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Love from a Vampire


Miranda stood staring up at the house. It was huge. The porch itself looked bigger than her apartment; spreading out in front of the structure and wrapping around the side of the house where it was lost in inky darkness. For the first time since her arrival a few moments ago, she realized how dark and silent the house was, causing her to wonder if she somehow misread the directions.

She reached into an inner pocket of her leather jacket and produced the invitation, which was hand-written on thick white paper. A gust of wind suddenly sprung up, rustling the dead, dry leaves blanketing the sidewalk and streets. Miranda pulled her jacket more tightly around her and shivered. It was unusually cold tonight...

She glanced at the card and read the address written in Trish's neat script, 1327 Juniper Drive. The heels of her leather boots sounded unnaturally loud as she mounted the steps to the front porch. She squinted her eyes and read the wrought-iron numerals affixed alongside the door. 1327... This was it.

However, no matter how hard she strained her ears, there were no sounds of music, laughter, or any other noise indicating a party to greet her. Perhaps it was cancelled, she thought to herself. After all, there weren't that many cars parked outside the house, and no decorations other than one lonely jack-o-lantern casting its warm, orange glow across the wooden flooring of the porch.

She sighed. "Typical," she thought. "Miranda's always the last to know..." She was turning around, preparing to leave, when she stopped. "This is ridiculous," she said out loud to herself. She walked over to the door and jabbed her finger on the bell. "I've come this far... in a costume and everything. I may as well see what's going on."

When Trish had invited her to the Halloween party, she had originally replied "No". The event was taking place at Trish's boyfriend's house, and all those attending were friends and acquaintances of his. She really didn't want to dress up in a ludicrous outfit, making small talk with people she didn't know, however after over a week of asking, pleading, and doing everything short of getting on her knees and begging, Trish had finally convinced her to come.

And now here she was... standing on the front porch of what appeared to be a deserted house, shivering and cold, dressed in an entire outfit of leather. She really wasn't sure what she was supposed to be. She was wearing long, black leather boots that came to her knees, a short leather mini-skirt, and a black leather biker jacket with a white silk blouse underneath. Her jet-black hair was teased, spiked, and covered with so much hairspray that the slightest touch could draw blood. A silver chain was wrapped around her neck, from which dangled a silver cross. Her face was heavily made-up; deep red lipstick adorned her lips, matching the color of her long, painted fingernails. Her eyes were accentuated by soft gray eye shadow, the moonlight sparkling off the few flecks of glitter applied over the top; her lashes were thick and full... Miranda felt almost dirty... Not unclean, but erotic and very sexual as her clothes clung to every curve of her body.

After a few moments of waiting, Miranda finally heard approaching footsteps on the other side of the door. She watched nervously as the door was pulled open, and a man dressed in an undertaker's uniform stood before her. She could now hear the strains of music coming faintly from somewhere at the back of the house.

The man extended one pale hand in greeting and said, "Hi! You must be Miranda."

She nodded.

"I'm Ted, Trish's boyfriend. Nice to meet ya." He stepped aside, allowing her to enter the house. "You look great, by the way!"

"Thanks," she replied almost sheepishly. The inside of the house was as dark and as void of decorations as the outside. Room upon room opened up in all directions from where she stood, each one issuing forth an uninviting darkness.

Ted led Miranda down the hall, passed the red-carpeted staircase, and to a door situated at the end. A sign hung on the door; "Enter at your own risk!" was written across it in black, dripping letters.

"Nice touch," Miranda remarked.

Ted smiled and opened the door. Three steps led down to a room filled with smoke, laughter, and blaring music. She recognized the song... it was 'Monster Mash', the classic Halloween favorite which, she imagined, was played at practically every social gathering at this time of year.

Orange and black streamers hung in a criss-cross fashion above their heads and ornamental cobwebs festooned every available corner. Miranda felt herself relaxing almost as soon as she entered the room, her nervousness and apprehension melting away with every passing second.

"Want a drink?" Ted asked.

"Sure. That would be great. Thanks."

Ted walked across the room, getting lost in the throng of costumed people. Miranda looked around, trying to locate Trish amongst the demons, witches, goblins, vampires, and ghosts populating the room.

