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Czech Mate

Although I enjoyed Prague, I had no desire to live there. I had become a dyed in the wool New Yorker and the routine of my life revolved around the neighborhood I lived in. The multitude of quirky shops and restaurants that one can only find in a city like the Big Apple were a short walk from my doorstep. Everything I owned and held dear was contained in my diminutive third floor apartment.

However, none of it seemed to matter unless I could share my life with Lenka. I would give it all up for her.

But, What would I do in Prague for employment? Lenka lived with her mother and her salary wasn't enough to support the two of them. Would I grow resentful giving up my life in the US?

The only solution was for Lenka to live with me in NYC but was I being too presumptuous? For every thought there was a question until I lost track of where I was. I confessed my confusion to my mom.

"Take it slow, have her visit you in New York...see if she likes the atmosphere."

I started thinking logically. Paul had some influence via his wealth, maybe he could help Lenka find a job using her language skills. She'll need a Green Card. How does one go about getting one?

Again the questions flooded my head but I kept going back to my mom's advice. See if Lenka even wanted to live in the US. I hoped and prayed that she would.

All I can say is thank God for cell phones. I didn't care how much it cost to call Lenka. My need to speak with her super ceded my pocketbook.

It was nearly midnight Prague time when I heard Lenka answer the phone. The sound of her voice had a calming effect on me and I inwardly sighed.

"I am missing you...she uttered in her marvelous accent, and the tears ran down my cheeks.

"I miss you so much," I blurted out in return.

"You still love Lenka?" she asked in a beseeching way.

"I love you with all my heart and soul," I answered in a wobbly tear filled voice.

"I am glad because...I love you very much, Jordan,"

Her words tore through me and I sobbed into my cell phone.

"Why are you crying? I say I love you..." I could hear the empathy in her voice.

"It's...oh...I want to be with you..." I bawled helplessly.

"Me too..." were the only words that I discerned before I heard her sniffling.

After a brief silence, I learned Lenka was taking a few days off to spend time with her mother. Like me, her mother was an important role model in her life. Her next words thrilled me to the bone,

"I want come visit you...if ok with you?" she asked nervously.

"Yes! Please come to New York," I practically shrieked in the phone.

"I have some money saved..."

"No Lenka...I'll pay for your plane ticket..." I stated vociferously.

"You do that for me?" She asked tremulously.

My answer spilled out of my mouth,

"I would do anything for you Lenka...I love you."

"You try to...ah...spoil me...make me love you more..." she said in a cracking voice.

If I'd had my way she'd be on a plane the next morning, instead I pleaded with her to visit over Christmas and New Years. The city looks absolutely dazzling at that time of the year. Lenka wanted to think about it and more importantly discuss it with her mother. After we ended the call, I lay on the couch consumed with intense feelings for the Czech beauty.

By the time I returned to New York, Lenka had accepted my invitation. She talked about her reluctance to leave her mother over the holidays but her mom insisted that she go.

"She is wonderful mother," Lenka stated with pride.

Livin' In The USA:

Before her arrival two months hence, I cleaned my apartment from top to bottom several times, bought the types of food I thought she might enjoy and stocked up on vodka. The girl had a penchant for the clear liquor and I guessed we'd be hoisting quite a few libations.

The night before Lenka's appearance, I tossed and turned, far too excited to sleep. During her absence, I'd masturbated like a mad slut with the image of her lithe body firmly ensconced in my head. Sam and Dave, my two almost worn out vibrators (yes, I named them) would be glad for the rest but then I planned on using them just as frequently on my lover.

When I saw Lenka walk out of the immigration checkpoint, my heart exploded with joy. She looked positively radiant with her wavy blonde hair cascading to her shoulders, flawless creamy complexion, twinkling green eyes and sleek body encased in a pair of jeans that looked painted on her. Wow! My mind exulted.

The next thing I remember we were tenderly holding each other. Lenka kissed my cheek and whispered,

"Jordan..." that's all she could utter, and I realized that she was choked-up.

As I pulled back, I saw the tears glide down her face and my eyes followed suit. I pulled her tight against my body.

"I missed you soo much..." that's as far as I got before my voice failed me.

