A Full Moon Phase Ch. 06

Wolf sighed, but Kat growled. He glanced at her and saw her fangs form. "Calm down," he whispered. "If Jack's challenging me, we'll deal with it afterwards."

"You heard what he called me," Kat seethed. "He's challenging me!"

"Look at those pathetic humans," Jack continued. "Not only a fucking midget, but a real whore, not just a fucking slut like Kat. A fucking dominatrix. She's going to reinvigorate our bloodlines? Who'd want her? You're corrupted, Wolf, and so is Kat, the fucking carpet muncher. She's probably mating with the fucking streetwalker."

"How do you know that?" roared Wolf.

"Look at her," Jack yelled, but unsteadily. "She reeks of one mark cunt!"

"Stand up, Beatrix," Wolf commanded quietly. Trixie, wearing minimal make up and dressed in shirt and slacks borrowed from Kat and her own black leather jacket, stood and turned and glared at Jack,. "How can you tell?" asked Wolf. After Jack remained silent, Wolf yelled, "Who told you?" Wolf saw the glance down and to his right as Jack looked at the black haired man in an impeccable black suit, a black cane with a silver cat head grip held tightly in his right hand as it rested between his legs. Gazing at the uncommunicative smirk of the man, Wolf repeated, quieter but angrier, "Who told you?"

Less than a second later, a transformed Kat had Jack's throat in her maw and a transformed Nina held the elegant black haired man's arm in hers, preventing the cane from striking her friend.

"Stop! Change back!" Wolf roared.

The cat and the wolf became women again, moving slowly from their targets, leaving them unharmed. Nina tousled the black haired man's perfect coif and kissed his high forehead. "Slimeball," she growled before following Kat out of the pew and into the aisle. Nina returned to her seat beside Gretchen, seeing the adrenalin charged lust in her new lover's eyes and returning it in kind. "Did that make you hot my little fireplug," she whispered and gently bit Gretchen's ear. Gretchen trembled and nodded. "Me too." Nina breathed hotly.

Kat stood beside Wolf, glaring at her fellow werecat. "Pan? Jack?" she seethed, "Are you challenging us?" Jack nodded angrily. Pan smirked as he nodded, caressing his cathead. "Fucking wanker," Kat commented quietly to Wolf. Wolf agreed with a nod and his own smirk.

"Fine," said Wolf. "We meet outside after we're done here. But let me answer your question, Jack. These humans are as brave as they come, resilient and unflappable, challenging the regime that continues the tyranny of the Nazis. Once mated and transformed, they will make formidable weres." Kat nodded. "Kat?"

"Getting back on topic," Kat began, "we believe the gods bringing fertility to Laika and these humans to us foretell a new chapter in our clans. The remnants of the holocaust are finally dissolving. Unfortunately it appears to be not a dwindling away but a final explosion that will at last rid us of the Nazis. In a word, Foxx." She glared at Pan, then nodded at three weres standing at the edge of the stage. They began handing sheets of paper to each row. "Please take one sheet and hand the rest to your neighbor. For the past thirty years, Colonel Foxx of the Stasi has continued to research...us. His mission is two fold: to finish what he and his fellow SS started during the Nazi regime, i.e. our extermination; and he continues looking for ways to use our transformative abilities for his own benefit. If you look at the back of the flier, you'll see his scarred face. Wolf scarred him during the war, and his face took the least of it. He wants to use us to rejuvenate his body. So far, as we all know, such an endeavor has failure inherent in it. But it has been our mission, Wolf's and mine, to keep an eye on him and his research. We think he has come upon a solution. The only way he can secure the enzyme in its useful state is to extract it at the very moment of transformation. And during the mating and transforming of humans to weres, the enzyme is at its most potent and sustains the potency for its longest duration. Therefore we believe he plans a trap.

"The flier advertises a performance of the Courage Players, the group from which our humans once participated and in fact the so called midget, Gretchen, Wolf's mate once led. That they're performing in Nachtstadt has nothing to do with coincidence, nor that they're rehearsing here. Old friends, intimate friends, suddenly working the opposite side of the political fence demand confrontation whether to convince the turncoats to abandon their propaganda or convince the rebels to abandon their ideals. Thus the trap.

