Nina Part Three

The girl paused in her narrative, trembling slightly. I had trembled myself once or twice, and had come close to touching myself between my legs. The girl lowered her head once more, her voice descending to a whisper.

"And that is how we were discovered, with his cock softening in my anus, and our lips locked in a passionate kiss."

The room fell silent. I was aware of the burning itch in my cunt, and glanced quickly at Grope and the strange, angular woman to see what their reaction was. Grope, of course, looked slack-mouthed, and was drooling slightly. The woman, however, had twisted her narrow mouth into a sneer of deep disgust.

"Trollop," she spat. The atmosphere within the room dropped several degrees. "You would rut with the animals in the fields if you had no other choice. It has been barely a week since your last punishment, when you and three other maids were found fucking each other with candles. Now here you are again, fucking with a man who is even lower in station than you, if that were possible. Do you know who that man was? His name is Condom the Barbarian, a renegade from some backward kingdom, who was captured years ago. He has been shut up in the basement for all that time, never having seen a woman. And now, here you are, sent down by your mistress to perform a simple duty, sniffing at his crotch, opening your sluttish thighs. What kind of way is that to behave?"

I thought Virginia had done the Palace a favour. If Condom had been left so frustrated that he kept stoking the fires like he had been, the whole place could have burned down.

Grope had advanced a step. "How many was it last time, Virginia?" He flexed the cane. "Ten, master," she whimpered, head to the floor, arse raised high.

"This time it shall be twelve." With no other ceremony, he brought the cane down on her rump with a hearty thwack. I yelped almost as loudly as she did. The blow was not so hard, but it striped Virginia's flesh across he buttocks. It was followed by three or four more such strokes. After each, Grope allowed the cane to linger on Virginia's ass.

She took her punishment bravely, more bravely than I would have, I think. In fact, as I watched her wriggle her cute little fanny, and rub herself against the cane where it lingered, she seemed to be almost enjoying herself. It occurred to me that as a method of restraining Virginia's wanton desires, caning her ass was as productive as throwing oil on a fire.

I took my eyes away from Grope and Virginia, to look once more at the withered creature in the bed. She was grinning toothsomely, her knowing eyes glittering. After the eighth stroke, she barked out a command Ð "Harder!!" Ð and Grope landed a more punishing blow on Virginia's backside. The harridan cried out again Ð "HARDER!!" Ð and Grope swung mightily. Virginia gave out a loud wail, and begged for mercy, but the crone was not yet satisfied. "AGAIN!!" she yelled, and "AGAIN!!" The last two strokes were delivered, and Virginia lay sobbing across the bench while Grope mopped sweat from his brow.

"Take her out. I shall speak with this other whore." Grope hesitated for a moment, then picked Virginia up by the shoulders, and led her out through the door. As it closed behind them, I swear the temperature dropped two or three degrees.

"Come closer," barked the woman, and I obeyed at once.

"You are Nina?" she asked, and I nodded in what I hoped was a deeply respectful fashion. "Your mother owns the Humped Back Beast Inn?" I nodded again. "What are you doing here in the Palace of his Majesty, the Irresistible Harrdon?"

I told her my story, editing it a great deal. I was pretty sure she wouldn't want to how I had enticed Tumescence to bring me here, let alone my reasons for doing so. I also managed to skimp over my encounter with Titania, my escapades in the Temple and the cell above, and my ravishment by person unknown in the Library. In particular, I chose to leave out the various ways in which I had entertained Grope.

All told, my story took about eight seconds.

The skeleton in the bed listened intently, without interruption. She grimaced once or twice, which made my buttocks blush and my heart skip a beat, but I was pretty sure I hadn't incriminated myself by the time I had completed my account. Grope returned to the room just before I finished, crossing to the bedside to pour the woman a glass of water, which he held to her lips for her to drink.

"Have you told her that she must come to live here in the Palace?", the woman asked. Grope nodded. "The arrangement has been explained to her."

"It is for your own good, child. Here, you can be kept under our guidance and supervision. We can ensure your moral and physical well-being." Grope leered at me. I had no doubt what guidance he would provide, but I still had no idea who this ghostly woman was.

"In the meantime," she continued. "You can provide us with some assistance. Our duties are many, and very onerous. I have seen the Chamberlain look quite exhausted after a day instructing some new maid Ð" I didn't doubt it Ð "and there is so much that we must keep our eye on. So much that we must guard against."

