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  • Falling Hard Ch. 03

Falling Hard Ch. 03


Virta couldn't move.

She was mesmerized by the splendor and power in those eyes, virtually drowning in them.

No! This couldn't be happening. How could he – Athan - be here? In Heaven!

She didn't want to accept that this wicked devil was actually here, right now, in front of her. This was supposed to be safe, sacred ground.

Her mind began to look for explanations. She considered that this was just a nightmare brought on by her time spent on Demons Dot Com. Yeah, that was it. She was actually in her own bed right now. She would wake any moment...

She heard his quiet laughter. It reminded her of the bamboo wind chimes on her back porch: Deep and sweet as they chinked together in the breeze. Pleasant.

She was utterly terrified.

He broke eye contact. Virta was jolted out of the thrall. She stood stunned for a few long seconds. Then her mind called out an order: Fly! Make a run for it!

Suddenly, he was right up against her. His large hand went toward her neck, and she flinched back. He caught her gently under the chin with his fingertip and raised her face up to look at him. She tried to resist, but he was overwhelming her senses.

Athan was touching her.

It was just his fingertip.

The demon is touching me, Virta thought. And I like it.

She was all too aware of him at that moment. He was so close, she felt the warmth radiating off of his body. She closed her eyes and inhaled his manly scent. It was tobacco, leather and sandalwood.

She'd never been so close to a body like this one, humanoid except for the supernatural power it contained. And he can have orgasms, she thought jealously.

Being mindful of his delightful firmness made her all the more aware of her own body. It was so very deficient in femininity. She felt a moment's frustration and shame at her own wisp of a figure.

A picture of Mandi flashed in her mind, the gorgeous human girl with voluptuous curves. Her body was equipped for sex. Virta scolded herself silently for her jealousy. And, for yearning to fuck a demon.

She watched Athan's gaze travel from her face, down the length of her slight form and back up again. The look in his eyes seemed appreciative.

I wish, she thought.

She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, shivering with fear and delight in his closeness. There was a stirring in her body.

She snapped her eyes open as realization set in. She should be feeling nothing right now except the wind in her wings as she made her getaway.

Damn his sorcery! She jerked her chin from his touch. How she wished she could reach up and slap that infuriatingly smug look off his face!

But she held her response in check for now. Who knew when he might let loose and slay her?

She heard him exhale and felt the absence of his warm body as he took a step back.

Virta was aware that he was still looking at her, and she peeked up at him through her lashes. He was staring at her chest. She was acutely aware of the thin, filmy fabric clinging to her skin.

"Nice tats." He said with a smile that was nearly as devastating as the power of his eyes.

He pulled up the sleeve of his T-shirt. She saw words in a language she didn't recognize tangled across the inside of his prominent bicep.

"What does it mean?" She found her voice and her curiosity somehow.

"I'll tell you sometime."

When she didn't say anything else, he just dropped his arms back to his sides and continued to regard her with interest.

Why was he just standing there looking at her? He surely didn't drop in on her from across the span of the universe just to compare body art?

She looked up to find him grinning at her as if she'd just said something funny.

He must truly be unbalanced, she thought.

This was certainly not what she expected from the frightening mass-murderer of Demons Dot Com. Perhaps he was just sizing her up, determining whether she had any abilities that could harm him.

"Yeah, that's it," he smirked in a voice so low, she just barely caught it.


"I can read your mind." He said it as matter-of-factly as if she'd asked him for the time.

"That's impossible."

He gave her a smug grin.

Then, he tilted his head as if listening to something faraway. "Yeah, it IS pretty cool..." he said playfully. "...I've been reading your mind since I got here... It only works when I'm close to you... No, you can't learn it. I mean, you've either got it or you don't.

"You know what I'm thinking!" She nearly screeched.

He smiled at her.

Virta glared. Her hands balled up into tight fists. "That's not fair."

Athan shrugged. "Back when I was made, you know – back when dinosaurs roamed the earth – angels weren't so specialized as they are now. We early models were given lots of powers and abilities. I can do all sorts of neat tricks. I think they're afraid to dole it out like that anymore."

He looked her up and down. "They keep you pretty weak. Of course, they don't want to have an uprising in Heaven like before."

