A Courtesan and an Assassin

"You should go easy for 24 hours but you will be as good as new after that"

I stood there not quite believing what I had just experienced.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked.

"We wait until the Marrakesh forces get here. I have signaled them for help. When they get here we have to persuade them to go to the Planet Raspurg. That is where the Priory of The Providence has their headquarters and I am sure that they must have taken a prisoner as important as Alysha the Elite Courtesan, future wife of the prince of Marrakesh, to their stronghold in the mountains."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I can't be certain. But if we get to the planet I will be able to trace her as she has a tracker embedded in her thigh. I put it there when she was training for the elite forces of Hannover two years ago."

"You are joking. She's had Special Forces training? That explains a lot."

"Oh, did we forget to tell you that. Must have been a mistake."


I walked out of the cave with Araka-san hovering next to me. Down in the valley the pygmies that had survived the onslaught were wondering aimlessly looking for their loved ones, or weeping uncontrollably next to bodies that weren't moving. We went down to the valley floor where we saw the Chief of the Pygmies, Taller than Tall, wandering amongst his people trying to reassure them, and give them some comfort. I went up to him and offered my sincere apologies and support.

"Did you bring this down on us off-lander?" he asked.

"Yes. I believe so. They were The Providence who have been looking for the Elite Courtesan ever since we left Planet Hallenberg. She isn't here, so we have to assume that she has been taken. I will do everything I can to avenge this unnecessary killing of your people."

Nine Fingers approached us. He was carrying a small girl who couldn't have been anymore than three years old. She was dead.

"I saw them. They took her away in a flying ship. I was hiding behind a rock. They saw me and my little girl and fired. They missed me, but hit my baby."

Nine Fingers lay down on the floor as grief overcame him. He looked up after a moment and said

"If you are going to get these killers I want to come with you. I want to kill them with my bare hands and avenge our people and my baby."

What was I going to do with a Pygmy on a mission like this? He would just be baggage.

"You have to do this for our people." said Taller than Tall. "You brought them here. You have to let one warrior go with you to avenge this attack. "

What could I do? I looked at Araka-san. His steel turned green.

"OK. " I replied "But he is under my orders. We can't afford a rescue mission for the Elite Courtesan to go wrong because Nine Fingers tries to go it alone. Agreed?"

"Agreed." said the chief.

We spent the next hours preparing funeral pyres for the dead. The Pygmies performed their funeral rituals, saying their goodbyes, before lighting the Pyres and watching as their loved one's disappeared in flames.

Just as the last pyre was reduced to ashes we heard the sound of shuttles powering down their engines in emergency stop routine causing panic amongst the pygmies who weren't aware that these were the forces of Marrakesh arriving not the gunships of the providence returning. Four large ships appeared above the valley, blocking out the sunlight in parts before lowering to the valley floor. A tall dark skinned man in a captain's uniform came out first followed by a troop of commandos who quickly took up station around the ship, preparing for a battle that wouldn't come. The captain approached us noticing Araka-san.

"Where is the Elite Courtesan?" he asked

"She's been captured by The Providence." I replied before Araka-san could answer.

"Do we have any idea where she could have been taken?" said the Captain.

"My trackers suggest that when they left the system they were heading for the planet Rasburg where we know that The Providence have their headquarters." said Araka-san. "If we get to that planet I will be able to track her, as I fitted her with the latest tracking device a few weeks ago without her knowledge. If I'm within 25,000 kilometers I should be able to track her to a 2 meter coordinate in 3 dimensional space.

"My mission was to respond to your distress call Droid Araka-san, not to organize a rescue mission. I'll have to ask my superiors for guidance on a possible scope change to the mission. In the meantime we'll attend to the wounded and see if we can repair any of the pygmies' infrastructure. The King of Marrakesh was very clear that we needed to look after the Pygmies and ensure their survival as they are the last tribe left." said The Captain.

At this the Captain turned on his heels left us.

"How long do you think he will take to get a reply?" I asked.

"Oh now, Marrakesh bureaucracy is well known for its convolutions and contortions. I suspect this will take at least until tomorrow."

