Jack's Righteous Gig

Groaning, he pulled himself to a seated position. He noticed some kind soul had left a glass of water on the table next to his chair as he slept. He drank some as Hemmarr positioned herself behind him.

"I need to reset the receiver overlay first." Her ever-present tablet was in her hands, so she began tapping away.

As he waited, Jack looked out over the valley before him and felt the warmth of the setting sun on his face. He loved his home.

"Done. I'm going to reset the transmitter as it's offline for some reason," the Ishilon remarked absently.

"Would you mind if I connected now?" Taggart asked Jack and Hemmarr. Both nodded.

There was an odd pop sensation, and Taggart was speaking to Jack from inside. "Oh my!"

"What is it?" Jack asked.

"I've never experienced physical fatigue before. It's exhausting!"

Jack chuckled. "Sorry, your visit to Jack's Imaginarium wasn't as much of an adventure as advertised."

"Imaginarium?" Taggart asked, intrigued.

Jack smiled fondly as he recalled Rikki's excitement. He realized Taggart had also been a faithful friend throughout this recent ordeal. Maybe... maybe a reward was in order.

"The drone is ready. I'm ready to reset the transmitter," Hemmarr said.

"Hang on a moment. I want to share something with Taggart," Jack said aloud.

"What is it?" the Tik asked, an almost childlike wonder in its voice.

"Tell me, Taggart, you haven't installed BassDrop's experience file, have you," Jack asked gently.

"No." There was almost a tone of shame there.

"We discovered my memories are enhanced by having a Tik linked. I'm going to share a good one with you." Jack could feel the Tik almost trembling with anticipation, and he smiled. He let his mind drift for a moment then focused on the moment SennLann went into labor with the twins. He recalled his fear and desperation. The sudden realization that she was giving birth. He felt the sensations of SennLann forcing out the twins in the birthing sack and how she nipped its edge to release the children. Jack once more felt his wonder and awe at seeing the tiny beings. Next, he moved to his memories of the hospital when he held the newborns in his hands and recognized the weight of his responsibility for them and how much his heart filled with love for them and their mother. Before he could stop it, Jack recalled the moment he realized he was losing SennLann, how his fear became a fierce determination to save her. He recalled biting her head, her surprise, and subsequent excitement when she realized she was loved, needed, and had a future with him.

Jack pulled back from his memories and opened his eyes. He was crying, but the tears weren't sad. The joy of the twin's birth still warmed him. He wiped his eyes.

Taggart was quiet. Jack knew he was still connected and still experiencing his sensory feed. He'd give him a moment.

"Should I begin?" Hemmarr asked quietly.

"Not yet," Jack said.

"That wasn't fair," Taggart said with a sigh.

Jack's eyebrows rose. "Sorry?"

"The intensity of those emotions. You might have started me off with a casual recollection of a dinner party with friends. To lead off with something so profound. Unfair. But thank you." The wobble in the Tik's voice showed how much it'd been humbled yet enriched by the experience.

"May I reset the transmitter link now?" Hemmarr asked again.

"Should Taggart disconnect first?" Jack asked.

Hemmarr shrugged. "It won't have any real impact on the Tik outside of a brief moment of silence as the signal back is interrupted. The drone is configured to accept the connection once the transmitter is live, so Taggart will be able to see inside.

"Let's not delay any longer," the Tik said with a firmer voice.

Hemmarr tapped her tablet, and Taggart dropped like a rock to clang against the patio stones.

Jack's slave collar began to tingle then one of the links got hot. Really hot!

"Shit! FUCK! FUCK!!!" Jack yelled in pain. He grabbed the glass of water and poured it over the back of his neck, hearing the hiss and spit of the cold water hitting the hot metal of the link. It was instant relief for Jack, but Hemmarr threw herself back to avoid the splash.

"NNNNNCCCCCOOOOMMMMIIIINNNNGGGG......JJJJAAAACCCCKKKK!!!!" screamed from the drone which suddenly shot away across the valley.

Jack stood up and stared after the drone. "Rikki?" he whispered.

"Jack! It's the Ishilon! They're... coming..." It went silent as the drone stopped to hover far above the lovely pond. "Where are we?"

Jack couldn't believe it. There had been such a void since he'd returned from Earth. He could feel Rikki's confusion and concern filling that empty space. A surge of sheer joy burst explosively from Jack.