As she looked, her eyes focused in on a man sitting by himself in the far corner. In his hand he held an ornate glass from which he was sipping a dark, red liquid. Most likely wine, Miranda mused to herself. He was exquisitely dressed in a pair of black dress pants, the crease running down each of his legs looked knife-like in their crispness. He also wore a white satin shirt, his long, tapered hands jutting out from the slightly ruffled cuffs. Across his shoulders was draped a waist-length coat or cape... the outside colored an inky black, the inside, a deep blood red.

For the first time, Miranda looked at the man's face. His skin was pale, almost as if his strong, chiseled features had been carved from white marble, however his cheeks gained more color after every sip he took from the glass. His hair was dark brown, possibly black, Miranda was unsure from this distance, and swept back from his forehead where it hung down almost to his shoulders. His mustache connected to his perfectly trimmed goatee, which came to a slight point at the end of his chin. She watched as he took one finger, and wiped away the drop of red liquid that had fallen onto his thin bottom lip. His tongue darted out and licked the drop from his fingertip.

Miranda felt a slight stirring deep inside of her... the beginning of desire... And then she looked at his eyes...

She gasped as she realized that he was also staring at her. His dark gray eyes cutting across the length of the room and boring into hers. The feelings welling up within her became more pronounced at his gaze. She felt her body swaying, almost as if her feet were no longer touching the floor beneath her... and found it nearly impossible to turn her head or avert her eyes from the man in the corner, even if she had wanted to...


The voice came from her left. Miranda jumped, startled, and felt the spell, had there been one, being broken.

Trish was standing alongside her, pushing a drink into her hand. "Ted said you wanted one."

"Thanks," Miranda said. "You look good!"

Trish was dressed in a tight-fitting short red dress, red fishnet stockings, and red high-heeled shoes. A tail was affixed to her backside, the tip ending in a triangular point. Perched on top of her blonde hair was a hairclip, two red, glittery horns jutting out from either end. She held her drink in one hand, and a long plastic pitchfork in the other.

"Ted always calls me his little devil," Trish replied. "So I figured I'd give him a thrill tonight."

They both laughed as Miranda raised her glass to her lips. She was just about to take a sip, when she recoiled with a gasp. Trish broke out in hysterical giggles at her side.

"Cute," Miranda said, unable to hide her own smile as she looked at the plastic bugs frozen inside her ice cubes.

"It was Ted's idea... isn't he cute?"

They moved off to an unoccupied corner of the room. Miranda could almost feel the man's eyes on her back as she walked away. She wanted to turn around; in fact she had already started to, when Trish suddenly asked,

"Is everything ok?"

"Of course," Miranda replied. "Why do you ask?"

"I don't know... You just seem kind of quiet and distant tonight."

"Well, actually..." Miranda began, and then stopped.

"Yes?" Trish prompted.

Instead of continuing with her previous thought, Miranda pointed to the man in the corner and said, "You see that guy over there, the one in the cape with the glass of wine? Who is he?"

Trish shrugged and gulped down the rest of her drink. "I have no idea. I don't know who half these people are."

Miranda looked slightly disheartened by her friend's response. Her eyes traveled once more to the direction of the man in the corner, but he was no longer staring at her. She saw that he had finished his drink. The empty glass was sitting on the table, a few rivulets of the dark red fluid staining its sides. He was absent-mindedly fingering a cookie in the shape of a skull sitting on a plate in front of him, almost as if he was unsure whether he wanted to eat it or not.

Miranda was once again brought out of her reverie by the sound of Trish's voice.

"Do you want another drink?"

"Sure, just as long as there are no more bugs, or eyeballs, or internal organs floating in it this time."

Trish laughed. "I'm afraid you're out of luck, honey. Ted's like a little kid when it comes to Halloween."

Trish left her alone again. Miranda scanned the room, trying to look anywhere other than the spot she wanted to look in the most... After all, she didn't want to seem as if she was staring intentionally. However, after only a few moments, her gaze was once again transfixed to the man in the corner. Her vision was obscured for a few seconds as "Flying Purple People Eater" blared from the set of enormous speakers on her left, and a mummy and the Bride of Frankenstein walked by her to start dancing in the middle of the room. Miranda cocked her head to the side, however the chair in the corner of the room was now vacant... The man was gone...


