A Love Story: Peter and Kim

At lunch, Dina was relieved to be away from babies. Cici's boys were at school as was Leona. The twins were learning to walk and with Jose there to influence them they were now climbing on top of things.

The women laughed as Dina shared the children's antics. Isla turned serious. "Kim, I have to say that I admire you. In my line of work, you see so many cases of mistreatment of children in Jose's situation. But you never are upset with him. You love him and that's a testament in itself. That baby is crazy about you. I know I might be wrong, but for his sake, I hope you and Peter can work something out." Isla realized no one else was speaking.

They swore to Kim that they would not try to influence her and yet Isla gave her own opinion.

Kim smiled, "I know he isn't mine, but that doesn't matter. I love that little boy. Am I angry at Peter? Yes! He lied and ... Well you know the rest, but Jose didn't ask to be here, so I could never blame him." She exhaled.

"Isla, thank you for addressing the elephant in the room," Kim exhaled. "You all are so careful. I know you think by not saying how you feel you are protecting me, but not saying anything does not make it go away."

Emily started to speak, but Kim silenced her. She continued. "It's OK and I am Ok. I am angry, but this is something I will deal with. You don't have to pacify me, or tiptoe around me. Be honest, Ok."

"Good, because honestly, I wish you had said something when it happened. We would have castrated him. How could you let him get away with that?" Emily questioned. Then she laughed, "And how did you keep it a secret. I mean even I had no clue."

Kimberly laughed. "He was terrified that you'd figure out what he had done. He was so afraid of disappointing Earl and Bria, and for some reason I felt I had to protect him."

"No, you did not. But believe me we all understand." Cici whispered. All of the women looked at her. Was there something else they were not aware of going on.

"Cici, is everything alright?" Emily asked timidly.

Cici laughed. "Andrew and I are fine. I remember when he was on active duty. He had missions and could not tell me.Secrets are not good in a marriage. That's all I meant."

Dina nodded, because she understood, all of them did. You protected your heart. But what Peter had done violated that. He did not try to protect Kim. In their minds, he left her out on her own.

Needing to lighten the mood, Kim sighed. "Enough," she declared. "Isla, have you talked with Mia and Oman lately?" She asked effectively changing the subject.

Isla laughed. "They are fine. Sunnet is working with Mia and they are developing an outreach program for the kids. I really want to go home and check it out, but with my workload, I don't have the time. I would like to form one in the region I am assigned to." She explained.

The women nodded, and then Cici made an announcement. "I want another baby. I want a little girl. I'm talking to Andrew tonight." Kim was silent. She wanted her own child, but right now it seemed it was not in the cards for her, so she just smiled and was happy for her friend.

Dina reached over and squeezed her hand. Dina was the one she confided in the most, so she knew how Kim felt. Kim smiled and her friend, silently thanking her. The women laughed and talked as they plotted ways Cici could convince Andrew to have another child. Soon they had to get back to work, but made plans to get together on Saturday.

Kim returned to her shop. A beautiful bouquet of lilies, roses, and violets greeted her. Attached was a simple card. I know you're tired of hearing me apologize. I was a fool. Thank you for not refusing counseling. I will show you that I can be the man you dreamt of. xoxo Pete

Kim sighed. She wanted to believe him, wanted to forgive him, but he swore the affair was over. Yet he went back to Shania and had a child with her. He gave her the one thing that she wanted more than anything else. She could forgive him, because she really loved him. However, she did not appreciate the way he seemed to think if he apologized and begged, he could get his way. She was her own person, despite what Peter, his family, and everyone else thought. She had to find out who she was before she allowed another person in her life.

Kim focused on work. Soon the day ended, and she went home. She walked in and relaxed on her sofa. Closing her eyes, memories of what once was assaulted her. She recalled happier times, times when she and her husband were carefree and so deep in love. Soon someone knocked. No really thinking, Kim opened the door. Peter stood holding a bouquet of lilies. "Can I come in?" he asked

Seriously doubting her wisdom, Kim stepped aside as her husband walked through. "Why are you here? Where is Jose?" She demanded.

"Brett and Isla are watching him. I asked them too. We need to talk, Kim. I know we start counseling soon, but if you would just talk to me, let me explain." He beseeched.

