Dreams of Destiny Pt. 06-11

She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror on the way out. You need some summer sun, girl, she told herself. As always, she angled herself around in the mirror to be sure she wasn't getting fat. This was an old holdover from her days as a bulimic.

From sixth through and eight grade Destiny's weight had see sawed between 135 and 90 pounds. At the start of the problem she had been tall for her age and portly. She remembered wishing she could cut off hunks of flesh from her thighs and stomach so she would look better and fit in with the other girls at school. Then she had begged her father to buy her a diet supplement. He finally did and things went well for a while.

The weight had started to come off right away. But she soon became obsessed with food. She felt horrible guilt every time she put a piece of food in her mouth, even the diet supplement. She would mentally map the course of every morsel she put into her mouth. Her thoughts grew so disgusting that she stopped eating. She would pretend to eat at dinner, then throw her food away when her father wasn't looking.

Breakfast and lunch were no problem. Even as a baby she had hated breakfast. Her dad didn't expect her to eat before school. And no one in her over crowded school paid a bit of attention about who ate what. Once in a while a teacher would notice that she didn't have a lunch, but until she got really skinny, she would simply respond "I'm dieting, you know. My doctor says adolescence is the perfect time to take and keep off weight." The teacher would usually say something like "I'm happy you don't look so ungainly any more. Keep up the good work."

At the same time she was starving herself she went on an exercise craze. Exercising kept her from thinking about food. If she wasn't studying she was running, biking, swimming, doing calisthenics, or whatever else she could force herself to do. This wasn't necessarily bad by itself. But coupled with the starvation it was pure insanity.

She started chewing ice cubes when she was really hungry. She swallowed air to make herself feel full.

When she dipped below 90 pounds, at 5'5" her father started to think something was wrong. First he sought advice from friends. Then he consulted self-help books. Next came the psychiatrist. Nothing helped. Never once did he walk into her bedroom, however, and ask her what was wrong.

Finally, in desperation, her father threatened to ship her off to her mother's mother in Detroit. That would have been unbearable to Destiny. The damn burst and Destiny started eating again. But the obsession with her body image didn't stop. Instead she started experimenting with other methods of weight control. She discovered she could eat an entire half gallon of ice cream at one sitting, get immense pleasure out of doing so, puke the whole mess up and not have it show up on the scale the next morning. Other foods weren't so easy to disgorge. But laxatives were easy to shoplift, and if she spent an inordinate amount of time in the bathroom well hell, she was a teenager, right dad?

Then, at 14, she discovered that there was more to life than her shadow in the mirror. She made friends had fun. She got normal exercise and ate normal meals. She still used the vomiting trick, but only on special occasions like Thanksgiving when she deliberately over ate along with the rest of the country.

However, in retrospect Destiny realized she had just jumped from one problem to other, more complicated problems. She became a Multi-drug abuser who was "searching for love in all the wrong places." She was glad that her teen age years were behind her.

Now, at age 22, Destiny was lean and lithe. She didn't use drugs, except for the occasional joint, and yes, maybe a line of coke if offered at a party. But she never bought drugs. She liked to drink but did so infrequently, believing herself to be at risk for alcohol dependency. She had started taking modern dance and tai chi her second year in college and planned to keep up with both regimens. She felt and looked good. But she had to admit she still had terrible eating habits. As for love, well, there was Nathan, but she kept hearing t hat old refrain "is that all there is?"

Destiny walked through the line at Smuckey's trying to decide what to have for lunch. Be good she instructed herself. You haven't eaten a vegetable or a piece of fruit in days. Forget it, warred her stubborner self, grease, sugar and caffeine. That's the ticket. Nothing looked appetizing. Destiny was starting to think she wasn't hungry after all. Then she saw what looked like a real Italian hoagie, Philadelphia style. It had everything she needed. Lettuce, tomatoes, onions, meat, cheese, olive oil, peppers. Perfect. Cut it up into small pieces so it can be eaten on the road. Butterscotch Crimpets for the sugar fix. And a Diet Pepsi to wash it down with.

