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  • In the Hands of Dr. Wojcik Part 3

In the Hands of Dr. Wojcik Part 3


Chapter 9

"We need to talk."

My throat went dry at the sound of Dr. Wojcik's voice. She was obviously calling to tell me that I would be charged with assault for my attack on her in the medical building earlier that evening. Or perhaps there was to be a civil suit. Whatever it was, my life was certainly about to take a dramatic turn for the worse - again! Never mind that I had been pushed beyond all normal limits, tormented physically, sexually, and emotionally for almost two years now. Never mind that I was to be featured in a new University text book, naked, exposed, rutting her hand like a wild animal in the throes of passion. Never mind that my face would be on display for all to see. No no, that didn't count at all! What counted was the fact that I had finally snapped, and taken matters into my own hands. I steeled myself for the worst, then calmed my voice as I answered.

"Yes, what is it? Aren't you going to call the police? I've been waiting for them to arrive all evening."

I surprised myself with the angry tone in my voice.

Silence. I could hear her breathing. She seemed taken aback. Finally she spoke, a little hesitantly I thought.

"Is that what you want, Mr. Douglas? It could be easily arranged."

A thought suddenly occurred to me.

"You know, it is just your word against mine in all of this. You have no proof that I touched you at all. Perhaps your story won't be believed. I'm beginning to think that..."

She cut me off.

"You are wrong. My story will be perfectly believed. Because it is true. You forget that the cameras were rolling all the time, Mr. Douglas. I have just reviewed all the tapes, and believe me, the attack is exceptionally well documented. I have taken steps to have the tapes duplicated, and stored in a safe place. Furthermore, if anything should ever happen to me, I have provided for the delivery of those tapes to the police, who I am sure will be greatly interested in their contents. No, Mr. Douglas, combined with your previous conviction, and my international reputation, I am afraid that you wouldn't stand a chance if I were to have you charged with assault."

She paused, letting the effect of her words sink in.

I had nothing to say. If true, those tapes could effectively put me behind bars. And I knew that she had them running almost all the time. I was finished. When she spoke again, she was no longer hesitant.

"You will do exactly as I say, or else I shall immediately take action against you. You are to come to my home Sunday morning at 9:00 A.M. We shall discuss matters further at that point. Is that understood?"

I sighed loudly. There was no way out. I just wanted this woman out of my life for good.

"OK", I mutterred, in a daze again.

"Fine. Go get a pen and take my address down."

I wearily stood up and shuffled over to my desk, returning with a pen and note-pad.

"OK, go ahead."

" It's 128 Willowby Lane, on the far side of the Tucker Nature Reserve. 9:00 Sunday morning then, and don't be late."

And with that she clicked the phone down and the line went dead. I wondered wearily what on earth she wanted now. There seemed to be no end to my involvement with this infernal woman. However, at least it appeared as though she did not intend to inform the police or the court authorities immediately about our little scrap. I drank another beer, then drifted off into an uncomfortable slumber.

Chapter 10

I awoke early Sunday morning, grabbed a coffee, hopped into the shower, and was in my car by 8:40. It was a dark and rainy day, the sky almost black, and I continuously heard the rumble of distant thunder. It seemed to echo the nervous rumblings going on in my guts. I easily found her house, an old, roomy, good quality brick house which had evidently been well restored. It was situated at the end of a dead-end country road, on a well-treed lot, and, judging from the fences around it, I figured the total area was probably around fifty acres or more. Very private. I pulled into the stone driveway, and half-way along there was a metal gate. I was about to come to a stop, when, to my surprise, it automatically swung open. I passed slowly through, and as I looked back in my rear-view mirror, I noticed it swinging shut behind me. I pulled the car up to the covered front entrance, and switched off the engine. As I climbed the front steps, it suddenly occurred to me that I should have contacted my lawyer for advice before taking on this meeting. Come to think of it, I should have brought him along. with me. Another mistake. I lifted up the heavy iron knocker, and rapped loudly three times.

