Captive Hearts

After mass she would return to the big house and don her wedding dress. From there she would ride to the church and be married. She didn't dare contemplate what would happen after that. In all honesty, she had almost made up her mind to take her own life rather than face eternity as Lady Abercrombie.

The carriage rolled slowly out into the street. It was a big day and people crowded the plaza to get a look at the blushing bride. Abigail was staring out when she saw a familiar face. She turned her head to get a closer look and recognized Enrico. The pirate cook gave her a wink. Abigail recognized others in the crowd, Rolf, Old Pete and Diego among them. She looked forward and sat back, not sure what she should do.

"Is something the matter my pet?" Gerald asked.

"Nothing," she responded automatically.

"I know it is a lot of excitement," he said as his hand rested on her knee. "But soon it will be just the two of us in our bedroom," The unwanted contact, and his lecherous smile, made her want to slap him.

With a sudden shout and the firing of a pistol the pirates attacked the carriage. Rolf grabbed the horses and held them steady while Diego knocked the driver unconscious. Enrico bounded into the carriage and grappled with Gerald. Old Pete pulled the footman off the back and held the onlookers at bay with his other pistol and cutlass.

Gerald fought like a man possessed. He had been humiliated once and against the small pirate he seemed to feel he had the advantage. Abigail was pushed onto her back as the two fought.

"Hurry up ya damned fool!" Pete exclaimed as the surprise of the attack started to wear off and the men of the village began to approach.

Gerald managed to throw Enrico to the floor of the carriage and draw his sword. He was standing on the seat and with a vicious laugh prepared to run then small man through. Abigail reacted instantly and shot out her leg. Her delicate boot impacted upon the large codpiece and Gerald was flung over the seat with a screech. Diego and Rolf snapped the traces and the horses began to run. Old Pete discharged his second pistol causing the men to dive for cover.

"Thank You, Senorita," the little pirate said as he sat in the seat next to her.

"No, thank you. But why have you done this?"

"Captain's orders," the little man grinned, but would answer no more questions. ______________________________________________

Abigail was surprised when the carriage stopped near a small bay and she saw the Raven riding at anchor. They had been riding for over three hours and she was totally lost. On the beach a longboat waited to take them to the ship. Once aboard she was ushered into the Captain's cabin. She noticed the men all smiled at her and seemed happy to have her back aboard, it made her feel good inside to be back among those she considered friends.

Inside Lissa stood staring out a window at the sea with her back to Abigail. She wore her customary black outfit, but curiously not her swords. She did not turn to face Abigail and after a while the silence became unbearable.

"Why have you brought me here?" Abby blurted out.

Lissa sighed heavily and collapsed into the plush chair behind her writing table, the very chair Abby had slept in that first bad night. Abigail saw it then, the lines in her beautiful face, and the bags under her eyes. Her whole body spoke of deep fatigue, and her eyes were red.

"I am a child of the sea lass. Always she has been my mistress, and never have I longed for any other. Then I met you. After having you with me the sea has lost its charm, the once vibrant blues are pale. I ransomed you to your father without a thought, but as the days passed I realized that I missed you, more than I could ever have foreseen,"

"I thought you hated me? You beat me and then ignored me?"

"I tried to treat you like a thing, to make you less than human. I was afraid of what I felt for you, afraid of the consequences, but when I heard you were to be married off to some fat plantation owner's son I grieved. I became listless and my control over the crew began to slip. Old Pete held them together until they had reached the breaking point. He came to me then and sobered me up, told me what I knew but didn't want to admit,"

Abigail was confused. She had never seen Black Lissa in any state other than completely in control. While she was a prisoner here, again, she felt suddenly as if she were the captor.

"What was it you admitted?' she asked finally in a quiet voice.

"You really don't know do you?" the redheaded woman asked with amusement and sorrow both showing on her face.

"No, I don't," Abby admitted.

"Then I am lost," the woman said, a tear forming in her eye. Abigail saw how red they were, it had not been a trick of the light.

"I...don't understand,"

The tall woman sighed heavily and stood up. She moved to stand directly before Abigail and then spoke in a quiet and utterly defeated voice.

