Gift from Outer Space Ch. 06

They ventured down one boulevard, passing shops and cafes, fashion outlets and candy stores, and view screens every dozen or so paces. Some screens were suspended on poles. Others hovered by the power of some unseen force.

"Wow, it's like 8th Street, only quieter and cleaner," Josie said.

"Much cleaner," Bonnie agreed.

The girls' clubbing outfits seemed a little drab compared to what others they saw were wearing. Most women wore graceful and flattering dresses and off-the-shoulder evening coats. Their clothing was made out of materials that ranged from strange feathers to sheik furs and shimmering gossamer. In short, the ladies of Serra-5 were dressed fabulously. Not one wore jeans.

"Come with me," Josie urged when she spotted a clothing store. She went right up to the clerk.

"Free clothes, mister?" she asked.

Although Kirsten and Bonnie could hardly believe it, each of the girls were cheerily handed a free outfit that was pretty fancy by Earth standards. Although the cheap and revealing gossamer on their stomachs and hips was emblazoned with the shop's logo, at least they would not stick out in a crowd like a bunch of refugees.

On to the next shop, a food stand. The four asked for anything on the menu that was free. The clerk happily handed them each a large portion of some kind of wrap sandwich. It was perfectly delicious and each girl ate every last bite. While they ate, they watched a nearby public view screen. They caught some news, most of it was about sports and industry.

As the evening drew on, the skies lit up with shooting stars. There was a cool breeze in the air but heat emanated from the sidewalks, keeping their toes warm.

Josie led them to a hotel. They booked two rooms for free without even meeting an attendant. They all gathered in one room though, and tried to come up with a plan.

"Josie, how did you know that we could get free clothes and stuff?" Bonnie asked.

"Remember when you were on the moon getting boned by Renee every few hours? While you were taking those showers with her, I was spending my time doing research-"

"Ahem, I think you got your share of Renee while we were there," Nina interjected.

"Yes, I do recall you spending some quality time alone with her," Kirsten chimed in.

"Well," Josie said, demurely as she could. "I'm not denying that. Besides," Josie said to Nina, "You're one to talk about getting your share of Renee!"

The other girls laughed good-naturedly while Nina grinned.

"Well, I found the darn strap on in the first place, I think I deserved a little reward!" Nina said, laughing.

"Anyways, I read about Serra-5 in my research. A lot of the stuff here comes from these vast liquid tanks, things they call nano-reservoirs. They are like factories, but they generate everything automatically. Food, clothes, electronics, everything. They constantly create more of it. Lots of surplus. Some of it is free."

The other girls listened, wide-eyed.

"But what about hotels? Sandwiches?"

Just then there was a loud knock on the door and a shuffling sound at the door. The girls all looked at each other, alarmed. Then they noticed it -- someone had slid a databook under the door.

They began opening files on the data book. They soon discovered that Renee had sent them a ton of crucial information. Finally, the girls had the critical pieces of info that would allow them piece together what happened while they were in stasis. They just had to sift through the disorganized mess of Renee's recordings.

Renee had recorded hours of rambling messages addressed specifically to Nina. She had separate messages for Bonnie and Josie. They listened as a group.

They were pleased to learn that Renee had been out of stasis during their trip to Serra-5. They were a little taken aback when they learned that Renee had been having sex with aliens. Nevertheless, it was comforting to know that Renee had met friends who helped her prepare for facing the unknown.

They were a little sad to learn that they had been gone well over a month -- their friends and family would all be worried sick. There might even be candle light vigils on campus to mourn them.

This was Renee's message to Bonnie:

"Bonnie, I hope this finds you in good spirits. I really don't know what the future holds. Maybe I'll be dead when you get this." She took another deep breath. "I just needed to say I forgive you for telling your friends about TeeGee. You're a sweet girl, so, I was never even mad about it. Well, a little at first. But later I realized I probably would have done the same thing."

"So now that I have learned a little about the people of this galaxy, I see that what you did showed really good judgment. You see, humans live in space by the hundreds of billions! The entire population of Earth is just a tiny fraction of one percent of the human race. Another way of looking at it is, the entire human race has kept itself a secret from us Earthlings. That, by my estimation, is a really big secret. It's selfish, too. With all this secrecy, none of us ought to be keeping big secrets from each other. That's why you did the right thing to tell your friends. Obviously, I hope you, Josie, and Kirsten are alright."

This was Renee's message to Josie:

"Josie, I'm really sorry you got a little scared and banged your head back on the moon, and I'm sorry you were plucked out of your life on Earth so violently. You planned for a night of clubbing and a chance to break out of your geeky shell. I mean that in a good way, you're so smart."

"My first impression of you, wearing that little off-the-shoulder shirt and showing off your long legs, made me totally misjudge you. I hope you get this. If you do it means you have not been separated from the others. Stick with them, they need you."

"So where is my message?" Kirsten asked.