The voice coming from behind her startled her. Miranda whirled around, and felt her heart leap to her throat as she saw the man standing before her.

"Hello..." Her voice sounded weak and timid to her own ears.

"I'm sorry," the man said. "I didn't mean to frighten you."

He was even more stunningly handsome up close. His voice was deep and soothing, with just a trace of a foreign accent.

And those eyes! Miranda thought to herself... She could stare into them for hours... They were like two pools of gray misty water, capable of captivating anyone with a mere glance...

"You didn't," she lied, and then added quickly, "I didn't mean to stare..."

The man smiled, his lips turning upward, exposing a set of dazzling white teeth. "That's quite all right," he said. "I was staring at you too. You..." He paused for a brief moment before continuing, "remind me of someone..."

Just then Trish returned, carrying another glass of amber liquid and handed it to Miranda. A sly smile twisted the corners of her mouth as she saw the man standing by her friend engaged in conversation. Trish walked passed Miranda and whispered "Good luck!" as she disappeared into the crowd of partiers.

Miranda took a small sip and then said, "So... whom do I remind you of, if you don't mind my asking?"

A far off look fell across the man's eyes as he replied, "Someone I used to know a very long time ago..."

Miranda laughed. "Jeez, you say that as if you were ancient."

The man smiled again. "I'm older than I appear..." he said.

A woman came up alongside them and thrust a tray full of tiny sandwiches in between them. Each one was pierced through the middle by a toothpick, which were in turn topped with orange and black plastic tassels.

"Want something to eat?" the woman asked in a high-pitched cackle. Miranda turned to her and saw that she was dressed as the perfect example of the Halloween witch; complete with green skin, long, crooked nose, and pointed black hat.

"Thanks," Miranda said, picking up one of the sandwiches, plucking out the toothpick, and laying it on the edge of the tray.

The witch turned to Miranda's companion, who raised his right hand, politely shook his head and replied, "No, thank you. I'm not hungry."

The witch laughed a witchy laugh and moved on to the next group of people in a flurry of flapping black robes.

Miranda placed the last bit of sandwich in her mouth then washed it down with a sip of alcohol. She was unsure how to continue. She felt like a teen-age girl who has found herself in conversation with the high school jock for whom she's had a secret crush on for years.

Her companion broke the silence by saying, "Why don't we go somewhere where we can be alone, Miranda?"

She was startled at the mention of her name. How did he know? She was positive that no one had said it within his presence... She was just about to ask, when she glanced at his eyes...

They were extraordinary before but now they were absolutely mesmerizing. They seemed to transform before her eyes, turning from the smoky gray to swimming pools of liquid silver. Miranda sucked in her breath with a gasp and felt herself becoming lost in his gaze... almost as if her body was being picked up by an unseen hand and transported back in time. Pictures and images of people and places from long-forgotten centuries flashed into her mind like the grainy, flickering projections of an old-fashioned movie camera. All the fanfare of the party going on around her was drowned out; the only sound coming to her ears was the man's voice, low, smooth, and sensual...

"My name is Sebastian," he was saying. "Sebastian Drake."

Miranda's lips moved, seemingly of their own accord, and formed the syllables of his name. "Sebastian..." she whispered.

"Come with me, Miranda..." Sebastian raised his left hand towards her. She felt her own hand rising, moving closer to his, until it finally slipped into his grasp. His skin was smooth and cool... so very cool...

He led her up the three steps to the door and out into the hall.

She followed him as he walked to the red-carpeted staircase and began to ascend. She wanted to ask him how he knew his way around this house, what his relationship was with Ted, how he came to be at the party... but her lips would not form the words as her feet continued to walk up the stairs. She stared at his form blanketed in darkness in front of her, his wide, strong shoulders supporting the cape draped across them, his hair brushing lightly against the high collar.