Kim walked away from him. She was so mad at him. "I don't want to talk to you right now." She replied. "You should go."

Peter didn't move. "You're angry. That means you still care. If you didn't you would not feel anything at all."

"I never denied my feelings. You are my husband, and I love you. I just don't like you right now. It has nothing to do with the baby. I adore him. You lied, Peter. You swore to me and you went back to her. You went inside of her and gave her your child. That hurts more than anything you have ever done to me. And you have done some things over the years." Kim realized she was crying and she walked to the door. "I want you to just go." She whispered.

Peter slammed the door shut. She had to listen. The Kim before this listened, and forgave him. She never argued with him, but after learning about Jose, she was a different woman. He had to get her to hear him. Things needed to go back to the way they were before. He wanted his quiet, supportive wife back, not this angry woman she had become. She would listen to him, if it took all night.

"Kim, you never complained. You never said anything. You went along with everything I did. So how can you sit here and act like I did everything wrong? You were always so damn calm, nothing bothered you." He accused.

Kim trembled. It was then that Peter stepped back. He frightened her; he terrified his wife. "You are afraid of me. I have never laid a finger on you. I have never called you any names. How can you fear me?" he asked.

Kim cried, "Please, just go." She pleaded.

Someone knocked and Peter answered. "Kim, are you OK. I heard loud voices. Sir, you need to go." The elderly gentleman said as he and his wife entered and moved directly to Kimberly.

Peter nodded. He faced his wife, armed with this new knowledge, "Kim, I never meant to..." He whispered. Her elderly neighbor held her close as her husband led Peter to the door. "Baby, I'll stay away." He left, and she collapsed in a puddle. Her neighbors stayed with her and held her as his wife tried to get Kim to call the police. The couple had lived in the building for years. They remembered the young woman moving in two months ago. She stayed to herself. She would only speak when they initiated conversation. She was so withdrawn, and at first rarely had visitors. Then one day her friends came over. She seemed to blossom. They suspected she left a bad situation, and tonight they met the man that hurt her.

"Sweetheart, we should call the police. You can get a restraining order to make him stay away from you." The couple suggested.

Kim was done crying. "He has never... He isn't abusive. He cheated and thinks I'm overreacting. He wants me to go along as if nothing has changed. Everything has changed. He needs to understand that." She whispered.

The couple stayed and after awhile they went back across the hall. Kim showered, made a salad, and ate slowly. Her phone rang. It was Isla. She wanted to know if she was OK. Peter returned and he was clearly upset. Earl and Brett were talking with him.

"Isla, I'm fine. Peter stopped by and we had words." Kim exhaled. "I'm OK."

Isla believed her. She could hear in her tone that she was handling her husband's spontaneous visit well. "Look, do you want me to come over?" Isla asked just to be certain.

Kim smiled, "Isla, I'm fine. I'm actually turning in and reading for a while." Kim sighed and the women bid each other a good night.

Peter sat in his father's study bawling his eyes out. For seven years, his wife feared him. She never argued with him, was completely compliant, and did everything in her power to make sure he was happy. He reflected on all of the stunts he pulled. He was a complete ass, and she deserved so much better. She deserved a man that would put her first, not his own selfish needs.

"I need to let her go, but I need her Dad. She is my everything. Kim is the only person that gets me. If I get a chance to get her to take me back, I'll never treat her this way again. She has to take me back. I can't live without her." He sobbed.

Brett spoke, "What about Jose. With Kim or without her, you have your son to think about. I hate what you did to her. You were wrong and a part of me hopes she moves on, but she loves you. This is just as hard on her as it is you. You start counseling next week, right?" Brett asked.

Peter nodded.

"Then, be honest and pray she forgives you this last time. If she does, don't ever fuck up like this again." Brett admonished his older brother. Brett was disgusted with Peter. For years, he watched as he treated his marriage and his wife as if it wasn't the rarest of gifts. He was not a bad person, just immature. Kim was so introverted that she would do anything and everything her husband asked. He recalled the first time he talked with his new sister-in-law. She watched out for Peter, even then ready to cater to his every whim. Brett teased her and brought her out of her shell with genuine friendship. She relaxed with him, and he could relate to her. Out of everyone around, Kim understood him. Over time, they developed a rapport. She grew to trust him, and now he learns that Peter messed up. He was truly disappointed in his brother.