"It's a bit of the spy game, this, with intelligence and counterintelligence and agents and double agents and players on both sides of the game corrupting pawns with money or other things to gain victory," she glared at Pan before continuing. "It has been a thirty year long game moving slowly, but its penultimate moment will be swift and dangerous. Like a chess game, the moves need to be anticipated to attain victory. The victor, the better of the chess masters, must be the most clairvoyant. We believe we have the edge because the other side lacks vision of the whole board of play. And hubris, Foxx's infatuation with his own cleverness and omnipotence, will cause his defeat and destruction. It will blind him to the pawns surrounding him, closing in on him and eventually destroying him.

"Jack, you asked why we abandoned the clans for years to live amongst the humans in Berlin, and why we have returned to take our rightful place as leaders. The gods demanded it of us. The last threat to our existence needed to be hunted down and destroyed. We're a patient race, and, what with Foxx's clever manipulations and lies bringing him into a place of power seemingly untouchable, the final elimination of the Nazi threat to our existence forced us to live amongst the humans for so many years and to finally return home at this moment of eradication of the Nazi vermin, their final extinction."

Jack began to stand, but Pan held him back and stood himself. "Yes Pansy?" Kat smirked at her cousin, knowing it made him cringe when anyone called him that.

"You plan to eliminate a Stasi colonel?" Pan said quietly, barely loud enough to be heard even by were ears. "Do you not think that might bring unwanted notice on us?"

"And befriending our enemy," Kat smirked, "do you not think that is traitorous?"

"What enemy? We must live in accord with the state or be threatened as the Nazis threatened us. Having the Stasi on our side can only strengthen our existence in this regime." His smarmy smile made Kat's stomach turn.

"So he has made good his promise to broaden distribution of our various enterprises?" Kat inquired.

"Yes," the werecat replied smugly. "And like all humans, he did so for his own benefit. He has gotten his cut. It is a win win situation. Yes, he's an arrogant cur, but a Nazi?"

"I tasted his SS blood, you fool," shouted Wolf. "Did you not smell his taint?"

"I..." Pan stuttered. "I have never met the man face to face."

"Fool," growled Wolf. "Then you never witnessed his lying face!"

"You're the fool," Pan grumbled. "You both are. Your paranoia threatens our clans. Killing a Stasi colonel can only lead to more bloodshed and further threats to our existence. You lead us to certain death."

Kat smiled. "We do not intend killing your precious colonel. We're simply insuring his madness becomes noticeable to his superiors. Unfortunately your little liaisons with the madman will suffer. But hey, the distribution's in place already, so no big deal. Unless of course there's more to it. Perhaps other liaisons with a delicious blonde?"

Wolf looked as surprised as Pan and Jack. He whispered into Kat's ear, "Maria?"

She whispered back, "I'm just guessing. My cousin's as much a sensualist as I am. And Foxx has his stable of courtesans. Perhaps not your precious Maria."

The two alphas chuckled. Kat often teased him about his comrade in arms and the fact she was the best fuck he ever experienced. They both knew that if Maria had been a tool of negotiation, both Pan and Jack would have found her most convincing.

"This is all nonsense soon to be resolved when I defeat you Kat and become alpha," said Pan, finding his smugness and sitting down. The groans in the audience told of his lack of popularity. Kat's wry smile and chuckle shared by Wolf quieted the groans. Their confidence made most weres confidant. The few who sided with Pan and Jack, concerned for their welfare threatened by their citified alphas, worried the alphas hadn't been weakened by the corrupt and softening influence of life in Berlin and worst of all bringing humans into their midst to become mates. They would be right about their alphas' abilities. Kat and Wolf continued training to be preeminent fighters by fighting each other at least once a week.

Among those heartened by Wolf's and Kat's apparent confidence were Trixie and Gretchen. Nina confirmed their hopes, whispering so they both could hear, "Those two fools haven't got a chance against my best friends."

