Possessions Ch. 07

Kriel laughed. "I believe Milier's concerns are with the very world itself."

The slaves listened over several glasses of wine as the Captains, General and King spoke of the man that they clearly disliked and distrusted. They seemed amused more than upset though.

Finally, Raikol couldn't hold his tongue anymore. "If the man is so untrustworthy, why is he allowed to keep his rank? Why is he allowed to hold such a position directly under a General?"

"Whoa!" Laughter spilled from Kriel's lips. "That whore's teat is not 'directly under a General'. There's the General, then me, then Allek, then whatever mold is growing in the dungeons, then is Milier."

Ehrik, though chucking at Kriel's interpretation of the other Captain's position, answered clearly. "He is entitled and believes that he deserves more than he has earned. He believes himself to have a birthright. However, he is useful."

Raikol and Drimelk glanced at each other. There was more to it than that. There was something behind the statement that told them that the man was "useful" in ways different than he perceived himself to be.

Before either could question further, the conversation had already changed, Jecis and the Captains recalling what they referred to as Ehrik's "expression of sheer terror" when the child, Palyi, had entered. The atmosphere was so contagious that even the slaves found themselves joining in the festivities. Finally, after much mimicking, speculation and laughing, there was a sobering knock on the door. Instantly all the men sobered as Ehrik called for the new arrival to enter.

Without delay the door opened and Ebon, a look of boredom on his face, stepped aside for Trivalm to step through the entryway. He was slightly pale, and from the lines on his face, it was obvious that the last hours had not been kind to him. He didn't try to hide the glare he directed at the dark skinned man who was already taking his leave.

Raikol and Drimelk were already on their feet and moving toward their comrade. Trivalm, however, shook off their concerned hands. Instead, he moved forward unsteadily, took a cup from the table and drained it. When that was unsatisfying, he snatched the cup from Allek's hand as the other man laughed.

"Those herbs are not a fun experience." Kriel seemed unconcerned as he stood and moved toward the door. "Unfortunately, my King, my General, I have duties I must attend to. I was given a direct order from my Madam Keeper to pass along a message to my fertile wife." He smirked at the other men, who were well aware of the Captain's intense desire for a child, as he darted through the door.

"My balls ache." Trivalm's eyes slid to Ehrik, accusation shining in his gaze.

"What is wrong with you?" Raikol's concern was evident in his tone.

"My balls ache!" There was pure venom in the slave's voice.

Jecis handed him yet another cup, that Trivalm easily drained, before asking, "How much did Sarantha give you? Generally, not much is required." His questioning eyes slid to Ehrik. "Unless she was giving him something else as well?"

Ehrik sighed, already knowing the slaves would not react well to the coming information. It was obvious that Raikol and Drimelk were unaware of the nature of herb that their friend had been given. "He was given almost four doses of a mixture of herbs to increase both confusion and sexual interest."

Trivalm's eyes snapped fire. "It is not interest. It is random erections, hot flashes, insatiable thirst and those..." The flurry of anger filled insults describing Ivory and Ebon had the free men laughing and the slaves gaping, momentarily forgetting their anger at the War slave's treatment.

Finally, Trivalm contented himself with dropping his head forward to bang his brow on the table. They weren't understanding. He doubted he could find the words to describe his current discomfort and if he didn't watch himself he would end up saying something that the General would make him regret. Because his anger wasn't at Ebon and Ivory. Ebon was too enamored in the pale little creature, and Ivory was too stupid to know any better. Sarantha though...

Sarantha was calculating. She planned. He still didn't believe that her actions were malicious. In fact, just the opposite. Sarantha would continue planning and scheming and plotting because she believed that she was doing those around her a kindness. She thought that she was correct in her actions, justified. For the short while that she was giving him herbs, Trivalm had been calm, content, enjoying the physical attentions of the other slaves. To Sarantha, she had achieved her goal. To Sarantha, Trivalm was accepting his place.

Now, though, she had to realize that Trivalm would not fall for the same trick twice. He wouldn't allow himself to be drugged. Which meant that Sarantha was going to have to come up with a new scheme to trick Trivalm into obedience. Thus far, Sarantha's actions had been subtle, unless she lost her temper, in which case she was impulsive. Trivalm was going to have to analyze every move she made, every word, every nuance of her tone, every intricacy of her posture. He had to be prepared for whatever scheme she threw at him next.