Destiny paid the cashier and gave her smile. Summertime hit her full in the face as she exited the restaurant. When she got to her car she opened up all of the windows, hoping to let some of the infernal heat. As she got into the Volvo she put her sunglasses on and fanned herself with her map of Florida. Then she opened up the map to get an idea of how much farther she had to go to get to the Amusement Park. Now, what's the name of that town? Summit. That's right. And the park is Fair View Park. Looks to be about 60 miles, she figured , No so bad. Hope there's a decent hotel with a swimming pool nearby. I sure could use some cooling off.

Destiny arranged her sandwich and soda so she could reach them without interfering with her driving, put on her seat belt and hit the road. Within minutes she was back on the interstate, heading south, munching as she drove. The traffic was fast and aggressive which was fine with Destiny. She was a skilled driver. She made good time and turned off for Summit at about 3:00 p.m. Great timing she thought. She saw a sign for a Best Western Motel 5 miles down the road and almost cheered. Best Westerns always had swimming pools she thought with glee. It had been a long two day trip. She was ready for some R & R.

As she drove into the entrance way of the Motel she saw that the vacancy light was lit. Good., and I'll bet old Fair View Park isn't drawing in crowds tonight either. Nothing like an amusement park without lines. That's a rare treat. I'll take a swim, shower, change and then hit the park. I'll be able to get pictures in the late afternoon light, early evening, and after dark. Then tomorrow I'll catch the park as it wakes up. Park maintenance is fascinating and will make a great subject for a second photo shoot. Then, when I'm tired of the park, I'll head for the nearest beach. That can't be too far. After all, this is Florida.

Destiny checked into the motel quickly, brought her car around to the spot in front of her first floor room, and dragged in her bags. She cleaned out the front seat of the car, which was full of trash from the two day trip. Her sandwich was already getting funky so she got rid of the remains. Then she slipped off her travel clothes and stepped into her scarlet tank suit. She headed for the swimming pool which was in the center of the Motel's courtyard. She was bare foot and the asphalt was almost unbearably hot on the soles of her feet. She made it over to the pool in lightening speed.

The pool was kidney shaped and had a surprisingly nice diving board in the deep end. The board was higher than most. It was a board that practiced divers could enjoy. The water was clean and cool, even though summer was early this year.

At the other side of the pool there was a small building which housed a hot tub and sauna. As if I'd want either of those in this heat, Destiny thought. But then again, maybe late tonight if the pool's still open another swim and then a hot tub to soothe me into sleep. Yes! she thought. That would be fabulous. I wonder if anyone else is using the facilities today. it'd be great to have them all to myself. Destiny thought about going into the hot tub room and checking it out but decided to leave that for later on. What she didn't yet realize about the room was that persons in the hot tub could watch swimmers without themselves being observed.

An elegant man with blond hair and dark brown, glittery eyes, was stepping out of the hot tub when Destiny got to the swimming pool. He observed her stick her foot in the pool and check out the diving board. He stiffened, ready to sink into the shadows when she seemed about to approach the hot tub room. He relaxed when she changed her mind. Something about her graceful carriage struck a familiar note with him. He did not want her to know he was there watching her. He remained still and silent like a reptile on a rock waited.

Destiny headed strait for the diving board. She clambered up, took pause, and dove. An elegant pike with little splash. Destiny came up for air with a gasp. OH she cried out in pleasure. invigorated.

Onto the board again. A back flip, a little shaky. She tried it a second time. Better. She remembered her dives from summers past at scout camp.

A couple of swan dives. More flips.

Time for some laps.

Destiny was in the pool for the better part of an hour feeling herself relax for the first time in weeks. All her muscles came alive. Blood coursed through her veins. She never had the sense of being watched.

But she was. Closely. She is so beautiful. I can almost taste her lips on mine. Perhaps I would draw a little blood as I nip her lip. How would it feel to have her on her knees before me, her mouth open wide to take me in? What would her screams sound like? Why is she here? He reached for a cigarette. He thought better of the idea. The smoke might alert her to my presence.

He stood and watched. The oppressive heat of the room was inconsequential to him. His blond hair curled tightly in the humidity. Steam came off of the hot tub which bubbled and boiled like some witch's cauldron.