"We can't afford to lose any more time. They already have, what -- a 12 hour jump on us."

"12 hours and 42 minutes by my calculation."

"Christ. We can't wait. Araka-san, can you fly this ship?"

"Of course I can. WHAT. You don't expect to steal a ship from the Marrakesh Forces. That's treason and just plain stupid."

"Do you want to rescue your mistress or not?"

I went to the chief, Tall as Tall, and started to explain my plan. Araka-san was behind me listening.

The chief nodded. I looked at Araka-san. He stayed still a few seconds then nodded too.

Ten minutes later, there was a huge commotion below the rock-face near to one of the tunnels that had collapsed under the bombardment of The Providence commandos. Pygmies were shouting and screaming for help, pulling boulders away from a collapsed tunnel entrance. The captain looked up and I could see him ordering his forces to go and help including those surrounding the ship. He ran towards the shouting as well.

The ship was left unguarded. Araka-san, Nine Fingers, and I went up the ramp and went straight to the control deck. There was no-one left on the ship. A probe sprung out from the side of Araka-san and screwed into the panel in front of us.

"Usually this should be impossible as you need to have security codes, time-linked unlock and launch codes, but luckily I can link into and hack all their security systems so we will be on our way in 15 seconds. Strap yourselves in!"

Fifteen seconds later we were several meters above the ground and rising rapidly. I could see the Captain looking around at us and the ship as it was rising. The look on his face turning from shock to consternation and then anger as he realized what was happening. He started running towards us, shouting into his mouthpiece. We could hear every word."

"Ship in unauthorized launch. Assume saboteurs or enemy forces. Fire at will."

But it was too late. Araka-san had flipped us into a vertical position and pushed the switch for the after-burners. We were out of the valley and heading out of the atmosphere in milliseconds.

Alysha was naked lying in her cell. She had finally slept on the cold straw, dreaming of escaping and another world where she was free and away from Jason. She awoke with a start. A sliver of sunlight escaped into the cells telling her it was early morning. She was still naked although there were some clothes that must have been thrown into her cell while she was sleeping. She put them on. A pair of coarse woolen trousers and a horse hair shirt that scratched against her breasts, but it was better than being naked. Being naked just made her feel weak and vulnerable. With clothes on she could start to think and try and get out of this place. She didn't know how, but by god she was going to try.

"What would Andrew do?" she said to herself. Why did she have to think of him? He was dead and she was alive. But she did miss him. More than she understood. Enough of feeling sorry for yourself Alysha -- you are a professional and trained to not have emotions. All means should be used to get out. Jason -- she had to get to Jason. Make him want her for himself. Make him belief that alive she could fulfill his every fantasy.

"Guard" she shouted. Nobody answered. There was silence in the cell block.

"Guard" she shouted again rattling the bars of the cell.

She heard someone coming down the stairs. They must have a camera or microphones linked up to a room up there she thought. It was the same guard who had taken her to the chapel the night before.

"What do you want?" he said.

"I need to see Prior Zephid."

"Huh. I doubt if he wants to see you until tonight when he and many others will be seeing you in all your glory." he said, whilst leering at Alysha and grinning in a grotesque way.

"I think he will want to see me, when he hears what I have to say. Just give him the message. I'm sure he wouldn't be happy if he heard that you hadn't passed it on."

"I'll see" and the guard turned on his heel and left.

Alysha was banking on the guard fearing the wrath of Prior Zephid therefore passing on the message. But how many people and layers were there between him and the Leader of The Providence, and how long would it take, and would he agree to an audience anyway. Probably not if he suspected a ploy, but his ego was such that he would probably risk it. Nothing else to do, but wait, she thought to herself as she lay down on the straw and drifted off into a semi-sleep and searched for memories that were more pleasant or could take her out of her current desperate situation.