By now, I expect my quizzical expression had frozen in place. The woman peered at me with her sharp eyes, and sighed. "I'm talking about sin, girl! Sin!! Have you not seen what goes on around you? Debauchery, licentiousness, perversion. The palace is awash with carnality and sin. Do you pretend to be ignorant of it? Do you pretend that you are innocent of it yourself?"

I didn't think that I could, in all honesty, so I tried hard to look contrite. With Grope there, his face in a rictus of pleasure from observing my predicament, it wasn't easy to hold myself back from blurting out just what I had seen and done, but I still felt that I wasn't aware of exactly what was going on.

"No, of course not. I'm sure you have enjoyed as many sexual escapades as the rest of the sluts and wantons in the Palace." Grope made a small clicking sound with his cane. "Actually, my dear," he interjected with a deranged grin on his face, "the girl insists she has left her virginity in her mother's safe keeping." The harridan's brow furrowed quizzically, but she didn't seek an explanation. "Whatever. In this place, I'm sure the child has given in to all kinds of lewd temptations. But we control you now, and we shall use your appetites in our own way."

I felt a terrible panic for a moment, and tried to usher the notion out of my head of being the meat in a sandwich in which Grope and the ghost were the bread. Fortunately, this wasn't my fate, though I wasn't sure of this for a few moments yet.

"If you place yourself in our hands, your sins will be forgiven. Even your most wicked deeds will be absolved if they are done in our service. Will you obey our commands, Nina?" She peered at me with her hawkish eyes. I tried to give a slight nod, hoping that this would be taken for a commitment now that I could deny later. "Good," she whispered. "I think we understand each other very well. You will find that our authority runs a great deal deeper than that of Tumescence, and that you will profit from our patronage."

She turned to Grope at that moment, and I found myself breathing out for the first time in several seconds. I can't pretend that I understood a word the old witch was talking about, but I do know that I was terrified of her. She whispered something to Grope, and he nodded. Snapping his fingers to attract my attention, he marched briskly to the door and opened it. We left the skeleton alone, as white as the stiff sheets on which she lay. Those piercing eyes had closed at last.

We stopped in the hallway, Grope amusing himself at my expense, knowing that I was desperate to know who the cadaver was. Finally, I broke down (another small victory to him!) and asked. "Why, Nina," he giggled. "Can't you guess? That is the Lady Frigina, who is the senior tutor to the palace's youngsters. She is the driving force behind the new wave of morality and propriety which will sweep this foul tower clear of all its vices, ushering in a new ear of decency and wholesomeness. And she is also my wife."

You could have bowled me over with a feather, which I'm sure was Grope's intent. We walked along the corridor, then climbed a stairway Ð me ahead, Grope behind, his breath hot on my behind, which reminded me that whatever he professed in word, the Chamberlain was a less than fervent supporter of his wife's aims in deed. From what I had seen, his ambitions were a great deal less lofty than his spouse's. We climbed the steep steps for what seemed like and hour, and both of us were pretty breathless by the time we reached our destination. Through an archway, he passed into a broad, curving hall lit by bright chandeliers.

"Do you know where you are, girl?" asked Grope. I had no idea. "This hall is the most private part of the palace. Those doors over there lead into the bedchamber of the King's uncle, Grand Duke Onan." We walked on, along thick carpet, passing more doors, and Grope chose a few to point out, mentioning the names of dukes and duchesses, counts and countesses, all related to the Magnificent Harrdon in some degree. The further we walked, the more important the occupant. Finally, we reached the end of the hall. A pair of huge doors sealed off the end of the hall, flanked by two guards of enormous stature, dressed in the uniforms of the King's Mustgethers Ð that is, not very much. Their weapons drooped somewhat, but their eyes betrayed an alert air, and as I came closed at Grope's side, they both stiffened noticeably. Such a potent display made me feel quite giddy.

"Now do you know where you are? Those men are guarding the chambers of our sovereign lord, King Harrdon!" I was impressed. I hadn't been able to take my eyes of the guards since we had first sighted them. I didn't know how the King felt, but I felt very much better knowing that these stout heroes were around.