I so badly wanted to kiss her but the middle of the airport is no place for an intimate reunion. Lenka took my arm and gazed at me with the most heartfelt expression as we strode to the baggage claim area.

Although we were both the same height, 5' 5" in our stocking feet, I always had the illusion that Lenka was taller. But, it was the way she carried herself with that self-confident air, the same attitude she used on the movie set that made her seem so.

I couldn't take my eye's off of her. Is she real? Is she really next to me? My brain questioned.

In the taxi on the way into town Lenka described her flight and her stopover in London.

"Everyone speak English there. I don't have to translate..."

When I reminded Lenka that the language originated in the British Isles, she blushed in the most charming way and I couldn't stop myself, I put my arm around her and pulled her towards me for a kiss.

We made out like two horny teenagers all the way to my apartment. Our cab driver got an eye full and I gave him a very generous tip. As soon as I shut my door, were at it again but I didn't want to bed Lenka just yet. I'd made reservations at an intimate little bistro and I wanted to stick to my plan.

But, Lenka had other ideas and was pulling my sweater over my head. I was powerless to stop her and felt the rush of cool air on my braless tits. Her lips attached themselves to a straining nipple and, my oh my but the girl suckled my breasts until my knees buckled from the sheer pleasure.

"Oh God...Lenka...that feels incredible..." I cried like one of the mythic harpies.

I fell onto the sofa with Lenka on top of me as the heat in my body rose to nuclear levels.

"Oh...oh...oh...oh..." I shrieked in ecstasy as she nipped and lightly bit my bullet hard tips.

The next thing I knew a hand was in my panties, cupping my pussy and running a finger up the center.

"Sweet Jesus girl! Yer driving me crazy..." I shouted.

Any doubts I might have had about Lenka's desire for me vanished that evening. When I was naked as a jay bird on the sofa, she went down on me like no one before her. We locked hands and I threw my legs over her shoulders as she buried her amazing tongue in my soggy folds.

My butt rose and fell with remarkable fluidity over her sucking lips and blistering sensations scorched my heaving pussy. I lost all sense of time as Lenka had taken to me a state of bliss unknown to me.

When the waves of my orgasm swept over me, I remember crying out, yelling her name,

"Lenka...Lenka...Lenka..." over and over, as an extraordinary feeling of euphoria enveloped my being and, gradually I lost consciousness.

As I regained my senses, I opened my eyes to find Lenka seated next to me with a very concerned look on her radiant face.

"Jordan...you...ah...feint...I am worried..."

I pulled her on top of me.

"My love...my beautiful lover...promise you'll never leave me..." I whispered huskily in her ear.

Lenka's kissed me ardently and I saw her misting eyes.

"I love you...very much...I try to say..." she was having difficulty finding the appropriate English words.

Lenka sat up and held her arms outstretched,

"I love Jordan...this much!" she declared with a beaming smile.

We never made it out of my apartment that night, in fact we never left the living room. The neighbors got an earful as our animalistic cries of passion must have penetrated the walls.

The next morning I gave Lenka the tour of my humble abode. The tub and shower combination in the bathroom intrigued her and she insisted that we bathe together. A bubble bath was the perfect way to start a new day.

For breakfast I prepared eggs the way she liked them with thick slices of dark bread. Lenka ate the entire helping and asked for more. We washed them down with vodka and cranberry juice cocktails.

Lenka wanted to experience all the touristy sights and places that New Yorker's generally avoid. Rockefeller Center, The Empire State Building, Times Square and Fifth Avenue just to mention a few. I indulged her every whim.

In a tradition that my mother started when I was very young, I hauled a small Douglas Fir up to my apartment on Christmas Eve. We decorated the sparse branches of our "Charley Brown" tree and listened to carols on the radio.

After our tree trimming party, we toasted to the holiday with eggnog which Lenka really enjoyed, imbibing several glasses. Sam and Dave got a workout that night and I'm glad neither malfunctioned from the energetic use.

On Christmas Day we cuddled and canoodled, lost in the throes of love until it was time to leave for a celebration at Paul's apartment in Central Park West. It was a first for me as I usually spent the holiday in Chicago with my mother and aunt.

