Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch. 06

"Well Marti, you already had your exercise this morning with Dycke. I have seen Desiree throw Steve through a door. I think I would like to see Joey work Steve over to see how well, I am protected."

"Mom, I cannot fight a girl."

Marti said, "Do not worry, Steve. You will not lay a finger on her."

Desiree said, "Let us do this near his bed of the couch so we do not have to carry him too far. Alletta, give him a couple of aspirin. They will be in his system and working, when he wakes up with the headache."

Steve decided that this one-sided fun had gone on too long. He shifted his weight and lunged at Joey.

The next thing he remembered was feeling a cold towel on his head and another one on the bottom of his neck. He realized he was lying down and could not remember how he got here. He heard the laughing and giggling and his mother's voice asking someone if she was sure he is going to be able to have children. That last part concerned him. He groaned as he tried to move.

"You see. I told you I did not kill him," Joey said.

"It would have served him right, if you had." Marti smirked. We wanted to do this in a controlled environment and he wanted to play another one of his adolescent games. As my favorite saying goes "Men! You can't kill all of them, and you cannot castrate all of them, either!"

Steve rolled over and realized he had nearly rolled off to couch. His mother and Joey were dressed to kill and Marti and Desiree were dressed like they were going to kill him. Steve closed his eyes because of the headache and said aloud, "If you are going to kill me, please make it painless."

After the chorus of laughter died down, his mother kissed him goodbye and said she was leaving for the airport. She told him that they had found a way for Dycke and him to learn to run and fight, where both could get their frustrations out on one another and become better, at both.

Steve asked, "What body part do I have to sell?"

"None, Steve. It is all part of a plan to help you defend yourselves. Each member of the family will be taking self-defense courses. As you get better and more skilled, you may as well practice against one another to sharpen your fighting edge. As long as Dycke does not get too far ahead of you in his training, as he did in his running, your chances of sparring with him and getting hurt should be minimalized."

"How many lessons has Dycke had?"

Marti said, "One."

Steve asked, "Who is going to be my trainer and when can I start?"

Marti said, "You will have many trainers, as will Dycke, and you can start with your five mile run, as soon as you finish your homework."

"Can we run first and I can do my homework later, because I have a lot of it."

"I have never seen anyone so determined to get beaten down, by women, in my entire life."

Desiree said "He acknowledged that he got beaten by one pussy, three times in one day. Now, he is in a hurry to be out run by two women in a five mile romp."

Steve said, "So far, all I have heard from you is lip when it comes to running. How about getting your feet on and put some pavement to the test."

Marti said, "After we beat you, there will be no more whining. You will follow your orders. You will get your act together and then maybe, just maybe, we will give you some privileges with your girlfriend. You cannot act like you did before. You have to understand that your sister is going to marry a man who already has in his possession more money than some countries have in their treasuries. People have committed atrocities for less money than that. So, you have to keep your guard up and we aim to teach you how. Be on the driveway in five minutes, ready to run."

Steve was shown the lead car and told to follow it. It would give us a true five mile circuit around his community and would end back at his house. It was not a pace car. It was just the lead car. When they had finished stretching, they all lined up and Marti yelled "Go!" Steve led off with an extremely fast pace, leaving Joey and Desiree a few yards behind him. His years on the track and his constant training had kept his body and perfect condition long-distance running. He never looked back. He only looked at the car in front of him. He kept his pace fast and as he felt his body loosening he made the pace faster.

As the miles clicked off and he checked his chronometer, Steve knew he had less than two miles to go. He decided to go flat out. He opened up with everything he had. His legs were pumping. His arms were pumping and he was going for broke. The car made a turn going past the golf course and he knew he was 9/10 of a mile from home. He did not want to but his mind kept egging him on to look behind him to see where his two keepers were. He looked, automatically, over his left shoulder and when he saw no one, he cringed. He, immediately, looked over his right shoulder as both women were striding by him, running like they had just started the race rather than just finishing it.

