I Should Have Listened to my Mother

Not the best sex of my life, but certainly the most fun I'd ever had while having sex! It was also probably the best intimate get together I'd ever had with two friends. Truly the times of our lives! I find it so hard to believe that less then a month later my world would come crashing down. . .

What I remember and what was told to me about that night.

I'd been working like a dog. Really late evenings until 11 or 12. I'd been going at it for about a week straight. I was prepping for a really big case. I was at my desk around 8 o'clock in the evening sipping my millionth coffee of the day and staring into my computer screen. I'd been preparing for a case that was to go to trial in 5 more days. I was very much on schedule but was exhausted. I was thinking about maybe having the time to take a day or two off before the trial. There were a few of my co-workers still at the office, as well as a cleaning crew. My office door was locked. I heard a knock. When I opened the door I was delighted to see standing there my girlfriend Jackie. And God bless her, she'd brought dinner from our favorite Chinese Restaurant! I knew this was her custody week and when I asked her about it she said her kids would be just fine, they were now old enough to stay home for a while alone. And knowing her two kids, she was right. They were 13 and 15 now. I can't begin to tell you how happy I was to see her. Right before, I was thinking about the 2 days off I was going to try and swing, I'd been thinking of our last weekend together. About the wonderful love making we'd done. About all the laughing and carrying on we'd done. About how absolutely beautiful she is. . .

When she stepped into the office, I once again locked the door and we embraced and kissed. More like her standing there with carry-out bag in each hand and me wrapping my arms around her and lip-locking her! We walked to my desk where she put the food, and as we began unloading the bag she told me "I brought something special for you...." All sing-songie like.

"Whatcha bring meeee?..." I asked in the same fashion as I walked around to my chair. As I sat in my chair she followed me around and stood with her butt resting on the desks edge. She leaned back a bit. She was wearing jeans and a tee shirt with a light suede jacket. I smiled when I saw it. That mischievous smile Jackie loves so much was on my face. Jackie had a huge bulge in her crotch, and it ran about nine inches down her thigh. She was wearing her special dildo. She'd come to have dinner and fuck me. She'd stopped at the restroom down the hall to put it on before she knocked on my door.

I looked up at her as I playfully rubbed the cock in her pants. "I think you've come here for some ulterior motives mister..." and I leaned over and playfully bit the bulge in her pants. She took my face in one of her hands and began to bend over and kiss me . . . and that's when it happened.

A horrendously loud explosive crash! We both jumped like cats. Jackie spun around in a flash. I shot backwards in my desk chair and leapt to my feet and screamed. Standing in the shattered door frame was Frank Davis! He was holding a handgun. As he raised it he yelled out "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" and he fired without hesitation. The impact sent me flying backward and I collapsed in my chair. I heard lots more gun fire. It seemed to never end. (It was only 7 more shots that were fired) I didn't actually pass out; I was more like really dazed. It knocked the wind out of me; it was so hard to breathe. . . Then the pain hit. It was searing! It felt like I'd been hit in the shoulder with a molten & flaming baseball bat! It had knocked the wind out of me. I came out of it pretty quickly and looked to my right. Crumpled on the floor, sort of leaning against a bookshelf was my Jackie. She'd been hit dead center in the chest. I jumped up to rush to her and fell flat on the floor with my very first step. The pain in my shoulder was worse than anything I'd ever felt. When I fell, I landed right in front of Jackie and struggled to pull her all the way on the floor next to me. I managed to roll over and was sort of hovering over her now. . . (This is so God damn hard to write!!!! Oh God NO!!!)

I WILL GET THROUGH THIS! I've had a little break and feel like writing more now.

I looked down at her, we were face to face and she was still alive. The look on her face was shear terror. There was bloody, foamy bubbles coming out of her nose and mouth, and she was quivering all over. She was trying so hard to breath. She was gasping like a fish out of water. She coughed once and blood sprayed from her mouth and hit me in the face. I remember blinking in utter disbelief . . . this simply was NOT happening!!! I tried to scream for help and when I did I began to see stars, then everything went black.

