Kate's Adventure Ch. 03

The man pushed his erection into her mouth as his harsh commands left his mouth.

"Suck me bitch. Suck me now."

The man only wanted Kate's mouth. He had no desire for her passion or her pleasure. He only wanted the warm wet cavity of her mouth to fuck. Kate divorced herself from her violation. Her passion lowered as she accepted the rape of her mouth. The lash of the whip, was as harsh as her mistress' voice.

"You will give him your pleasure, wither he wants it or not. You will give him your pleasure, because I have commanded it. I own you. You will obey me."

Kate's tears flowed as she realized that she could not divorce herself from her violation. She must participate in her violation. She must find pleasure in her violation. Kate moved her hands to her open vagina. Her passion was just below the surface of her mind. Her passion took her away.

She again became an observer of her own violation. She became the leering audience of her fantasy world. She found her pleasure seeing herself submissive to her passion. Her passion rose fully. Her mouth became animated.

She felt a wave of frustration as the man ejaculated in her mouth. She wanted her violation to bring her lust. She knew that her lust would free her from the fear and helplessness that sat in her mind like a fog.

The whip and the words were harsh.

"Thank him for using you."

The words flowed from her mouth without thought.

"Thank you master, for using me."

The woman pulled Kate's head up as the man left the room. The woman kissed Kate fully. Kate fed her mistress her passion. Her mouth poured it out to her mistress.

"That was alright for your first trick as a slave. Have no doubt that your new master will also chain you to a bed. He will sell your services just like I do. We will try it again."

The woman stood up. Her slap to Kate's face was a harsh command. Kate knew that she must serve her mistress by serving who ever walked through the door. The dominate opened the door with a smile directed at Kate. The smile was filled with harsh commands. Another man walked through the door. He was also naked with his erection was in his hand.

Kate pulled herself up to full posture. Her head bowed. The words flowed from her mouth. Kate watched herself from afar.

"How may I serve you. My hands are soft. My mouth is warm. My cunt is wet. I serve you at your pleasure."

The man roughly pulled Kate up to the bed. His passion was already full. He pushed Kate onto her back, and his erection into her vagina. This man also had no thought of Kate except as an orifice. The shock of her penetration brought Kate's passion to fullness. She fucked without thought.

She rose her passion for the man's use. She rose it because her mistress had commanded her to. She rose it, knowing the man who was violating her cared nothing about her passion. He only wanted the hot wet vagina for his pleasure. He only needed Kate's lubrication. The man found his orgasm in powerful thrusts.

Kate's frustration filled her mind. The erection softened leaving Kate hanging in the middle of her orgasm. The tears flowed as the man rose from the bed. Kate's tears filled her eyes. They did not fill her words.

"Thank you master for using me."

Kate's hands were between her legs. She masturbated for her mistress. She caressed her mistress with her eyes. She gave her mistress the passion from her small orgasm.

The woman rejected Kate's offering. She spoke crisply as she left the room.

"I'm leaving the room. I will still be watching."

"Yes mistress."

Kate remained on her knees awaiting the next trick to open the door. Kate's mind swirled. She wanted it to be Ellis who watched her electronically. The thought that she was being observed excited her. Her excitement was flavored by her captivity. She masturbated lightly.

The thoughts made no sense to Kate as they flew across her mind. She wanted to excite both Ellis and her mistress who were behind the lens of the camera. She knew that her mistress was watching. She hoped that Ellis was also watching.

The next person who walked through the door was a woman. Kate smiled as she spoke her mistress' commands. She yearned for the gentle strength of a woman right now.

"How may I serve you. My hands are soft. My mouth is warm. My cunt is wet. I serve you at your pleasure."

The woman slipped off her robe and lay down on the bed. Her eyes commanded Kate to come to her. Kate knelt up on the bed beside the reclining woman.

"Show me your tongue bitch. That is all I want from you. Your tongue, your mouth and your face. Put your hands behind your back. Hold your wrists. I do not want your passion. You will have no pleasure from me. I will beat you if I see your eyes sparkle."

"Yes mistress."

Kate stuck out her tongue. She placed herself into self bondage as she knelt between the woman's open legs. The woman smiled deeply as she pulled Kate's head between her legs. The woman controlled Kate's head.