"I don't see a file here with your name on it," Josie said. "I guess she didn't have one for you, but if we keep listening here, she might have something to say to you."

There was more of Renee on the data book, and they listened for another couple of hours, until it was getting to be far too much to digest all at once. The girls were also very tired and ready for some sleep. They rested for an hour, then dawn peeked through their windows and called them all to a fresh new day outside.


The girls spent the day exploring the town around them. They saw people heading to work in the morning on every levitating vehicle imaginable, from cars to trolleys and flying scooters.

They wandered aimlessly, unsure of where to go. One thing quickly became clear though. Serra-5 was a utopia.

They could walk up to food stands and get things to eat. They could use public restrooms for free. Everything was neat and tidy - and if it was not, there was a squat little robot cleaning it up.

Hours of exploration went by, in which the girls discovered wonders from nano-cameras to a pet store that featured nothing but fluffy little flightless birds of every color.

"Hey guys," Bonnie said, as were window shopping outside of the pet store. "I would kill for a cell phone so we could split up and still stay in contact."

"I still don't think we should split up," Josie warned.

"I want a cell phone, but we don't have any money," Kirsten said. "I mean, their money. Serran money."

"Okay guys, this is what we gotta do if we really want to have cell phones" Josie began. "Like I said though, splitting up is a bad idea."

"What, what do we do?" asked Kirsten.

"Beg," Josie stated.

"Beg, as in panhandling?" Kirsten asked incredulously.

"It might be illegal!" said Bonnie. "Why give to a beggar, when food and shelter are already free?"

Josie shook her head. "Listen! Listen!" She tugged on their arms and led them into a small alleyway. "Girls, look around you! Everyone works! Their standard of living goes way beyond the necessities."


"So, that means they understand better than you do that one needs more than just food and clothing. People are always willing to toss a coin at a beggar. Here will be no different!"

They shook their heads.

"Are we just gonna sit here helpless?" Josie demanded.

"No!" they all agreed.

"Still, begging?" Bonnie remained unconvinced.

"Well, I read about it in a book not too long time ago. This guy gets stranded on some planet. He begs on the street for just a few years and soon he has enough money to charter a flight in a spaceship! That story has been on my mind ever since we got abducted. We gotta try it."

"Fine then, let's start begging," Kirsten assented.

"Begging it is," Bonnie said, nodding. "Nina?"

The Boriqua cast her gaze down and away from the group. She looked very sad and depressed.

"Nina," Josie said. "It's Renee isn't it? You're worried about her."

She shook her head and took a deep breath. "You have no idea," she replied. "Yeah, we need the money, but I can't sit on my ass and wait. I need to know Renee is okay."

She looked up at the pink sky. Cirrocumulus clouds ran in a straight ribbon from east to west, and behind them she could make out the glow of giant stars. Dozens of brilliant shooting stars cascaded across the western skies, still visible in the late morning light.

"It's going to be okay," said Bonnie, patting Nina's shoulder. The girls gathered around her and put their arms around her for a little group hug. They stopped hugging when they noticed how much attention they were attracting.

"Gracias, senoritas," Nina sighed. "You all panhandle. I'll--" she paused, backing away from the group, "I'll try to see what I can do about Renee."

"Nina!" Bonnie grabbed her hand. "Don't go to the castle! It's too dangerous!"

Nina twisted free and ran, down the cobblestone streets, toward the looming castle on the hill.


After his tangle with Talon, Loki teleported directly into his spaceship. He had his fun with her, but now there was no time to waste. He stood in the center of the ship's unfurnished helm and took control of the ship.

The ship was jammed snugly between a pair of massive boulders deep inside the Congo River. The rushing waters made an ideal hiding place for his ship.

Under his control, the craft pushed the boulders aside as it rose to the surface.

The ship was as black as midnight, sleek and teardrop-shaped. No one noticed the large spray of muddy water as the ship burst out of the treacherous rapids and zoomed off into the sky.

He was headed to Serra-5. The capital planet of Behtor had outlaw detectors everywhere, and no one could fool them all the time. Furthermore, it boasted a formidable police force. The authorities even had machinery that they could use to block teleportation, all but barring his escape.

In Loki's mind, it was a risk worth taking if it meant a chance for him to stick his thumb in the eye of Behtor's ruling government.

When his ship exited the wormhole in Serran space, he headed for a vast asteroid field known as the SSMR (Serran Space Mineral Reserve).

The SSMR was the source of Serra-5's non-stop meteor showers, and for the raw materials that the nano-resevoirs required.

As his ship stealthily slipped through space, he readied his disguise. He stood in front of a mirror-like wall panel to view himself. He slowly morphed, changing his hair, face, and height. His body armor changed to a fashionably trendy casual suit, typical for Serran gentlemen.

Once that task was complete, he chose an asteroid upon which to stash his ship. Then he teleported outside of it.

