Bard's Tale 04 - Holly Wood

With a bit of insight and sadness, Tia realized that once she became a mom, she would likely not be adventuring that often with her husband. Both of her sisters would want that role, and someone would have to stay home to take care of the babies. She would miss those shared experiences with their husband, of course. Mothers sometimes gave up things for love of their children.

As she sat back down at the table, Tia focused on children and relationships. Six or eight might be under estimating. Human women could have a child once a year if they really worked at it, but sometimes twins or multiples cropped up, and such a trait was known to run in families. Tia herself was a twin. However, Elven women had a great deal more control over their bodies. At a minimum, it took two years for them to deliver, with the early stages being prolonged. However, if the woman elected to do so, an elf-woman could actually stretch out the initial stages of pregnancy for up to five years, with only the last five months covering the quickening. Being pregnant was popular among Elven women for several reasons. Almost all of them reported a marked increase in libido. During pregnancy, hair was shinier, mood was generally happier, and physical sensitivity was greater. Sometimes intensely so. Often the first pregnancy also added an inch or two to the bust-line. The children of the longer gestation were reputedly healthier, smarter, and were both more proficient and had more powerful magic ability.

With Reison being a half-elf, it meant that Tia and her sisters could expect to remain pregnant longer than the usual nine months. Having grown up with Mother Galamindöl and her half-elven children, the results of half-elf and human pairings were well known to the sisters. They could expect to carry their child for a minimum of ten months, possibly as long as a year.

Another consideration for childbearing was a practical one. Their mother, Frínulas, who was fully human, had birthed Tia in the winter, Tahna in the summer, and Mindal in the fall. Of them all, Frínulas had said that being heavy with child during the summer heat was the most difficult.

Thinking of their mother, Tia smiled, recalling a time when they were all together, before becoming adventurers. When Tia was fifteen, their mother had been talking them, answering their questions about babies. Tia by then already knew much of what was being discussed, having already undergone her Tenth Year at the temple. But Tahna had just turned ten and was yet to attend, and Mindal was but five-years old. The littlest one had asked if having a baby in the summer was so difficult, why not wait until later? Mother gave Mindal a kiss and smiled indulgently before saying, "Sometimes babies want to be born so badly they take their parents by surprise."

The next year, when Tia was studying for the priesthood, she learned that even though prospective parents may have stopped using birth control, it could take several months for a woman to become pregnant. Still, their mother's answer had satisfied the childish inquiries of Mindal and eased the mind of the older Tahna.

Thinking about her mother reminded Tia that she had an important task yet to do.

Ehvona was right, Tia thought guiltily. I had better write to our mother and inform her we got married. Reison's parents have already been told, and the longer I take before I let our parents know, the worse it's going to be, and the worse their feelings will be hurt. I'm the eldest sister and Reison's First Wife. It's my duty to take care of such details. Hmm. His mother's reactions seemed to surprise Reison, too. Maybe bringing back Miriel combined with springing the news of marriage was a bit much. I don't know all of what transpired, but perhaps we overwhelmed her. Maybe a letter to try and smooth things over is in order. We'll discuss it as a family and go from there.

At that moment, there was a knock at the door. There were four staff with three carts. Two carts loaded with food, and one with clean laundry.

Opening the door, she recognized the older woman pushing in the first cart. "Hi, Shelly. How are you doing this evening?"

"Keeping busy, Mother Tia. The one behind me is Janet. I think you know Amber and Jessica, who are collecting laundry and putting the clean linens away."

"Hello, Janet. Ladies. Welcome and thank you."

Janet smiled as she followed Shelly into the suite, pushing her own cart.

While Amber collected the dirty laundry, Jessica put away the clean linens in the bathroom. Personal laundry was piled on the couch, as per Tia's direction, the bedroom door remained closed.

Shelly and Janet laid out the trays of food.

The priestess sat down at the table, eager for her meal. When her stomach growled loudly several times in a row, the waitress grinned as she removed the covers.

Setting her napkin onto her lap, Tia slowly inhaled the aromas. "Oh, that smells delicious. Who's the cook tonight?"

"Mark Carter, I believe, Mother."

Tia said a very short prayer of thanks for her meal, and then proceeded to dig in. "Please pass my compliments to chef Carter."

