Jack's True Calling

Eve nodded with a smile on her face and gave the kids a hug.

"How is Jack?" Aaros asked SennLann.

"Oh! I should tell you before you see him. He's had another change due to his Altarian genes-"

"What?!?" Jinnae gasped.

SennLann nodded to the shocked faces. "His hair, it's black! And he has a beard! He looks so good!"

The doctor blinked at her. "That's it? His hair color changed?"

SennLann looked at her curiously. "Yes. Oh, and his eye color too! Isn't that enough?"

"How did it happen?" Jinnae asked.

SennLann thought for a moment. "I can't remember if he told me. I don't think he did." She gave her head a shake. "But that's not as important as the fact that Jack's been arrested!" SennLann blurted.

Karrel nodded with a sad look on her face. "Mother told me they would have to if he went after you."

SennLann's fur began to stand on end as her anger grew. Karrel held up her hand to head off the explosion. "We all accept that, of course, he had to go but as our Ambassador he stepped beyond the bounds of our laws. There have to be consequences."

"Tell us what happened on Phem Kalos," Eve asked as everyone wanted to know and that was a less contentious topic.

With a final huff, SennLann settled back in her chair to get comfortable.

There was much to tell.

Chapter 19

Jack woke in his cell feeling... good. His family was safe. His enemy, the latest one at least, was no longer a threat to himself, to his family and to Altaria. He was home. All in all, it had been a pretty successful trip. He rubbed his beard thoughtfully.

While he hadn't been allowed to visit personally, he'd received word from the hospital last night that Diana woke and she'd recognized SennLann. She couldn't speak and was very weak from her ordeal but she was alive and recovering. Thinking about Diana brought a tightness to his throat that made it hard to breathe.

Rather than dwell on what might have happened, Jack rolled off the bunk and it folded into the wall to give him more floor space to do his workout. He'd have preferred a run but beggars and prisoners...

When he was done he stripped off his sweaty one piece and tossed it into the recycler. He touched the controls on the wall and the shower began. Shampoo automatically dispensed onto his head and he scrubbed it in until it washed away. Body wash landed on his shoulders and he scrubbed that over himself as well before it rinsed off.

The hot air blasted him from all sides and he slowly turned in a circle until he felt sufficiently dry. The floor and walls sucked up all the excess water. By the time that was finished, a new one piece was dispensed. He saw this one was white, not the sickly green he'd immediately taken a dislike to.

He dressed and two seats extruded from the floor. The larger one was definitely meant for him but who was his visitor?

He sat and felt the tug of the chair's security field. He wouldn't be leaving the chair until they allowed him up.

The door opened and Queen Elissa entered the room and immediately defeated the purpose of the field by marching across the small room to kiss him. He smiled and kissed her in return.

She pulled back with a sweet but sad smile on her face. "I told them all this wasn't needed but they can't show favor."

Jack nodded. "That's fine. It's quite civilized and very comfortable."

Elissa looked at the seat for her and frowned. "Move it here," she said as she pointed to the spot right before Jack. After a brief pause the chair sank into the floor and a new one came up where she was still pointing. "Thank you."

Jack looked up at the white walls and remembered another room with white walls that hid a viewer gallery. They'd gotten quite a show that day. As his guards got today he supposed. He sighed.

"Is this new coloration permanent?" Elissa asked.

"No idea. I was brought directly here from the Gate Terminal so I never had a chance to speak with Jinnae... or see Diana."

Elissa scowled then looked away. She composed herself then looked him in his eye. "I can't officially thank you for what you've done for Altaria. I can't even personally do it. You know though, don't you?"

Jack nodded.

She looked down and sighed. "You've put me into a very tricky spot." She shifted on her chair. "I spoke with the new Queen of Phem Kalos. She told me quite the story of how you're little hunting party with the Wuu went astray due to technical difficulties. How you just happened to crash land on their planet. How grateful she was that you came to her assistance. Your friends from Earth made quite an impression on the Queen as well. The Wuu Leader has a new exclusive trade partner."

Jack just sat quietly, listening and offering no excuses or explanations.

Elissa sighed. "It's a nice fiction and the Gate Network is gobbling it up as the Wuu make them almost as nervous as Humans do."

