A Crazy Voyage Ch. 01

He wore identically long trunks almost to the knees that were a bright orange with a brown horizontal stripe. Other than these minor differences, they looked like clones. As they descended the ladder in turn, I repeated to myself, "Lance, orange, scar...Lance orange, scar." Giggling at their arrival, Kristen said, "Hey guys!"

Both of them acknowledged her in a forced effort to appear cool. Luke swam up to Kristen and smiled as his brother was just getting in. "Funny seeing you here," he offered in an attempt to start a conversation.

"Did you expect me anywhere else?" Kristen replied with her usual flirtatious smile.

"Uh..not really," Luke stumbled for a response to her wit.

We both giggled at his lack of a better line, and I broke the weird moment, "So what did you boys do today?" Like children they babbled out an answer at the same time, making their words indecipherable. It was obvious now they were trying too hard to have a simple conversation. I laughed in response, "Really?"

They knew I was joking with my answer, and if I thought they had twin telepathy, I would guess one was telling the other to shut up for a minute. Once again a bit humbled by their awkward start, Lance spoke as Luke kept quiet. "We went to a casino," he replied.

"With your parents?" Kristen asked interested. They apparently were reluctant to admit they were with their folks, trying to appear as men, but there was no denying it.

"Yea, well, my sister couldn't go in so one of us had to stay out with her," Lance said.

"Aww..that's sweet," I said smiling at them beside Kristen. We continued talking with the boys as we bobbed in the rolling water. They asked a few questions about how we were enjoying the cruise before Luke asked if we had boyfriends. Kristen assured them we were both currently single. She knows better to consider Jake my boyfriend around potential guys. Although I wasn't overly attracted to either one of them, their quirky geekiness seemed to be appealing and cute.

Kristen returned the question and Lance volunteered to respond first telling her that he was single, but Luke has had a girlfriend for a few months. The look of irritation on Luke's face was so obvious with his brother's answer that it almost caused me to chuckle again. He obviously wanted to keep that fact a secret. I guess their telecommunication wasn't as good as I had thought.

Luke tried to make an excuse for his brother's apparent misunderstanding when he was interrupted by Alison, their sister. She told them that their mom said she could go on the water slide, and one of them had to take her. Visually annoyed, Luke told her to wait a few minutes. Alison complained that she already waited too long, and Luke started to argue with her.

While this was going on I noticed that my dad had come in the pool and was just emerging from a dunk below the surface. He had probably seen we were busy talking with the boys, and didn't want to interrupt. Seeing the break in our conversation, he swam up to me and said that he wasn't going to stay poolside much longer. There was apparently some kind of game taking place on a lower deck that he wanted to check out, my mother was hosting it.

I told him it was fine, and I told him we'd meet him later for dinner. My father exited the pool as the twins were now involved complaining to their mother. I knew neither one of them wanted to leave the other with us, as they attended to their little sister. Kristen was apparently put off at their sudden lack of brotherly love. She interrupted and told them that we were going to lie out for a little while anyway.

They reluctantly told us they'd see us later, and got out to bring their sister to the slide together. Kristen and I laughed at their competitive behavior and got out of the pool. I noticed the twins checking out our bikini-clad bodies as they walked towards the stairs.

"Where's your dad?" Kristen asked looking around the crowded deck.

"He went down to check out a game or something," I shouted over the calypso music that had just started playing.

We both looked around, there was not an open lounge chair to be had, and my father's was already occupied. We had no choice but the climb the stairs to another deck where there were additional lounges. All of them were taken. We walked around the pool area in search of not one, but two open lounges, preferably next to each other.

I knew the quest was hopeless, the lounges that weren't occupied were claimed by shirts, towels, or sandals. We kept looking, and ventured further toward the rear of the ship. Just then, Kristen noticed a sign beside a stairway that read TOP OPTIONAL AREA, NO CAMERAS ALLOWED. It had a small arrow beneath the bold lettering, pointing up the stairwell. Kristen looked at me with raised eyebrows and said, "Wanna look up there?"