The vacuum of space did not bother him. He wanted to feel the light of Serra on his face, to see the stars all around him, and to hear the perfect silence.

The gentleman stayed there for a few minutes as he charged up for a long range teleport.

He would be there before long.


Renee woke to find herself lying on a contoured chair, her wrists and ankles restrained. She noticed sharp-heeled footfalls behind her.

The voice was imperial and cold. "Your friends are safe. You may join them, after you surrender the symbiont to me." The footsteps continued until Lady Vera had walked into Renee's view.

"Lady Vera!" she gasped.

Lady Vera tapped one long finger against the palm of her other hand hypnotically. "You know me? Then you will obey me."

"Where, where are my friends?" Renee asked.

"We are here for one reason, that symbiont," Vera said.

"How do I know my friends are alright?" Renee asked.

Vera touched Renee's shoulder. She sent tiny electrical currents directly into Renee's muscles, causing them to spasm and cramp painfully.

"Aaaughhh!" Renee screamed. The jolt was unexpected and frightening.

"I let your friends go. I have no need for them at this time. I need this," Lady Vera said, pointing to the symbiont. "It doesn't belong to you. Time to give it back."

"No!" Renee shouted.

"Brave little fool," Lady Vera said with disdain. "It's not your choice. In a few days the symbiont will be eager to abandon you. No one will come and save you. Spare yourself the agony of waiting."

Renee was quiet. Surely, she liked the sound of avoiding more discomfort. Being restrained was almost unbearable to her, but could she trust Lady Vera? Where were Nina and the others? She had seen them once when she got into the stasis capsule while aboard the Amphitryon.

"You let my friends go?"

Lady Vera nodded. "They are enjoying the utopia that awaits outside this Castle. When the symbiont is mine, I will let you go, too."

Renee sighed with relief.

"So why bring my friends all this way, if they were simply going to be released?"

It was a question Lady Vera could not answer. She had no clue what Talon's role had been in the abduction.

"I ask the questions here!" The frustrating question angered Lady Vera much more than Renee had expected. The gangly blue gorgonite stood over Renee and reached out with her terrible, long fingers. She drew them across Renee's breasts, stomach, and thighs. Renee felt jolts as though high voltage was flowing through those fingers. Her muscles spasmed uncontrollably. Her breasts jiggled and bounced as she kicked and bucked. After only five seconds of this treatment, she felt exhausted and nauseous.

"Where.. are.. my.. friends..?" Renee stubbornly groaned.

Lady Vera placed her fingertips directly on Renee's stomach. Renee felt her muscles tighten in that one spot. It was a sickening feeling.

She turned her head to one side and retched. As soon as she began to vomit, Vera broke contact.

"You will obey me, or I will break you," she intoned.

When she was done heaving, Renee spat at Vera.

Vera bellowed something incomprehensible, her voice chromatic and terrifying. She pressed her fingertips into Renee's stomach again, jolting it mercilessly. Renee's body shook and seized. She vomited straight up into the air, and closed her eyes just in time.

"You'll break, and suffer," Lady Vera said as she turned and stalked out of the room.

Renee heard the footsteps recede, and the door closed. Once more she was alone, covered in puke. She prepared to open her eyes, even though she was afraid the vomit would sting her eyes. She let out a moan of despair.

She was not completely alone. She had her symbiont, 33TG7. Somehow in the process of getting shocked, the symbiotic phallus had hit phase two. "Help me," she moaned, her eyes still closed.

She felt him begin to move like a snake standing on end. She felt her balls slowly filling with liquid. Then a rather forceful spray of hot water hit her shoulders and stomach. Renee braced as the water sprayed her face, washing away the gunk and the smell.

As the spray moved on to her breasts and hips, Renee carefully opened her eyes. Her symbiont was showering her, spraying her down with water. The tip had transformed into a nozzle like a hose.

"Oh, TeeGee, you're the best! Thank you!" she squealed with glee.

The symbiont thoroughly sprayed her with hot water. Once she was clean, her symbiont began wiping the water away like a squeegee, even cleaning the water off of the chair.

"Oh thanks, TeeGee, thank you!" Renee said. "Gosh it feels strange thanking you. I know we've talked before, but, you really helped me out. What can I do to thank you?"

The symbiont returned to its natural phase two shape as an erect penis. But Renee could read his thoughts, and sex was not on his mind.

"Look. I'm sorry I got you into this mess, but if you keep being so resourceful, I'm not going to want to let you go."

Renee knew TeeGee was reading her thoughts too. She tried to feel optimistic, but as the minutes dragged on in silence, she grew hungry. Pessimism and despair set in. She began to feel like she would never be rescued.

She felt his thoughts as well.

For your own sake and mine, give up.

She began to cry.

The last and final chapter should appear soon. Please look for it in the coming days., and remember that I appreciate your votes and comments. Thanks meathead96 for editing this lengthy work. :)

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