A Chance Encounter... or Was It?


Kevin's efforts to sleep were interrupted by an announcement warning of pending turbulence. The pilot asked everyone to return to their seats and buckle up. The gigantic plane began bucking and fighting the strong wind currents coming up from the mountains below. Erin reached for his hand and said, "I'm scared."

"It's okay. These planes are tough and turbulence is common on this route. Just hold on. Everything will be fine."

"How do you know?"

"I have faith."

"I do too but I'm still scared."

Kevin smiled and wrapped both of his hands around hers. "I'll take care of you."

After a few minutes, the turbulence subsided and Erin relaxed.

She turned to him and asked, "Have you ever had a near death experience?"

"No, not as far as I know."

"I have. I was working along the edge of a rock formation to photograph a rare cliff-dwelling bird in Brazil. I was warned about loose rocks but in my enthusiasm to get the shot, I didn't pay enough attention to my footing. I fell off this high cliff but landed in a tree that cushioned my fall. The two guys with me were able to climb down and retrieve me but I was out cold for three days. I dreamed of being in heaven with my grandparents while I was unconscious. I learned later that I had medically died for about five minutes before the doctor was able to resuscitate me. Even today, I can visualize heaven and remember how happy I was to be with my granddad and grandma once again. I felt so warm and loved. It was perfect."

"I've heard about such experiences but I've never met someone who actually had one. Did it change your outlook on life?"

"I've always felt life was precious but the feeling was much stronger after that. I now know there is a heaven and our departed loved ones are there. That gives me a foundation to build on... like a bedrock of my faith. But we have to live every moment as if it were our last. I guess that was my biggest takeaway from that experience. What we do in life is very important."

"I believe that. I was angry when my wife was diagnosed and when it became likely that she would eventually die from it, Laura and I were devastated. It was a while before we dragged ourselves out of that funk and realized just how important every day was to us. That's when we began taking all the special trips we had planned for some day in the future. We traveled to the far ends of the earth. Laura left school for a semester and we spent every day doing something special while Sarah still felt like doing it. Whatever she asked for, we did it. Parachuting, driving a race car around the Dover Raceway, parasailing, scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef, swimming with whale sharks in Mexico, helicoptering over Angel Falls, and seeing the polar bears in Alaska and the Emperor penguins in the Antarctic. When Sarah was bedridden, she told me she had no regrets. We had done everything that she ever wanted."

Tears came to Erin's eyes as she held his hand. "That had to be very difficult."

"It was but we got through it. Sarah is in a better place. She got to meet Laura's future husband and I'm very glad for that. He's a fine young man with a great future and they're very happy."

"You only had the one child?"

"Sarah lost one in her sixth month when she was thirty-two. It was a boy. Then she had some health issues that forced a hysterectomy. Laura was two and I think that helped take Sarah's mind off of her disappointment but it really hurt her and me. I stopped traveling for a few months to be with her. That was probably the wisest thing I've ever done. She had many emotional episodes following that."

"She was very lucky to have you beside her, loving her."

Kevin glanced at Erin through tears welling in his eyes. "Thank you."

They turned away from each other to attempt another nap.


Several hours later, Elizabeth walked by with a tray of cold water. Kevin stood and followed her into the galley to take a cup.

"Elizabeth, I trust everything is fine with you."

"It is Mr. Larkin. As I mentioned to you on a previous flight, I was married last month and we've just found an apartment that we both like. That's always a challenge in Singapore."

"I'll bet it is. Is your husband from there?"

"Yes. He was born there but went to school in Hong Kong. He's a civil engineer with the government land reclamation department."

"Sounds like he'll have a great future."

"I think so. I like your travel companion. She seems very nice and is a beautiful lady."

"She is. I met her a few years ago and accidentally ran into her in Singapore two days ago."

"Oh. A very new relationship."

"Yes, but promising." They both grinned.

"What does she do?"

"She's a professional photographer for National Geographic Magazine."

"Very good. I've always liked their photos."

"Me too. Thanks for the water."

"Here, take another one. You'll need it."

"I agree. Thanks."

Kevin went to the toilet before returning to his seat. Erin appeared to be asleep.