She held Jack's eyes with hers. "The truth... what the Altarian courts will see, is the fact that you broke Altarian laws. You are our Ambassador and you, at the very least, participated in overthrowing a foreign government." She raised an eyebrow in question.

"The revolution was in full swing when I arrived. That was SennLann and FrenHall exclusively. They didn't take well to being enslaved. They decided to do something about it." Jack shrugged. "My only interaction with Jaas was to make him release his grip on my daughters. The Queen and her entourage were responsible for his demise-"

"With the help of the Wuu you convinced to join you on this 'hunt'!" Elissa exclaimed.

"Yes, I asked them to join me but, no, the Wuu didn't touch Jaas. Exclusively, that was the Queen and her ladies." Jack said calmly.

"The Wuu are hunting down all of the Warrior caste Phem Kalos and killing them! I received word just before I arrived here that the Wuu sank an... armada of ships... from orbit," she said incredulously.

"What the Wuu do for the new Phem Kalos Queen was arranged between those two. I had nothing to do with any of that," Jack explained.

Elissa saw she wasn't getting through to Jack. "You were ordered not to leave the planet."

"I received no such order."

Elissa gaped at him and he looked back calmly. "What?" she mumbled.

"I left before the order arrived," Jack explained.

Elissa looked down at her hands on her lap. "I'm sorry Jack. You are very clever and I love you very much but I can't protect you from this. You were aware of our need for you to respect our laws. If you were just Jack Danner, your roguish charms might let you get away with what you did. But you're our Ambassador. You broke Altarian Law. If we don't enforce the laws of our society then that society crumbles."

Jack took her hands in his and ran his thumbs over them. "I wasn't telling you those things to show how clever I was. Everything I told you was the truth. I will always speak the truth to you. You can rely on me for that. You can also rely on me to protect the ones I love. This time it was SennLann, the twins, and Altaria. While I didn't kill Jaas or overthrow his government, actions I instigated led to the circumstance where a new government received the support it needed to survive its attempt to replace a hostile and dangerous ruler. They also avoided a tremendous loss of civilian lives. That is definitely interfering with another planet's government. However, this new one is not only not a threat to Altaria, but it will be a better Gate Network citizen and more importantly, it will be better for the people of Phem Kalos."

He smiled at Elissa. "I love Altaria and Altarians but what I love most about it, is also its greatest threat. Your gentle yet tenacious grip on your principles of civilized behavior make you easy prey for the more aggressive, less civilized races."

"Like Humans?" Elissa pouted.

He grinned, "Yes, like Humans. Our civility is a thin veneer but luckily for you, this time you had one of the barbarians on your side."

Jack released her hands and held out his wrists, close together, prepared for handcuffs. "That said, if Altarian laws allow for no flexibility, even for the preservation of the society it protects, I throw myself at the mercy of the court, with no expectations."

Elissa watched him with wide eyes. She had to think but all she wanted to do right at this moment was jump on his lap and kiss him! She stood and walked slowly back to the door. She opened her mouth to speak but she had no words. She saw the love in his eyes and found them.

"Do you trust me?"

Jack smiled gently. "With my life."

She smiled in return and left him to his solitary reflection.

Chapter 20

Jack stood at the crest of a hill overlooking a fantastic garden. The beauty spread out before him and he soaked in the sights and scents of the gorgeous parkland.

Behind him, he heard the construction noises of the large two story house being built into the hillside. As it was incorporating the top of the slope into its footprint, it wouldn't look tall but it was going to be very wide, integrating many of the natural elements and features of the hillside into its design. It was Jack's new home and he'd be sharing it with Diana, Eve, SennLann, Aaros and all nine of his current kids. Aaros' little surprise for him would be sleeping in her mother's room when she was born. There would also be guest suites for at least six more.

On the opposite side of the valley at the top of the hill, Jack could just make out a beautiful small cottage. He'd learned it was once owned by the man who designed the park and who saved the lives of the Chuuruthian people. While he'd lived there for years with his mate, no one lived there now and it had become a historical monument, open to visitors to the park.