What I was later told: Frank's first round hit me in the left shoulder, hitting no bone, the round went straight through me and into the wall behind me. He was using a 9mm automatic. By the time he pivoted and turned on Jackie, she had already pulled her .357 snub-nose revolver from her ankle holster and took aim and began firing. (The gun I had given her for Christmas that year!) Frank got off only the one round at Jackie. She had fired all six rounds at Frank. Five of the six hit their mark. One hit him dead center in the forehead, taking the top of his head off and splattering his brains all over the ceiling, one exploded his heart. He was dead before he hit the carpet. The debate as to whether Officer Jackie Bennett was as good in 'real life' as she was on the shooting range was finally put to rest. In her circle of cop friends it was always said "It's all about the targets shooting back!" (Followed by lots of macho grunting and laughing) Jackie killed that mother fucker dead in his worthless tracks! She ended up being my hero! (I am crying so hard right now!!!) The custodian we all know and love, Sergio, was the first one who rushed to our sides. He was there moments after I passed out. Jackie died in our arms.

Side-Bar please: Frank "Worthless Piece of Shit" Davis. He was a "pro-bono" client. Assigned to my firm by the D.A. And in turn my firm assigned him to me. Before meeting with him for the first time, I read his case file. What a piece of shit he was! Before I finished reading what they had on him, I found several issues with the evidence they had against him. Yes, I knew I stood a really good chance at getting a not guilty verdict on him. But the reality was I wouldn't be all that disappointed if I lost this one. The man was trash. Frank "Worthless Piece of Shit" Davis was a pedophile. A person I'd just as soon seen beaten to death in prison. As I sat and pondered this, my phone rang. It was the D.A. He and I are good friends and have gone toe to toe several times in the court room. I've kicked his ass way more than he's kicked mine. Outside the courtroom we're actually friends. We've even had sex a couple of times. He was curious to know if I'd had a chance to look at Frank's case file. I told him I had just finished doing so and he asked what my thoughts were.

"Well, I'd have to say I wouldn't be too upset if I lost this one. Pretty fucked up individual if you ask me." I told him.

"Well, what would you like to do about that?" he asked.

"Why don't we meet for lunch this afternoon and discuss it?" I asked.

"Your treat?" he said.

"Of course. See you at Dillon's, say noon?"

And we met and discussed Frank Davis's case.

At lunch, the D.A. asked if there was anything I might be willing to accidentally let slip in regards to what I might learn from my upcoming interview with Mr. Pedophile. He and I had done something very similar before with excellent results. I lost a case, but a worthless hunk of shit went to prison where they belonged. I was good with it then and I was good with it now. And on top of that, the D.A. would "owe" me. Of course all of this was completely illegal and inadmissible in court, but completely untraceable.

It was a simple plan. I'd call the D.A. right before I went in for the interview and I'd leave the connection open during the interview. A small wireless ear piece would make it very easy to go unnoticed. What the D.A. needed was seriously hard evidence.

I gave the performance of a lifetime with Frank. Our interview lasted well over two hours. In the course of that time I convinced Frank I was there to help him go free. I convinced him that when that happened he'd have to agree to have sex with me. I cock teased that ass hole into telling me everything about what he'd done. In doing so he talked about his journal and his photos that he had in a special hiding place in his basement. During the course of our interview, I allowed Frank to slide his hand up my skirt and feel my privates. I pretended to get all shivery and turned on. When I left the interview, Frank was convinced we were going to hook up once this was all over. My first stop after leaving the interview was to the bathroom where I promptly threw up. Once home I showered for nearly an hour.

Said journal was found and admitted as evidence. It sealed his fate. He knew perfectly well I had given him up. And miraculously he posted bail and was out awaiting the verdict. It was a long weekend but there was no doubt what the jury would come back with. He had no intention of going to prison. I paid no attention to the glare in his eyes when his journal and photo's were admitted as evidence. It was the same glare he had when he kicked down my office door. End Side-Bar.

My office was a wreck. It was covered in blood. The entire wing was shut off from everybody else for 2 days. They moved my office to the other side of the building. That entire area very quickly became a file storage area. The firm mounted a beautiful plaque on the wall where Jackie's life ended. My dear friends at the firm: I never really considered them all that close until after all this happened. Oh, what they went and did. . .