Earl was surprised. When did his youngest son grow so wise? He smiled. "Well Peter, you don't need my advice. Your brother has told you everything you need to know."


Tuesday morning arrived and Peter met with Gloria for his first session. Smiling, he attempted to bombard the doctor with his charm. She was not impressed. Soon after setting some boundaries in place, she asked the one question he was not ready for.

"Why do you hate your wife?" Gloria asked, shocking Peter, rendering him speechless.

"I love Kim. How dare you say something so awful to me." Peter demanded defensively. Who did this woman think she was? How dare she?

Gloria let him vent, then she quietly stated. "You've admitted to doing all sorts of things behind her back. Each time she found out, you threatened her in some way. She stayed because she didn't want to lose you. You admitted to flirting, and she looked the other way. She confronted you about women at work and you reminded her that all you had to do was call Daniel, so she went mute." Gloria waited for understanding to dawn for him. Peter knew exactly what she referred to. He remembered her accusing him when he worked long hours, when he first met Shania. She was so close to the truth, she had to shut her down some way.

Gloria continued. "You think that is love, Peter. I have enemies that I would not be so cruel too. For two months, I have gotten to know you. You are not a bad guy, but you need to admit the truth to yourself. You are angry at her because she did not get angry or react, yet when she tried to confront you, you exerted your power over her." Gloria stopped.

Peter was speechless. Gloria was right. In his sick mind he was punishing her for not reacting to his antics.

Over the next few months, Peter learned about himself and his need for attention. Gloria was certain of one thing, this man loved his wife. The young woman, Shania, was a fantasy. She even tried to see if his feelings went beyond the surface for this girl, but each time he came back around to Kimberly.

The same thing happened in sessions with Kimberly. Gloria listened. Kimberly fell fast and hard. He was a bit more mature and from a more prominent family. The girl was intimidated, but she loved him. When he flirted, it hurt her. She questioned herself, doubted herself. Fear of him leaving caused her to remain silent.

Talking with Gloria helped Kimberly find her flaws. She admitted that she allowed Peter too much time and opportunities to disrespect her. She realized that the women in her family were subservient, and that's what she did with her husband, however, he did not understand his ability to be dominant.

One day in session, Kim and Gloria reached an epiphany. "Why are you so afraid of him leaving?" Gloria asked.

Kim took a deep breath. "I don't know. Maybe, because he picked me. There were so many women that were like him, and he chose me. He was the most amazing man. When he was with me, all was right in my world, but I knew he could do better. Shania was the right woman for him, and I remember when I first suspected something. I didn't know her, had not met her. One night, I took him a meal and she joined us. She seemed nice even mentioned getting married. I went along, even though I suspected." Kim paused.

Gloria waited. "You caught them, right?" she prompted.

Kim exhaled, "Yes, he swore it was the only time. I knew he was lying. I knew he'd been with her before. His family suspected something was wrong, but I didn't want to embarrass him so I said nothing. We went to Greece, and eventually I forgave him. For a few months things were great. He came home every night, and our sex life was wonderful. My relationship with his family became strained, so I stayed home more. I know they thought I cheated, but Peter said our marriage was not their business, so I kept his secret."

She closed her eyes as tears escaped. "He swore to me he was done. He slept with her again, and she conceived his son. He told me he never wanted kids. That was not true. He just did not want them with me. That hurts more than anything he could have done." Kim was done.

Gloria was silent. "You love Jose, don't you?" she asked.

Kim smiled and nodded through her tears, "Yes."

"Kim, if you wanted children, you should have told him. If you decide to try and be together you must be open and honest with him. You cannot allow him or any man to treat you like a second class citizen. Just like you have talked to me, talk to him." Gloria smiled. Kim had a breakthrough. It was not due to her. Her breakthrough started the day she moved out. She realized that she didn't need a man to validate or take care of her. She could take care of herself.

"Look, it's obvious that you still love this man, and if you stay together, you need to stand up and set boundaries." Gloria added.