"Then I shall tell you. I am in love with you Abigail Rodgers. I had hoped to rescue you from a forced marriage. I thought to keep you as my prisoner, as I had before, but I cannot. I never wish to hurt you again."

Abigail was shocked. She could not believe she had heard a profession of love from this woman. She simply stood there, in a stunned silence. Lissa stared at her with an expression that spoke of forlorn hope. When Abigail did not respond at all, the woman's face returned to the sorrowful expression Abigail had seen when she was first brought before the pirate queen.

"I will have my men return you to the island," Lissa said abruptly and turned on her heel. Her hand was on the door before Abby found her voice.

"Wait!" she called out.

Lissa turned and looked over her shoulder, "Yes?"

"I do not wish to return,"

"As you will. I will take you wherever you wish to go, even back to England if that is your desire."

"You misunderstand me, I do not wish to leave this ship, or your side. I have never known such happiness as those days when you were kind to me. I love you too, but I will not be beaten and abused. If you truly want me for your own, then I accept, but only as your. God, words fail me,"

"Wife?" the pirate asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Yes, blasphemy as it is. Only as your wife, not as your concubine,"

"Very well. A wedding was planned for today, and a wedding there shall be!"


In a small cove on the north end of the island the Raven rode at anchor. The ship creaked and groaned in the slight breeze. Small breakers caused the great ship to rock gently, like a crib in a mother's hand. It was a very good omen, as old Pete would say.

Abigail had spent the rest of the day and most of the evening in the captain's quarters. At dusk the mate and some sailors had hauled a large bronze tub in. Enrico had smiled at her and backed out after it had been filled with hot water. Fragrant oils had been added and the steam smelled deliciously like roses. Abigail had been unable to resist the urge to take a relaxing bath. She had dozed in the warm, sweet smelling water, and awakened only to find the water cold.

She rose and began to dry herself when she noticed the dress on the bed. It was beautiful, made of the finest lace and brocade. It was a wedding dress and she wondered just where it had come from. Probably booty from a captured ship, she thought with the trace of a smile. Whoever had ordered it had had a penchant for lace and brocade. She had never seen such an elegant gown. She carefully dressed herself then, feeling an excitement and apprehension as well. The under things were also of the finest materials and felt exquisite against her skin. She had just pulled her veil down when there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?"

"Tis me mi'lady. Old Pete,"

"Come in," she said and laughed when she saw the old pirate in a fine waistcoat and breeches. He looked so totally uncomfortable that she was unable to keep from giggling.

Pete smiled back and led her to a long boat that rowed them to the shore. All the men wore their best and all smiled at her and wished her happiness. Once onshore she saw that a large fire had been built. There were a lot of people around it drinking and eating, many were prostitutes, but she recognized a few women from town who apparently had lovers among the crew. She also recognized many of the people who had traveled from other British possessions to be at her wedding. Try as she might she could not explain that to herself.

One man she did not recognize. He wore a black cape and kept away from her, always in the shadows. He seemed familiar, but she could not quite put her finger on his identity. Cavendish played a few songs and she danced with many of the men and soon forgot the mysterious stranger. It wasn't the formal wedding she had always dreamed of, but it was infinitely nicer.

She caught a glimpse of Lissa as she and several of the pirates approached the fire. They seemed to be leading a captive, but she wasn't sure. When Lissa came into the firelight, Abigail forgot all else. The tall Pirate wore a broad brimmed black hat with a plume. A velvet waistcoat of Navy blue with lots of shining brass buttons and black breeches. She also wore her sea boots and swords. Abigail smiled when she noticed Lissa also wore a codpiece. She was without a doubt the most handsome creature Abigail had ever seen. Lissa held up her arms and the music ceased, all eyes were upon the Pirate Queen.

"My friends, you have come here today to witness my wedding. My bride as many of you know is a God fearing woman, and so we have to do this right. Bring the padre," she called. The man who had been held captive was brought forward. He was obviously a priest of some status, and Abigail blanched when she realized he was the very priest who was to have married her to Gerald.

Lissa looked at her then, with those green eyes sparkling. Abigail was touched; she knew the pirate did not believe in her God. This then was totally for her. It made her want to burst with the affection she felt for the handsome pirate.