Jackie was taken to the morgue. It was all over the news. An autopsy was begun in a matter of hours. Jackie was wearing her 'apparatus' if you remember. Tony, Jackie's best cop buddy, was the first one to the morgue. He and she had talked on the phone right before she got to my office. She told him what she had planned. The coroner took him to the side and showed him what he found. Tony got in touch with my co-workers and they got in touch with Jordan (Uncle Jordan). When the doctor refused to accept Jordan's offer of one hundred thousand dollars cash to remove the item from the body as well as the report, he doubled the offer and threatened to destroy doctor's life if he didn't do it. The doctor gave in and removed the item, gave it to Tony as well as the report that was mid way through being finished. The doctor did what he needed to cover all evidence of it ever being on her body. When he went to bed that night, he was almost a quarter of a million dollars richer. The money was delivered by courier in a steel brief case. Jackie's autopsy officially said COD was "massive chest trauma caused by 9mm hollow point handgun round". She was cremated. The department gave her a hero's full honors funeral and awarded her posthumously for valor and courage under fire. (Bawling my eyes out again)... Tony took Jackie's apparatus back to my house and cleaned it and stashed it in my dresser drawer.

Muffled hushed voices filled my head as my eyes flickered open. The light seemed very bright and somebody dimmed the lights. I was in a hospital room. When my eyes focused I was looking up at my mother Lillian. She had a forced happy smile on her face. She'd been crying, a lot. I remember thinking how odd that was to see; I've only seen my mother cry a couple of times in my whole life. I was still a bit groggy and opened my mouth to ask her why she'd been crying . . . and it all came flooding back. Tears boiled out of my eyes as my face contorted in anguish. I managed to ask "Jackie?" and all momma could do was shake her head 'no' and she too began bawling. I heard a voice I recognized coming from the foot of my bed. It was Tony. All he could manage was "OH JESSIE!...." and began crying like a baby. Several other people were in the room and when Tony lost it, they all joined in... The room had erupted in cries of heart broken anguish. Mother climbed into bed with me and we hugged SO hard as my aching soul came screaming to the surface. I was shaking so violently all over. . . I was making sounds I'd never heard come from me before, my heart pounded with such a sadness. Still-shots of our short time together filled my head and the pain got worse and the crying got louder. Her two wonderful children came to mind and the sadness was simply too hard to bear. A nurse came in with a syringe and injected it into my I.V. and she told my mother "Ma'am, your going to have to get out of that bed right now!"

"Fuck you!" was all my mother said and stayed right where she was. I felt the effects of the injection and faded off to quiet darkness. The darkness lifted and I was slowly flooded with light. A very warm, soothing and glowing sort of light. A figure seemed to be running towards me. IT WAS JACKIE! I ran to her and we fell into each others arms and began spinning around in circles. I seemed to be wrapped in some sort of warm blanket of love and was looking into my dear friends eyes. I asked her "What happened Jackie?"

"Frank Davis killed me Jessie. I killed him. He's not where I'm at, so don't worry. Where I'm at is so wonderful Jessie! It will be so great when you finally get here." She said as she stroked my hair.

"Why Jackie? Why did Frank kill you? It seems so wrong. . ." I asked.

"Why? He was possessed by Satan I suppose. I was put on earth for several reasons . . . one of the reasons was you. I was sent to save you from him. The other big reason was to bring my kids into the world. I ask a favor my love..."

"Anything at all Jackie, I'd walk through fire for you, you know that. What?" I asked

"Will you look after my kids? Make sure they have everything they need to grow up normal? They will grow so much with a person like you in their lives." She said.

"I wouldn't have it any other way my friend" and I kissed her. "Your two babies will want for nothing, I promise you."

"But don't spoil them! Promise me you won't spoil them Jessie!" she said with a concerned smile.

"I promise Jackie, no spoiling. . . . I'm going to miss you madly Jackie! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I said as I felt a cloak of sadness begin to envelope me.

"I know . . . I know . . . I'll miss you too. We'll be together again my dear, I assure you of that. Go back and live the life you were meant to live. Be happy again. Know that I will ALWAYS love you! I did from the moment I first saw you. . . It will be hard but you know as well as I do that you can do it. Be happy knowing that life is eternal and we will be together again one fine day. My time has come and gone in your realm. I had such a wonderful go of it. I learned so much. But now I'm here living a new life. And I'll be waiting here to hear all about how well you did it. OK?"

I couldn't answer her. I was having a new kind of pain. A searing, burning pain in my shoulder. It hurt SO BAD.