It was her first week at the School for Elite Courtesans on the Planet of Hallenberg. She had arrived from her home planet at the weekend and had been introduced to the Rector and the Senior Tutor of the Elite Courtesans in an initiation ceremony on the Sunday. To be accepted into the Academy she had had to go through many tests, both physical examinations and physcological. They had probed incessantly her attitude to sex, her ability to explore new ideas, her openness, and her degree of emotional attachment, not forgetting her physical attributes which she passed with flying colors. Now she was finally with other girls of her age who had the same attitude to sex that she did, but not only sex, it was a willingness and a need to totally satisfy the men around her in any way possible, whilst still keeping a strong hold of herself. She saw it as the ultimate power and loved every minute of it, and wanted to learn and experience everything and ultimately be recognized as the best courtesan the school had ever had. She didn't know when she decided to be a courtesan, but now she was here, she felt totally at home, as if this was where she was meant to be.

Alysha was assigned a room with another girl, Caroline from Aztec 56, who was blonde and statuesque with a slightly small face, but legs that seemed to go on forever.

"Wake-up you two" said a petite brunette who walked into the room and opened the curtains.

"I'm your 'Mother" for the day to see that you get to know your way around and collect all the supplies you will need during your first year. I'm called Jamie by the way and in the third year of the school."

Alysha and Caroline sat up in bed and looked at her in the morning sunlight. She was beautiful and held herself in a confident easy way as she passed her eyes over them. Her eyes rested on Alysha and Alysha felt a slight frisson up her back as though those eyes were doing more than look at her.

"OK. You have 15 minutes to get ready. Elite Courtesan students must always be impeccably dressed, wearing make-up, but not overdoing it, and no jewellery whilst in classes. Make sure you do your toilette. Your body has to be clean. Nothing is more embarrassing than not being clean for classes and will get you extra-curricular activities which I can assure you that you don't want. Chop. Chop."

Alysha and Caroline jumped out of bed, and ran for the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later they were ready, and looking just right, but Caroline was complaining; "I need more than 15 minutes".

"An elite courtesan should be able to get ready in fifteen minutes or not at all." Jamie replied

They were walking either side of her down the dormitory corridor.

"The "Bunnies" as we call you first years are all on this floor. There are 25 of you I understand. By the end of the year there will probably be about 18. Some drop out finding the physical rhythm monotonous and lose interest from the constant focus on sex and pleasure, others balk at certain of the more advanced techniques, others fail the tests and have to leave and there's always on who falls in love with the stallions (stallions are the male sex partners that we practice with), which is totally against the rules, and they are expelled. All first year bunnies are on this floor. Third years are two floors up and we have our own rooms -- no sharing. Second years are in-between."

The corridors were lined with erotic paintings and photographs, and statues of beautiful men and women cavorting in every position imaginable. They went down a wide staircase to the ground floor.

Jamie continued her guided tour.

"On this floor we have our theoretical classrooms. As you can see each room has video and the latest interactive technology. About 30% of the time is spent on theory, 30% on practical implementation of the theory, 20% on sport and body hardening, and the rest on "Being a Courtesan" including behavior, fashion, self-defense, beauty make-overs, and languages."

They turned a corner at the end of the corridor. In the middle of the square that they were now walking around was a beautiful garden with various swings and see-saws scattered around. Somehow Alysha didn't think they were just for swinging on.

They were now walking down a different corridor and Alysha couldn't help noticing the names on the doors; Basic Love Making, Advanced Oral Techniques, Basic Sodomy, Advanced Sodomy, Advanced Love-Making, Lesbos, Managing multiple partners, The Male Anatomy and Elite Courting Techniques. She didn't need to ask what the names meant, but she was intrigued what was behind each of the doors and what she would learn in each of the rooms. She felt a warm tingling feeling between her legs which distracted her momentarily from what Jamie was saying.

"…on the next corridor are the test rooms for all the subjects you will take during the year. You are marked not only on an ongoing basis, but also with exams at the end of each term. You have to pass both to move into the next year."

"Right here we are. The cafeteria where you take all your meals. Here are your timetables. Your first lesson is in 45 minutes."

Alysha and Caroline got their breakfast and sat down at a table next to some other girls that they recognized as first years. They said hello then examined their timetables whilst eating.