Destiny completed her swim, and headed back to her room. The man followed her silently like a cat. He fit into the landscape. He was golden like the sunlight. Like the heat. He noted her room number and identified her car. He decided he needed more information.

He went to his room, which was a floor up and five rooms over from Destiny's. He pulled out a small tool kit. He didn't think that the Volvo's locks would give him any trouble but he wanted to be sure. And he wanted to be in and out of the car as fast as possible. Who knew what the girl's agenda was, he thought.

He was back in the parking lot within minutes. As he thought, he could have unlocked the car blindfolded. He looked around. No one watching. He climbed into the passengers seat and went for the glove box. Unlocked of course. Destiny Lysander. She's no one, he thought. She hides nothing. Auto registration: small town in Ohio. What's she doing here? he wondered Strange place for a holiday. Middle of Florida at the hottest part of the summer. And this is no resort town. What else is here. Parking ticket. Ah ha, speeding ticket. You like to drive fast little one? Picture of her with boyfriend. dull looking fellow. You could do better. Much better.

Back seat. Stupid girl! You left your camera. A nice one. I should relieve you of it but will be generous this time. Why are you here? Give me a clue. Ah. Here we are. The Fair View Amusement Park. A notice about its impending closing. That must be it. So you like amusement parks do you little girl? Well. Maybe I can come up with an unexpected amusement for you. Are you going there tonight? Maybe I'll tag along if you do.

The man's search had taken no more than eight minutes. Destiny was just stepping into the shower when he finished. He made sure the car looked untouched, locked the door, and headed back to his room. There he quickly showered and shaved. He donned black athletic pants and a black short sleeve tee shirt. Surprisingly, the black set off his magnificent tan. His teeth were very white in his face. He put a black bandanna over his blond curls, pirate like. All he needed was a cutlass and one might think he was a seventeenth century Caribbean brigand. He was well muscled but of slight stature.

He was a passionate man. Fencing was one of his passions. Others were women, music and sensuality, psychology, philosophy, history, and martial arts to name a few. He was a man who had time on his hands but was easily bored. This meant that he pursued things that interested him relentlessly and discarded those that did not without thought. Obstacles in his way were to be crushed without pity.

He stepped out onto the walkway outside his room to be sure Destiny's car was still in the lot. Yes. Good. Now the game can begin. He went back into his room and opened up his tool case again. He selected a few items with care and was ready to go.

On his way to the door he grabbed a cold beer from his cooler. He popped it open and downed it in one long pull. He smiled at himself in the mirror as he left his room. Perfect. He thought. I think this will be a night to remember.

The man's car, which was parked immediately below his room was unremarkable on the outside. It looked like a standard, dull blue Dodge Omni Hatchback that had seen a few miles. The engine had been modified for enhanced speed and endurance. It had a heavy-duty transmission, was four wheel driven and had a special suspension system. It had been rebuilt to handle Florida marsh, sand, snow, and mountainous terrain. But it was so ordinary looking that no one would give it a second thought under most circumstances. This was essential for the man's purposes.

Making sure he was not seen, the man lithely jumped over the railing outside his room and landed next to his car. He got in and drove the car into the spot he had already selected for his surveillance. It was out of the way, and in the shade. A casual passer-by would have no business peering into the car windows where it was located. But he could look out without readily being seen, and would be able to follow Destiny's car out of the lot easily without raising suspicious. He leaned back and began his wait, vaguely wishing for another beer.

Destiny couldn't decide what to wear. She wanted to look good for no reason that she could put a finger on. When she went to put on her white dress with the halter top she recoiled in horror. For a second she could have sworn she saw blood on the front of the dress. No, nothing there, a trick of the light. But she put the dress away with distaste anyway. What else do I have? Blue jeans? No. Too hot outside. The beige shorts make me look dumpy. Ah, I have it. The emerald green, silk jumper with the light green tube top as a shirt. Cool and sexy. I don't know who I'm trying to impress. It'll probably be me, some giggling townie girls, some bikers, some grubby kids with tired parents, and Prince Charming, of course.

