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  • A Quiet Night at Home Ch. 03

A Quiet Night at Home Ch. 03


Describes the night that Siobhan "remembers" in A Quiet Night At Home II:

[quote] "...she'd drunk lots of water, and tried to avoid peeing. She ended up having to go to the toilet just before she went to bed, though, but managed to stop mid-flow, and still took a big bottle of water to bed with her.

Once she'd finished this, she'd grabbed her pillow, and started to hump in earnest. She had an idea that a full bladder would make her come much harder, as it always made her hornier.

...she remembered the absolutely massive orgasm she'd had that night in her room.

She remembered back to how the orgasm had started, much differently to any other she'd had before. There was a huge tension within her, making her buck her clit wildly against her old friend, the pillow. All of a sudden, the tension was replaced with the most complete and overwhelming release, and an amazing warmth spreading between her legs.

...It hadn't been an orgasm at all - that came a bit later. She'd been bucking her hips, marvelling at how wet she was, making it so easy to rub deliciously across the material. Just as she'd lifted her bum off the pillow to reposition herself, she'd heard a squirting sound.

Along with this was a new smell - she very quickly realised that her pillow and legs were completely soaked. Not with her sexual juices, but with pee. She'd got so carried away she'd peed herself! Correction, she was STILL peeing herself - she didn't seem to be able to stop. In fact, it felt so good, she didn't even think about stopping.

..After she'd come that night, she'd fallen almost immediately asleep, only to wake up as her mother threw the covers off her in the morning, revealing her naked, her sodden pillow between her legs, in the middle of an absolutely soaked bed."


Siobhan's been keeping me awake at night the past few nights. Yes, she's 18, yes, she's in her first year at Uni, but no, I'm not kept awake _worrying_ about her.

Let me explain: it first started about a week ago. Siobhan had gone off to Uni (finally!), and I'd gone into her room for some reason, not entirely sure why.

It was a lovely day, so while I was in there, I thought I might as well open the window, air the room out a bit.

The window's directly above her bed, and I had to kneel on her pillow to reach it properly. I got the window open, then realised that my knee was a little damp where it had been pressing into the pillow.

I had an immediate thought about rain coming in and wetting the pillow, but straight-away remembered that there had been NO rain for nearly a week now, so it couldn't be that.

I have no idea what possessed me to do what I did next; maybe it was just my brain acting on instinct? Whatever the case, I picked up the pillow and buried my nose in it where my knee had been, breathing in deeply.

There was no mistaking THIS for rain! Instantly I felt a tingle in my crotch at the unmistakeable smell of sex. Siobhan had been fucking this pillow!

It was almost an automatic reaction to drop the pillow where it had been, rush to my room, and frig myself to a mighty orgasm in about 30 seconds!

I couldn't remember EVER having been that instantly horny, or come that strongly so quickly. As my climax subsided and I came back to earth, I was struck with a series of thoughts:

"Wow! That was incredible!"

"That was not right, why would the smell of Siobhan's sex make me SO horny and come SO hard?"

"Oh my god, I'm a pervert, I CANNOT let this happen again. I can't believe I've crossed that line."

I changed clothes, and went about the rest of my day, studiously avoiding Siobhan's room, or even thinking about what had happened.

By the time she came home, I was already in bed, mortified to see her, imagining that she somehow knew what I'd done.

I tried to read my book, but couldn't concentrate. I was feeling so guilty about what had happened, yet couldn't deny that I was also starting to feel very very turned on again.

Before I knew it, my lips were spread, and I was gently, then more urgently rubbing my clit.

I was stopped in my tracks by the sound of movement from Siobhan's room next door. My imagination pictured her kneeling astride her pillow on the bed, thrusting her pelvis backwards and forwards.

"I can't be thinking this," I thought to myself, as my fingers started gently massaging my clit and lips again.

"There's nothing wrong with this though," I thought, " - she's having a good time in her room, and I'm in here. There's nothing naughty about it."

As I had this conversation with myself, my fingers further explored my hard clit and swollen, soaking wet lips.

The thought of Siobhan "having a good time" in the next room sent a huge jolt through me, and just thinking the word "naughty" sent waves of pleasure over my whole body.

"I'm a grown woman, I have needs, I need to come, oh, I need to come, there's nothing wrong with that," went my inner voice.