He was running flat out. He knew he had nothing left in the tank to give. He could run another mile, at this pace, but he could not increase his pace, even if his life depended upon it. He knew that they could have beaten him by much more if they wanted. They just put enough distance between themselves and him to let him know that fact. He did not feel humiliated. He was beaten by better athletes. Who were these people? Where and how were they trained? He wanted that training. He wanted to be the best and they were the best he had ever seen. He realized at that moment, if he wanted these things in his life, he was going to have to make some very drastic changes in it. His priorities would have to be reorganized. Athletics would be paramount, but his studies would have to improve greatly, because these women were, also, extremely smart. He had a lot of work to do and the reorganization and upgrading of the life of Steven Temple was just beginning.

30. Waking Sleeping Beauty

The following Monday was unveiling day for Payne. Dycke and the Temples wanted to be at the aircraft early enough to be at the hospital and greet the hibernating princess, as she exited her coma.

As they were being driven to the Charleston airport, Piker Temple updated Dycke on his holdings, around the world. Piker informed Dycke that he had only minor holdings in the United States, but they were in major corporations. He was going to have to bring in help to sort out many of the intricacies of U.S. policies with certain governments and countries that Dycke had businesses in, but he foresaw no real problems in that area. He told Dycke that he felt foolish being in an office of twenty-two thousand square feet with just himself three secretaries and a room full of the computer equipment.

Dycke said, "Dad, you will fill it as you see fit. Fill it with the best people, pay them well, keep them loyal and let us keep what goes on inside your offices, inside the office."

Piker said, "Dycke, we have to move your personal holdings into a corporate entity, or maybe a trust. I have called in a tax expert who used to work for the IRS, but now has his own business in Miami. He will be meeting us in Durham, while we are visiting with Payne. I have briefed him on the problems that we face and we will go over it in detail, while we are together.

"Dad, why don't you just raid the IRS? Find a senior agent with a spotless record, who is ready to retire and lure him away."

"Dycke, you watch too many movies. Let me handle this, please."

"Okay, dad, I promise to follow your advice, when it comes to business matters, for a very long time!"

Marti exited the limousine first, followed by Grace and Joey and after they took their positions by the aircraft, the Temples and then Dycke exited the limousine and boarded the aircraft. Within moments, the aircraft was in the air and the occupants settle down for the short trip to see if the month of sleeping had done what the doctors at Duke had hoped would save Payne from further surgery.

From the airport, they went directly to the hospital for a consultation with Dr. Wolf. Doctor Wolf advised the three of them that they had started the process of waking Payne up the preceding evening. They were taking it very slow because she had been under the anesthesia for so long. All Payne's vital signs were stable. They were going to remove the bandages this morning to see how the healing was progressing. She would have to be re-bandaged possibly for as long as two more weeks, but she might be able to go home, in as few as two or three days. Air travel was not advisable above ten thousand feet because of the pressure being put on her face, but if that could be accommodated, she could certainly fly home.

Dr. Wolf escorted the group to the recovery area, to see his patient.

Payne opened her eyes, smiled and said, "Hi mom."

Alletta Temple went to her daughter, kissed her hand and said, "Hi, sweetheart. How do you feel? "

"I want to get out of bed. I feel all stiff and achy. It feels like my muscles have not been used for a month."

Doctor Wolf chimed in and said, "You have had physical therapy, three times a day, every day, for the past month. You will be surprised, when you get up, how strong you feel."

Payne asked, "When can I get out of bed?"

Doctor Wolf said, "After we get the tubes out of your arms, and get you up to your room. That should take about two hours or less. I will be taking the bandages off your face this morning temporarily. I want to see, for myself, how well the healing has progressed. As I told your parents, if it has gone well enough, I will re-bandage you for proximately two to three weeks, but you may be able to go home in three to four days."

Payne wanted to shout, but she knew better, so her eyes glowed instead.

Dycke said to Piker, "Dad, have you noticed we have been standing here for five minutes and we have not even had the courtesy of the hello, yet. We might as well go and have a cup of coffee and when she is ready to say hello we can come back. Okay?"

Piker said to Dycke, "Remember, son, she said she would keep the ring."

"It is okay, dad. You have seen the paperwork, I own the mine."

The words were not completely out of his mouth, yet, when Dycke was hit by a plastic cup.