"Uhm...How friendly are you and Kat?" asked Gretchen somewhere between titillated and jealous. Trixie heard the question and jealousy became her main emotion as she again studied the incredibly sexy werewolf who had become Gretchen's lover.

Chuckling, Nina replied, "Best friends, Gretchen, but neither Wolf nor I have ever shared her bed. It's...I guess you'd say chemically impossible." Gretchen and Trixie looked at her curiously. Nina explained, "As much as pheromones help attract mates, they actually repel our two races. Smelling a werecat in heat shuts down our libidos instantaneously. It actually stirs our fight instinct which millennia have taught us to quash except in play. You'll find out soon." She kissed Gretchen's throat sensuously, causing a lusty shiver and a lubricating pussy.

While they whispered, Wolf continued the meeting. "Tonight when we change I want you to keep in the back of your wolf and cat minds the resistance to human flesh. From now until then, use this thought as a mantra so it has a possibility to effect you. There are strangers in town, friends of my mate as well as probable Stasi agents. There's also a close friend of Kat's mate hiding we think by a lake in the forest near her compound. I know it's a lot to ask, and it may not register, but try and control it, okay? Otherwise I think we can enjoy our metamorphosis tonight and tomorrow night because our troubles are nearly over after all these years. Play hard. Fuck hard. Hunt well. Celebrate. We shall have pups and kittens again!"

The audience cheered. They stood and began exiting. Kat and Wolf consulted with their betas who had sat on stage and they went out into the pews and brought weres back on stage. Conferring with these weres, they set up a private meeting which would have to wait for the challenges to end.

Prevented from hearing these plans by Nina and Leo holding them back with confrontational conversations, Jack and Pan finally broke free and headed for the stage. Having set up the meeting, Kat and Wolf met them halfway.

"You send your betas to do the dirty work?' asked Jack angrily.

Wolf shrugged. "They're betas. What do you expect? You want to be alphas, you should know that."

Jack growled while Kat chuckled. "Come on Wolf. Let's get this silliness over with," she said.

"Silliness?" Pan responded smugly. "A fight for alpha status is hardly silly." He stabbed at Kat with his silver handle threatening to penetrate her skin. She grabbed it from his hand with a power that surprised him, throwing him to the ground as he fought to keep hold of it. She won the battle and tossed it across the large space where it bounced off the wall.

"You try poisoning me with your pretentious cane you slimeball!" she growled. She began to change.

"Outside!" yelled Leo, her beta. Although naturally obeying his leader, to fight for alpha status indoors was sacrilege.

He got through to her and she changed back, saying angrily, "Come on then!" and tromped out of the hall and through the garage and outside, the others following behind.

Once outside and a few meters from the entrance with the weres and humans surrounding them, the four, despite the cold, stripped and transformed into the half human/half animal configuration. The battling cats and wolves circled as they growled, looking for an attack, looking for weakness, waiting for the other.

Kat watched Pan swipe his claws at her face and neck, narrowing their distance to attract his attack before retreating past his claws. His longer arms made any return swipe ineffective, so she kept her claws down, waiting, taunting with movements closer to him, deeper into his strike zone. In less than a heartbeat he found himself face down in the snow, both arms painfully pulled backwards, his shoulders dislocated numbing his deadly claws, making them ineffective, feeling her fangs at the back of his neck penetrating skin where his were gland hid. "Who is alpha of the werecats?" she hissed.

"You are," he groaned.

"Fucking right!" she replied, hopping off him and changing back to human form and hiding her perfect body in her clothes.

He waited to restore his dislocations painfully before rising and changing back. Because of it being were inflicted, the wounds on his neck would bleed for a few more seconds before drying up and scabbing over, the marks remaining a lingering scar. Barely restored to normal, he caught his cane before it struck his head and poisoned him.

"Here's your disgusting prop, you traitor," Jag spat. "Fucking silver cane," he muttered as he felt himself embraced by his sister lovingly.

"You okay," she whispered.