Virta regarded him with wide eyes. She didn't believe she could trust him, but he certainly was opening up the curiosity in her.

"Tell me more."

Athan shook his head. "This isn't the best place to talk," he said. "Why don't you come with me? I know places where we can say anything... DO anything." His tone was wicked.

She gulped.

"I don't think that would be wise on my part," she said. "Besides, I can't leave even if I wanted to. There's a device implanted, and, let's just say Security would have me before I could even turn around."

He stepped closer again. He peered down at her through the blackness of his eyes. His big hand went to the side of her face, caressing it. Reluctantly, she pulled away.

"I'll protect you," Athan said. "Once we're back at my base of operations, I can disconnect anything they're using to track or control you. They might look for you, but I can keep you safe. No worries."

Then his ebony eyes turned seducing.

"I know everything you want, Virta, everything you need. And I can give it to you. Hell, I WANT you to have it: Strength... power... knowledge. And sex. Lots and lots of sex."

She felt excitement twist her stomach.

"No," she breathed. "That's insane. You make it sound so easy. But I don't want to get myself banished or... Fall. The consequences are more than I can bear. Besides," she glared at him, "I will never trust a demon."

He just stood there and watched her, his mouth a firm line.

"Why are you so interested in me anyway?" Virta asked, nervously grabbing a lock of her hair and pulling it through her fingers. "I mean, I'm as low level as they come. Why not go for a powerful angel that could help you in your... cause?"

"I'm always keeping a look-out for new recruits," Athan began, "angels such as yourself, who fit a certain profile. You definitely have potential, little one. You want to be free." His voice quieted. "But, you're afraid. I understand."

She shook her head. Virta doubted this creature ever knew fear.

"That's scary that you can rummage around in my mind. Would you stop if I asked you?"

"Yes," he said, "but would you trust me?"

"No. I'd be a fool to trust a demon, wouldn't I?

"You wouldn't really know if I was keeping my promise." It was just a statement. His expression was thoughtful.

"That's right." She carefully looked at him. "You're not endearing yourself to my trusting side, are you?"

"I'm trying," he sighed. "If I promise not to read your mind, can I make some exceptions?"

"What? No! No exceptions."

He stood quietly regarding her for a moment.

"Then, I've decided not to make that promise."

"Why? I thought you already promised."

"I didn't."

She blew out an exasperated sigh.

"You've got me all confused." She glared at him. "Just what I would expect from a demon." The word 'demon' came out of her lips like a snarl.

"Hey, you know all about me, don't you?" He sounded exasperated. "I mean, Demons Dot Com? You can't get anymore reliable than that."

"And you're reliable?" Virta asked. "Come one, you're a demon. Every other word you say is a lie."

"You're brainwashed."

"Maybe," she said. "But I'm safe. Or, at least I was safe, until you showed up here."

She thought for a moment, and then decided to ask him a question. It had been in her mind since Mick had first mentioned Falling.

"Why did you do it? You know... the "F" Word?"

"I've done many "F" Words. Which one are you talking about?" His eyebrow lifted.

She blushed.

"You know exactly which one I mean, Mr. Mind Reader."

"I'd love to talk to you about it. I'd love to answer all of your questions."


"But, this isn't the place to do it. I'm sure Security already knows I'm here. And Worship lets out in a few minutes, the streets will be flooded. I tend to cause quite a stir when I show up in Heaven." He winked.

"You're on the Most Wanted list; I saw that on the website."

"There's not much time," Athan said. "I was planning to just get in and get out with you."

Fear swelled up again inside of her. He was so sure of himself. Did he really think she'd just leave with him, knowing what he was? Apparently, he expected to just swoop in and snatch her away.

She though of how Mick would look for her when she didn't show up at the party and didn't call. He would be worried sick. And then the report would come across his desk at the Office: She'd Fallen. He might never get over it.

"I have friends expecting me right now. I have to go."

He stepped toward her, holding out a hand. "Virta, if you come with me now, I promise you everything is going to be fine."

Demons Dot Com flashed in her mind again. She should make a run for it. "No. I don't trust you."