The next five hours saw both Erin and Kevin restless. Unable to get the deep NREM and REM sleep they needed, at least they were able to doze and rest in a semi-conscious state. Elizabeth tried to help by bringing through tasty snacks during the night. The theory of sleeping better on a full stomach was being tested throughout the plane.

Breakfast was served an hour before landing. In first-class, they could choose from a full English or Irish breakfast or six kinds of fruit, cereals, oatmeal and yogurt. Many different alcoholic beverages were available along with many varieties of tea and coffee. If that wasn't enough, they also offered several types of pastries, croissants and scones.

Before the service began, Erin struggled from her bed-seat and took her toiletry bag to the lavatory. Returning a few minutes later, she looked refreshed and even a little perky.

"That lavatory is nice. Much better than the ones in coach."

"I know. Were you able to sleep at all?"

"I think for a few hours. These flights are always tough, no matter which class a person is in."

"The breakfast is nice, just take it easy on the alcohol. It will give you a headache."

"Maybe one mimosa."

"Perfect. I'll join you."

Their breakfast was wonderful... perfect in fact. After more than 14 hours with only a shared cheese plate, they were hungry one again. The croissants and scones were especially good.

The plane landed on time and debarkation was quick. Their next flight to Dulles was on Virgin Atlantic. Kevin and Erin checked in and received their first-class boarding passes. Singapore Air had also upgraded Erin for this second leg, which again delighted her.

When seated in the lounge, Kevin's phone buzzed. A text message finally caught up with him. He opened it.

"Call Jane immediately. Anytime. Very important."

"Erin, I've got an urgent call to make to my sister. There's a conference room over there and since I don't know what it's about, I'll step in there."

This alarmed her. "Can I go with you?"

He looked at her and saw the concern and silently nodded. They walked together, closed the door and took seats at the table. Kevin dialed Jane's number.

"Jane, the message said to call you anytime. What's going on?

"Kevin, I'm so glad you called. There's been a terrible accident. Laura was injured and is in intensive care at the VCU Medical Center. I'm with her now and she's unconscious."

Fear instantly filled his mind and heart. "Oh God! What happened to her?"

Erin took his hand. The shock was apparent on his face.

"A car hit hers broadside and she has a severe concussion and a broken shoulder. The doctor has put her into a coma to help avoid swelling. When can you get here?"

"I'm in London and our plane leaves in three hours. It lands at Dulles at 2:30 this afternoon. I can go home, pick up my car and be there by 5:30. Does she still have the baby?"

"Yes, the baby is fine, according to the scans."

Tears started to flow down his cheeks.

"What's the prognosis?"

"The doctor is concerned. A lot depends on the next 24 hours."

"Is she breathing on her own?"

"No. They have her on support. But the doctor said that's normal procedure in cases like this."

"You're saying that she could breath on her own but they are helping her?"


"Where's Paul?"

"He left for home to get some rest. He'll be back in the morning to relieve me."

"I just can't believe this. When did it happen?"

"Yesterday in the afternoon. She was going home from work."

"Was the other driver injured?"

"Only shaken up. Police are still investigating."

"Jane, I appreciate you being there for her."

"She's like my own daughter, Kevin. Of course I'll always be here for her."

"If there's any change, please call me. Otherwise, I will call you or Paul when I land in Washington. Please give her a hug and kiss for me."

"I will. Kevin, she's going to be okay. Just have faith. I do."

"I do too. I love you Jane."

"Love you too, dear brother."

Kevin disconnected and began silently weeping while staring at the phone. Erin moved closer to him, wrapped her arm around his shoulder and cried with him.


The next two hours were miserable. Erin tried to console Kevin but nothing seemed to work. He just wanted to sit and think. She decided she needed to do something.

"Kevin, I'll be right back. Wait here, okay?

He nodded.

Erin walked to customer service and asked, "Is there a chapel here?"

"Yes, the Chapel of St. George is just down the hall on the left. There's probably a chaplain on duty now."

"Thank you."

She returned to Kevin and sat next to him and took his hand.

"There's a chapel just down the hallway. Can we go there and pray?"

He nodded.

When they entered the beautiful prayer room, two others were there praying with a man who appeared to be a priest. Kevin and Erin stood respectfully at the back until they finished.