My internal monologue was interrupted by an unmistakeable sigh from the next room, followed by a panting that increased in speed along with the sounds of movement.

My fingers gently circled my clit as I listened to the sound of Siobhan moving closer and closer to her climax.

Her panting got louder and louder until each became a grunt of pleasure, getting more and more frequent and insistent. My own movements became more intense as I imagined Siobhan pressing her clit into her pillow.

I froze as the vocals from the next room suddenly stopped. In the silence I could hear a rapid kind of rustling movement, followed by a final orgasmic grunt, and then a long, "Ohhhhhhhhh!" as Siobhan finally came.

I listened, still and intent, for half a minute, before being unable to resist slipping a couple of fingers into the desperate wetness of my cunt, then sliding them up over my amazingly erect clit.

In short order, I was rubbing away like crazy, the bedclothes thrown aside, my hand a blur as it spurred me on to greater heights.

I lost any sense of guilt or "wrongness", and as I started to feel the orgasm build deep within me, images of Siobhan making herself come in the next room filled my head.

That delicious, beautiful tension and release, that point of no return hit me, and I found myself whispering, "I'm coming, I'm coming, ohhh, I'm coming...here it comes...here I come...ohhhhhhhhh, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come..."

It wasn't not long until I heard my voice going, "oh, oh, ohhh, uhhhh, oh, yeah, uh, uh, uh, uhhhhhhhh" as I tipped over into an incredible orgasm. My whole cunt - no, my whole BODY, was pulsating, and it just kept going as I worked at my clit.

I kept myself coming - it felt like it went on for minutes, but was probably only a few seconds. Whatever - it was utterly mind-blowing, and all because of Siobhan.

I finally managed to move my fingers away from my hard little clit, and let my orgasm subside. I lay there panting as the waves of pleasure gradually diminished, the air cooling the wetness between my legs.

Unlike the previous night, I felt no guilt at Siobhan having "helped" me to come. In fact, I found myself thinking about it more:

"It was so exciting coming, with Siobhan having just come in the next room - it was _beautiful_, actually."

I drifted off to sleep, thoughts of Siobhan straddling her pillow, mashing her cunt furiously into it - pushing, striving, _desperate_ for orgasm.

Thankfully, the next day was a busy one, and I barely had time to spare more than a brief, wistful thought about the two of us masturbating last night.

Once Siobhan got home, around 7, we ate together at the table. We talked about this and that, and I was slightly disturbed to find myself feeling hornier and hornier, my thoughts drifing, imagining Siobhan naked, sweaty and fucking a pillow at the dinner table.

"...are you even listening to me?" Siobhan's question broke me out of my little trance.

"Sorry hon, I was thinking about something else," - if only she knew just _what_ I was thinking of!

"Well, never mind anyway. I'm gonna hit the sack, I'm really tired for some reason."

"OK, hon - night-night."

She didn't look even _remotely_ tired, and I could detect a hint of embarrassment at the little white lie.

As I tidied away the dishes, I heard her peeing, then filling her water bottle in the bathroom.

"Ni-night," she called, just before I heard her bedroom door shut.

Tired! A likely story! I knew _exactly_ why she was going to bed early - I'd been exactly the same at her age. Any excuse to masturbate, and the more time I had to do it, the better.

I cleaned up the kitchen, then, despite it only being half-past eight, I too took myself off to my bedroom. The thrill of knowing that we'd both gone to our bedrooms to masturbate was indescribable. I felt my lips sliding wetly against each other as I walked down the hallway to my room.

Before I reached my door, though, I couldn't help myself from stopping outside Siobhan's room, being as quiet and still as I could.

I could quite clearly hear the noise of her body rubbing over her pillow as she fucked it, the sound making me instantly more horny.

I couldn't just stand there quietly - my pants and undies were almost immediately at my knees, my fingers rubbing my clit as I listened at the door.

The noises Siobhan made were very similar to the previous night: the rustling of the pillow as she rode it; the occasional sigh or grunt of pleasure.

I remained silent, aside from a wet kissing sound every time I slid a couple of fingers in between my soaked lips.

My arousal built, and I started to feel a little braver because of it. I was considering bursting in to Siobhan's room, masturbating in front of her while I watched her fuck her pillow.

I'd got so worked up, that I was on the verge of reaching out to turn the door handle, when I realised the noises from inside the room had stopped.