Paul had invited a select group of family and friends who enthusiastically greeted us. We had the time of our lives with good food, conversation and expensive wines. A truly memorable affair.

In the days leading up to New Years, I took Lenka to the intimate shops and boutiques in the Village that I frequented. I could have dropped a bundle of cash but she refused to allow me the pleasure, instead she chose a couple of outfits that looked stunning on her. Instinctively, I knew that she was a keeper, not a gold digger.

On New Years Eve we watched the ball drop in Times Square on TV but her visit was coming to a close and it put a damper on the celebration. The daunting reality that the next thirty-six hours might be my last with the woman I adored bolstered my resolve.

I wanted to say so much and I slowly gathered the courage that I needed to start what might turn out to be a very painful conversation. The last twelve days only confirmed what I already knew, that I loved Lenka to the depth and breadth of my soul.

After we drained the last of the champagne from our flutes, I took her hands in mine and looked deep into her vibrant green eyes.

"Lenka, I love you...more than I thought it was possible to love someone. You're a part of me now...and I can't face the reality that I may not see you again when you leave for home,"

The tears came, I couldn't stop them and momentarily I lost my voice. Lenka's eyes were leaking also and in a strangled voice, I continued.

"I want you to be part of my life, to share my life with me...I...was hoping that you would consider living with me...here in New York...I know it's a lot to ask..."

Lenka flung her arms around me.

"I want be with you...I want share my life with you..." she said passionately.

We kissed passionately but it was imperative that we continue and hopefully come to a resolution. But, I could tell by the look on Lenka's face that this was not over by a long shot.

For hours we talked about the logistics, how difficult it would be leaving her mother and the life she was accustomed to in Prague. What would she do in the US? What kind of job would she be able to find? The list of questions seemed to be endless.

But, Lenka always returned to the undeniable fact that she loved me enough to give up her existence in Czechoslovakia. Her declaration made me love the blonde hottie all the more.

"I always want come to United States...I like to try living here...but I must talk to my mother before I decide..."

Lenka returned home and we spoke daily about our situation. Her mother gave her blessing and it cheered me to no end.

Paul, bless his heart, was able to clear a lot of red tape and procured employment for Lenka in the international division of his law firm. However, he made the grandest gesture of all by marrying Lenka so she could stay in the US after her visa expired. I will thank him until there is no more breath in my body.

During our first months together, I explained to Lenka that while I had some very well-off relatives, I lived a much more humble life. Along with my trust fund, I still maintained my position at the publishing company. Both were enough to afford me a simple lifestyle in one of the most expensive metropolis in the world.

"I am not here for money...I am here for you..." she said with intense feeling.

Lenka proved the truth of that statement on a daily basis. Her loving attitude, playful spirit and intuition to my needs never failed to amaze me.

I went to sleep with her in my arms and awoke the same way. Our life together was happy, full of joy even on the days when we both arrived home late from our jobs.

Although I preferred dining out at the neat bistros and cafe's that populated my neighborhood, Lenka was frugal albeit within reason. Her expertise with a dollar impressed me as she refused to spend money frivolously. On weeknights she could whip together a tasty meal in a matter of minutes, a skill that I lacked.

To my great delight, Lenka was a homebody like me but it wasn't uncommon for us to venture out on the weekends for dining or clubbing.

My dear lovers one passion was the discount places on Canal Street. Not a Saturday went by that we weren't shopping for clothes or the accessories in the multitude of stores. Lenka could have cared less that the merchandise was designer knock-off stuff.

"If it look good and price is cheap...I buy..." she'd tell the merchants who pestered us for business.

Lenka learned her bargaining skills at the outdoor markets in Prague and I have to admit that she acquired a nifty wardrobe for a tiny fraction of the cost in regular stores.

Watching TV with Lenka was a challenge and about the only time I got frustrated with her. While she liked "Grey's Anatomy", "Lost" well, made her feel lost. She questioned everything that happened on the show, driving me crazy in the process. When I ignored her, she'd mutter words in her native language so I wouldn't understand what she was saying but eventually I got her to admit that it was derogatory.

"A mere trifle," W.C. Fields said in a movie and if that was my only complaint then I was one lucky girl.