"You cannot expect me to do this!" the priest proteseted, "Tis blasphemy of the vilest sort!" Lissa turned on him and glowered. The fat priest took a step backward, his indignation seemingly less powerful than Black Lissa's stare.

"My dear father, tonight there will be a wedding or a funeral on this beach. You may preside at the wedding or be guest of honor at the funeral. The choice is yours," Lissa said easily.

"Even black hearted rogues of your sort would not kill a man of the cloth!"

"Of course not. Luckily I have two men in my crew who don't see you as a priest," she said indicating the two giant Negroes, "they see you as a white devil,"

Abigail knew the two men somewhat. They were brothers from Africa, but both had been educated in France. They looked fearsome, but were two of the gentlest men she had ever met. She had liked them both, but never had learned their names. It seemed they were unpronounceable in English.

When the priest saw them he swallowed hard. He started to speak again, but Lissa nodded to the blacks and both drew their swords. In the flickering firelight the taller of them winked at Abby.

"Well, since she is a good daughter of the church I suppose I must do all I can to help," the priest said visibly paling.

"Of course Padre," Lissa said with a smile. She walked to where Abby was sitting and offered her hand. When she rose, they stood before the priest who was busy getting his vestments on.

"A final surprise for you my love," Lissa whispered. Abigail was not able to ask what it was for the priest had begun the ceremony. He seemed rushed, as if he wanted to get this over with and get away. When he came to the part in the ceremony where he asked "And who gives this woman away?" a silence fell.

Abigail had assumed Old Pete would give her away. He was the closest to her of the crew but the old pirate just smiled at her and shook his head when she looked at him.

"I do," a strong voice called and the mysterious stranger stepped into the light. Even before he threw off his cape Abigail recognized him, "Grandfather!" she exclaimed and rushed into his arms.

"Of course," the old man smiled, "Did you think I would miss my angel's wedding?"

The old man took her hand and led her back to where Lissa was standing with a radiant smile. He gently placed her hand in the pirate's. When the ceremony ended Lissa pulled back Abby's veil and kissed her tenderly. A great cheer went up from the crowd and soon the music was going again as rum flowed into every cup.

Abby drank little and spent most of the evening just holding Lissa's hand. The pirate received the congratulations of each crew member and from several people Abigail recognized now as friends of her grandfather. She understood now that her grandfather had gotten word to Lissa of what was going on. He had given the pirates the time when they could best take her without bloodshed. She had always loved the old man, but now she loved him even more than ever.

It was late in the evening when Lissa led her to an awaiting long boat. Her grandfather was there and hugged her once more.

"Thank you," Abigail said with tears in her eyes.

"No tears my angel. This is a happy time. I will see you again, for my home in Monserrat overlooks a sheltered cove. Now go with your beloved and may God smile upon you both,"

"Do you think he can?" she asked suddenly serious.

"Of course he can child. He made you both, and allowed you to meet and fall in love. If he did not intend it to happen it would never have been so."

She hugged him again and took Lissa's hand as the Pirate helped her into the boat and then joined her. The four crewmen pulled at the oars and the warm Caribbean night surrounded them. She could smell the salt water and hear the wood creak and waves lap against the hull. Abigail leaned against Lissa and felt a deep contentment. Her grandfather's words dispelled the last of her reservations.

Soon they boarded the Raven and made their way to the captain's cabin. Lissa opened the door but stopped Abigail as she started to enter. Abigail looked at her questioningly and was startled when Lissa scooped her up in her arms.

"I believe tis customary for me to carry you across the threshold, is it not?"

"It is indeed," Abigail said with a smile.

Once inside the pirate gently placed her on the deck and went to the sideboard where she poured them both a drink. She handed one goblet to Abby and then raised her own, "To us."

The amber liquid turned out to be a rich peach brandy. Abigail took a second sip, and then a third. Soon her goblet was empty. She felt excited and flushed, but curiously shy considering all that had passed between herself and the dashing captain. For her part, Lissa seemed nervous and ill at ease. They both stared at each other for a long time and then Abigail began to giggle. Lissa laughed too, and embraced her tightly. Their lips met in a passionate kiss; Lissa's tongue explored Abigail's mouth while the smaller woman sucked gently on it.