"I will do that. Your praise will make him very happy."

Shelly poured out a glass of spiced cider, then set out the teapot full of steeping chamomile tea, a fresh tea cup and a saucer. Further down the table, she set out closed decanters of black tea and coffee.

Amber and Jessica exited, their work completed. Janet pushed along the cart with dirty dishes, followed out by Shelly.

Normally, Tia took her time to enjoy her meal. Before she knew it, the scalloped potatoes, green salad, and the breaded-and-fried pork chop vanished. Sipping some tea, she debated having a second meat helping for several minutes while she paused to let her dinner settle. When her stomach growled again albeit quieter, she gave in and demolished a smaller second serving.

Almost too full after her meal, she took a leisurely hot bath, letting the jets work over her back, enjoying herself. Once she was dressed again, she returned to the table, helping herself to a dessert of peach cobbler and bread pudding with cold milk. Normally she wasn't such a glutton, but she was hungry!

Tia forced herself to slow down and savor the bites of pudding.

Tahna came out of the bedroom, naked, rubbing her eyes, her long black hair cascading down and brushing the globes of her butt, the tresses held together by a single hair tie. "Hi, Tia," she mumbled as she continued on toward the bathroom. Once she was done and back at the table, she moved next to by Tia and checked one of the covered plates. Licking her lips, she said, "That looks good."

"It is good. Better hurry," Tia warned. "In another hour, I might have a third helping."

Tahna grinned. "You did miss lunch and a few meals before that. You had some catching up to do."

"Not going to dress before you eat?"

"Nope. More than likely I'll head back to the bedroom, and with him in there, I'll just have to get undressed again. With him needing to have his way with me and all, you understand."

Tia snickered at that and in reply, the bronzed-brown monk grinned back, even as she blushed from her cheeks all the way down to her breasts.

Tia pushed away her mostly empty bowl and exhaled. "Okay, now I'm stuffed."

Tahna dug into the cider container and scooped out a handful of ice cubes. "I'll go wake up the others. You going to sit with us while we eat?"

"No. I ate too much. Right now, I'm going to waddle to the couch and digest for a while. Maybe nap a bit. I also have more letters to write, but I don't know if I'll get back to them tonight or sometime tomorrow. What are you going to do with those ice cubes?"

The monk gave her an impish smile. "I'm going to wake up the other two."

Then she hurried off to carry out the deed.

Tia rolled her eyes as she shook her head. After suppressing her emotions for decades, it might be interesting to see the mayhem she got into until things settled down again. Mindal's teasing and jokes might see some overt payback a lot more often.

Should I warn Mindal? Tia thought. Glanced at the still-empty cookie bin as she moved slowly over to the couch. Nah. She's a big girl. Besides, Tahna the warrior monk just wants to play.

From the bedroom someone suddenly shrieked. Followed by laughter from the other two. Then more shrieking. Definitely Mindal. Even her screams were on-key.

Gently rubbing her full tummy, Tia stretched out on the couch and smiled.

* * * * *

"So what should we do with the vial?" Tia asked. "If we're careful, we can get six doses out of it."

They sat in a side booth in the commons of The Pixie Palace, with partial privacy barriers helping to block out the noise. Tia, next to Tahna, then Reison, and Mindal.

After everyone had eaten, they'd dressed and come downstairs to get out of their room for a bit.

People chattered around them, eating, drinking, and laughing. The inn was clean, the food was good bordering on excellent, and there was often entertainment in the evenings. The commons had room for about two hundred patrons, and this particular evening, it was nearly at capacity.

Reison nodded at the vial. "I've heard of potions of healing, of course, and potions of extra healing. This vial -- it's some sort of super-healing potion?"

"It's much more than that," Mindal assured him.

"It's the Essence of Osh Mayan," Tahna added, nodding seriously.

All three sisters stared at the vial on the table in front of them.

"Osh Mayan. He's your fertility god, right?" he asked.

"God of the waters, magic, and fertility, among other things, yes," Tia answered.

"So it's a special kind of water?"

Mindal put her arm around his shoulder and drew him close. "No, baby. When I suck your cock and you fill my mouth, I'm drinking your essence. That vial contains the Essence of Osh Mayan. Do I need to spell it out for you?"