The door opened almost immediately, and there stood Dr. Wojcik. I was taken aback. She looked much classier than I had ever seen her before. She wore a crisp light-brown medium length skirt, with a gold, brown and white silk blouse. An expensive-looking pearl necklace and pearl earrings adorned her face, and, to my surprise, she had on a relatively well-done application of make-up. Dark brown leather shoes completed the picture.

"Good morning, Mr. Douglas. We have a lot to discuss. Please follow me."

And with that, she turned on her heels without awaiting my response, and headed off down the hallway. Shutting the door behind me, I followed several paces behind. The hallway was adorned with tall paintings, probably copies of 18th century stuff, I supposed, and area rugs intermittently covered the floor. Simply yet tastefully decorated, I noted. Nothing great, but no glaring mistakes either. Probably done by your run-of-the-mill interior decorator, I imagined. We continued on until Dr. Wojcik turned to her right, opened a door, and stepped into another room. Switching on a light, we entered a study, filled with books, a globe, a desk - all the usual stuff. Against the far wall was a television and a VCR. Thick curtains completely covered the window, creating a sombre mood. There were three comfortable stuffed chairs arranged around a coffee table. At Dr. Wojcik's beckoning, I sat in the far one, and she situated herself across from me. She reached into a magazine rack, and pulled out a pen and paper. Sitting back, legs crossed, she regarded me with a curious look on her face, as though still trying to make up her mind about something. Finally she broke the silence.

"I have been making inquiries about you since our little incident a few days ago. It seems that you now live alone, is that correct?"

I nodded, surprised at this line of questioning.

"And apparently, your business is not doing particularly well. Barely making ends meet, to be perfectly blunt. Probably bad enough that the cost of a trial lawyer would be enough to put you under for good. I don't suppose that any good lawyer would even take you on as a client. They make their own inquiries, you know."

She paused, then went on.

"I am going to play you a tape of our incident the other day. Watch carefully."

She stood up, and took a video from the desk and placed it into the VCR. Returning to her seat, she clicked the remote.

The screen was blank at first, then came a title page. On it was the name of a videotape lab in a nearby town, and the words 'AUTHORIZED COPY NUMBER 6' underneath in bold red letters. After a moments delay, the TV was filled with the image of me sitting in Dr. Wojcik's office. The sound seemed distant, but you could definitely hear me arguing with Dr. Wojcik about the University text book she was planning to produce. Suddenly I saw myself leap up and grab her by the throat. I was dismayed. I looked even more villanous than I had imagined. The entire sorry episode played out on the screen in front of me; the attack, the shouting, my hands at her throat, and ended with my choking, pepper-sprayed exit from the room. The screen went blank, then a few seconds later, the entire scene was repeated, this time from a different camera angle. My words were much more clear in this version, and my face sharper, better lit, so that my facial contortions appeared even more ghastly. When it was over, Dr. Wojcik clicked off the machine. I sat in a stunned silence.

"As I mentioned to you on the phone, I now have many copies of this tape stored in several safe locations. If I were to disappear, for any reason, my lawyers are instructed to hand them to the police. I spoke to my lawyer yesterday, and he assured me that I could easily have you charged anytime within the next twelve years. It is not something that must be done immediately. Furthermore, a civil suit, for pain, suffering, emotional distress and the like could conservatively net me fifty thousand dollars. I also would like to remind you that I can proceed with my University text book project if I so choose. So you see, Mr. Douglas, I could ruin your life on several different fronts tomorrow if I so chose. Do you understand?"

She glared at me, a little of the old anger creeping back into her eyes.

I nodded.

She shifted in her seat, crossed her legs in the other direction, then sat silently, staring at me, thinking. I hunkered down, awaiting her verdict. I did not want to do anything to provoke her at this point. Finally, she took a deep breath, and spoke in a commanding voice.

"I can be persuaded to not take any action against you, Mr. Douglas, but only on my terms. You have committed a terrible offense against me, and I cannot let you off without any punishment. However, you have no financial capacity right now, that much is clear. On the other hand, you are unemcumbered by any family committments or other demands on your time and activities. This was important to me as I pondered what to do with you."

I wondered what on earth she was getting to. She paused, then continued on.