The conversation continued around him, but Trivalm tuned it out. Occasionally, a filled goblet would be pushed against his arm and he would snatch and drain it, ignoring his fellow slaves when they tried to question his wellbeing. Other than that, he was oblivious to anything happening around him. Several times he dozed off, his body desperately needing rest to recuperate.

It wasn't until he felt a firm hand on his shoulder that he raised his head to look around the room. Everybody stood as the King moved toward the door. With the help of the men beside him – he didn't even know which ones – Trivalm struggled to his feet, obligated to show proper respect to the departing King.

When he reached the door, Jecis turned to look over his shoulder. "Oh, and General?" He smirked, "I have every intention of marrying your sister-in-law. Do not try to interfere in my courting her." And with that he slipped out the door, ignoring whatever thumped against it as it closed behind him.

Trivalm flopped back into his seat, chuckling. At Ehrik's glare, he simply smirked. "Sarantha has better aim than you."


Sarantha sat, her lips pursed and eyes narrowed, in her seat, waiting for the Healer. The King's guards had escorted her to her rooms while a servant had gone to fetch the young woman who was supposedly so extremely skilled in the healing arts. Unlike her brother's guards, the King's guard ignored her order to remain outside. They stood stationary inside of the door – after they had searched her room. She tried to speak to them, but they answered in single syllables and refused to elaborate. Finally, Alalyia convinced her to relax in her reading chair. As her sister stroked a comb through her hair, Sarantha glared at the guards.

She didn't like strange men in her room. Especially men who weren't loyal to her or her family. Especially when she and her sister were alone, with nobody to protect them if those men proved to be deceitful. She was well aware that the men would follow their King's orders over hers, but, with the exception of her slaves and family, she hated having other's in her room. The men weren't looking at her, instead staring straight ahead, but they were there, between her and the exit. She was so lost in her brooding that she jumped at the knock on the door.

One of the guards, without even looking at Sarantha for confirmation or permission, turned and opened the door. A small woman, only slightly larger than Sarantha's size, swept through the door, smiling her thanks to the guards. Two women followed her in, both carrying several items.

When the first woman spoke, her voice was clear and happy. "You may both wait outside." When one of the guards began to object, she raised her hand, instantly silencing him. "I cannot very well examine her in front of a room full of men, strangers to her. The King won't have it." There was the same cheerfulness in her voice, but even so the threat was clear. "I am sure the Madame Keeper will be sufficient in assuring my proper behavior and the Lady's safety." She motioned toward the door, smiling when both men, looking uneasy, obediently exited the room.

Sarantha, eyes narrowed, tried to keep her glare from the woman. It wasn't the Healer's fault that the guards obeyed her when they had ignored Sarantha. It wasn't her fault that Sarantha's world was steadily being sliced and stripped away until all that was left was the bare bones. It wasn't her fault that Sarantha was scrambling to grasp at what little seemed to remain of her sanity. It wasn't the Healer's fault that on top of Ehrik's overbearing presence and Alaliya's constant concern, she now had to deal with the King's veiled orders and insinuations.

How dare he insinuate that she would be irresponsible enough to be unable to afford a proper healer during her pregnancy! And how dare he insult Ehrik and Alaliya in such a way as to insinuate that they wouldn't provide one for her if that were the case? She practically shook with the force of her rage.

"Hello, Ma'am. My name is Kyrsti. I am honored to be the King's Healer. I was summoned to ensure your and your child's wellbeing. With your permission, I would like to examine your body."

Sarantha looked at the smiling woman and waited for whatever came next. Kyrsti just looked at her, as if also waiting. When the younger woman made no move or comment, Sarantha raised her eyebrows, her patience wearing thin.

The Healer also raised her eyebrows. "Do I have it, Ma'am? Your permission?"

"Yes, of course." Alaliya answered for her, her lips slightly pursed.

"Apologies, Madam Keeper. I was not previously informed you were with child. I will of course see to your care, but I must also see to Lady Sarantha's wellbeing. Given her previous complications and her child's arrival so soon expected, I would like to begin with her." Kyrsti's head dipped in respect as she spoke. She turned her attention back to Sarantha. "Do I have your permission, Ma'am?"

Sarantha was awestruck. She couldn't remember the last time someone asked her permission as anything other than a front or formality. For the first time since coming to her brother's keep, if she said no, it would be respected. If she said no, this woman would not touch her. If she said no, it would mean no and be her decision. Part of her wanted to test that, to use the power that option gave her. Instead, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, blowing away the temptation.