Thinking Siobhan was about to come, I took my pants and undies off completely, squatting down by the door so I could really work at my clit. There was some animal instinct that made me want to come at the same time as her. Right at that moment, nothing seemed sexier or naughtier, or more beautiful.

At my new, lower height, I could hear better, and could also detect the smells in the room wafting out under the door.

I thought Siobhan must be _incredibly_ wet, as the sound of her rubbing back and forth across the pillow had that slapping quality of wet fabric.

There was also another sound that I couldn't quite identify. It was rhythmic, in time with her movements over the pillow, but I just couldn't tell what it was.

I could also smell the intoxicating aroma of her sex, overlaid over my own smell. She smelled different to me - it was almost like _pee_.

I suddenly put two and two together - it _was_ pee I was smelling, and the noise was Siobhan's pee jetting out of her into the pillow! She was peeing and masturbating at the same time.

I had done this a _LOT_ in the past, and the thought that Siobhan enjoyed it as much as I did sent me over the edge and into a _massive_ orgasm. I had to put one hand out to steady myself as I came and came and came. Over and over again, my cunt squeezed and relaxed, urged on by my fingers on my clit.

I was in a bit of a fog, but I could still hear (and smell) Siobhan working her way towards her own orgasm. I'd barely even stopped spasming, but the sound of Siobhan speeding up her pillow-fucking, combined with her louder, more frequent grunts, pushed me back over into a continuation of my climax.

I leaned back against the opposite wall, one hand frantically fucking myself, the other rubbing and playing with my hardened nipples under my t-shirt.

I couldn't take any more, and had to pull my hand away from my clit, continuing to shudder with orgasms while both hands caressed my nipples and breasts.

I re-emerged from my highly-sexed state to hear Siobhan pass the point of no return herself, grunting like an animal each time her clit rubbed across the soaking pillow.

I was amazed to find that I yet again had my fingers on my clit, squeezing and rubbing it in that same desperate attempt to come at the same time as Siobhan.

Her climax, when it came, sounded far greater than yesterday's. She groaned a long, "ohhhhhhhhh," as before, but did it again and again, the orgasm obviously rippling through her body.

I was coming yet again, and even though my involuntary gasps were very quiet, I tried to keep them in time with Siobhan's noises.

As I heard Siobhan collapsing onto the bed, spent, I made my way up to my room. I kept my orgasm just gently ticking over with one hand, carrying my undies and pants in the other.

Pushing the door shut behind me, I looked around frantically for something cylindrical. I was desperate to get something, anything inside me, my cunt was crying out to be filled.

My eyes landed on the handle of my umbrella in the corner by the bed. It was a mid-sized one; not a huge golf umbrella, but not one of those little fold-away ones either. The handle was perfect - not too big, and long enough to get deep inside, where I needed it.

Keeping one hand circling my hard, wet clit, I picked up the umbrella and went over to the side of the bed. As I stood there, legs apart, I had to take my hand off my clit to steady myself against the bed, while I held the umbrella with my other hand.

I quickly ripped my t-shirt off over my head, one-handed - the same desperate drive to fuck something also made me want to be totally naked.

As I put the point of the umbrella mid-way between my feet, I realised that the handle was still some way away from my hungry cunt. I looked down past my flushed-pink tits with their hardened nipples and watched as I bent my knees to bring my cunt closer to my temporary dildo.

The cool wood touched my superheated lips, and I gave a little gasp at the wonderful feeling. I bent my knees a little more, moving them further apart, and at the same time going up onto the balls of my feet.

The handle was now firmly pressed into my lips, ready to enter me. I took my hand back off the umbrella, and brought a couple of fingers back to my clit. I could feel my pussy-lips tensing and relaxing on the handle as I moved over my clit, but it still wasn't inside me.

I concentrated my movements on the top of my clit, one wet finger pushing the hood back, and rubbing ever so gently over the swollen flesh.

This had the expected and welcome effect of relaxing my cunny, allowing the handle to deliciously penetrate me. I heard my voice make an, "unh!" sound as the hard, cool phallus made its way inside me.

I bent my knees a little more to get it right inside, my finger still on top of my clit, the sensation of complete relaxation at the same time as being filled becoming almost overwhelming.

