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Children of the Bosom


Author's Note: WARNING!!! Before reading on please be aware of the following: This story contains lesbian sex, witchcraft, body alterations via magic, breast expansion, and pregnancy of the breasts. If this is a turn off to you in anyway, do not read on. If you find this appealing, read on and please leave feedback. Enjoy.


She was just trying to have some fun with them. Most witches had become so dull and boring in the past century, though it was understandable, considering the frequent hunts. However, to Vala, it didn't seem like a good enough excuse to shut oneself inside a cavern for the rest of their lives. But that was just what had been done, and for longer than she cared to remember, she had been a part of this. Then she had played one little prank, trying to use magic on a fellow coven member for some fun of the sexual variety, and now here she was. Many of the witches looked on her in sorrow as she was forced to leave.

It would do no good to fight against it. Vala knew the decision was final. The Elder had made it after all, even if it had been at the behest of Vala's target. It made no difference that the defendant was in line to take the place as Elder of the coven, nor that she was possibly the most powerful witch in the past century. She had given into her base desires, something far from desirable in an Elder, as such that right had been stripped away from her. And now, without such a promising future to protect her, she was exiled.

They didn't simply look at her for the fact that one of their own was leaving. It was the fact that she was being forced into the realm of humans, a place where a witch couldn't possibly survive, at least that's what they believed given the numerous hunts. Vala however, already had a contingency plan for such an occasion. For weeks now, she had been sneaking out of the coven to mingle among the mortals, thus giving her a place to be, though she couldn't reveal her abilities without being hunted, of that she was certain. However, enough time had passed and she was on mostly friendly terms with the nearby village.

Although it might have been easier if the coven had adhered to tradition. Vala looked down at her hands, the skin flawless despite many people's interpretation about witches, and summoned a small amount of her magical power. Between her fingertips sparks began to fly, before she cut it off. Ordinarily, a witch that was removed from her coven lost all magical power, however times had changed and they felt it no longer wise to do so. If only to give the fallen witch a fighting chance against the brutish humans.

As such, Vala was able to keep all of her abilities. She had no intention of using it to defend herself, unless absolutely necessary, however it would no doubt come to her assistance in the coming days and weeks. As she neared the village, Vala spied a single figure moving towards her. It was heavily covered in clothing, with a long scarf of sorts flailing in the air behind it, even so the exiled witch could tell it was a female. The woman came closer until Vala could clearly make out her face, particularly the faint mark on her cheek.

"I never expected another witch to be out here." She said in greeting. The other witch grinned tightly. Vala could now she had a large shawl over her head and chest, with her lips barely on display.

"It's not that hard when you can barely summon a small gust of wind." She replied, her voice bitter. Vala gave her a sympathetic look.

"So you were exiled as well." She stated.

"Yes," The other witch answered anyway, "My name is Rala, and I was wondering if you could help me." Rala removed her shawl, revealing her aged appearance to Vala, who let out a gasp of shock. It wasn't at her technical sister's age, but rather at the young child Rala held against her chest. Vala could tell at a glance that the small child was Rala's own.

"It's yours? But... but how?" Among the witches it was forbidden to sleep with a human male, an offense punishable by death or exile if discovered. It had even reached the point that, when a witch takes an apprentice, they are taught that sleeping with a man would result in total loss of their magic, something that was almost as important to a witch as their very lives.

Rala looked down at her child, smiling slightly.

"I've never laid with a man" She told Vala, who's eyes widened at this.

"Then how?" She asked, curious as to how a witch could conceive without a man's sperm. Vala was studious, having learnt quickly from her teacher, and further her own education after that. She was prideful in the fact that she had read every book her coven had to offer. Rala grinned at her sister.

"If you help me get my magic back, I'll give you a very rare book of spells." Rala knew she was successful in luring the other witch in, having guessed correctly by the strength of her magical power she had displayed, that Vala was a knowledge hungry witch.

"I don't know... that would be against the rules of the coven." She said automatically.

