Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 077

"Ah, yes. The phallus of Osiris. I won't bore you with the details, but it was lost a long time ago. If Isis was still around, she would probably grant you a huge boon if you could return it to her."

Mike lifted an eyebrow. "Why would Isis care?"

"Osiris was her husband. He was the god of fertility, agriculture, the underworld..." Ratu waved her hand dismissively. "So not just any magic cock. Divine magical cock. And right now, with them being in the Underworld, that thing has what you would call the home court advantage. It would also explain how this priestess was able to subjugate an angel. By combining her soul with Murray, it allowed her a direct connection to the angel. The cock of Osiris would give her the strength to control it. However, if you take away the artifact, you may weaken or break that connection."

As they continued to discuss options, the skies up above darkened. Looking up at the sky, he was filled with an inexplicable dread.

"Naia? Can I get that key?" He held out his hand and Naia handed it over. Everyone stopped talking as he walked over to the wrought-iron gate at the back of the property.

When he slipped the key in and turned it, the gate opened, only revealing the forest behind his house. There was no sign of Cerberus or the Underworld.

"Figured it wouldn't be so easy," he muttered, then closed the gate again. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, summoning the magic. It manifested weakly at first, as if reluctant.

He put his hand on the gate and closed his eyes. The world around him went quiet as he spread his consciousness wide, hoping to grab onto a thread of magic. There were whispers of it shifting around beneath the soil, and it took a few tries before he was able to latch onto one.

A jolt of power raced through him, and he opened his eyes to gaze upon a beautiful garden. His hand was wrapped around an iron pole with an unlit lamp up above.

"This...is not what I expected." He looked down at his feet and realized that he was in his own body. A quick survey of the place revealed that this was definitely the magical gardens where he often met the house. He had only ever been there in her body, and he was all alone.

"Hello?" He walked around, curious if his body was still in the real world. If he had teleported here, it had probably scared the shit out of everyone. The most likely idea was that it was just his consciousness that had made the trip.

I see you've met my sister. The voice was coy and carried by the breeze. You carry her scent.

"I have," he replied, recognizing the house's voice. "I'm trying to open up the Underworld so I can come find you. Well, your Earth body. My house. Any advice on that?"

The voice laughed, and he felt a soft breeze caress his body.

I'm never more than a thought away, Caretaker. The presence tickled the back of his neck and tousled his hair. They say that home is where your heart is. So come find me.

"That's very cryptic, thanks for your..." he was suddenly back in his yard. "Help," he finished.

It was frustrating never being given a direct answer, but he knew that the house, in her own way, had somehow given him the answer without violating whatever rules had been set forth. Now he just needed to dissect the words and figure out how much was metaphor and how much was literal.

"Mike? Is everything okay?" Naia's voice was filled with concern. "It looked like you passed out for a second there."

"Might have," he replied, then turned to look at her.

Naia. She smiled at him, her thick locks being tugged by the stormy weather that had formed overhead. Though he had loved Velvet fiercely, Naia had been the first love of his new life, the woman who had captured his heart and bound him to this place. He had missed her, but those emotions had been set aside by his short, passionate affair with Velvet.

Why was that? The attraction had been intense, but mutual. Had his magic reacted to Velvet's own desires? Or had it been something else?

Velvet. He touched the envelope in his pocket and let out a groan. Eulalie had run off so fast that he had forgotten about Abella's letter!

"Excuse me, I have to take care of something important." He looked up at the sky and grimaced. "Will just take me a few minutes, then we can try to figure out what to do next."

Naia shrugged, her whole body rippling. It was a familiar gesture that brought a small smile to his face.

When he walked inside the house, he paused. When he had first come home, he had practically run through here without a second glance. Now that he had a moment, he could tell that this was definitely the version of the house that usually resided in the Underworld. Meant to be a placeholder for when the true house rested, this building was much smaller.

That made it easier to find Eulalie and Dana sitting in what was normally his room. The Arachne was sitting on the bed, her legs sprawled out around her. Her cheeks were flushed, and she stared helplessly at the floor.

"She isn't saying anything," Dana told him. Her face was shining with tears, but her features were placid, as if watching a boring video. He wondered if she was even aware of the tears. "I don't know that she wants to talk to anyone right now."