Piker said, "I guess she knows you are here."

"If I am feeling pain, Payne knows I am here."

Payne said, "Hi dad. Hi twerp!"

"Is that a nice way to talk to a man that has graduated high school 'Summa cum Laude?" asked Dycke.

"What! How could you graduate before me? How could you graduate 'Summa' when the highest I could go was 'Magna'?" asked Payne.

"First of all, you know, I am smarter than you are."

Payne replied, "Say that again and I will take these tubes out of my arms and hang you with them."

"Second, I could say that we told the principal that I had become a security risk and that it would work out best for him and the students to have me graduate early, so that they can enjoy their brand-new football and track stadium for the beginning of next season. In other words, your dad bribed him."

Payne looked at her father, who just grinned at her. She said to him, "You did something illegal?"

Piker looked at his daughter and said, "Who, me?"

Payne bit her hand because she didn't want to laugh.

The nurse came and told visitors to leave so she could prepare to remove the IVs from Payne's arms. She also advised the visitors of Payne's room assignment and that she would be upstairs within the hour.

Everyone started to file out, but not Dycke. "Twerp," he said.

Payne said, "It was the only word I could use in mixed company."

Dycke said to her, "Just remember your promise, I get to use the paddle."

Payne said, "How do I even know you got me the discs."

As if on cue, the nurse, who was to remove Payne's IV's, came around the corner with a satchel filled with educational discs. She asked Payne if she should have them delivered to her room or given to her parents.

"Oh shit" said Payne.

"Paddle" said Dycke.

"Want to bargain?"

"Not on your life," said Dycke.

"You do not have to smile when you say that."

"I just keep thinking of the pretty pictures of your cheeks in pink."

Payne said, "Just remember, he who laughs last laughs best."

The nurse said, "The quicker you get out of here, the quicker I can get her up to her room."

Dycke said, "I will see you upstairs my love."

Payne said, "My love, my ass."

Dycke said, "Exactly!" He escaped before another plastic cup went flying by him.

31. The Match Game.

Fiona went to Bob Short's dojo at 8pm, on her first day off, since she had met Dycke. She had worn her workout clothes to the gym, and had brought a change of clothes to go home in. She did not expect the evening to be much of a match because she was seven inches taller than Bob and fifteen years younger. She was hoping for a good workout, but that was about it.

When she arrived, a class of teenagers was just dispersing and Bob greeted her at the door, cordially.

"Oh good," he said, "You have already admitted defeat, by bringing your overnight bag."

Fiona laughed and said, "This is just a change of clothes for me to go home in. Quite honestly, I expect the shower to last longer than the match."

Bob said, "Since we already have a bet on the outcome of this little event, I will not add insult to injury and take your money, also."

"Bob, where is the nearest hospital, just in case I have to get you there in a hurry?"

"Fiona, the only thing that I have to worry about is how long I am going to be giving you mouth-to-mouth resuscitation."

Bob locked the doors and closed the draperies in the studio. He extended the mats to the full width and length of the room and said to Fiona, "What punishment would you like first?"

"This is the best two out of three Bob. No holds barred. No rules. When you have had enough, you just say ENOUGH!"

They were already dressed in their 'gi' and Bob mockingly said, "Ding" and the matches were on.

They went at each other and tae kwon do style for almost 15 minutes before a leg kick by Fiona caught Bob on the side of his head, knocking him to the floor. She pounced on him, using her arms around his neck and head, in a choke hold, cutting off his air supply. She yelled, "Do you give?"

Bob nodded his head, admitting defeat.

Fiona said, "Nice match Bob. You gave me a harder time than I thought."

Bob replied saying, "I had to let you win one so that you would not feel bad, when you lose the next two."

"You sure are full of yourself, aren't you, Bob?"

"We will see won't we, Fiona?"

They talked, hydrated and rested for five minutes, when Fiona said, "Are you ready, Old Man?"

"Pride goes before the fall, Fiona."

"Bob, you fall so well. Ding!"

Fiona charged Bob with a jujitsu move and Bob countered with a fierce Kempo attack to her left side and a kick to her left hip and cause Fiona to grunt and roll on her right side. She bounced up quickly and looked at Bob, as he smiled at her.