Kate wanted to raise her passion. It was like a compelling command from her mistress. She could not raise her passion. The woman she served, was as coarse, and as crude, as the men she had just served. The woman used her like a machine. Right now, Kate thought of herself as a machine.

She had no thoughts, or passion, as she worked her tongue for the crude woman before her. Kate was glad when the woman found her pleasure. The woman used Kate's face in her afterglow. Kate's face was wet and shiny when the woman pushed her away from her as she rose to leave. Kate slid off the bed onto her knees.

"Thank you mistress for using me."

Kate's world became the constant flow of tricks into her room. Kate let her mistress' words flow from her mouth by rote. She rose her passion with the first few tricks. She found a few small orgasms. She was soon exhausted. Her mind was a blank. She only had her mistress' commands in her mind. Her helplessness and fear were nowhere to be found. Kate only wanted to sleep.

Kate was almost unconscious as her mistress entered the room. Kate did not even recognize her as she knelt with her head bowed as the commanded words fell from her mouth without thought or emotion.

"How may I serve you. My hands are soft. My mouth is warm. My cunt is wet. I serve you at your pleasure."

Her mistresses words shocked Kate back to consciousness.

"You have served me well, for now. Now you will rest. You will be on the auction block soon."

Kate cried as she listened. She wanted her mistress to kiss her. She wanted her mistress to hold her. She wanted a set of warm comforting arms around her. She wanted her mistress' caress. She wanted Ellis.

Kate's rejection was complete as her mistress turned and left the room. Kate crawled up onto the bed. She cried herself to sleep. She spoke softly, to herself, as she slipped into her troubled sleep.

"Ellis please. Help me."

Kate awoke to the kiss of the whip. Her consciousness returned in an instant. Kate had no idea, how long she had slept, or how long she had been in captivity. She was sure that it had been hours not days. Other than that she had no concept of time. Her eyes found her mistress standing over her. She slipped onto her knees. She pulled herself up as she bowed her head before her mistress.

"Yes mistress."

"Get up. Clean yourself. Fix your hair. Kneel by the door when you have finished."

Kate spoke to her mistress' back as she left the room.

"Yes mistress."

Kate rose and entered the bathroom. Kate was glad to see the large tub. She wanted to soak the stiffness from her body. She wanted to wash the crude lust from her body. Kate found herself thankful for any pleasure her mistress offered her.

A new fear entered Kate's mind. She was afraid that she had become a slave in her mind. That fear, brought all of her other fears to her. She found no pleasure from the hot water as she washed herself and cried. The tears came from the bottom of her heart. She wanted Ellis. She wanted him from the deepest part of her being.

Her tears flowed as the crude lust was washed away from her. She cried knowing that the crude lust would soon be replaced by a new layer. Kate was totally miserable in her captivity.

She did not even have her passion. Her vagina was closed. She found no pleasure stroking herself. Kate cried as she prepared herself for her sale to the highest bidder. Kate chanted softly to herself as she fixed her hair.

"Please. Please..."

Kate knelt naked by the door. She waited for her mistress. The only pleasure she could find in herself, was her obedience to her mistress' orders. Kate startled as the door opened, and her mistress walked crisply into the room. Kate slid onto her knees, and lowered her head.

"Yes mistress."

Her mistress did not speak to her. She released Kate's collar from the chain on the floor. She snapped a leash onto the collar, then pulled Kate up to her feet. The kiss from her mistress was warm and soft on her lips. Kate kissed her mistress with the passion she wished she had. Kate's passion was not available to her. There was only sadness in Kate's mind.

"It is a shame that you were captured so late. I would have found great pleasure in your service to me, and from your screams. Business is business. The auction will not wait. You bitch, are money to me, nothing else. I will find as much pleasure from the money you will bring me tonight, as I would have found in your screams. I have already made a lot of money selling your ass. Now I will sell you."

The woman led Kate out of the room. Kate was completely defeated, and completely miserable. The only thing that Kate had left was her tears.