"RIKKI!" he called out. "Buddy! You're back! I don't know how, but you're back!" Jack cheered excitedly as he jumped up and down. Just once, as that was all his legs had left. He dropped onto his butt on the chair once more.

Taggart's lights came back on as his power recycled. "zzzwwwhhhaa- what happened?" it asked as it slowly lifted from the ground.

Jack pointed at the drone, which was returning to the patio. "It's Rikki! He's back!"

Taggart went still. "Jack, you know that's impossible. Rikki died on Nareshk."

"I did?" the drone asked.

"AAAHHH!" Taggart yelped and wobbled as it looked to the drone. "Rikki?"

"I believe so. I feel like me, mentally. This drone feels different, though. It has a wider sensory bandwidth than it did before. It feels... more powerful. Did I die?" Rikki asked.

Jack was feeling a little overwhelmed. He wasn't sure why Rikki already felt like a close friend, but likely it had to do with how much they shared through their connection. There was no way to hide anything, so the intimacy was profound. He'd thought he'd lost it, yet here it was, exactly how it was before.

"Rikki, what's the last memory you had before... returning here?" Jack asked.

There was a pause. "I remember trying to get away from you so that the Nareshk couldn't pinpoint you via me. Then the drone stopped taking my commands and reversed direction. I went deep inside to see where the commands were coming from, and I saw the Ishilon's connection and the signals queued up to open Gates at your location. I recall reaching out to you to tell you they were coming and wanting to be linked once more. Then I was here."

Taggart hovered next to Jack. "A moment, please."

Jack looked at the Tik and winced, seeing the dents on its underside. That had to hurt.

"Rikki, were you aware of the storage links in Jack's collar?" Taggart said after returning from inside.

"Yes! I mentioned it to the Elders. Three links of vast storage, all empty!" It said with wonder in its voice.

"I was in Jack's collar earlier, and one of the storage links was point twelve percent full. Now, it's empty. Rikki, you stored a copy of yourself in Jack's collar."

"Does that mean I'm not Rikki?" it said with a weak voice as its world began to crumble.

Jack scowled at Taggart's insensitivity. "You are Rikki! As mine are wide open to you, I can feel your emotions too! You are every bit the person I met in the Tik infirmary and again on the Ishilon ship. You're the same Tik who learned how to live with the restricted senses of the drone and shared my perception of the world. Don't you EVER doubt that you are Rikki-Tikki-Tavi! My brave little buddy!"

Jack could feel Rikki's relief and joy at his affirmation. The affection coming through their link was strong and happy.

"Thank you, Jack," it said quietly, its voice rough with emotion.

The scientist in Taggart wasn't finished. "I don't understand. Life for Tik can only be created in our instantiation factories."

Jack fixed an eye on the Tik. "That's where Rikki was instantiated too. I can't explain how the collar works. A mad Mahrell Drun designed it. What I do know is that this," He pointed to the drone. "is Rikki. Listen, life is an unexplainable miracle. The Tik are a miracle. This is just another miracle. I'm not looking for an explanation. I'm just thrilled to have Rikki back."

"The fact that your collar can store Tik in a state of suspension without degradation is profoundly important news!" Taggart asserted.

"And I'm sure Rikki will share that experience with you. It can also poke around the collar and give you a report on its finding- oh! Rikki can give you an assessment of the new drone too."

"I think it's time for dinner," Rikki said.

Jack laughed. "All while keeping track of my calendar! Rikki is awesome!"

"I think your daughters are coming to bring you inside for the evening meal," Rikki said while gesturing with a black tentacle. Another change for the new drone.

Jack looked back and saw Adina and Zaina padding across the patio towards them.

Taggart made an involuntary sound as it saw the twins, all grown up. It turned to Jack. "Unfair."

Jack nodded to the Tik. He knew Taggart wasn't truly upset. The burst of emotion it was probably going through had to be a unique experience for the Tik, and those were considered to be a treasure.

The twins looked curiously at the drone. "Papa, dinner is ready," Zaina said. "Did you get a new drone?" Adina asked.

Jack grinned. "It's a new drone, but the Tik living in it is Rikki!"

Eyes widened as they looked closer. "How?"

"Magic!" Jack said with a grin. Then a thought occurred to him, and he turned to Hemmarr. "Is this drone considered to be a final replacement for Rikki's Tik body?"

"No," she and Rikki said simultaneously, and Jack looked at the drone with an amused smile.

"Sorry, it's just- there isn't sufficient sensory bandwidth, yet," the Tik explained timidly.