"That may be so, but you no longer belong to a coven, do you?" Rala reminded Vala, who grinned like a young girl caught stealing sweets.

"Well then, let's get started." Vala directed her elder to a nearby rock, where she sat and began chanting under her breath in low murmurs. Rala was surprised at how easily Vala was able to cast the spell, something that required six hours to cast by the Elder of a coven at the very least, and yet the young witch, barely past twenty years of age, was almost finished within less than half that time. It was noon when Vala had begun, completing it just as the sun began its slow descent.

"Done." She said with a grin. Rala looked at her in disbelief, before raising a finger and summoned a small spark of power, something that had been exceptionally difficult for her since her exile, but now as easy as flexing a muscle. Testing it again, she summoned a small breeze to cool herself in the warming spring weather.

"I can't believe it. You must have been on the verge of being made Elder." She stated in shock, to which Vala shrugged.

"I didn't desire such a position, after all who would enjoy so much responsibility?" She said, chuckling as she stood, "Now, where is my payment?" Rala quickly reached into a satchel at her side and pulled out a book, bound in a worn out leather. As Vala turned it onto its front to read the title, her empowered sister was already heading back to her town. Vala blinked at the name, reading it aloud to make sure she was reading it correctly.

"'Spells of Carnal Desires'." It was a spell book she had never heard of, and Vala was almost certain that she had read up on all of them, even if she had never actually read them all herself. Naturally curious, Vala opened the book to its first page, where she immediately read a couple of lines, before shutting the book. A grin, albeit one born partially from embarrassment, on her face. It was very interesting to say the least.

After putting the book into a satchel she had left with, Vala headed to her destination. The town wasn't far from the home of her coven, less than half a day's walk, but it was less for a witch. Many would believe that witches were only adept at magic, however many are exceptionally fit. While Vala was remarkable in her ability to cast spells, she made certain not to neglect her body, which reaped the benefit of her daily exercises. As she jogged along the path, Vala couldn't help but think of her own body.

It was hard not to. Her movements caused her breasts to bounce wildly, not that she felt any discomfort, having cast a lifelong spell for such purposes. They were magnificent, if she did say so herself, their shape perfect for being cupped, though their size was too much for a single hand to hold. Not that it would matter, since many witches practiced abstinence from sexual activities, with themselves or each other. Vala was rare among her sisters for being sexually promiscuous.

Her waist was thin and well kept. She didn't have a need for a corset, as many human women did, since her breasts sat on her chest proudly. Her hips flared nicely, ideal for birthing, something that could possibly happen if she mastered her new spell book. Vala's rear was perfectly shaped, the cheeks rounded and firm to the eye, however, as she would gladly tell, they were soft to the touch. On some days, when she had felt particularly lonesome in the coven, Vala wished she could clone herself.

Sadly, even with her great magical power, that was a thing of fantasy. She sighed and slowed down slightly, the fencing of a local farm coming into view. Vala knew her new home was close by, having chosen its location based upon its proximity to the farm and towns. She would be able to assist the farmers in exchange for food, at least she hoped so, and head into the town for anything else she might require. The times she had ventured this far, it had been dark, with most of the humans being inside. Now however, she was out before nightfall.

Vala walked along the path. She had no intention of looking around, already aware of the area and the animals that occupied the farmland, but her gaze was soon captivated by something of great interest. Walking back from a barn, was a young woman, clearly a maiden. She was carrying a pail of sloshing fluid, most likely milk. Her body was covered in a long dress, though one covered in holes and dirt marks. Vala assumed it was the nicest thing the farm girl owned.

It was an uncommon sight for many at that time. To see a girl, one of suitable marrying age at that, doing the work most would leave to men. She ignored the jeers many would throw in her direction, focusing on the job at hand. Vala found herself staring, even wandering to the fencing to get a closer look. The young woman noticed and put the pail down, heading over to see what she needed.