She put on the clothing she selected, adding her good emerald teardrop earrings. A glitzy amber choker, her watch and gold bangles on her wrists. She applied makeup. Her hair went back into its ever-present top of the head pony tail. She opted for running shoes over sandals or heels.

Purse, money, keys, camera. Shit, where's my camera? Oh hell I left it in the car. Stupid. It had better be there. I'll kick myself if its been stolen. Destiny turned on the light nearest the door before she left. She hated walking blind into unfamiliar territory.

Destiny decided to get a soda for the road. She wandered over to the motel lobby where there was a machine. She fished in her purse for change. Diet Pepsi number three zillion today, Destiny thought.

As she walked back to her car Destiny noticed the little blue car parked under the tree at the other side of the lot. Funny, I thought that was parked a few cars away from mine when I came in from the pool. Nah. All those awful American compacts look alike when they're that color. The other car must have left.

When Destiny got into her car she immediately checked for her camera. She was panicked for a second when it wasn't on the front seat. Then she remembered she'd put in it in back when she was cleaning out the front seat. There it is, Thank God. She retrieved it from the back. and placed it next to her. She popped The Pretenders tape back into the deck, pushed play, cranked up the engine and hit the road. It was a short, peaceful drive to the amusement park, through big old tree heavily laden with Spanish moss. The day was winding down and the air was noticeably cooler There was still a monstrous number of bug flying into the windshield. Destiny sang along with the Pretenders at the top of her lungs. I go to sleep, sleep, and imagine that you're there with me. I go to sleep, sleep, and imagine...

She took her time, not wanting to break into the stillness that was falling over the woods. She didn't even bother to check her rear view mirror. If she had would she have noticed the plain blue American compact tooling along at much the same rate of speed as her own? If she did, would its presence have disturbed her peace of mind?

The man in the car behind her was careful to keep far back without losing sight. But he was not worried about losing her. There was only one logical place she could be heading at this hour on this road. She was going to the amusement park just as he had expected. He hummed tunelessly to himself as he traveled down to road after Destiny.

He didn't have a set plan yet. He wanted to let things play out. Get a measure of the playing field.. Then he would decide how best to amuse himself. Would she be the prey? Maybe not. Maybe tonight he would simply introduce her to the game. If she plays she dives and swims it would be so much sweeter to draw her into a snare, watch her react. Let her go? Maybe once. Maybe more than once if she's worthy. It had been a long time since he had found worthy prey. The most recent ones had slaked the thirst but did not satisfy.

Destiny found the turn off for Fair View Park without trouble. Its sign was decades old and fading. You could tell that after dark, when the sign was lit, only about half its lights would work. The sign announced the Thunder Bolt Coaster as a main attraction. There was a huge parking lot which was two thirds empty and riddled with pot holes. Weary looking clown faces on poles at the end of each aisle announced parking lot number and letters. The clowns bespoke day endings when happy weary tourists looked worriedly around at seas of cars and wondered how the hell they were ever going to figure out where they were parked.

It was getting on towards early evening. Frogs were starting to croak in the wilderness beyond the parking lot. They didn't know that their time, too, was coming to an end. All of this would be bulldozed under in a few short weeks to make way for the new. Destiny took a shot of the clowns and drove on. She found a parking spot under what looked like a working street lamp close to the park gates.

Destiny stepped out of her car. The sights and sounds of the old amusement park greeted her like an old friend. First there were the admission gates with gaudy signs announcing events, deals, attractions. Sadly, there was a big sign announcing the last day of operation.

Destiny paid her fee at the gate, had her hand stamped and moved in through the small crowd. The man from the blue car strode in behind her. He watched her carefully, stealthily.

The sounds made her smile.

There's was nothing like this on the face of the planet., Destiny thought. She heard kids screaming emanating from the Thunder Bolt, the top of the Ferris wheel, the log ride, the scrambler, and the haunted house. There was the chug chug chug of; the roller coaster as it pulled its cars up the first hill and the rush and clickity clack as the cars came down again and then raced around corners. There was the calliope on the merry go round playing horrible polka tunes. There was the laughter and the bumpety bump of the bumper cars. There were the air squirts from the haunted house and the demented laughter that followed them. The hawkers called out to passers by. So easy to win, just give it a try.

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