"What do you have?" said Caroline

Alysha looked up, the color had drained from her face. "Are you ok" said Caroline

"Yes -- I think so." she mumbled

"I have 'Basic Love Making' theory for 2 hours followed by 1 hour of 'Basic Love Making' practical, then lunch, with swimming for one hour and make-up and skin care in the afternoon. I can't wait to choose a Stallion. I hear they all have large thick dicks and they're trained to just keep themselves hard for hours. My last lover was a bit weak in all those departments and I am dyeing for a good fuck. Maybe I can get a black one…Mmmm " said Caroline really just thinking aloud.

Alysha didn't say anything. She looked back at her timetable. It hadn't changed. Her first lesson was there in black and white "Basic Sodomy" Theory for one hour and then "Basic Sodomy Practical" for 1 hour followed by 1 hour of "Basic Love Making' and the afternoon was the same as Caroline's. There was a little note that said the first week's course was designed to make sure that all First Years were on the same level of basic experience. After that they would then be in all classes together unless some remedial work was needed.

"So what do you have" repeated Caroline

Alysha told her. Caroline smiled. "Oh that's an aggressive start. But there again I suppose we have to jump right in, and right now I would love a hard cock anywhere, and one in my arse would do just as well!"

Alysha stood in front of the "Basic Sodomy Theory" door at 9 am. She took a deep breath. Muttered something to herself, before opening the door and going in. She was the only one in the class. The door opened a couple of minutes later and a lady walked in.

"Hello Alysha. I'm the Basic Sodomy teacher for first years, and I'm called Miss Rim. Today I'm just going to give you an overview of Sodomy before your one hour of practical experience. You'll start your proper lessons on Basic Sodomy next week once we've inducted all students and assessed their respective levels and basic techniques. OK?"

"Why am I the only student here?" Alysha asked

"Oh sorry. I thought that was obvious. You were the only one who noted in their application that they hadn't ever tried anal sex. We want to make sure that you know what you are getting into and are able to experience it in a more intimate and personal setting rather than with a group for the first time. It still is wrongly one of the great taboos, and we don't want you to freeze in a group session. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, I suppose it does. I was just a bit shocked to be starting with that. But now you've explained it, I suppose it does make sense."

Miss Rim sat down opposite Alysha and began to talk in a conversational tone, as if she was sharing a favorite kitchen recipe.

"So let's start then. We've about fifty minutes and a lot to cover. I'm going to focus on giving you the information that you need to make sure that this first time is not a disaster. I don't expect you to get any pleasure from it the first, second or even third time. Anal sex is an acquired taste, but once you master it, you will be able to reach a level of ecstasy for you and your partner that is above anything else."

"One of the interests of anal sex is the taboo surrounding it. Men like it because there is a certain naughtiness and breaking of rules behind it, and also because the tightness that they feel, they can't achieve anywhere else. For those who make the initial trip and never go back, the main inhibitor is pain. The initial pain and certain discomfort that come with anal sex is a natural event. But that is why I am here to help you learn how to avoid the pain and discomfort and actually enjoy the dark side, as I like to call it. Just remember the time you lost your virginity -- it wasn't great and probably was uncomfortable, but then got a whole lot better as you got used to it. Any questions so far?"

"No." replied Alysha who was still getting used to the very matter of fact conversation they were having.

"OK. Good. Now the anus as you know is a very sensitive and erotic zone, which has thousands of nerves so it's something a good lover will not leave alone, but unlike the vagina the anus is not self-lubricating. Just as you wouldn't take a dick inside you until you were wet and ready, you should never do the same with your arse-hole. Which comes to the first rule about anal sex, lubricate, lubricate and lubricate again. Doing this will alleviate the initial pain and any friction tingling that might occur. The best product I use is Planet-Glide as it gives friction free motion but also stays on the man's dick"

Miss Rim took a bottle out of the bag next to her and put in front of Alysha. She also took out a realistic rather large replica of a man's dick. She opened the bottle and squeezed a teaspoon full of Planet-Glide onto the replica dick, then proceeded to smooth it all over.

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