"Hello, madam. Can I help you?" With such a close up view, Vala had to gulp. The woman, while not the most elegant or beautiful lady in the land, was far from ugly. Her nose was small and situated well on her face, above it her oak green eyes all but shone with life, while her lips were full if somewhat colourless.

"Madam?" The woman repeated, bringing Vala back to reality.

"Hmm, oh yes, I'm sorry. I am new to this place." The woman smiled slightly.

"And you're not accustomed to seeing a woman doing a man's job, I assume?" Vala looked away and grinned a little.

"I would not say that, where I'm from, the women do most of the work. But it is rare for someone as beautiful as yourself to be doing this." Vala said. The woman blushes and looks away bashfully.

"Thank you, madam."

"Please, call me Vala." She said, raising a hand, which the woman soon took.

"O-okay, Vala. You can call me Daisy, if you would like?" Vala grinned and shook Daisy's hand.

"Yes, I would like to. Well, I must be off. My new home awaits." She said in parting, taking one last, proper, look over her new friend's body. Daisy's body was toned from her daily work, with slender arms and a lithe build, however the fat that was on her body was taken in the right places. This gave the farm girl slight, but fitting, curves to her toned form. Vala unconsciously licked her lips as she turned away.

"Stop by if you need anything, Vala. My family is always eager to help newcomers." Daisy called as she left. Vala waved at her new friend, while her mind journeyed back to her new possession. The book was true to its name, assuming the opening lines were to be believed. She knew not to bring it into the open on the road, since it was bound in leather, an expensive luxury at that time. Being mugged was extremely low on Vala's list.

Eventually, she left the farmland. She came to a fork in the path, however she was already familiar with the way to go, taking the direction away from the town. A short time later, she saw a small house coming into view. It was more of a cabin, built from high quality wood, with a single window facing in her direction. A fire was already lit, the chimney sending smoke into the air. Vala couldn't help but grin to herself, having built the structure herself, granted she had used magic. It was still somewhat impressive for her first attempt.

Inside she sighed happily. It was warm, a nice contrast to the growing chill of the outside. A fire burned in the fireplace, casting its warmth about, eager to share. It had been a simple matter to enchant home so that the fire would light when she came within a set distance. As previously mentioned, the home was small, the opening room comprising much of the space. In front of the fireplace sat a comfortable chair, which Vala had conjured herself, while she had a modest kitchen. A single oven and sink.

If Vala had desired, she could have lived in castle. However, she chose such humble abode for two key reasons; the first being that it was small, but cosy. The fire warming the home quickly. The second was her desire to be as inconspicuous as possible, especially within the vicinity of humans. She had another floor above her, where her bed awaited her until needed. With the protection of her home, Vala sat in her chair, sighing happily as she all but sank into the soft seat. She took off her cloak and satchel.

She quickly opened it up and pulled out her new book. It was large, with several hundred pages, each filled to the brim with all new material for Vala to learn. She ran her hand over the cover, almost disbelieving that such a book existed, however she was glad it did. Vala waved a hand, a mug appearing from thin air, while an invisible bottle poured her some cider. She took the mug and sipped at it, before putting it back and opening the book once more. Throughout the night, she poured over the spells and descriptions.

When the morning came, Vala found herself asleep in the chair. The book was open on her lap, with papers littered about with her personal notes. Many of the spells were actually very simplistic, often changing a word or two in existing spells to make them sexual in nature, however Vala was eager to change that. Within a single evening, she had created far stronger versions of the spells she had learned thus far.

Something she had come to notice is how the book was clearly written by different people. It was certainly a curious discovery, to find that several witches had clearly been like her and desired sexual contact, though many were perverted on a scale Vala had only dreamed of. For instance, a spell claimed to alter the body, causing the target to grow phallic appendages from their back. They would be exceptionally long and prehensile, almost like an octopuses tentacles. Vala was curious as to what that would be like, however she would wait for such a large alteration.