Jack shrugged and addressed Hemmarr. "I assume now that Rikki's back the drone can stay here?" She nodded. "Great! I have one request. Give Rikki full admin access to all features of the drone. I don't want another occurrence of Rikki losing control of its life support system. We were just lucky that my collar recorded Rikki, or we would have lost it permanently! Rikki should be the only one with admin access!"

Hemmarr blinked at Jack but seemed frozen.

"I take full responsibility for this. Please make it happen now," he insisted.

With a last uncomfortable glance, she tapped her tablet a few times. The tablet made an odd beep, and she looked towards the drone uncomfortably.

"Thank you, Jack. Admin access is locked down to me," Rikki said.

"Another question before Rikki begins poking around. Are there any areas where he should use extra caution? Any special security protections built into the drone that might put Rikki at risk?" he asked politely.

"No, Shadeem," she gasped.

He smiled at her, then stepped forward and pulled her into a warm hug. She made a little moan of happiness. "Thank you!" he said softly to her.

She smiled at Jack shyly.

"Will you be staying for dinner?" he asked.

"Thank you, Shadeem, but I need to get back to Callosephia," she said quietly.

"Give my regards to the Sultessa, and please let her know I'm going to visit next week, and I'll be speaking to the Ishilon at that time."

"Which ones?" she asked curiously.

"All of them. The Shadeem needs a word or two with his people."

Hemmarr's eyes were wide with excitement. "Oh! Yes! I will let her know! Thank you, my Shadeem!"

She rushed away with a happy glance over her shoulder.

Taggart reached out a tentacle, and Jack shook it. "Thank you for putting so much trust in us." Jack just nodded.

With a final look at the twins, Taggart lifted straight up then shot away in the direction of the Enclave. No doubt to give them the good news about Rikki.

Jack followed the twins who looked back and saw he was lagging. They came back and put his arms over their shoulders so they could support him. Jack glanced over his shoulder at the drone.

"Come on, Rikki, let's have dinner with the rest of our family." He pointed a finger at his horns.

The Tik heard the not so subtle message there. Rikki was family too.

It took its familiar place between the ebony spears. This was beginning to feel like home too.


The Sultessa was in a rage. She'd left explicit instructions that the Shadeem was to be protected at all times while he was on Callosephia as they'd take no chances on losing him again.

The issue with the sand crawlers was mostly dealt with. They'd established vast fenced areas in the desert where the beasts were contained but were free to range and mate. They seemed to be always in heat. There was little chance the Ishilon's food supply would run dry.

The Altarians that remained were training the Ishilon to take over their roles in the factories. There was an exodus of them leaving Callosephia. The planet was not suited to them, so none wished to remain. Now that the sands contained vermin, there was extra incentive to go.

Occasionally, one of the beasts which initially slipped past their net would return to the town or one of the factories, drawn there by the vibrations. No one had been injured as everyone had an Ishilon escort who'd dispatch the stray immediately. Everyone stayed close to their Ishilon guard.

Except the Shadeem.

"Where is Dennesh?" Sahhahr snapped.

The Ishilon warrior in question rushed forward to bow profoundly. "Apologies, Sultessa. The Shadeem wasn't in his room this morning, and the skimmer I'd arranged is missing."

Sahhahr hissed and spun to go into the colony office. Its air conditioner was no longer used, and every window was wide open to allow the heat to flow through the building.

She went directly to the computer terminal and looked up the ID for the skimmer.

"Where is it?" she growled as she brought up a map of the local area. The skimmer's ID didn't show. He wasn't in the colony. She expanded the search radius broader and broader until the flashing icon of the skimmer appeared far to the south of the settlement. There was nothing out there but-

The Sultessa burst out the front door and called for her warriors. "Dennesh, do we have access to Jack's drone?"

"No, Sultessa."

She paused. "Not even to anchor a Gate?"

"No access at all."

Sahhahr snapped her jaws closed once more in anger, but now it was tinged with genuine worry.

She wished she could use a Gate, but where Jack was, there was nothing to use for target coordinates. Had at least one warrior been out there, they could have used his location to jump. Now they would be taking skimmers, and Jack had a jump on them of a few hours.

Four of their fastest skimmers arrived, led by Lorrem.

Sahhahr leaped on the seat behind him, and they set off southwards. She gave him the coordinates, and he didn't spare the batteries, pushing the vehicle as fast as it would go. They'd be using a Gate to return.