Jackie asked "Jessie? Did you hear me?. . . Jessie?...."

Mom's voice drowned out Jackie's and all the light faded back to dark and then back to the over lit and cold, out of focus hospital room. . . "Jessie? Can you hear me? . . . Jessie?" and my eyes opened. There was mom with a nurse standing next to me.

As my eyes flickered open, the tears almost immediately began to flow as my body shook with silent crying. Mom stroked my hair and shushed me softly as she squeezed my hand. "Everything is going to be just fine honey. Don't worry, I'm right here with you baby. You've been having so many visitors honey. We all miss you and want you back. We have to get you off these sedatives darling. It's going to hurt for a while, but just you wait and see. We're all here to help you through this, ok?"

"Jackie's DEAD momma! Jackie's d e a d!" I sobbed up at her.

"I know baby, I know . . ." and she wiped the tears from my cheeks and stroked my anguished face.

"That fucking Frank Fucking Davis fucking shot and killed her!!! Why?!?!" I screamed.

"He was trying to kill you honey. And Jackie stopped him dead in his worthless tracks and sent him straight to hell!" Momma answered with distain in her voice. She too, once again, began to cry "Our friend Jackie is a national hero honey. How she saved you has been all over the national news. Her heroism is being talked about everywhere." She told me.

"How long have I . . . have I . . .?"

"Almost 3 week's sweetie." She answered

"I missed her funeral!" I said. The crying intensified.

"Honey, Jackie was cremated. The police department had their service for her, oh it was so grand! Her kids said they wanted to wait for you till they scattered her ashes. They want to do it at the lake baby. With us. With you. We'll make a wonderful day of it, huh?" she asked while lovingly stroking my hair.

All I could manage was to force a tearful smile and nodded my head yes. The five of us had had such a wonderful fun filled summer at "our" lake. We hardly missed a single weekend. Camping and water skiing and kite flying and target shooting. Skipping rocks and telling scary stories at night by camp fire. Sharing our life's stories and celebrating three of our birthdays there. The kids told mom it was the best summer of their lives. We all bonded so tightly there, that summer at our lake . . . the year their mother was murdered.

A week later I was discharged from the hospital. Jordan had seen to it that my case load was distributed amongst my fellow lawyers. My case load was wiped clean and I was put on a salaried administrative leave of absence. A hiatus from the life I once took for granted. My whole life had changed when Frank Davis kicked my office door down. My outlook on life was pretty shitty when we took to the road for Jackie's ash memorial. Several other people joined us. Eight boat loads in all. Mom had rented the entire fleet of large water craft from the marina for Jackie's friends and family. The only problem of the day was the weather. It was dank and overcast, very chilly. A truly fucked up sort of day for something like this. All who attended knew this and had dressed appropriately. Our 8 rather large pleasure crafts took a very long and slow boat ride the entire circumference of the lake. The precession was lead by Mom, myself and Jackie's two kids and our friend Tony in mom's boat. All along the trip, throughout the day, we took turns tossing out some of Jackie's ashes. As we did so, we'd bring the boats to a stop and kill the engines. It had warmed a bit and people were beginning to remove their jackets. We'd share with the others memories we had with Jackie. And it was my wonderful mother who finally kicked off the party when she brought our boat to a stop and proclaimed "This is the spot."

We all looked around wondering 'spot for what?' and mom motioned the other boat behind us to circle around. Once they had all drifted into place around us she had them kill their engines. The water had become very still and our group became very quiet as my mom stood and prepared to speak to the 40 or so people gathered round. She opened a large storage compartment and reached in and began pulling out white cloth pull string bags. Each bag was filled with Jack Daniels mini bottles. Jack Daniels was Jackie's favorite. She began handing bags off and instructing all to pass a bag to each boat. Once the bags were passed out and everybody held a mini in their hand, Mom called for attention. Hoisting a mini high in the air she called out "To our dear friend Jackie Bennett!" Snapping off the cap she slammed its contents. All followed suit followed by several "Here here's!" Everybody on our boat was still trying to figure out "What spot is this?!?!" and mom continued. "Jackie Bennett saved my daughters life. On this very spot last July 4th weekend, Jackie avenged the near tragic death of her own daughter here by completely beating the shit out of the drunken ass hole that almost caused it!"

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