The Anglican priest approached them and asked if he could help. Erin explained the situation as Kevin looked down at the floor, trying to control his tears.

"Please, let's go up near the altar," the priest said.

For the next five minutes, he prayed the most heartfelt and beautiful prayer for Laura, the baby and Paul. He prayed for Kevin to have peace in his heart and knowledge that God is in control and that His will is perfect for us. He prayed for Erin and for safe travel that would re-unit them with Laura.

After saying "amen," he took Kevin's hand and looked into his bloodshot eyes for several seconds before saying, "I believe with all my heart that she is going to recover and the baby will be fine. I will continue to pray for her. Here's my card and e-mail address. Please let me know what happens."

Kevin responded, "Thank you, sir. I appreciate your prayers and will be in touch."

Erin also thanked him before they left to catch the plane.

As they were boarding, Kevin received a text message from Jane saying that there had been no change.

The flight was as good as a flight can be in that situation. Kevin was distressed and Erin noticed a few tears every now and then. He had no appetite but did drink many bottles of water.

"Kevin, I'm very worried about you driving to Richmond this afternoon. I'll take you down, okay?"

"Erin, I can do it. I'm running on adrenaline now and can make it. I'm sorry you got caught up in this."

"I'm not. Kevin, I want to help. Please let me."

He didn't respond.

Erin grew frustrated and continued, "Listen, I'm not going to argue with you. Let's go to your house, shower, pack some clean clothes and go down as quickly as we can. I will drive and you will rest." It was clear from her firm tone that she was not going to tolerate any pushback.

There was silence for several minutes.

"I just can't loose her. It would kill me." He struggled to control his tears.

"I know. But that's not going to happen."

He continued, "A least she's in a very good hospital. VCU is the best in Richmond"

"What does VCU stand for?"

"Virginia Commonwealth University. Laura was there once before with a broken leg about two years ago. She was in a paintball fight and tripped over a tree root." He started smiling. "She sent me a selfie as they were taking her to the hospital. She was covered with at least a dozen splashes of paint."

"I participated in one of those several years ago," Erin recalled. "They're fun and the paint does wash out."

Kevin opened his computer and showed Erin photos of Laura and Paul, including their wedding pictures. He also showed her photos of Sarah and of the happy times they had.

He gazed into Erin's eyes and whispered, "In the last few hours, I've felt very close to Sarah again. It's almost like she's here with me holding my hand. It's the strangest feeling."

Erin said, "That happens in times of stress, I've heard. Our minds retrieve happy memories to balance some of the pain."

"Maybe so. The chaplain said he believed she'll recover. I'm starting to feel that as well."

"That's what we must believe."


Kevin quickly checked his phone as soon as the plane landed. Jane's message said that the doctor was planning to let Laura come out of the coma starting the next day. Specialists had talked with her and Paul and they were more optimistic.

While waiting for the luggage, Kevin called Jane. She told him that nothing significant had changed. Several of Laura's friends had been to visit her and they had been a big help to Paul.

Their luggage arrived in baggage claim and 30 minutes later the taxi delivered them to Kevin's home in Old Alexandria. His house was built in 1803 and had been modernized and enlarged over the years by several owners. It maintained that old house feel and its stately beauty and antique furnishings astonished Erin.

Both rushed to take showers. They repacked needed clothes into one bag and started to Richmond. Erin drove and Kevin reclined his seat and tried to rest. She was exhausted but able to rally enough energy to make the 90-minute drive down I-95. The quiet and very smooth ride of Kevin's large Mercedes lulled her senses; so she rolled down the windows several times to let the cool air refresh her.

She dropped him at the hospital entrance before parking the car. Kevin texted Paul and Jane then waited for Erin after receiving directions to the intensive care unit. Kevin was in a haze of anxiety as he rapidly walked to the ICU with Erin rushing to keep up. Jane met him in the hallway.

"I'm so glad you made it. I was very worried about your safety."

"Jane, this is Erin. We traveled home together and she insisted on helping me get here."

"Hi Jane. Good to meet you but not under these conditions."

Shaking hands with Erin, Jane replied, "Very nice to meet you, Erin. Thanks for helping. Kevin, Paul just left to get food for us. Only two of us are allowed to be with Laura at any one time so let me walk back with you. Erin, Paul is wearing a light blue golf shirt so, if you see him return, please tell him who you are and have him text me so I know when to come out."