"None of us have the luxury of time, but I'm the one who will be doing all the talking anyway." He walked over to the bed and sat next to Dana. "Also, I wanted to tell you that when I go into the Underworld, you have to stay here. If something happens to Beth and me..."

"I become the new Caretaker and inherit Lily." Dana's lip twitched, and then she smiled. "Well, and everything else. But mostly Lily."

"Not if I can't find them."

"Oh. Right." Dana frowned.

"Do you mind if I speak with her alone for a minute?" Mike glanced at the door. "It won't be long, I promise."

"Call if you need me." Dana put a hand on one of Eulalie's glossy legs. The Arachne didn't react. With a nod to Mike, Dana left.

Mike sat next to Eulalie and let out a weary sigh. "I'm not good at this," he began. "I wish I had words of comfort or something other than the fact that I'm sorry. Did Dana tell you what happened?"

Eulalie stared intently at the wall for several seconds before she nodded.

"She did." She looked at Mike. "I...only remember parts of what she said. All I could think about was how I'm all alone now. My mother was the last of her kind until she had us, and now I am the last of my kind. It feels like the whole world is pressing against me and I can't breathe."

Mike swallowed the lump in his throat. "I guess I can't speak to all of that. Your sister and I had something special. It was brief, but devastating. I almost lost myself in my own grief, and I want to make sure you don't do the same." He pulled the envelope from his pocket and handed it over. "Abella wrote this. She was with Velvet at the end, and said it couldn't wait. I wanted to make sure you had it before I go after the others."

Eulalie took the envelope, but didn't open it. "I was planning to come with you, but now I don't know. This will sound dumb, but up until you came back, this whole thing felt like a giant game. Now I realize it isn't."

I wouldn't go that far, Mike thought, but kept that to himself. "You should know that I loved your sister very much. Well, I think I did. I'm still not entirely sure how to define my feelings for her other than that, it's not something I've ever felt so intensely before. I know you feel like you're all alone, but..." He reached over and took her by the hand. "As long as you have us, you will only be alone as you want to be."

Tears shimmered in Eulalie's eyes, and she wiped them away. She squeezed Mike's hand, then held up the envelope. "Do you mind staying while I read this? I'm not very good with strong emotions and wouldn't mind a friend."

"I can make a few minutes. I'm sorry I can't do more."

"Appreciated." Eulalie opened the envelope and scanned the letter. Her face was unreadable, and when she was finished, she folded the letter up and stuck it in her skirt pocket.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"There's a lot to think about." She gestured to his arm. "Can I see that?"

"I guess, but I'm not sure--" he froze in place as she opened her mouth and sank her fangs into his forearm. His body hadn't warned him of an assault, so this had to be something else.

The pressure faded first, followed by the pain. The swelling in his fingers decreased as Eulalie drank his blood and he sighed in relief as he flexed his fingers.

"Did you just heal me?" he asked when she pulled her mouth away.

"Hardly. I drained some of the excess blood and then gave you something for the pain. Your blood didn't taste very good. You should definitely see a doctor about that arm. My bite also has an anticoagulant, so that helped get your blood flowing again and you won't have to worry about clots. I thought I was going to help with whatever came next, but this is the best I can do for now." Her front legs spread wide and she reached under her skirt and pulled out a long silken thread. "Take off that brace, I can make you something better. I'm not a doctor, but you definitely shouldn't be using that arm for anything."

"Yes, ma'am."

He waited while she dismantled the makeshift brace and then wrapped his arm in spider silk. She applied it to his arm like a compression bandage, and he could actually make a fist now with that hand. It was fascinating to watch her weave the accompanying sling, and he thanked her as she placed the final loop over his neck.

"I have to go home," she replied. "There are some things I need to see to right away. Try to make sure you're still alive when I return."

"I'll do my best." He stood and walked toward the door. "And again...I'm really sorry."

"I know." She stood and gestured to the door. "The others are waiting for you."

"They are. Now if only I knew what to do next." He chuckled. "I wanted to speak with you before I left, but I'm not certain how to go about leaving."

"I thought you just needed to go to the Underworld? Through the gate?"