There were other doors to either side of the hall. Grope flickered his finger towards the door on the outer wall. "Those are the chambers of the Princess Deepthroat." My heart jumped into my mouth Ð the very person I had wanted to avoid, and here I was outside her bedroom door! For one terrible moment, I wondered if Grope knew that secret of mine as well. Instead, he lead me towards the inner doors. "And these doors," he said in a low voice, "lead to the suite of the young prince, Glans." He put his finger to his lips, turned the handle and pressed open the door with a slight shove. We stepped inside.

The first room was in darkness, but I could see it was some kind of sitting room, filled with all kinds of useless clutter. There were toy soldiers, games, curious keepsakes and various items of clothing strewn over the furniture.

Grope moved across the room with unusual, silent grace towards an inner doorway, through which spilled a little muted light. I could hear a voice, a young male's, talking in a somewhat anguished manner. Grope grinned, and beckoned me closer to the door. As I crept closer to take a look, Grope whispered into my ear. "Now that he is 14, the Prince is accustomed to wake each morning with a small problem. Well, that is to say, a large problem. Whatever else he may inherit from his father, young Prince Glans has not missed out on the family propensity to produce larger than average males. Take a look." Grope positioned me ahead of him, and pushed me forward. Cautiously, I leant forward, resting my hand on a small stool by the open doorway, and peered around the corner of the door frame into the adjoining room.

The bedroom had that same dishevelled look that the outer chamber of the suite wore. More strewn clothing, more toys and books. A large rocking horse stood in the corner. The room, though, was dominated by a central well, which was filled with deep cushions and rugs. In the centre, completely naked, there was a young male, who reminded me very much of Pork in many ways. Well, of course, he looked very much taller, and cleaner, and his hair didn't have goat's dung for gel, and his teeth were white instead of green, but I still saw an instant likeness between them. I suppose it must have been the erection that did it.

Prince Glans was a fair, open-faced boy, with a smooth, pale body only partially downed with hair. He had a little fat on him, but there was also sign of a wiry, stealthy strength in his limbs and torso. He had large feet, I noticed, and big, bony hands. In less charitable mood, I might also have mentioned that he had rather large ears, but let's not be mealy-mouthed. He had lovely clear blue eyes, and an unruly mop of dark hair, and I was sure the young women at the court found him very fair to behold. Me, I couldn't get past the fact that he had a tadger the size of an elephant.

His right hand gripped his bald organ, stroking it slowly. Even though he had big paws, Glans barely managed to curl his fingers round his big, thick staff. Moving his fist slowly up and down, he was gradually turning it from a stiff, but still pliant tube of white flesh, into a hot, rigid branch, crowned by a thick, bulbous helmet which looked like a pale, juicy plum. I watched the boy's cock swell a little more, and found myself wondering just how far it might go, and what it might do when it got there. From where I stood, I could also see that the Prince had huge balls, which lay across his thigh as he stretched out on his back across his bed. I know the effect was exaggerated because the equipment was hung on a young man, and because there was no pubic hair to camouflage his pole, but Ð believe me Ð Prince Glans was very well hung indeed.

With his free hand, the Prince was sifting through a pile of loose leaved paper, and I observed that they contained pictures of some scantily-clad young women who seemed most concerned to allow the viewer to see into their throats even when they had their mouths closed. Every now and then, he would find a picture that particularly took his fancy, and would hold it up to the light, quickening his wanking as he whimpered pleading noises to the picture.

I was about to turn and ask Grope what this voyeurism was supposed to achieve when I felt his hands on my thigh, lifting me so that my knee rested on the stool, and I was bent forward. I choked off a cry of alarm, and tried to straighten up, but I was off-balance and Grope was too quick. His hands transferred to my hips, having slid my skirt up past my waist in the same movement. His thumbs pulled my thighs apart, and I felt his cool, slender cock slipping across my skin. I staggered a little, which only opened my legs more completely, and Grope pushed forward and stuck his rod into my quim. I'm afraid to confess that the sight of the young Prince in anger had caused me to leak like a sieve, and Grope's tiny cock went up me easily, to his obvious enjoyment.