When the kiss broke Lissa retrieved a small wooden chest and placed it on the table. She opened it to reveal an unbelievable number of gemstones. Abby saw diamonds, rubies, emeralds and all manner of lesser gems. Lissa smiled and said, "This is my wedding gift to you,"

"There must be a king's ransom there. I could buy The Brambles with that," Abby blurted out, "but I have no gift to give you!"

"Really?" Lissa said with an enigmatic smile, "I was under the impression that you do, but we shall see."

The tall pirate stepped closer and enfolded Abby in her arms. Abigail looked up in time to see the redhead bend to press her lips against Abby's. At the first contact Abigail's lips parted and the Frenchwoman's tongue slipped between them. As Lissa's tongue unhurriedly explored her mouth Abby gently caressed the pirate's tongue with her own. Abby tentatively pressed her own tongue against Lissa's and the pirate's withdrew. Emboldened, Abby thrust her tongue into Lissa's mouth. The pirate's mouth tasted of brandy and rum and soon Abby's tongue was tingling, but she also found small pockets that tasted all together different; she sought out these pockets as her tongue explored Lissa's mouth. She felt the pirate's teeth, caressed her pallet and the insides of her cheeks. Lissa groaned and thrust her tongue back into Abby's mouth. Their tongues twined then, pressing and slipping against one another as their embrace tightened.

"Gods! You set my blood on fire," Lissa exclaimed when the kiss finally broke. Abby smiled and kissed the pirate queen's chin.

Lissa bent, gently kissed her nose and began to undo the many buttons and ties of the dress. Abby felt like it would never come off and helped where she could. In no time Abby was standing in her stockings and boots with her clothes strewn on the floor about her. Lissa picked her up in her arms and kissed her again as she moved to the bed and dumped Abby onto it. She stood back and removed her hat and sword belt.

Abby could not take her eyes off the handsome pirate as she stripped off her shirt and removed the codpiece. Lissa stared at Abby as she undid the drawstring of her pants and eased them down.

"My God!" Abby exclaimed as she stared. Around the pirates slim waist was a broad girdle, attached to the front of it was a large black phallus. Lissa laughed at her bride's embarrassment and stroked the large shaft.

"Like it?"

"I... Where... How?"

"The crew had it made for me in Tortuga. Their wedding gift to us. I flatter myself that the size of it reflects their respect for me,"

The pirate moved to the bed and sat holding a leg up. Abby quickly helped her out of her high sea boots. Lissa spread her legs and Abby knelt to examine the dildo. She touched it carefully and felt the smooth, warm leather.

"How does it work?"

"Well, it serves as a substitute for the real thing. Men who have been maimed have them made as well as ladies of a certain temperament."

Abby traced her finger along the thick shaft, "Can you feel that?"

"No, but watching you do it is certainly exciting enough."

"If you can't feel it how does it work?"

"Well, it sits upon the seat of pleasure," the Captain replied, indicating the base. "When we are in the act it should feel very good rubbing against me."


"I have never used one before. I have never wished to be a man in bed, until I met you. I hope to be the husband you have dreamed of," Lissa said earnestly. Abigail searched her face for some hint of mockery but found none.

"Will it hurt?" she asked quietly.

"Yes. The first time is always painful, and you may bleed a good deal,"

"Then why use it? You know how to make me feel so good without it."

"Because you are my bride, and I intend to claim you. After the first time it will not hurt and you will grow to love it. At least most wenches I know who have been on the receiving end of one have."

Lissa reached down and caught Abby's hands and gently pulled her up. She then fell backwards onto the bed, dragging the smaller blonde on top of her. Abby yelped in surprise and then giggled before they kissed again. As the pirate worked her tongue into Abby's mouth the little woman could feel Lissa's hands on her ass.

Lissa's hands were warm and slid across the satin flesh before digging into each globe to roughly massage them. Abigail groaned as Lissa continued to work on her behind, first a deep rough massage, then feather light stroking, she had no idea that part of her anatomy would react so strongly to the pirate's touch. Abby nearly bit Lissa's tongue in surprise when he pirates finger began to gently massage her rear entrance. The sensation was at once stimulating and relaxing. The big pirate probed at Abby's rear with her finger, slowly working her finger against the Englishwoman's sphincter until it relaxed enough for her to push her finger in up to the first knuckle.

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