as your own home, apart from the no visitors rule."

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