In the field below, his children, Human, Altarian, and Phem Kalos were happily running around and playing with a group of Chuuruthian kids they'd met in the park today.

His black and white stripes made Douglas the easiest to follow amongst the flowers. He was coming to live with him along with his mom. She was currently back on Altaria finalizing the preparations of her home to host a large family of new immigrants. Jack was looking forward to getting to know Douglas much better.

Jack saw the twins chasing him and shook his head with a grin.

Along with the kids, Eve was down there keeping an eye on everyone. She looked up the hill and waved to him. He waved back then turned to face the others in their group.

Diana was resting on a lounge chair under an umbrella. In the month it took Queen Elissa, Hellna, and the courts to come to a decision on what to do with their disobedient Ambassador, Diana had slowly recovered her strength in the hospital. She also recovered much of her memory though there were significant gaps. Some of them were more painful than others. Lost memories of Emily's early years hurt Diana the most.

Jack walked over to her and she tilted her face up for a kiss. Her neck scars were very visible but the Chuuruthian surgeons assured they could fix that when she was ready. He kissed her soft lips and she purred happily.

Jack snorted as he pulled back from the kiss because SennLann, sitting in the next lounge chair, was watching Diana with a lusty expression. The Phem Kalos female was quite taken with Diana's new low and gravelly voice. Again, the surgeons suggested they might make improvements to her voice if she chose to have it done. SennLann was not in favor of that. Diana didn't speak much yet as she was still healing but SennLann loved every word.

He ran his eyes over the construction of the home and smiled to himself. The house was not only spacious inside without appearing to overpower the natural setting it was built into, but it had all the amenities of his apartment in Altaria.

That thought brought a pang of sadness. He was going to miss living on Altaria but this was the best solution Elissa could come up with and it was pretty damn good!

Due to the laws he'd bent/broken, Altarian law demanded that Jack give up the title and authority of Ambassador. He could no longer hold any position in the Altarian government as he was being banished. He was 'no longer allowed to reside on Altarian soil'. That's even how the law was written in the books.

So Jack resigned his position. That had been extremely difficult emotionally as he had so many friends in the office and he wouldn't be seeing them with anywhere near the same frequency.

Jack was also worried about protecting the Altarians from the predations of more aggressive members of the Gate Network. He had an idea percolating in the back of his mind about how he might still be able to assist the Embassy on a freelance consultant basis. Maybe a private assessment service, like he'd done with the Harruushans. He would broach the subject the next time he visited Elissa, Karrel, and Leffera. Thankfully, while he could no longer live on Altaria, he was allowed day visits. Elissa had explained to him that was the purpose of the public spectacle of his banishment. Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done.

The banishment created a second issue for Elissa. While its multi-governmental nature created a loophole allowing him to retain his position as Trade Representative for Earth, seeing him working on Altaria every day defeated the perception of his punishment.

This is where Elissa introduced a brilliant idea. Chuuruthia! They would set up the Altarian Trade Commission office on Chuuruthia and he could live and work there!

Hearing the rapid approach of hooves he turned and Mella collided with him in a hug and grabbed his ass. He smiled down at her and gently pulled her hands from his ass. He gave her a kiss and she smiled happily at him.

"Hello Mella," he said.

"Jack! The gorgeous new Trade Commission office will be ready for operation next week! I'm so looking forward to working there with you!"

The Chuuruthians had offered office space near their Gate Terminal so the Trade Commission workers could come through and work with Jack. Applicants would now come to Chuuruthia to apply for trade with Altaria. Odd, but it would work.

"I was speaking with Denee from the Embassy and there's been a surge of applications for transfer from the Embassy to the Trade Commission but we're fully staffed," Mella said with a grin which turned into a nervous look as she continued. "There's also been rumors that, now that the Trade Commission office is offworld, it falls into a new employment category which requires that staffing change to a rotation system. I'm not in favor of that!"

He gave her a hug to calm her and felt her tremble in his arms. "We're all having to make adjustments to this new situation," he said gently.