She had reached the middle of the book when she had fallen asleep. She yawned and looked down at it, instantly seeing that all of the spells were centred on breasts in one form or another. Each of them focusing on enhancements, whether it was to make them bigger, perkier, or to produce more milk for a child. Vala looked down at her own chest. Her bust was already larger than most, however she couldn't deny a small desire for them to be bigger, but it could wait. She would make these spells her own before using any of them.

She wasn't sure how long it would take, however she was patient. Although, she found herself distracted at that time. It was the morning, Daisy would no doubt be out working at that time. It was strange to Vala. She felt a desire for the girl that she had never felt before. Even in her coven, where she had seen many a beautiful women, they didn't capture her attention like Daisy had. Maybe it was the way she carried herself? Confident, strong, but also tender. Or perhaps it was something else.

Unable to come to a conclusion, Vala stood. Another visit may help her, besides she needed to introduce herself to her neighbours. Back on the path, she soon saw the farm come into view, and there, working on the fields, was Daisy. Vala could hardly keep her eyes from her. Daisy was little more than a faint figure in the distance, but Vala was certain of who it was, as such she approached. The farm had a gate, on which a bell was rigged to go off at the time that someone opened it.

The young witch did just that. Almost before she could close it, a fairly young couple walked up to her from the farm house. Vala could tell quickly that they were Daisy's parents. They were visibly young though, appearing to barely be past the age of thirty each, though it was probably just her imagination. Ignoring their young appearance, Vala introduced herself.

"Hello, my name is Vala. I just arrived in town and I was wondering if I could help on your farm?" The couple frowned at this.

"You sure? A pretty young lady like yourself shouldn't need to work for a living." The mother stated, looking Vala up and down, a brief flash of jealousy in her eyes. The witch gave a small smile.

"Believe me, I've heard it many times before. I would prefer to work for myself, better than being forced to please a husband or act as something for filth to gander at." She explained, letting a small amount of venom seep into her tone when she mentioned the words 'husband' and 'filth'. She had no real hatred towards them, however she chose the way she spoke carefully, knowing the couple would most likely feel sympathy towards her. It worked as she had expected.

The two shared a brief look.

"Well, Daisy has been doing much of the hard labour," The mother said, resting a hand on her husband's back, looking slightly worried. If Vala had to guess, she would say that he had suffered a severe injury some time ago, making him unable to do much work.

"But we can't pay very well." He said, to which Vala grinned and shook her head.

"No payment needed. All I ask is maybe some food to take home?" She said. With only a brief moment of hesitation, the father nodded.

"Okay, I'll get you some work clothes, I think Daisy's spares will fit." He said and left to get them. Just then, Daisy walked up and smiled slightly, recognising Vala.

"Oh, hello again, Vala." The witch nearly sighed at the sound of the voice. While Daisy's parents tone was somewhat rough, sounding much how one would expect a farmer to sound, however Daisy spoke softly, though her voice was clear and projected well. It was a stark contrast and one that served to highlight how ill-suited she seemed for farm work.

"Hello, Daisy." Vala said simply, not trusting herself. Daisy gave another small grin, before heading into the house. Her father returned soon after, with a tattered dress, one even worse off than what Daisy had worn yesterday. Vala took it gladly however and left to change. In short time she was joining Daisy on her usual day of chores and other laborious deeds.

"I have to admit, I didn't think you would tolerate this much work." Daisy noted, the two sitting on a small blanket and eating their lunch.

"Like I said, where I'm from, the women do most of the work." Vala laughed, trying to keep her eyes from Daisy, who gave a small smirk in response. As the day wore on, the witch found herself enjoying Daisy's company more and more. The maiden was kind and soft spoken, however she could also be boisterous and funny when the mood was right.

"Daisy?" Vala asked as they shovelled hay in the barn.


"Have you ever, um, had urges for women?" She asked, looking away shyly.

"Of course not, two women can't bear children." Daisy answered instantly, remembering the teachings her parents had instilled in her since she was a young girl.

"Of course, but... say they could? What about then?" Vala asked, recalling the book. It was delightfully perverted after all, she had no doubts it would have some way to do the impossible. Daisy simply laughed at this.

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