Kate was led to a dinning room. The long table was empty. There were backless benches in a row down both sides of the table. Kate was led into the room, then she was sat on one of the benches. The chain from her collar was locked onto the bench. Kate was the only person sitting on her side of the table. She faced two of the women she had knelt beside earlier. Kate bowed her head as she sat in full posture. The women across from her did the same.

Kate was not alone on her side of the table very long. The other woman that she was on the small stage with earlier, was led to the table by the dominate man. She was chained to the bench next to Kate. When she arrived, food was brought to the table. The food was as tasteless as her earlier meal had been. Kate was glad to have silverware to eat with. She wanted to thank her mistress for the luxury.

When the women had finished eating, they were led to another room. The man led two of the women. The woman led Kate and the other captive behind them. Kate was chained to a wide chair that leaned back. Kate was reclined into the chair.

The chain on her collar was fastened close to the chair. Kate's arms were secured to the arms of the chair with built in wrist cuffs. Kate's legs were spread wide then secured to the bottom of the chair by ankle restraints. The other three slaves, were bound the same way to their chairs.

An attendant came and knelt between each woman's legs one at a time. The attendant used an electric hair clipper to remove the woman's pubic hair as short as the clippers would cut it. Another attendant followed. She smoothed the hot wax onto their pubic area, then placed a cloth onto the hot wax.

By the time she had gotten to the last woman, the attendant that had cut their pubic hair returned. He ripped the cloth from the woman next to Kate. The piercing scream chilled Kate completely. The woman next to her began to cry uncontrollably.

The woman came to Kate. She tore the cloth away from Kate's pubic mound. Kate did not know that such pain existed. She screamed in her pain. The tears of pain flowed down her cheeks as her shoulders shook with her wracking sobs. Kate heard the screams of the other two women in their turn. Kate could see her naked pubic mound. She had never felt this naked before.

The attendants used tweezers to pull every stray hair that had escaped the wax. They spread a soothing gel onto the freshly bared area. Kate's mind slowed down. She was glad for the soothing gel. She wanted to thank her mistress for the relief it brought her.

The attendants used a red paste to color Kate's vaginal lips and her nipples. The paste brought heat to her sensitive areas. The attendant blew on the reddened vaginal lips. The breath brought a wave of heat to her sensitive vagina.

Kate could see, and feel, her vaginal lips and her nipples swell as she watched. Kate's vagina held no passion, yet it swelled open from the stimulation. Kate felt even more naked with her bare open vagina.

The attendant released Kate's legs and slipped on a pair of light green silk stockings. The heels that the attendant placed on her feet were bright emerald green. Kate was released from her bondage, then stood onto her feet. A tiny garter belt that matched her stockings was fastened around her waist. The stockings were attached to the garter belt, then smoothed to her legs.

Kate could see herself in a mirror. The red on her vaginal lips and her nipples were like red beacons that brought her eyes to them. Kate cried in her nakedness. She had never been more naked than she now was. Her wrists were enclosed in soft padded wrist restraints, then fastened together behind her back. A ball gag was pushed into her mouth.

Kate saw her nakedness and her helplessness. A thought formed in her mind. I hope my mistress is pleased. The thought echoed in her mind. That thought horrified her. Her fear and terror rose to fill her mind. She screamed behind the gag. She did not want to please her captor. She did not want to be a slave.

The bondage of her body, did not hold back the terror was caused by the eroding of her self image. Kate's screams became manic. She was losing all of her control. The only thing that saved her from the insanity that crept into her mind was the sharp slap to her face. Her mistress growled at Kate as she used her whip on her.

"Shut up bitch. Straighten yourself up. I have no time for this. I will beat you until you shut the fuck up. Do it now."

Kate could not disobey her mistress. She was compelled in her mind to obey. Kate calmed herself by trying to please her mistress. Kate found some calmness. The calmness did not remove the terror from her mind. Her body trembled with the emotion that filled Kate's mind. Kate screamed out one last scream.

"Ellis please. Help me please."

The scream could not be heard by anyone but herself. She knew that Ellis could not hear her. She cried at her loss. She was sure that Ellis would never hear her again. She sank deeper into her sorrow. She felt as if Ellis had died.