Seeing her pout he thought of something to brighten her mood. "I've been informed that there will be a new, larger home theatre built in the new house. Movie nights will return." She cheered happily and tilted her face up impishly for another kiss. He gave in to her request and found her active tongue tangling with his. She pulled back and gave him a hot look. "I'm- I'm expected back so I'd better go." She turned to leave then spun back. "Oh! Make sure you invite Stasha to your first movie night as the girl's been seriously depressed since they announced your banishment." He nodded and she turned to leave once more. He gave her ass a little pat which made her giggle happily. Then she walked to the taxi she had waiting for her to return to the Gate Terminal.

Jack waved to Mella as the taxi pulled away. He wondered what her visit was supposed to have been about. It couldn't have been just to tell him about the office opening or about Stasha. She could have called for that. Finally, he just shook his head. He walked back to Diana and SennLann and pulled up a chair next to them on the temporary patio.

He leaned back and soaked up the sunlight. After a bit, he felt fingers in his hair and opened his eyes to catch the hungry look in Diana's eyes. He caught her hand and kissed her knuckles until she squirmed and tugged her hand away. She'd have to wait until they got back to the hotel. That's where they were living until the home was ready.

SennLann chuckled at Diana's squirming on the lounge chair.

Jack went back to relaxing and his mind took him to the call he'd received the night before. The Altarian operators had redirected the call through the Chuuruthian network to his comm. Cha'Risa updated her address book with Jack's new number and location after he invited her and the team to the party he'd be throwing when his new home was completed.

She'd told him that the only 'punishment' she'd received when she returned was a demotion back to Major. She also managed to transfer out to a training facility, passing along her knowledge and skills to the next generation of security agents.

Maxim's new ear had grown in and he was back to making the kids laugh in the hospital. Leo went back to his club and was proudly displaying the new savage scars on his chest to thrill the ladies.

Nann had remained on Phem Kalos to share her knowledge of Earth's battles for equality with FrenHall. Earth had a rich history with this particular fight and Nann was an excellent History teacher.

Jack opened his eyes when he heard the sound of another taxi arriving. The hilltop was a busy place!

When he saw Karrel step from the vehicle with a bundle in her arms, he quickly rose to his feet and met her halfway.

He gave her a kiss and a hug then led her back to the shade under the umbrella. Kisses and greetings were given then he gave Karrel his seat, sitting on the edge of Diana's chair. Only then did Karrel hand him his new daughter. Rebecca had fur with a definite red tint which reminded him of one of his favorite childhood teachers. He'd run out of family to name the children after.

He once more marvelled over how tiny Altarian babies were. Tiny miracles.

"I wasn't expecting to see you so soon after this little one was born," Jack said.

Karrel smiled. "I was in the neighborhood."

Jack raised an eyebrow and she chuckled as she looked down the hill to watch Alexander laughing and playing with the other kids. "Ok, fine! I came to see how my son was doing."

Jack followed her eyes and enjoyed seeing them so happy.

"You're still fine with Alex going to school on Chuuruthia?" Jack asked. With his banishment, he couldn't fight to get his male children accepted in the female schools on Altaria. The curriculum in the Chuuruthian schools was comparable without the stigma or segregation present on Altaria.

The only controversy this move caused was when Queen Elissa announced her children Max and Gwen would be joining their siblings for schooling in a non-Altarian school. If it had been any planet other than Chuuruthia, it would never have been allowed.

"Yes, knowing you're here with him is a major relief. Alexander is so much more centered, courteous, and empathetic than the other males of his age group. I think this environment is actually better for him."

Jack wasn't going to argue with her about that. He did his best to be a meaningful part of all of his children's lives to augment their time with their mothers. That was one of the concerns he had with being asked to father more. He was only one man with a fairly demanding schedule. More kids would just decrease the time he could give to each.

Karrel smirked at him. "I was also asked by the staff in the Trade Office to bring you the schedule for next week's applicants. It seems Mella was a little too excited about coming to see you and forgot to bring it." She pulled a tablet from the shoulder bag she was carrying and handed it to him.

"Ah! That's why she was here! She was a little excitable," Jack said with a sigh, taking the tablet.

Karrel studied Jack's face closely. "How are you doing with all this? Banishment was... rather severe as a penalty. Many are saying it was too severe. Especially considering how Altaria benefited from your actions. You have significant support back home. You may be able to challenge the ruling."

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