Lenka's vigorous sex drive was a force to be reckoned and I managed to keep pace with her. Although, I was a few years older, I was in my prime sexually speaking and some of our strap-on sessions were the stuff of legends.

Between us life was grand. Had I found my life mate? In my heart of hearts, I knew it was true. Lenka was my partner, my lover, my companion and I wanted the world to know.


The day the formal invitation arrived, I opened it and stared at the card inside.

"...requests the honor of your presence at the 80th Birthday celebration for Gertrude..."

The day of reckoning had arrived, my determination to bring Lenka with me to the next family function was firmly entrenched in my psyche. She wholeheartedly supported my decision.

"If we are together...then we go as couple..." she stated forcefully.

There were times when I marveled at Lenka's pragmatic and very European approach to matters of the heart and life in general

My Aunt Gertrude's eightieth birthday party was to be held at her daughter Constance's home in Connecticut. Suddenly, I realized that Paul would be very pleased as he was very fond of Lenka and she was equally as fond of him.

When I entered the banquet room with Lenka on my arm, all eyes turned toward us and time stood still. Paul immediately came up to me.

"Brava my dear Lori," he said softly in my ear.

As I embraced my cousin, tears crept into my eyes. Paul was the antithesis of all the gossip column trash that seems to follow the wealthy; kind, caring, and generous to a fault. I loved him like a brother. Lenka embraced Paul and when she pulled back, I gaped at his red cheeks.

"Aw shucks..." He stated like some country bumpkin.

Seated at our table, the odd looks and stares from the assembled persons was annoying at first but everyone seemed to warm up to Lenka. With her sweet disposition and charming ways, it was no surprise to me.

Auntie appeared to be agitated by the commotion and during dinner she kept casting strange looks in my direction. At first I thought nothing of it but I found it annoying.

The champagne was flowing freely and I was in dire need of a ladies room when I was directed to one next to the library.

After I exited the lavatory, I saw Aunt Gertrude, the "Dowager Queen" of the family, motioning for me to join her inside a very impressive room lined with books from floor to ceiling.

This is it, I'm out of the family...well maybe not out but exiled for certain, I thought resignedly.

I crossed the threshold and Auntie patted the sofa seat for me to join her.

"Lori dear...you ah...were very brave bringing Lenka with you... "

Aunt Gertrude's stumbling words were completely out of character. Her demeanor had softened to the point that she was regarding me with a heartfelt expression.

What the eff is going on, I mused silently.

"I don't know how put this in the proper words but what I'm about to say, I don't want to leave this room. Is that clear?" Her rheumy eyes were filled with intensity.

"Excuse me for asking but why all the drama?" I was a little annoyed by her ultimatum.

I'm either in the family or ostracized, make up yer mind ya old crone, I thought angrily.

"...because my dear, what I have to say you may find shocking."

Good God all freakin' mighty, get on with it, my brain screamed in silence. Auntie straightened her posture and cleared her throat.

"I was like you once...many years ago. I was attending college when I met someone and fell madly in love. Her name was Daisy and..."

"Whoa...did you say Daisy...you mean a girl?" I asked with a smirk.

"Yes...why do find that amusing?" she enquired, and a hurt look spread across her face.

I couldn't wipe the smile from my face, this was too rich. My great aunt, the unofficial head of the family was into girls. It took all my self-control to stop smiling.

"I'm sorry Auntie, please tell me what happened," I said apologetically, and took her wrinkled hands in mine. By now my curiosity was killing me.

"We met in freshman year and spent four glorious years together but you see my dear in the 1940's, young women, especially those with money and breeding were expected to marry a man of similar background. It was doomed from the start, my family and Daisy's would never permit us to remain together," Aunt Gertrude seemed to age ten years, and I saw moisture at the corners of her eyes. She sighed deeply and continued...

"Daisy and I were very much in love. Nether of us was interested in men...I remember my first sexual encounter with the upstairs maid, French of course. She taught me so much that summer of my eighteenth year. By the time I left for college, I'd had a tryst with my mother's personal maid as well.

I knew that a woman was my only means for sexual satisfaction; a rather novel idea in those days. No one cared if a woman was sexually satisfied. They were supposed to find gratification by taking care of their husband, rearing children, and running a smooth household."

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