He took another step forward. She took several steps back.

It scared her that for a second, she had considered going with him. But go where? Down to the dungeons of hell? How could she let him almost charm her out of Heaven that quickly? Even if she didn't go directly to punishment in Hell, his way led to an eternity on the run as a fugitive. And, at the end of all things, there would await her punishments so severe that she quaked in terror at the mere thought.

"I'm not going with you." Her voice shook.

"I'm not waiting much longer for you."

"I didn't ask you to come.

"Yes, you did," he said with one eyebrow raised. "You said my name with lust, more than once actually. You want me."

"No!" she cried, backing even further away. She turned to fly to Mick's house, but Athan was suddenly in front of her. His large body blocked her way.

She tried to push past the wall of his chest. He just stood there, staring her down.

"I can give you everything you've dreamed of: Humanity, Sex and more sex. Oh, and did I mention Sex?"

It's like he's dangling a carrot on a stick, she thought. I can't listen to this Liar.

Oh, but he was slick. And, he was going to be the death of her, she feared. She had to get away. But, he could read her thoughts. How was she going to flee from him if he knew her every move when she knew it?

Of course, he already knew that he was much faster and stronger. If she tried to run, he'd have her down in a second.

She had to try.

"I'm leaving now," she said firmly, attempting to step around him.

Faster than lighting, his hand was on her arm, stopping her.

"What if I won't let you?"

Her eyes flew to his face. He was smirking at her. He dropped her arm.

"You are Vile. Evil. Filthy. Sinful. You're a loser! A Wretch!" she yelled at the top of her lungs directly into his face. "You are God's Reject, and the most Wicked Arch Fiend that ever lived! Go back to Hell where you came from!"

She was nearly out of breath when she finished and immediately felt regret for her outburst.

His dark eyes glittered; they were unreadable. The thought occurred to her that he might really be going to kill her now.

A silence hung between them that felt like an eternity.

"That's me," he finally said. His voice was soft, even gentle.

She let out the breath she'd been holding all in one quiet stream, hoping he didn't hear it. She didn't want to show weakness in front of him. If he was going to kill her, then at least she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her quake with fear. She would not go out begging for her life.

"From the file I saw on you, you didn't strike me as one who would believe everything you read." He said, folding his arms across his chest.

"File? You've been snooping in the Office?"

He didn't answer.

"What are you going to do with me?" She hated the way her voice shook.

"Nothing, but give you everything you've ever longed for these past two thousand years," he said, a hint of enjoyment in his voice.

She didn't answer.

"Look, Virta..."

He tapped a finger to his lips as he began to circle her slowly.

Like a hungry shark, she thought.

"...you don't have to be afraid of me." he said.

She was confused. Athan's presence oozed with danger and violence, but his eyes and voice belied them with gentleness, softness, and even a glint of humor. This caught her completely off guard.

Oh, but he was all silk and velvet in his tactics! No doubt, this was how he'd put many naive women under his spell. They were too dazzled by his good looks and the clash of contradiction. He could play the game eternally, until he wore them down. By then it was too late for them to escape with their bodies or their hearts intact.

She would not be one of those unfortunate females.

"I don't believe you." She worked to make her voice sound clear and strong. "I don't believe that you're just here to grant me your brand of damning freedom." She glared up at him. "What do you really want?"

She had to keep turning to track his movements, and it was disorienting her.

No answer from the demon, just soft chuckling.

His casual attitude was unnerving and infuriating at the same time.

She stared at him.

"What do I want?" His voice sounded weary then. He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, as though taking his time to seriously consider his answer.

He stopped in front of her again, and she felt him staring down at her. She did not raise her eyes to meet his.

"The same things you want."

She swallowed. She didn't know what to make of his answer.

She continued to avert her eyes from his, and found herself focusing on the crotch of his jeans instead.

"I mean," she began, licking her dry lips, "what do you want with ME?"

Her fear spiked anew as she thought of how he was taking his time, wearing her down. And she was succumbing to it.

She needed to fly away. Now. Fight or flee, but either response seemed futile against this creature.

She forced herself to look right into his obsidian eyes.

"Aren't you going to... to..."