Apparently out of choices, I agreed to check it out. I wasn't aware there was a topless deck on the ship until then, and I wondered if it was used. We pushed through two small saloon doors at the foot of the stairs and went up. The deck was located at the base of the giant smoke stack near the back of the ship. It seemed to be the highest deck on the ship, and the metal rail overlooking the pool area was covered with a blue plastic mesh, obviously to prevent people from seeing in.

I noticed a few people up there, 3 women with sub-perfect bodies were lying out topless. Two were lying on their backs, one on her stomach. On the other side was a young Italian looking couple, the girl who was very tan was lying face up without a top as well. The man she was with was lying on the lounge beside her. He had shoulder length thick black hair and was also extremely well browned, and toned. They both appeared to be asleep.

Towards the back there were a stack of unused lounges. Kristen smiled at me, "Shall we?" I wasn't sure if I should remove my top in such a place. Unlike the beach, it became aware to me that both my parents were on the ship, and we could be seen. I obviously was more concerned with my mother than my father. Just then I remembered that my dad would be below deck attending a game my mother was hosting, there was no chance either of them would be up by the pool anytime soon, nor did I think they'd come up to the topless deck to look for us.

"Why not?" I beamed back to Kristen. We struggled a bit to remove two lounges from the stack, but finally placed them beside each other, a few feet from the Italian couple. I just then realized that my father had taken the lotion back with him, a silly clueless mistake my dad has been known to make.

"My dad took the lotion!" I told Kristen. She giggled in response, knowing it was like him to forget we needed it. My father was a very responsible man, but sometimes he tends to forget simple things, something that proved to me that no man was perfect.

Kristen got off the lounge and walked over to the couple, who had a bottle of dark sun tan lotion beside them. I saw her speaking to the man, who looked more than pleased to see her. A second later he was handing her the lotion and he waved to me as if to say, "You're welcome."

"You're right, he's definitely Italian," Kristen said as she got back on the recliner. "Didn't speak much English, but hot guy!" she laughed.

I noticed that the man didn't return immediately to his slumber. Instead he took a sip of the cocktail he had on the floor beside him, and seemed to be waiting patiently for us to remove our tops. Kristen noticed his continued glances as well. I remembered the sensation I had gotten during the summer when I exposed my breasts to the man on the beach, and I didn't have to think about what to do next. "Might as well let him see 'em," I said as Kristen laughed in agreement.

At the same time, we reached behind our backs and removed our tops. The guy watched as we put them beside our lounges, and nodded once again with a smile across his broad foreign face. He watched occasionally as we applied his lotion to our arms, legs, shoulders, and breasts before finally closing his eyes again. Kristen and I closed our eyes too, and drifted into a sleep under the scorching afternoon sun.

A while later I opened my eyes to the sound of some voices to my left. In the setting sunlight it was difficult to make out the two figures standing by the rail. As my eyes adjusted, I realized it was the twins! They some how either knew we had come up here, or they just got dumb lucky in their venture to the deck where they really didn't belong. When they noticed I had woken, both of them turned their heads in direction of the pool, pretending they were up there for the view. "You awake?" I said quietly to Kristen who had apparently turned over when I was asleep.

I repeated myself before I heard a response. She opened her eyes and squinted like me, and said, "What's up?"

"They're back," I said quietly.

"Who?" she asked forgetfully.

"The Backstreet Boys, who do you think? Heckle and Jeckle!" I said as I subconsciously folded my arms over my breasts.

Kristen's reaction probably shouldn't have surprised me. She immediately flipped over onto her back again, allowing the boys to see her beautiful jugs if they wanted. Much more cautious than before, they made it known to us that they were there.

Luke nervously came up to us and said hi. My arms still folded over my tits, I didn't respond. I was used to being semi-nude in the company of strangers now, but this time I knew the voyeurs. "Hey boys, what brings you up here?" Kristen said, not shy in her nakedness at all. Again the boys didn't really have an answer, and the one Lance offered was probably the best lie he could come up with.

"Just walking around," he said. Both of them had a difficult time looking us in the face. Kristen didn't seem to mind their wandering eyes at all.

"So you guys like to walk around on the topless deck?" she asked, apparently backing them into a corner.

"Well, you see, Lance wanted to..." Luke started saying nervously.