Then the session was over. They had two more months with the counselor. The last two months would be joint sessions. Peter and Kim talked and for the first time they really understood each other. Peter wanted his family back, not for selfish reasons but because they were just that, a family. After the first few sessions, Gloria sent them on a date. Peter was nervous, but it was lovely. He felt like he did when he asked her out for the first time a little over eight years earlier. After the first date, they had a series of dates. By date three, Kim kissed his cheek as she said good night. Peter touched his cheek for days after that date recalling the butterflies he felt at that light peck.

The night before their final session, Kim came to him. She was nervous and needed to talk. She had returned his key so he opened the door as soon as she rang the bell. Jose was in bed, but she wanted to check on him. Kim watched the little dark-haired boy. He was beautiful. Peter stood behind her in his son's room, wishing he could just hold her and tell her that he loved her and wanted her to come home.

Kim sat on his sofa and looked around the home they used to share. She noticed that he changed nothing. Her pictures had never been removed. She faced her husband, and stated."Peter, I'm scared. You hurt me. Can I trust you to never hurt me like that again?" Kim asked.

Peter took a deep breath, "Kim, I love you. You are everything to me and I fucked up. I will do everything I can not to cause pain like this again. You are all I want; the only woman I need." Peter replied.

Kim swallowed, and he waited. "I want children, Peter. I should have been honest eight years ago, but I wanted to be whatever I imagined that you wanted. Are you willing to father more children?" she asked, nervously. Kim continued, "If we do this, and you cheat again, I'm done. I will go and there will be nothing you can say to dissuade me."

Peter's heart pounded. She said if we do this again. She was giving him another chance. He would have his family back. "Kim, if you give me another chance, I promise you'll never have reason to doubt me." He swore.

"I will be the perfect husband, and father. We can have as many kids as you would like. Boys, girls, it does not matter to me. I just want a family with you." He babbled on. Kim kissed him. She never realized that her husband talked too much.

"Peter, shut up and kiss me." Kim whispered.

Peter moved. Pulling his wife into his arms, he packed everything he had in that one kiss. She was home, and he'd do everything in his power to protect the sanctity of his home.

She began tugging on his shirt. Peter wanted his wife. He had not even thought of making love since she walked out. He had accepted the fact that he'd be alone from now on because he destroyed the one beautiful thing that he had. But his wife was here, and she wanted him.

"Baby, wait. Let's do this right." He whispered.

He stood and took her by the hand. He looked deep into her eyes. He had to say one more thing. "Kimberly, I love you. I don't want you to do this if you have doubts. I don't want regret. I want to make love to you so badly, but I won't hurt you. If you are not ready, not one hundred percent sure, then baby, we can wait."

Kim sighed, "Despite everything, I love you Peter. You are the only man I've ever been with. You are the only man I want to be with. Am I not enough? Have I made a fool of myself once more?" He kissed her. Peter lifted his wife and carried her to their bedroom. Kim looked around and gasped. It had been almost a year, and he changed nothing.

Peter stood and looked at his wife, his wife. She was home now and if he had his way, she'd stay. He lay beside her and kissed her, caressing her, wanting to imprint her body into his memories. "Kim, I love you." He whispered. "I love you so much."

Kim gently shoved her husband and said two words, "Show me."

Peter took the challenge. He undressed her, kissing each inch of skin he exposed.

Kimberly was so hot, so ready for him that she demanded that he speed up. Peter laughed, "No, my love. I must taste you." he replied. Soon, she was as naked as the day of her birth. Peter stood, admiring her beauty. She was beautiful and she was his. Her taut nipples stood, longing for his caress, her stomach flat and firm. He wanted to place his child there, create life with her. The lightly blonde covered mound at the apex of her thighs made him smile. That in itself told him, that she did not plan this. She always shaved for him, but he liked seeing her now as a full grown woman, his woman.

"What?" Kim asked, ready to just get out before she embarrassed herself even more.

"Quiet, I am admiring a work of art, pure beauty." Peter whispered. "Open" And she spread her thighs apart for him. She realized she had not shaved but it no longer mattered. For seven years, she was Kim, the girl he swept off of her feet, now she was a woman. She was a woman that could stand on her own.

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