Mike sighed. "It's disconnected. This place is a copy of the real one, which gets locked away until a new Caretaker inherits the place and summons it. I thought I could open it by using magic, but it didn't work."

"How did you summon the house the first time? Can't you just do that?"

"I..." His jaw flexed as his thoughts turned to Naia. She had appeared in his bathtub and fucked him, using her magic to bond him to the house. She was the guardian of the house, linked to the entity that controlled it, and the first woman to capture his heart. "I suppose I can."

"Then go do it." She reached into her pocket and pulled out the dog tags and threw them to him. "And take these."

He caught the dog tags. "I don't understand. I thought you would want them."

"Oh, I do." She smiled sadly, a single tear sliding down her face. "Consider them on loan, for luck. I want them back."

"Thank you." He slid them around his neck, the cool metal resting against his skin. "If you'll excuse me, I need to do one of the two things I'm well known for."

Eulalie nodded. "Sounds like you're getting lucky either way."

Outside the room, he ran past a small group of rats that were waiting out in the hallway, then slid down the railing of the stairs. Now on the landing, he hopped down, feeling a distant ache in his arm on impact.

Out back, everyone was just standing around talking. Despite the stormy weather overhead, which he assumed was related to the horsemen, they seemed calm. It may as well have been a regular day with a storm blowing in, rather than the end of the world.

Maybe it was optimism, or just a delusion, but he wondered if they were calm because they believed in him. No matter what trouble blew their way, he could be relied on to handle it. And if he couldn't do it alone, they were there to help.

Power hummed through the core of his body, and his magic came alive and spread out, sending sparks along his legs and into the ground. Gone was the destructive force that had powered it in Oregon. Instead, his magic briefly touched everyone as if making sure they were there, and his senses expanded to take in the scene. Different magic flowed through everyone, creating a kaleidoscope of colors in his backyard. Suly's was a ghastly hue of green that looked like mist, while Ratu's was red and black like lava. Amymone's magic flowed into the ground and spread out like roots, touching all of the plants in the yard.

And then there was Naia. Her magic flowed into the ground, deep beneath where her spring lay. In the center of her body was a core made of blinding light that spun like a tiny star.

Naia smiled at him and stuck her chest out as he vaulted the edge of the fountain and grabbed her around the waist with his good arm.

"Hello, lover." Her voice was a purr as his magic danced along the water in the fountain. "This is a surprise."

"I need you to connect me with the house, like you did before." His magic unfurled around him, and he heard Ratu scrambling away with Asterion's help. "Like on that first day. But mainly with the back yard. I need the gate to properly reappear so I can open it."

She cocked her head and laughed. "I guess we can try. I'm not certain what will happen, though." She moved in close, her breath cool against his neck. "We also have quite the audience," she whispered.

"It's fine. Apparently everyone has seen my butthole already." He pressed his lips to her, his magic causing the fountain to swell and overflow. The wind shifted upward, sending a spray of water toward the storm clouds up above. As her tongue wrestled with his, her magic seeped up his legs and into his groin. His cock was rock hard now, and she teased it through his pants.

"Anyone who isn't interested in getting seriously horny should head inside right now." Ratu spoke from the back door, a quirky grin on her face. "It's about to get really wet out here."

Everyone else ran for the door, except for Amymone, who couldn't.

"Eh. Trees like rain anyway." She licked her lips hungrily. "I just hope you're ready to share."

Naia broke the kiss and smirked at her sister. "I suppose I can make room for my sister. We're gonna need some serious--OH!" The water beneath her rushed up and swirled around her body, obeying Mike's whims. He mentally commanded the water to move up her legs and tease her Nymph's Pearl, causing her to gasp in pleasure.

"Looks like lover boy has learned some new tricks. But just to play Devil's advocate, is now the time for this?" The dryad put her hands on her hips and cocked them outward. "I thought you were going to the Underworld?"

Mike turned his attention to Amymone and beckoned her toward them with a crooked finger. "Yes," he replied, answering both her questions.

"Hey, say no more." She hopped into the fountain, the leaves of her skirt floating on the surface of the water. "I'm sure I'll figure it out later."