"My face is up here honey," Kristen interrupted with a smile as Lance was apparently addressing her tits. As she went on interrogating them as to why they had happened to be on this deck, I felt that all too familiar feeling return. It was excitement from being seen like this. I didn't expect to feel it with the twins, but then I remembered how I had enjoyed being seen by my father, and I guessed the sensation applied to anyone.

With my sudden arousal of my exposure, I dropped my arms back to my side, once again revealing my bare breasts to the boys. Both of them immediately noticed my uncovering, and I saw a small movement in Lance's trunks as he became aware I was allowing him to see my tits. He made a sudden turn and quickly adjusted himself as discreet as possible. "So, you enjoying the view up here?" I asked them. They both knew I was deliberately talking about us, and not the pool or ocean.

"It's very nice yes," Lance responded, now with an edge of sarcasm as he smiled, his eyes still shifting from my face to chest and back again.

I smiled, now enjoying this exhibitionism, "Oh I bet, too bad you can't take a picture." I said to him.

His smile widened and he responded happily, "Yeah, too bad."

Just then Kristen said, "Maybe we'll take one for you guys later."

Both guys said, "What?" in sudden surprise at the same time. Kristen and I both started laughing at her joke. They were very gullible, and Kristen enjoyed teasing guys like that.

"Well, I guess we'll see you guys at dinner," I said to them, looking for a way to get rid of them despite my growing moisture between my legs.

"Yeah, see you then," Luke answered as he gave his brother a look that told him they had overstayed their welcome.

As they turned Kristen added, "Oh guys, don't mention this at dinner, OK?"

I was relieved Kristen thought to mention that, the boys didn't seem bright enough to keep a mention of this moment absent from dinner. I didn't want their parents to know we were tanning topless on deck, or for all I knew we might find their father strolling around up there. "Oh sure, of course," Lance said as they departed for the stairs, looking back for one last look at our breasts before descending them. We had another good laugh when they were gone.

We didn't stay out there much longer. The sun was beginning to set, so we put our tops back on, returned the lotion to the couple, and returned to the cabin. My father wasn't there when we arrived, but I suggested us not share another shower incase he returned. I hopped in the shower for a few minutes to wash the salt water, oil and sweat from my skin. While in there, I couldn't help but feel aroused from the encounter with the twins. I wanted to masturbate, but thought better of it and resisted.

After shutting the water and coming out of the bathroom in my robe, I didn't see Kristen in the room. This time, I figured she must be on the balcony. Upon opening the balcony door, I was treated by a little surprise when I saw Kristen sitting in the chair my dad had been in earlier that morning, but she was completely nude!

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"Oh please, it feels wonderful, and nobody can see, relax!" she beamed back. I was aware of the privacy the balcony offered at sea, and I remembered the thought I had of removing my robe that morning, if only we hadn't been in port.

"C'mon, try it!" she said, reaching for my robe tie and pulling on it gently.

I laughed at her little tease, and figured there really was no risk in it. I opened my robe and took it off. Having no place to put it other than the floor, I opened the door and tossed it on my father's bed. Returning to the balcony naked with Kristen, I laughed as I sat in the other chair feeling the cool ocean wind caress my skin. She was right, it was very relaxing and enjoyable!

Kristen sat there a little longer before standing up to lean against the rail and look out at the endless sea. I thought momentarily of the chance someone could see her, but I chose not to say anything, after tanning topless upstairs, there was little risk in what she was doing. I stood up and joined her side, feeling the salty breeze on my chest.

"I'm having such a great time, thank you so much for inviting me Melis," Kristen said as she turned to me and smiled genuinely.

"I wouldn't have gone without you Kris," I winked back.

Just then Kristen said something that surprised me a little, but at the same time, it warmed me to my heart. "I love you," she said looking me in the eyes.

"I love you too," I said smiling, unsure exactly of the depth she intended in those words.

I knew I loved Kristen as my best friend, but somehow the words coming from her mouth sounded like those of a lover. And what surprised me was that I really didn't mind it. Two seconds after my reply escaped my lips, she brought her lips to meet mine, and we began to kiss once more. The passion of our kiss grew immense quickly as her tongue explored all areas of my mouth.