"What?" His eyes turned emotionless, dull and flat. "Am I going to chain you up in Hell and torture you?"

He sighed. "It's tempting. I love to hear angels scream in pain and terror. But, you know, that can get awfully boring for me - torturing the same little angel year in, year out.

He cocked a wicked brow. "I'm sure you've read all about my methods. I have several I'm especially fond of."

Her heart was pounding in her ears. She wasn't even aware her breathing had stopped until she found herself gasping for air. She unfurled her wings and started to move.

But he was right in front of her again, his muscled chest blocking her way.

Damn, he was fast.

His voice was low, almost a growl.

"Oh wait. How about I just bend you over and fuck you to death right here."

Her wings drooped at her back. "I, uh, you know I don't have the right... parts?" Her voice was small and trembling.

"No matter, tiny angel," he sneered. "I can improvise."

He reached for her then. The movement of his large, clenched fists caused her to throw her hands up instinctively to shield her face from the blows.

But he had grabbed her instead. His long fingers completely circled her thin upper arms. His hands were like manacles, forcing her up on her tiptoes. She was off balance and it tilted her head back, forcing her to look him in the face.

She felt tears stinging her eyes. She tried to blink them away.

"Now, this is more like it, isn't it?" His voice was frighteningly cheerful. He shook her so roughly that her wings retracted involuntarily. "I hate not living up to my reputation!"

He suddenly pinned her mouth by force with his own, pressing firmly into her with hot, moist lips that intended to consume. Just as she tried to pull back for air, he dived in again, forcefully invading her virginal lips.

Virta was senseless with fright and hunger for him. So many things were zinging through her mind. Close physical contact with a human male body. She was really kissing! Just like a real human.

Her lips were being skillfully ravished by a devil. And she couldn't get enough of it.

Her fear was forgotten in the moment. She began to kiss him back, hungering to taste and experience him with all of her being.

As if sensing her growing need for him, he let go of his vice-like hold on her. Instead, he enveloped her into his arms and pulled her up against the length of his hard, muscular body. She reached up on tiptoes to slide her hands around the back of his neck, pulling him down closer.

God, it was like she couldn't get close enough to him. If she could have breathed him into her very soul, she would have done it.

She was aware of the swelling hard bulge in his jeans. She knew it was his cock that was pressing against her. Virta had never been this close to a real cock before. He wanted her. Perhaps her body could never turn him on, but he WAS turned on by her needful kisses. He was responding to her touch. It was enough to know that she had this powerful effect on this powerful man. She was giving him pleasure.

And since when do I care about this demon's pleasure?

But all thought swirled away again as the caress of their lips overwhelmed her.

Athan's kiss became gentle, slow and teasing. The taste of his skin was salty, warm, succulent.

She was aware of his fingers trailing through her hair, wrapping themselves into her brunette locks. Shivers went down her scalp and neck.

"Virta." He murmured her name with a voice like water over rocks.

Her body practially melted.

His lips were back on hers in that instant. She breathed out a soft sigh - a breathy coo of pleasure. He returned with a low moan against her mouth, pulling her even more tightly against him.

His tongue softly teased at the opening of her mouth, pleading for entry there.

She parted her lips slightly, permission granted, and he began to taste, lick and tug inside her supple mouth.

After a moment, he slowly moved his lips away, leaving her to chase after them with her own. She was desperate for more of his teasing, languid touches.

Athan gently closed his mouth over hers one more time, pulling his face back slowly while dragging a little of her lips in an excruciatingly feather-light tug.

He suddenly released her and took several steps back, panting.

She fought for her own breath then, as she looked across the distance he'd put between them. She unconsciously placed a hand to her bruised, swollen lips. She watched him gaze at her with scorching, liquid eyes.

Athan looked surprisingly vulnerable just then. She watched him adjust the bulge in his jeans. For the first time, he seemed uncomfortable and maybe a little afraid in her presence.

She smiled. The thought gave her satisfaction. And she knew she wanted to kiss him again. Kiss him, yes. And not just his mouth this time.

She wanted to pull those jeans down his thick, powerful legs and watch his cock spring free. It would bounce gently at her in anticipation of entering her lush, waiting lips.

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