Amymone pressed her hips into Mike from behind, as if steadying him. Strong hands moved around his body and settled on his crotch, stroking him through the fabric of his pants.

There was a temporary pang of guilt as he thought of Velvet. Though her loss was still fresh in his mind, he was about to have sex with at least one of the women here, if not both.

He closed his eyes and let Naia and Amymone attend to him, the sensations of their hands and mouths on his body flowing through his very soul. Naia kissed him on the mouth as Amymone sucked on his neck, her hands pushing aside his clothes. If not for the fact that he had planted his grief in the forests of Oregon, there was no way he would even be able to function right now.

"Lover, are you okay?" Naia's voice was full of concern. She and Amymone stopped what they were doing, and he let out a sigh.

"No." When he opened his eyes, he was staring into the beautiful azure depths of Naia's eyes. There was nothing but love and light for him in the windows to her soul, and he gratefully submerged himself in their calming waters. "But I will be."

She kissed him again, her lips aggressive against his. Amymone had pushed his shirt up, and he could feel her long fingers sliding beneath the waist-band of his pants and teasing the delicate skin of his cock.

He hardened at her touch, and the air around them became thick with magic.

"Holy shit," Amymone muttered, sounding breathless. "This feels way different from last time. Is it...bigger?"

"Might be." Naia caressed Mike's cheek as her dress melted away, revealing her bare breasts. "He's a different man now. But he's still very much our Caretaker."

He and Naia continued kissing, his hands exploring her body as Amymone pulled down his pants and started sucking on his cock. The fountain sprayed water into the air that hovered in place in the shape of a dome around them. Above, the stormy weather rolled in and threatened them with thunder that sounded like distant explosions.

"I don't think we have much time," he told the women after breaking his kiss with Naia. "I need to get that gate open."

Naia nodded, then knelt down by her sister. The two of them tag-teamed his cock, and the hovering drops of water sizzled as his magic leapt between them. Through one of the windows of the house, he noticed Suly's face pressed against the glass.

The dullahan gave him a smile and a double-thumbs up. Mike looked away, afraid to see who else was watching him.

Amymone got on her hands and knees as Naia sat on her back, her legs wrapping around Mike's waist to pull him in. When the head of his cock brushed against her labia, a jolt passed between them that had both of them gasping for air.

"Even I felt that." Amymone's dress split apart, revealing her bare behind, She was fingering herself as the sparks from their bodies fell into the fountain and gathered around her legs. "Oh, gods, it feels like I'm wired directly to a leyline or something."

"We'll teach you how to control the intensity of your magic later," Naia told him. "But for now, I just want you to fuck--ME!"

Mike slid into her before she was done speaking. Her vaginal walls were swirling around his shaft, but his magic encountered her own and it spiraled outward in a devastating combination. The overflowing water in the fountain consolidated into giant spheres that hovered around them, scattering purple energy that turned into streamers of light.

Naia howled in pleasure, her eyes glowing from within as Mike fucked her with abandon. Beneath them, Amymone cried out her own pleasure as the magic in the water attempted to move through her to get up to her sister. Tiny flowers blossomed along her skin, making her look like a living wreath.

Oh, lover. Naia's voice was in the water now. What am I going to do with you?

He couldn't respond. Her magic was now beating inside his chest, and whenever he pressed his throbbing shaft to its maximum length inside of her, it almost felt like they were merging. Her magic and his own weren't so different, and the feedback loop had already soaked the backyard in water and magic. The grass and flowers around the fountain leaned toward them as if bowing in reverence, and even Amymone's tree creaked as it tried to move closer by bending.

Mike babbled incoherently as the magic filled him with light. That burning desire to come and fill Naia with his seed had consumed his thoughts, placing him in a mindless state of bliss. Here there was no pain, no fear, no grief.

Only Naia.

That's right, lover, it's just me. Always me.

He saw glimpses of her now, moments they had shared in the tub and the fountain. Memories of kissing with their limbs tangled as they fought to discover pleasurable new positions. The times he had bathed with her and Tink, that time he had tried to start a water fight with her and gotten blasted out of the fountain, all of the moments when he had stared into her eyes as she came for him over, and over, and over...

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