Any attempt to disentangle myself at this point would surely have alerted the young Prince to our presence, and I didn't have the courage for that. So, I settled into the steady rhythm of Grope's stroke, trying to make myself as comfortable as I could with my ravishment. To dispel the mental image of the Chamberlain beavering away behind me, I concentrated on watching the Prince. He hadn't been disturbed in any way, and was rubbing his cock in that same steady fashion, whimpering as he lifted page after page of drawings from the pile at his side, to gaze upon them with loving attention.

Grope's tempo increased, and there was a nasty moment when his belly slapped against my buttocks. I dared not breathe, wondering if the Prince had heard us, but all was well Ð he was much too engrossed in his private dreams. Grope Ð who had not hesitated for a moment Ð shivered at my back, and then withdrew his cock. I felt cum trickling down my leg. Grope chuckled, and I heard him adjust his clothing. He had clearly enjoyed himself, even though I hadn't been so much as warmed up. "I'm sure that give you quite a thrill," he hissed into my ear, proving what a powerful insight he had into a woman's needs. I turned back to face him and smiled weakly.

"The Prince is magnificently endowed, is he not? Every morning he wakes like this, but it often takes him over an hour to achieve relief. Guilt, you see. He thinks that what he is doing is wrong. My dear wife has seen to it that he understands a great deal about the nature of sin, and what perversion will lead to. It hasn't stopped him wanking, of course, but it has made sure he doesn't enjoy it."

What a cruel and callous punishment! No wonder the boy looked so anguished. Well, I thought, if I had anything to do with his future, I'd soon see to it that he understood that there could never be anything wrong in enjoying himself with such a fine cock.

Grope seemed to have read my mind. He picked up a pile of sheets and towels from a dresser, and deposited them in my hands. His face had taken on the stern, vile expression I already knew so well. He took me by the arms, and gripped me tightly while he spat out his orders. "Listen well, Nina. It is a necessary part of our plans that the boy be in our power. You are going to help us. I want you to go in there, and help the young Prince relieve his morning agony." My eyes must have betrayed my alarm. "You will do as you are told. Seduce the boy, or it will be the worse for you. We want the boy to become attached to you; we control you, and through your body we shall control him." He grinned, apparently imagining the scene in his mind. "Don't think you can deceive us, Nina, for I shall be watching. Refuse to obey my commands, and you will be severely punished."

"Just what is it you want me to do?" I asked. Grope giggled. "You're a maid, aren't you? Go in there and change the sheets. Tidy up. Pick a few things off the floor. And, while you do that, make sure the Prince has a full view of your lovely assets. And then, if you feel you can be so bold, take the matter in hand, so to speak."

I felt a flush of anger. My voice almost became too loud as I replied. "I thought you and Frigina were opposed to all such Ôvices'." Grope sneered. "And so we are, but the tools of sin are the best weapons to use against the sinful. Until we can more openly enforce our will, we shall have to employ any means at our disposal. Even when they are little sluts like you. Now go! And remember, I shall be watching!"

It seemed that I had no choice. I tried to come up with a cunning plan to turn everything around, but it was hopeless. Better to make the best of the situation. After all, it would be me the Prince would be thankful to, not Grope.

I composed myself, and then, turning away from the Chamberlain with as much dignity as a girl can with a spunk-stained arse, I slipped into the Prince's bedroom.


As I walked into his room, the Prince sat up with a wild yelp, trying to cover himself, throw the drawings to the floor and sit up at the same time. It was only partially successful, and I was treated to a nice close up of his hard organ. I had tried to make my arrival seem quite natural and ordinary by singing a few lines of a song, like any working girl might do as she went about her duties, but he hadn't heard me.

"Who are you?" he cried, in a slightly roughened voice. "What are you doing in here?" I tried to jump, as if I were startled, and whirled round to face the Prince. It did cross my mind that this act was all a little flimsier than my costume, but I hoped the Prince would be too flustered to notice.

From this more suitable viewing position (and without the distraction of Grope burrowing around in my fanny), I was able to take a better look at the young Prince. When I had seen him at the meal previously (for it was the same youth who had been seated at the long table who was now before me), I had thought he looked rather plain. In fact, he was almost handsome, in a slightly awkward kind of way, and he had a bewildered look about him that brought out the mother in me Ð the fact that I couldn't see his gleaming cock any more made me forget that the face of a lost angel was mounted on the body of a stallion. Of course, if I had been his mum I would have slapped him silly for spending his time in bed wanking over pornographic pictures.

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