Her mind calmed into a deep brooding depression. Kate could do nothing but obey. She did not want to do anything, but obey her mistress. Kate pulled her posture up straight as she bowed her head. Kate was now, not just enslaved. She was a slave. No one but herself heard her speak.

"Yes mistress."

The four women were lined up in a row. A short chain was attached to their collar and then to the woman behind them. The man led the coffle by a leash attached to the first woman's collar. The woman used her whip as she issued commands.

"Stand straight. Pull your shoulders back. Push out your tits. You are merchandise. Show your assets to the customers. I'll get as much money for a bruised slave as one who is not. They will love your tears."

Kate was next to last on the coffle. The chain of slaves was led through a dimly lit room onto a brightly lit stage. Kate's eyes adjusted to the dim room only long enough to see that the room was filled with small tables. Kate almost made out some people from the shadows, when she stepped into the harsh lights of the stage.

The coffle was lined up against the back wall of the stage. Kate's mind was blank. She could not think about what was happening. She thought instead of her mistress' commands. Kate's posture was perfect. Her red tipped breasts were thrust out for the audience. Her legs stood slightly open, displaying her bright red vaginal lips. Kate and the fantasy world in her mind became married. She became one with her fantasy world. She thought that she was home alone in her safe secure bed, bringing this fantasy to life.

The entire scene took on the aura of unreality. It was now not real to Kate. Kate watched through her eyelashes as the first woman was unchained from the coffle. She was brought to the center of the stage. The amplified voice shocked Kate. It did not bring her back to reality.

"Ladies and gentlemen. This group comes to you fresh. They are all guaranteed to have been captured within the last two weeks. You can't get them any fresher."

The woman was turned and posed for the audience. The auctioneer stood before her.

"She has been through basic training. Let me show you."

The auctioneer took the woman into a tight embrace. The woman kissed him with passion and an animated mouth. The auctioneer put his hand between her legs. She spread her legs wider, and began to pet his hand with her vagina. The auctioneer turned from her suddenly, and addressed the audience.

"I will not tell you how hot she is. She will demonstrate it for you."

The machine was brought out onto the stage. The man and the woman took their slave to the machine. The young woman struggled for a moment. Her master spoke sharply as her mistress used her whip.

"If I have to put you on it. It will go in your ass."

The woman relaxed into total defeat. She knelt down and settled on the erection. Her master adjusted the vibrating pad, and turned the machine on. The machine turned the woman on.

The woman took the erection and fucked it. Her passion rose. Her eyes sparkled. She began to moan and whimper when the auctioneer started the auction. The young woman found her vocal orgasm as she was pronounced sold for six thousand dollar's.

Kate watched, with fascination. She wanted to tease herself. She wanted to take the latex erection from her drawer. Kate was lost in her fantasy world. She could feel the leering lust from the audience. Her passion rose as she thought about being forced to preform for them. Her fantasy world was now real to Kate.

The next woman did not need to be led or posed. She flirted with the audience. She twisted and pulled her nipples. She displayed herself obscenely to the audience with sparkling eyes.

She strode up to the machine and mounted herself onto it with a big smile. She fucked the machine with the same energy the machine fucked her with. The bidding ended with the young woman being sold for seven thousand dollars.

There was general laughter from off stage, as the auctioneer spoke to the young woman, as she was being led off stage.

"Young lady, I think you have just won an all expense paid trip to the orient."

Kate was released from her bondage. Only the collar and the leash were left to show her position as a slave. Kate moved her arms and rubbed them. She flushed with sexual energy as she was displayed to the audience. Her hands went to her open vagina. She began to masturbate.

Her mistress used her whip like light kisses. The pain from her kisses spread as pleasure throughout Kate's body. She wanted the erection in her drawer. She saw the machine as that erection. She was pulled to the machine. She struggled because she always struggled in her fantasy world. She wanted the erection in her. She settled down onto the erection. She began to fuck the machine before it was turned on.

With the flip of the switch, Kate's lust flared. There was nothing in the world but Kate and her orgasmic pleasure. She shuddered and writhed. She moaned and screamed. She fucked for the leering men that were watching her. She drank in their lust, and added it to her own. Kate fell shuddering onto her side next to the machine as she was pronounced sold for ten thousand dollars.

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