He looked at her, then sat back against the padded seat. Squeezed his eyes shut. "And you want to drink that . . . why?"

"It's magic," Mindal explained. "If someone dies, a single drop will bring them back to life, guaranteed, instantly healed of all injury, poisons, and disease, even curing any curses. However, if it's consumed by someone still alive, besides the healing, it also gives a slight yet permanent increase to a person's appearance, making them more attractive and persuasive. Hair on your head will grow at least a foot. Within two minutes after you take a dose -- right Tia? Yeah, two minutes later, you are filled with an intense desire to have sex. No, that's not descriptive enough. For two hours, the only thing you want to do is have mad, passionate, animal-sex, and have really intense, frequent orgasms. Even guys can come over and over and not get soft. Or so I'm told. I've not personally seen it work."

"Two hours?" he asked.

"Two whole hours," Mindal confirmed. "Coming over and over. Then the imbiber falls asleep for another two hours, happy and exhausted. When they wake up, blamo! The woman is pregnant! Even if you are normally sterile, taking this magic drink will guarantee your ability to impregnate if you are male and a successful pregnancy if you are female. And the baby is born healthy and hale."

Listening to them talk, Tia felt herself loosen down below, imagining herself and Reison making love, bodies moving together with urgent determination, erect, firm flesh frisking inside wet, warm flesh. Wondering what it would feel like to have her husband's hard shaft pumping into her aching emptiness over and over, filling her up until his semen gushed from her pussy. Two intense, glorious hours. Her core clenched in anticipation, and moistness between her legs became dripping wet slickness. Tia was glad she'd added extra padding when she'd gotten dressed.

Tia looked at Tahna, and by the way she absently licked her lips and gazed hungrily at her husband, she knew that Tahna had imagined the very same thing.

The priestess noticed Reison wasn't exactly keen on the vial. Or perhaps it was the magical content.

"What happens if both persons take the drink?" he asked.

Mindal glanced at Tia before answering. "Most likely there will be multiple children. Twins, usually. But there have been cases of up to eight births reported."

Reison blinked, then swallowed, incredulous. "A woman can have eight babies at a time? And live?"

The priestess nodded in confirmation as before answering. "It can happen. Such cases are extremely rare, however. Without help, though, most of the infants die. And then there's the issue of having enough milk to go around."

"I know the woman who had those eight babies. They all lived. One of them teaches at the music college." Mindal nuzzled his neck. "So are you interested? A magical experiment for us to always remember?"

He took a deep breath, then frowned, pushing away his half-empty stein. "I don't know about this. If I'm licking your pussy after having filled you up, it's my sperm and your juices, and that's okay. However, I am truly not interested in swallowing another man's sperm, even if it does belong to a god. I know he's important to all three of you, but he has little to do with me."

Mindal started to speak, but he held up his hand. "Please, I'm not done. I am fine with the fact that we are starting a family right away. I'm your husband, and it's my pleasure and my duty to make love to you as often as you want, and as frequently as we need until you become pregnant. I also hope we'll continue to have sex as often afterwards, too. I'm the luckiest guy in the whole world. All three of you are amazing, beautiful women, and you are my loving brides. I love each of you so much. Maybe it's my pride. I don't know. Taking the magic potion feels like . . . well, that I'm not man enough to do what needs to be done. Like I need help getting you pregnant. Two of you have already been pregnant, so we know I'm capable of giving you children. Rather, it's only been because of rotten luck and dire circumstances that we have to start over."

Mindal looked at Tia, and the priestess gave a slight shake of her head. Mindal held her tongue, waiting for him to continue.

Reaching over, he picked up his stein and emptied it, then pushed it away again. "I don't want to set out trying to make magically-enhanced children. My mother told me many stories while growing up, and some of those were stories of magic involved in the birth of children. Some became heroes of legend. Others became monsters. Not a one of the stories said the children were happy. It's one thing to spell me so that I can make love again. But as far as I know, it doesn't alter my semen -- does it?"

Reison looked to Tia for reassurance.