"I took a look at my own situation, Mr.Douglas. I am forty-five years of age. I am very successful, professionally and financially, quite healthy, and held in high esteem by my family and relatives back in my home country. I am the only one from my small town that has - how do you say? - ah yes!, made good, so to speak. I enjoy my life. I have been able to take numerous trips around the world, and have met many interesting people. In short, I seem to have everything that one could wish for. Except for one thing."

She paused for breath.

"Twenty years ago, when I was just a young woman, I was married for a short while. It was not my choice, for the man was not to my liking, but my family wished it, so I complied. It turned out to be a complete disaster. He was an awful brute, a drunk, a gambler, and lazy as well. The day I divorced him was one of the happiest in my life. I've never felt I needed a man since then. That is until I began our experiments together. It was then that I felt a stirring within me that made me dream of fulfillment in this area of my life. And yet I am unwilling to ever tie myself to a man again, to be under his control, to do his bidding, to be just his wife. No, never again will I let a man lord over me. From now on, things must be done my way, or not at all. Do you understand, Mr Douglas? I want a man, to do with as I wish, to be under my control, to please me first, him second."

Her voice became hard and cold, and the words began to flow out of her like a forceful torrent, as though years of repression had finally burst forth. She leaned forward in her chair, eyes burning into mine.

"I offer you a choice, Mr. Douglas. Either you submit to me, and provide me with the pleasure I desire, or I will take action against you and ruin you completely. There is no other choice, and no negotiations. One or the other. What will it be, Mr. Dougls?"

She looked at me sternly, eyes gleaming with intensity. I noticed a few dots of perspiration forming on her neck. I almost expected her to reach over and strike me at any moment, so imposing and hostile against the entire male race did she appear at that moment.

My mind raced. What did this mean? What form was this submitting to take? And what kind of pleasure did she desire? I was at a loss for words.

"I... er ....well, what exactly do you have in mind?", I stammerred, searching how to put into words my darkest fears.

"That is none of your business.", she snapped.

"But how can I..."

She cut in.

"Choose, Mr. Douglas, choose! I will not explain any further, other than to say that you will go about your usual life, operating your business normally. Whenever I want you to come here and attend to me, you will immediately and without question do so. That is all. I can explain no further. All will become clear in time. What is your answer?"

My mind was a-whirl with ideas and notions. A thousand thoughts and visions passed through my brain, none of them clear, none of them certain. I couldn't find a single clear idea to grasp, to cling on to, one solid underlying principle to base my decision on. I was tired, worn out, drained with worry and stress. I needed to think.

"I need time to digest all this. I can't decide right now. I don't even know..."

Again, the voice cut in like a knife. More forceful than ever.

"Now, Mr. Dougla, now! You have thirty seconds to make up your mind. After that I shall leave this room and call the police. You must take your chances with me or suffer the consequences. I am waiting."

I slumped back in my chair, dazed. This was unbelieveable! And yet I had no choice. I had to comply with her wishes, whatever that might mean. I had to risk it. The alternative was simply too dreadful to contemplate. And yet, what would become of me? There were only questions in my head, no answers. But I had no real choice. I took a deep breath.

"Allright, I have no choice. I agree to your terms. There's nothing else I can do. My life is ruined anyhow."

For an instant, I thought I detected a look of sympathy cross her face, but it quickly disappeared, replaced by an excited, joyful expression that she unsuccessfully tried to hide. She placed the pen and paper away, then stood up, towering over me.

"Good. You've made a wise choice. From now on you will do as I bid you while in this house. I live here alone, so nothing which transpires here will ever be known outside these walls."

She began to pace back and forth as she spoke, excited now.

"We will need a few ground rules here. You will never, ever, address me with anything but the utmost respect and dignity. You will not argue with me nor refuse any of my commands. I will not tolerate a bad attitude of any kind. No sulking. You will arrive within a half hour of my phone call, dropping whatever else you might be doing at the time. You will shower and shave before arriving here. You will dress nicely. I will give you a key and remote control for the front gate so that you do not have to wait for me to let you in. You will always strive to do your best to please me in whatever I demand of you, keeping in mind the fact that at any time I can choose to cancel our agreement and turn you over to the police. Is all this clear?"