"Smooth move, Bob" she said, as she circled him to her left, in an attempt to protect her left side and tried to swipe him with the right leg. Bob jumped over her leg and used a round house kick to the center of her back and knocked the wind out of her. She lay flat on the mat but Bob knew better than to press his advantage because she was not hurt, she was just winded. Fiona watched Bob warily as she tried to get up. He stayed behind her and every time she turned he moved keeping at her six o'clock position. She finally did a forward roll to a standing position and increased her distance from him. She waited for him to attack but he did not. He waited for her. She was younger, taller and stronger and he should not be able to overcome these advantages, Fiona thought. She would not make the tactical mistakes she made before, again. She resumed her karate stance and approached menacingly towards Bob, and struck him fiercely about the head and chest, with a flurry of blows that went unanswered. Fiona prepared another attack and moved in and started another flurry of blows to his chest, and with a masterstroke of timing, as Fiona finished her final blow and started to retreat, Bob jumped and double kicked her, in the lower chest and diaphragm, with such force that it rendered her unconscious.

Fiona woke up several moments later with an ice pack under her neck and Bob was giving her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in a very unorthodox style. Fiona said, "You have not won, yet!"

Bob looked her in the eye, smiled and said, "I was just practicing. How do you feel?"

"I have been down before, but I have never been knocked out. I did not realize you could jump that high and kick with that much power."

"One of the other things I wanted to do besides run, when I was in high school and college was to do the high jump. However, that was reserved for the giants. The tall guys would always let me use the high jump equipment, and I could clear six foot on a good day. For my height, that was not bad."

"Well, it sure got my attention today. I will have to watch out for it in our next match, which is due to begin in a few minutes."

"Fiona, if you want to put it off for another day, I will understand. I just rang your bell pretty good and I do not want to hurt you anymore than I just did."

"You are just afraid you will lose the next one, aren't you, Bob?"

"Are all English women as hardheaded as Margaret Thatcher?"

"Maggie Thatcher was a moderate, Bob. Us right wingers thought she was way too liberal."

"No wonder she and Reagan got along so well. He was senile, and the people she had working for her, were working against her."

"Is that nice thing to say about a President of the United States, who made a motion picture, back in the 1950s, and updated it in the 1980s and called it Star Wars?"

"Fiona, the picture probably cost a couple of million dollars to make and probably made money at the box office. Reagan's investment in Star Wars, nearly bankrupted the United States. However, instead of fighting old wars, how about we finish this one so I can take you to bed?"

Fiona stood up and was immediately grabbed by Bob because she was about to fall right back down. Bob asked her if she wanted to go to the hospital.

Fiona said, "I think I had better sit down for a while longer. I do not believe I will be able to continue to fight today. I am sorry Bob; our third fight will have to wait for another day."

"Fiona, that is fine with me. I just need to be sure that you are alright."

"Bob, you did not hit me in the head, my pulse rate is fine. I am just a little dizzy. I will rest a little while longer and I will try to stand again."

Bob said, "Fiona, let me run upstairs to my apartment and get some orange juice. I will bring it down here so you can drink it and get some sugar in your system."

"It is very convenient, Bob, that your apartment is in the same building as your studio."

"It is, also, very convenient Fiona, to have my apartment and my studio, in my building."

"Bob, why don't you just help me upstairs, and I will drink the orange juice there. I do not believe I will not be able to drive for an hour or so."

"Okay, Fiona, we can exit through the back and take the service elevator up to my apartment."

"Thank you, Bob."

Fiona braced herself against the wall and stood up slowly. She still felt a little woozy but she was steadier on her feet, this time. She moved to pick up her gym bag and threw it over her shoulder and started walking toward where Bob was.

Bob watched her closely. He wasn't looking to see how her body was moving; he was watching her eyes to see how her brain was functioning. Her eyes were not sharp. She had not yet snapped out of the fog she was in and it did not look like she was going to come out of it any time soon. He moved over to her and braced his shoulder against her side in an effort to take some of her weight off her feet.

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