She nodded and took a seat in the waiting room outside the ICU entrance.

Kevin was stunned to see all the tubes and monitors hooked to Laura. Her face was swollen almost beyond recognition, her shoulder and arm were in a cast, her arms and neck bruised, as well as her eyes which were closed. To his relief, she was breathing on her own and the monitors showed a strong regular heartbeat and normal oxygen levels. He reached for her hand as tears once again ran down his cheeks.

"Has she been like this since the accident?"

"Yes, pretty much. The bruises and swelling showed up a few hours after she was here. The surgeon said that her shoulder is going to be fine. They were concerned about the baby but all the tests show it's fine. They let her start breathing on her own just an hour ago. The neurologist is more encouraged this morning."

"Was the accident Laura's fault?"

"The police were here last night and the investigator said the other driver ran a stoplight and struck her car on the driver side. They speculated that her head was jerked first to the left on impact and then back to the right. Although her side airbag deployed, her window was down and they believe her head hit the window frame. That caused the concussion and her broken shoulder."

"Was anyone with her?"

"No, thank heavens."

"You look as tired as I am. Why don't you go home and let me and Erin help Paul."

"Not a chance. She's like my own child, Kevin. You know that."

"There's not anything we can do but pray, is there?"

"That's all we've been doing. The nurse is here every few minutes and these monitors are connected to the nurses' station computers. They come running as soon as one buzzes."

"So we wait."

"Yes." He reached and hugged his sister. Both were emotionally and physically exhausted.

Jane's phone buzzed and she reached to read the message. "Paul's here. Let me go out and send him back."

Paul and Erin were sitting together and talking when Jane came out. After telling Paul there had been no change, she sat with them and ate one of the burgers Paul had brought. Erin was munching another one.

Paul said, "Jane, Kevin met Erin in Singapore and they traveled home together. She had met him years ago in a photography class that Laura and he took."

Jane smiled, "And you just ran into him again halfway around the world?"

"Amazing, isn't it?"

"Maybe prophetic. He needed your help."

Erin smiled and replied, "Maybe so."

Paul said, "Laura's friend Megan is coming to spend the night with her. We can all go over to the house and get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a big day."

"Yeah, the doctor will ease off the sedatives and let her come out of the coma. Then we'll know more about her condition. Erin, would you like to go in with Kevin?"

"Yes, if that's okay."

"Sure it is. Just turn left inside the door and her bed is the fourth one down."

Erin stood and walked into the ICU.

Jane asked Paul, "Are you sensing what I am?"

"I think there's more to the story than Erin told us."

"I do too. Kevin needs a woman in his life."

"She's a lot younger than him, but so what. She's beautiful with a great personality," Paul said.

Erin stood with Kevin, staring at the young women who meant the world to him. Her arm was around his waist and her head against his shoulder as they stood silently. Kevin held Laura's hand. No words were spoken but tears flowed.


With Megan's arrival, all four went to Paul and Laura's house to rest and sleep. Their four-bedroom house was accommodating and they crashed early. Erin helped unpack their clothes and sat on the bed as he hung shirts. She would sleep in the room next door.

"I don't think I've properly thanked you for all you've done," he said.

"You don't need to thank me. I was glad to help. I'm just sorry all this happened."

He sat on the bed beside her and put his arm around her waist. "You're a very special person. I'm not sure anyone else would take charge like you did in this situation." They lightly kissed, again with warmth they both felt.


The next morning, Paul checked with Megan and there had been no change overnight. He left immediately to relieve her while Jane fixed breakfast. Erin joined her in the kitchen as Kevin slept.

"Tell me again how you and Kevin met. I was in a daze yesterday and think I heard you say you two had met in a class."

"That's right. I work for National Geographic and taught a weekend photography class a few years ago. Laura and Kevin attended and we had a chance to visit during the breaks. Then, of all things, we ran into each other at the Regent Hotel in Singapore. I was there doing a shoot for the magazine and he was visiting the plant and customers. We had dinner and he decided to come home a day early on my flight. That gave us more time together. We had just arrived at Heathrow when Kevin received your message."

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