"The spells I've been using are perfectly safe," she assured him. "They merely speed up your own natural body processes. The only side effects are craving more protein and becoming dehydrated from fluid loss, and those are easily fixed by eating more meat and drinking plenty of water. Still, we haven't tried the spell priming the bull yet."

"What does that spell do? Or should I ask?" Reison frowned.

The priestess gave him a mischievous smile. "A male that hasn't had sex in a long time can recover quicker, and he ejaculates a lot more seed. Copious is one word that's been used to describe the spell's effects. It's primarily used on livestock, but I'm told it works perfectly well on human and demi-human males."

Reison shook his head. "Even with the magic, I think I would have a difficult time going for two hours straight. Making love to you is a pleasure, but having to do it so frequently? It's a lot of work, too. I know it seems like a long time because it's so intense, but it's usually over in fifteen or twenty minutes, and if both people are both already worked up, we're only talking about a minute or two. Two hours? Won't those sensitive parts chafe if we both go at it that long?"

Tia shook her head. "The magic of the potion protects both partners, even if only one drinks it. If you are worried that the children conceived by this magic somehow partly or even completely become children of the Son of Heaven, that's not the case. The Lawgiver alters the contents so that children born of this magic are solely those of the two partners." By the brief look he gave her, she knew that that consideration, too, had been a worry for him.

The priestess reflected on his words. His thinking was thoughtful and his honest concerns. It was normal for the husband to want to make sure the children born to wife or lover were his own. In many ways, Reison acted wise beyond his years, and it was easy to forget he was only twenty, and that as a half-elf, he was still a teenager.

Correction, she thought with amusement, Twenty makes him a tween-ager.

Pouting, Mindal sat back in her seat. "So does this mean we aren't taking the potion?"

Tahna observed, "You sound disappointed."

"Well, yeah. I was looking forward to mind-blowing, incredible sex . . . " She noticed that Reison had raised his eyebrows as she spoke.

"Are you saying," Tahna asked her pointedly, "That you haven't already been having mind-blowing, incredible sex with our husband?"

Reaching over, she put her hand over Reison's. "Uh . . . no. Actually, no one else compares with you, my love. Sometimes it's just a single instrument and sometimes it's an entire orchestra or somewhere in between, but I hear music when we make love."

"So why are you so interested in using the potion?" Tahna persisted.

By his look, Mindal saw that Reison, too, wanted to know the answer.

The bard shrugged. "It's supposed to be a fantastic, incredible experience, and I've never tried it before. I know, I know! If I had tried it before, I'd already be a mom. I just wanted to know how it compared to what we already have. I'm a bard. It's magic, and I'm curious!"

Reison gave her an amused smile.

The warrior monk turned to the priestess. "Tia? In the encyclopedia's at the Sages Guild, if I were to look up party girl, whose picture would I see?"

Trying to keep a straight face, Tia answered, "We'd see a picture of our baby sister." Then she giggled. Tahna and Reison laughed.

"There's nothing wrong with being a party girl," Mindal replied indignantly. "At least I have fun. Besides, I'm a reformed party girl. I'm married with a husband now, and now I can get laid any time I want."

"If we could get back to the question at hand?" Tia interjected. "Reison, you have expressed your reservations about using the potion. I'm not challenging you, but . . . do you have any other reasons?"

He nodded. "It seems too valuable to waste that way. Almost indulgent. Each of us appears fertile, or at least normally so. When we are out and traveling, if something fatal happens to one of us, your priest-magic has a good chance of bringing us back from the dead. But what if something were to happen to you?" Then he made a warding sign against invoking bad luck.

The priestess nodded. "All right. We'll save it, at least for the time being." Collecting the vial, she slipped it back into her wallet on her hip. "I enjoy making love with you, my husband. However, I find myself unable to wait another month before ovulating. So now I'm going to cast fertility on myself, so that by tomorrow morning, I'll be ready to conceive again. Mindal, do you want me to spell you, too?"

"Yes." The bard gave Reison a hungry look.

He did his best to keep his focus on Tia.

Tia turned her attention to the monk. "All right. Tahna? What about you? Do you want the magic as well?"

Surprised, the monk looked at her, then turned to her husband, wonder and vulnerability in her eyes. "Did you mean it, Reison, what you said before? About wanting to see our baby?"

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