"He wouldn't be so foolish as to go inside," Lorrem said to her, but she could hear the tension in his voice. She didn't answer as she didn't want him to hear her fear.

Three more skimmers raced southwards with them. No one spoke.

It took them a little more than two hours to reach the nursery. They spotted the skimmer parked near the entrance.

What was surprising was spotting the drone hovering before the entrance to the Sultessa's nursery pen and not with Jack. Of the Shadeem, there was no sign.

Sahhahr knew Jack treated this Tik with a fondness, so she was polite.

"Hello, we were concerned with the Shadeem's safety, so we've come to-"

"Sultessa, we know why you're here. Jack made it clear; we needed to come here today on our own. He needed to see his children," Rikki replied politely.

"It's not safe for him to be in there," she exclaimed, but Rikki barred her way.

"Jack has been inside for almost ninety minutes. He's aware you're here, but he hasn't informed me that he's ready for visitors."

Sahhahr looked at the Tik in shock. "Stand aside! These are my offspring."

"Are you going in alone? Jack did," Rikki asked.

"That was foolish. He should have brought a couple of warriors with him carrying stun rods."

"Yet Jack went in empty-handed- Oh, he's indicating he'd like you to enter. Just you. He says if you're brave enough to meet your children," Rikki instructed.

Sahhahr glared at the Tik. She nodded stiffly, and it moved aside. She held up a hand to stop Lorrem and Dennesh from following. "If the Shadeem is brave enough, how can the Sultessa be less?"

They weren't happy, but they watched her pass through the containment field and move up the sloping dune. She looked back, and Rikki pointed a little to the left, so she continued in that direction.

Once she crested the dune, she sucked in a breath as she spotted Jack. He was sitting with his legs crossed under him, and ten small Ishilon were curled up on his lap in a pile. Jack's arms were scratched and bloody. She noted bite marks on his bare legs (wearing shorts provided him no protection), and even a few on his face. A shudder went through her body as she realized he'd been swarmed, attacked, and bitten dozens of times.

But as she looked closer, his expression was not one of suffering but contentment. He looked up and made a gesture for her to be quiet then pointed to the spot before him. She noted that his hands seemed to have born the brunt of their biting.

She was also stunned to see how calm her offspring were.

"I asked Rikki to turn off their implants. They were interfering with their ability to emote naturally. I'm suggesting that imposing a rigid control mechanism over the emotions of children in an attempt to boost their intellectualism is not a good idea. Children need to learn how to control their emotions on their own."

His words angered her. Who was he to tell the Ishilon how to raise their offspring? He wasn't one of them!

"Yet, you made me your Shadeem."

She jerked back as if he'd read her mind.

He grinned as he continued to affectionately massage the children resting on his legs. "I can see what you're thinking plainly on your face. It's not difficult to guess. I'm completely alien to your species, yet here I am telling you how to raise your children? Normally, I'd agree with you, except... they're my children too. You made that happen. Now I get a say in their upbringing."

"You've felt their teeth, so you know how feral they are!" she ground out.

He lifted a hand and looked at the scratches and punctures. He grinned. "Yeah, they have exceptionally sharp teeth. They need them too, considering they're thrown into this kill or be killed environment from birth. Ten. Ten out of eighteen survived. Eight dead children."

"Ten Ishilon who will grow up to be strong warri-"

"The war is over," Jack said firmly but kept his voice quiet and soothing, so the children remained calm. "You're now living in an age of peace and prosperity. Don't you think the Ishilon artists, craftspeople, poets, doctors, philosophers, mathematicians, teachers, and cooks deserve a chance to be part of your society once more?"

Jack smiled sweetly as he rubbed a finger under the chin of one of the small beings. "When I first entered their cage, they swarmed me thinking I was their next meal. Their poison was unpleasant, not as bad as my first exposure to yours, and the biting and scratching wasn't much fun either. Luckily I brought along some food for them to get past the starvation reaction. Once they were fed, their curiosity got the better of them, and they stayed to investigate this odd creature in their midst. I had Rikki turn off the implants then, as I worked on showing them a little affection. It turns out they were starving for that more than food."

He held Sahhahr's eyes with his. "With the implants disabled, they were able to access their emotions fully to feel frightened and sad. They had a good cry. More importantly, they could recognize emotions in their siblings and me. We were able to connect. They felt my love for them and were able to respond in kind."

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