I tilted my pelvis forward, pushing the wooden cock against the front wall of my vagina. This was, finally, too much for me, and my fingers now moved wetly over my whole clit again. I could scarcely believe it, but having something inside me had made my clit even harder and more sensitive than before.

It almost felt like I was playing with a cock! As my fingers rubbed over the underside of my engorged clit, I could feel my whole cunt tensing up, gripping the handle. This had the secondary effect of pushing the handle hard into my g-spot, adding to the incredible sensations I was already feeling.

My vagina was alternately tensing and releasing as my fingers moved from one part of my clit to the other, and on top of this, I'd started using my legs to gently draw the handle in and out of me.

I felt absolutely amazing - it couldn't be long until I came again, which would be fantastic, but until then, I was content to enjoy fucking my wooden cock, and gently but insistently rubbing my seemingly still-growing clit.

I felt an orgasm starting to build, AGAIN! Far from being too much, this was exactly what I wanted, and I spurred myself on, using my thumb and forefinger to wank the hood over my massive-feeling, engorged clit.

I closed my eyes, seeing in my mind's eye an image of Siobhan as she would have been a few moments ago: naked, kneeling astride her soaked pillow, flushed and wet buttocks pushing back to expose her lovely anus.

The thought of Siobhan fucking herself brought me closer and closer to that wonderful point of no return - I swear the umbrella-handle felt like it was about to cum inside me!

I looked up, and across the low bed, I saw myself in the mirror. The hair plastered against my forehead, my tits with their sheen of sweat and very erect nipples, my pelvis gently moving up and down, the umbrella handle disappearing between my legs, my fingers applying gentle pressure to my clit - the sight of all this sent me over the edge.

I mouthed, "I'm coming, I'm coming, ohhhhh, I'm coming," to my mirror-self as I felt my pussy start pulsating, gripping and releasing the phallus inside me.

I looked across at the woman in the mirror, coming hard, and the look alone was enough to cause those wonderful horny, sexy butterflies in my stomach.

If I thought I'd been having an orgasm before, it was just a preamble compared to this. I felt a massive wave of pleasure pass from my stomach, through my clit, and into my cunt. I felt something let go beautifully, as I watched the woman in the mirror spray her hand, the bed, the umbrella with a spectacular jet of come.

As I remembered the joyful, wanton feeling of letting go, of emptying myself at the same time as being deliciously filled, I watched and felt two more sprays of come leave my body.

Last time I'd come like this had been before Siobhan was born. As I slowly drew the handle out of me and let it drop to the floor, I remembered the year I turned 20, when I discovered I could come like this. I did it nearly every day for a year, and it never got any less pleasurable.

What a complete revelation to rediscover it! The feeling was like the return of a very old friend - no, an old lover! As I squirted, I delighted in the warm, tingly sensation in my crotch and stomach, but most of all, in the incredible feeling of release as each jet of hot liquid was forced out of me.

It seemed to take forever for this orgasm to subside, but when it finally did, I just crawled into bed, still shuddering with pleasure. I flicked the light off, pulled a sheet over myself, and curled up to sleep almost right away, exhausted.

I awoke just after six am. Amazingly, I felt absolutely wonderul - completely refreshed and, incredibly enough, still very horny! Teenage boys had nothing on me!

My whole room smelled like sex - it was a familiar morning smell from the year I was 20. The memory of cumming and squirting virtually every night back then hit me like a shockwave. Why didn't I still do it? I guess a busy life had got in the way over the last couple of decades, but now I'd rediscovered it, I was determined to turn back the clock and fuck myself like that every time I possibly could.

I slid out of bed, feeling the very slight dampness where I'd cum the night before. This did nothing to dampen my horniness, but I restrained myself, slipping on a thin gown and heading down to have a much-needed pee.

I stopped, suddenly, outside Siobhan's door, a very naughty idea occurring to me.

Before I could think the better of it, I swung the door open, with a loud, "Morning, love!"

As I strode across the room to fling open the curtains, I saw Siobhan blearily open her eyes. Her beautiful, smooth, naked body was in full view, her legs drawn up and clamped tightly around a pillow, which was very obviously darkened by liquid.

Siobhan was now starting to properly wake up as I turned around from the curtains. I had no idea what was going to happen - no idea what I would say or do, no idea how Siobhan would react, but the anticipation was incredible. I felt that familiar feeling in my stomach, and could feel my nipples and clit begin to harden as I got more turned on...

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