"I knew you'd whip him," he responded.

"Of course. You worrying about Michael and this on top of it, you're pretty tense."

"Yeah. I love that silly kid," he muttered, keeping tears at bay. She released him and they watched the other challenge still in full fight.

Unlike Kat being stronger and faster than Pan or any other cats for that matter, Wolf's challenger nearly equaled Wolf's abilities. That in itself made the challenge more valid and the fight more difficult for Wolf. The two terrifying monsters squared off barely avoiding claw strikes and attempted takedowns. Finally Wolf tackled his adversary but found himself flung off onto his back, a bite on his shoulder. He shook it off and attacked again, surprising his opponent with his swift recovery and his low tackle, biting Jack's thigh while lifting his legs and spinning, trying to turn him on his back and pin him. Jack continued his spin until his feet planted and he launched himself away from Wolf's attempted pin. Leaving Wolf on paws and knees, Jack attempted taking advantage of the awkward position by lunging jaws first at Wolf's throat. Wolf lowered and shifted under the attack, lifting his head as Jack's chin passed and slamming the threatening mouth shut with painful power, stunning Jack. Jack managed to tumble away and bounce back to his feet and again they circled each other. A low feint, like Wolf had just done him, Jack went high, attempting to thrust his shoulders into Wolf's chin with enough energy to either knock out his worthy opponent or even remove the alpha's head. One advantage over Jack, Wolf had more awareness of intention. He saw the feint in Jack's hips and knew the true attack, and he lowered instead of raising his body. The chin Jack aimed for became air. Seizing Jack at his groin, Wolf used Jack's momentum to lift the creature over him and hard onto his back, the head impacting first. And even with the snow buffering the landing, the impact concussed Jack, causing a momentary blackout. Though less than a second losing consciousness, Jack awoke finding his throat in Wolf's jaw and the back of his neck stung by Wolf's claws, Wolf having hung to Jack's torso during the takedown and pinning him instantaneously upon impact. With his jaw occupied, Wolf's younger brother and beta asked the question, "Give up?"

"Yes, damn the gods," grunted Jack.

Growling, Wolf sunk his canines into Jack's neck, leaving two more lasting scars. Jack trembled and then relaxed when the bite ended and Wolf retreated. "Show some respect for your forefathers, you fool," he growled, shifting to human and standing above his challenger.

Jack shifted back and muttered. "You're right. Forgive me Yashaw. Forgive me fair Diana."

"Better," Wolf grinned and offered Jack his hand which Jack took and used it to help him stand. Not begrudging Jack's challenge, Wolf understood the conservative simplicity of it. Like a Christian literalist, the clan laws, including secrecy and ideological and racial purity and the forest where they could run free and unthreatened were all sacrosanct to Jack. Being citified was an anathema. He respected Jack's old fashioned attitude even though counter to Wolf's beliefs. The need for new blood to sustain the race had to be recognized. And observing with vigilance as Wolf and Kat had for more than thirty years was also necessary They had to watch out for those that might threaten their existence in the always changing world that surrounded the clan like an ocean surrounding a small island possibly navigated by enemy ships encroaching on their sanctuary, or helicopters.

"Helicopter!" yelled the werewolf guarding the outskirts of the bunker.

As if shepherding the clans, Wolf and Kat were the last to duck inside the bunker, Wolf following behind Jack and his mate and Kat shoving Pan to get him moving. "Fucking Pansy," she growled beside the wolves' alpha. Her anger focused on Jack as well.

Noticing Kat's glare at Jack, Wolf assured her, "Jack accepts his loss. It's Pansy we need to sustain vigilance."

Kat nodded. She smiled when Gretchen rushed to Wolf's side, embracing him with a force that might have tackled a lesser man even with Gretchen's petite size.

Staring up at her mate with her big expressive eyes, Gretchen murmured, "You okay?"

Feet leaving the floor quickly wrapped around her lover's waist as Wolf effortlessly lifted her high enough to kiss her gently for several seconds before he answered verbally, "Never better, my love."

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