Once they reached the top, he turned to the left, guiding her to a door near the end of another long hall. He turned the knob and pushed the door inward. Miranda stepped inside, directly behind her mysterious escort, and saw that they were in a bedroom. The drapes were pulled open, exposing a large bay window in the middle of the righthand wall. The window itself was slightly open, allowing in the cool October air. Dark clouds swam across the bright orb of the full moon in the night sky; its illumination shining through the glass, washing over the bed like a spotlight.

Miranda knew what he had in mind. Her senses shouted at her to leave... to turn and run out the door, down the stairs, and back to the safety of the party below. She had only met the man not even twenty minutes ago, and now she was alone with him in an unfamiliar bedroom... alone and vulnerable... However, she couldn't leave... Her body was no longer responding to her instincts... and, even if she had been able to leave, she wasn't entirely sure if she would have wanted to...

She heard the soft click as he closed the door behind them. His hands wrapped around her shoulders... caressing them... then slowly travelled to her neck... She sighed softly at his touch, and then felt the chain around her neck loosen... The silver cross sliding lower on her body, brushing lightly against her breasts before falling with a metallic whisper to the carpeted floor.

He turned her towards him. She looked into his eyes... and felt her hands rise up to the fastening of his cape. She unhooked the clasp and slid it down over his shoulders where it landed in a heap at his feet. She unbuttoned his white satin shirt slowly, savoring each movement of her fingers, pulling it from underneath the waistband of his tight black pants. Her hands were gliding across his chest, the skin being as smooth, pale, and cool to the touch as the rest of him.

She moaned lightly as she felt his hands on her, undoing the snaps and buckles that bound her in her garments. Her eyes closed as she felt his hands cup her breasts, lightly brushing his fingertips across her aroused, sensitive nipples. Miranda had never felt desire like this before- strong, primitive and savage, being both exhilarating and frightening at the same time. However, what shocked her most of all, was that she liked it...

Sebastian bent forward, his lips brushing across the tender skin of her throat, his goatee tickling her as he continued to kiss her neck, her chin, her cheek... until he finally reached her eager, open mouth... He pressed his lips against her with such force that she took a step back to catch her balance. His tongue plunged into her mouth, seeking... exploring... intertwining with hers... Miranda became lost in the taste of him. It had a highly masculine quality, however, underneath there was also something faintly unpleasant: a slightly sweet tang that she couldn't quite place...

She felt his hand slide underneath her leather skirt, his fingers moving in slow circles across her womanhood covered only by her silk panties. She gasped loudly, wanting... needing... to touch him...

Miranda manuevered her hand to the crotch of his pants. She felt her senses slowly returning to normal, her body responding to her commands. Her palm pressed into him, running lightly up and down the hardness straining against the fabric pulled taut across his pelvis. Sebastian threw his head back in pleasure. When he looked down at her again, his hair was tousled, falling in loose strands across his forehead. His mouth hung open. The moonlight washing over their bodies made his teeth look somehow different; longer... sharper... more pronounced...

He silently watched as Miranda unbuttoned his pants and slowly pulled down the zipper. Miranda gasped when she saw that no other garments covered him underneath. His manhood sprung out at her. She took him in her hand and stroked him slowly. He made a few low, animalistic grunts at her touch, and then picked her up effortlessly in his arms and carried her to the bed. He placed her atop the soft bedspread and knelt down behind her. She could feel his erection pressing into her back as he moved in closer to her. She saw a flash of red fabric dart across her vision and then darkness as he tied the blindfold over her eyes.

Sebastian could sense that this frightened her. "Trust me, Miranda..." His voice was low and calming. She could feel her body relaxing just by hearing the words being spoken behind her.

"This will be an experience that you should taste... hear... feel... but not see..."

"I trust you, Sebastian..." she replied very softly.


Miranda felt him get up from the bed and then her body being pushed back against the pillows. He undressed her slowly, starting with her boots and working his way up her body until she was completely naked. Her breathing came more rapidly, caused by the excitement of not being able to see what he was doing, unaware of what was in store for her...

The bed moved as Sebastian put one hand on either side of her body and lowered himself onto her. She could feel his lips brushing across her again, his tongue darting out and tasting her skin, pausing as he came to her neck...

Miranda's body was writhing on top of the covers. "Oh, Sebastian," she moaned. "Please..."

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