She was her imperial, bossy self again.

I nodded.

She winced at me.

"I want to hear your response when I ask you a question, Mr. Douglas. You may continue to address me simply as Dr. Wojcik. Now, is that clear, Mr. Douglas?"

I felt a hole form in the pit of my stomach. I wasn't liking this.

"Yes, Dr. Wojcik."

She nodded her approval.

"Good. Now, let's get to work. We have a long day ahead of us. Follow me."

Chapter 11

She turned and left the room, and I struggled to my feet, feeling dizzy, and trudged silently behind. She passed through a wide-open room, high ceilinged, with lots of skylights, and then down another hallway. At the end was an ornate door, which she opened. I looked inside. It was a bedroom.

There was a huge canopied four poster bed , fully three feet off the ground, with thin off-white lace curtains hanging down on three sides, the near side being swept back and held with a clasp. A huge carved headboard rose up at the back, although there was no footboard at all. The bedspread and numerous pillows were all matching deep gold. The floor was a black hardwood of some kind, immaculately clean, and well polished. There was a dressing table and mirror, several cabinets, a trunk, and a small table and chairs arranged neatly throughout the room, all of a style foreign to me - definitely not American, that much was for sure. The room was brightly lit with a small chandelier. Near the bed was an open window, and as I looked out I realized that the land dropped off sharply towards the back of the house, so that the bedroom was situated fully two stories above the ground. The window was open, and I could still hear thunder rumbling in the distance. On either side of the room were two doors, both closed. Dr. Wojcik pointed to the one on the left.

"Go in there, and take a shower. Wrap yourself in the towel hanging behind the door when you are finished, then return here and wait for my further instructions."

I looked at her nervously. Her eyes were boring straight through me. She licked her thick lips.

Not wanting to continue to look into her face, I turned and opened the door.

It was a bathroom with attached shower room, all very nice, dark wood on the walls, perfumed soaps and shampoos in a basket outside the shower room. I quickly undressed, chose a towel, and entered the shower room. I showered for ten minutes or so, mind racing from thought to thought, before drying myself off and stepping back into the bathroom. On the back of the door hung a thick towel, solid black, of a medium size. I carefully wrapped it around myself, tucking the end in at the side. I surveyed myself in the mirror, combed my hair once or twice, then cautiously opened the door to the bedroom, and peered out.

Dr. Wojcik was stiing on one of the chairs, legs crossed, watching my entry intently.

"Come here."

I walked over to her, bare chest still steaming from the hot shower. She stood up and looked me over, then walked behind me, grunting her approval once or twice.

"Good. Lie down in the centre of the bed"

I walked around her, then gingerly clamoured up onto the bed. It was truly huge, not only wider and higher than any I'd ever seen before, but a full two feet longer as well. The pillows were arranged two deep, and there must have been at least a dozen of them, thick and fluffy. I lay back, staring up at the celing.

Dr. Wojcik went around to the other side of the bed, behind the lace curtain, so that I could only vaguely make out what she was doing. She opened a dresser drawer, and removed some items, then walked over to the bed, and pulled the lace curtain aside. Stretching far across to me,she took my left wrist and pulled it over to herself. Quickly, she fastened a gold leather cuff around it, then wrapped the leather straps attached to it around the corner post, pulling hard and fastened it tightly with a buckle.. My arm was streched out straight, pointing directly to the corner. Then, she grasped my left ankle, and attached another cuff to it, similarly attaching it to the nearest post. She let the curtains fall down, than moved around to the other side of the bed, the side where the curtains were tied up, and similarly tied my right wrist and ankle, so that I ended up spread-eagled on the bed, held tightly but not uncomfortably. Leaning over again, Dr. Wojcik arranged one small pillow underneath my head, then moved the others to the side. After verifying that the straps were all correctly tied, she moved to the bedroom entrance door. For a moment I thought she was going to just leave me there, but as I watched, she reached up and turned the dimmer switch down so that the room was now only dimly lit. The grey light filtering in from the window was now equal in intensity to the lights inside. Then, she turned and went through the other bathrrom door on the right of the room.

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