I felt myself being led backwards to the chair and I hit my leg on it, but ignored the pain. I entered the cabin, as we kissed, Kristen must have opened the door. Then I was being laid down on my father's bed, Kristen clamped on top of me. I lost all track of reality as she got on top of me; this time with Kristen had been different than any time before. This was more like love than just sex, and it puzzled me as it astounded me.

Our legs locked like scissors as we lay beside each other, wrapped in each other's arms. We kissed passionately as we grinded our mounds and our bodies. Fingers didn't seem necessary to quickly bring us both to an incredible climax together, kissing passionately and intimately the entire time. We finally both collapsed, entwined in legs and arms on the bed, kissing a few more times.

I couldn't think of anything at the time other than my sudden infatuation with her, and I realized I felt for her, what I feel for my father, if that was possible. They were the two most important people in my world, and I had them both together with me on this voyage. I couldn't have asked for a better holiday.

Just then as earlier that morning, I heard my father's voice coming from the door. Kristen and I jumped in surprise, unsure of how long he had been in the room. We had apparently been so enthralled in our lovemaking; neither of us had heard the door unlatch. "I was wondering where you two were," he said with a wide grin as he walked deeper into the room.

I went to cover myself in natural reaction, but there was nothing to use. The robe had been tossed to the floor and the bed was not pulled down, so there were no blankets. Kristen burst into laughter, obviously very amused about being caught having sex with me, and not at all concerned with the situation. My father began to chuckle as well as his eyes remained glued to us. I couldn't help but join in the laughs as I sat up, uncovered and smiled at him.

I didn't want to think about what my father had possibly seen. I assumed he had seen all there was to see, and his obvious reaction was all I needed to forget it, and laugh about it. We dressed quickly without talk about it, and made our way to the dinning room.

At dinner that evening the twins wore identical smirks for the entire hour, but kept their promise and didn't mention a thing about before, not that I thought they would in front of their parents and sister. While we ate my father asked us if we'd like to catch a show with him that evening. We agreed because of my guilt of abandoning him the previous night.

The show began at 8:00, and it was a singing contest. It was funny trying to see the people making fools out of themselves on the stage; many of them should stick to karaoke. There were a few talented singers though, which made for an enjoyable show. As we exited the theatre my father said that he was going to spend some time in the casino before heading off to bed.

Just as we separated from my father, the twins just happened to be hanging in the elevator lobby outside the theatre. I knew they must have heard our plans over dinner, and schemed to meet us after the show. Acting surprised at their appearance, we decided to check out another club with them. They generously ordered drinks for us on their sail and sign card. With the drinking age 18 on the ship, we all had a few.

Several dances later, and feeling quite buzzed, Kristen urged me in joining the boys in their room for a little private party. The boys had a separate cabin 3 rooms down from their parents and sister. It was this space that made me a little more comfortable with the idea.

In the cabin Luke sat on one bed beside Kristen, and Lance on the other next to me. We were all pretty drunk and the moment sitting there was a bit awkward. Then Kristen suggested we play truth or dare, a game I had played at a dormitory party only a month earlier, which was quite fun.

For the first half hour we laughed at each other ordering silly dares from making sexual noises in the hallway, to tossing a bottle of shampoo overboard. A few questions of truth revealed that Lance had recently lost his virginity, and that Luke indeed had a girlfriend; something Kristen assured him to his pleasure didn't apply in international waters. Those that refused to oblige to the dare or question, were forced to take a swallow of a bottle of rum the boys had in their room.

After a while the dares started getting a little more interesting when Lance dared me to kiss him. I gladly gave him a peck on the lips. I followed that dare with a request for him to kiss his brother. Naturally refusing to do the gross task, Lance took a swig of the rum. Lance's next dare was the one that excited me most, a dare for Kristen to kiss me.

Without a second thought Kristen not only met my lips with hers, but also slipped her tongue in for a little tonsil hockey right in front of the boys. Our short spit swap had the boys' jaws on the floor, and Kristen and I got a giggle out of that. Our game continued a while longer with Kristen kissing Luke, me kissing Luke, and of course Kristen kissing Lance. After all the kissing dares, the suggestions got more intense. Luke was dared to remove his pants, and Kristen was ordered to remove her shirt. Over the next few minutes I was in my bra, Kristen was topless, and both the boys were in their boxers struggling to fight their pitched tents.

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