"You may examine me only to see to my child's wellbeing." The words came out clipped, regardless of Sarantha's attempt to calm herself.

At the Healer's request, and it was a request, not an order, Sarantha moved to her bed. The woman chattered as she checked Sarantha's body. The exam was different than anything the previous Healer had done. Kyrsti checked her hair, asking if any had been coming loose. Then checked her skin for any abnormal or unexplained bruising or discoloring. Sarantha's nails were checked, then coated with a bright colored stain, the Healer explaining that feeling attractive improved women's moods. Sarantha giggled slightly at the flippant remark.

As the exam continued, so did the chattering, the Healer rotating between asking questions to do with her pregnancy, telling jokes, and chattering about mundane things to fill the silence. The only part of the exam that was unpleasant was when the Healer asked Sarantha to mimic her in several different positions, but as soon as Sarantha expressed her discomfort, she was allowed to stop.

Sarantha relaxed, comfortable with the exam's progression. Until the Healer asked her to remove her clothing.

Instantly Sarantha froze. "Why?" She didn't care that her voice was harsh.

"Apologies, Ma'am, if my request made you uncomfortable. I meant only to check your breasts and, if you would allow it, your birthing channel. If you are uncomfortable with such an exam we may, of course, refrain from it." Kyrsi seemed unconcerned with the pregnant woman's anger.

Sarantha's eyes narrowed. "We can 'of course' skip it, but you will run to the King to tell him I disobeyed his command." The accusation fell from her lips before she could sensor her thoughts.

For the first time since she entered the room, the Healers face lost its smile, allowing irritation to flash for only a second before being replaced with what obviously forced civility. "No, Ma'am. The King will know only that I examined you and that we discussed your treatment. As I said, if you are uncomfortable, we will, of course, refrain from such an exam."

Alaliya placed a gently hand on Sarantha's arm. "Perhaps, little sister, it would be a good idea for her to do a complete exam. For the child's wellbeing."

Sarantha looked to her sister, humiliation shining in her eyes. "Will you stand outside the door? Make sure nobody enters, not even my slaves?"

A smile on her face, Alaliya rose, regal as ever. "Of course. You shall have complete privacy, darling."

When the door clicked closed, Sarantha obediently stood and stripped out of her dress. Upon the Healer's instruction, she laid on her back on the bed. Instantly, one of the Healer's assistants covered her from her belly button down with a large, thin white cloth. For some unknown reason, tears sparked in her eyes at such kindness and she thanked the woman, who smiled gently and patted her hand soothingly.

The healer pressed on her breast gently, starting near the nipple and moving outwards in a spiral. She repeated the motion on the other breast, explaining that this was an exam that Sarantha could, and should, do herself periodically to check for any abnormal growths in the tissue. She inquired over any increased sensitivity in the nipples and if Sarantha had yet begun to produce milk. The Healer seemed satisfied with Sarantha's answers.

When she was finished, the assistants helped Sarantha to sit up, propping several pillows behind her back. Another cloth was draped over her breasts, covering her, and Sarantha sighed in relief.

Her swollen belly was bared only long enough for the Healer to press on a few choice spots. The child, almost as if protesting, moved, bringing a smile to both women's faces. Again, Sarantha was covered before the exam continued.

When the Healer rolled the bottom cloth to Sarantha's hips, she couldn't help but make a small whimper. Instantly Kyrsi stopped.

"Would you like your sister to return?" The Healer looked genuinely concerned. "Or, if you prefer, we can break."

Sarantha closed her eyes, hating her cowardice. "I want to be finished."

"Of course, Ma'am. Please, dress and we will discuss my findings. Unless you would like to wait for your brother?" The healer and her assistants turned their back while she dressed.

When she was decent, Sarantha responded. "No, only my sister, please."

Within moments Alaliya and Sarantha were comfortably seated on the bed, looking at an array of oils and herbs the Healer had set out on the bed. One by one, the Healer picked them up and explained to the women what each was for. There were oils to reduce the presence of growth lines on the stomach, something Sarantha had miserably thought was unavoidable. One vial of oil was to be massaged into the skin and allowed to soak to ease the soreness in muscles in her legs and feet. Another was to rub on her chest to ease any ache there, while another was meant to be applied directly to the nipples to reduce the sensitivity. Herbs were left both for her to drink and to drop into her bath water. They were for everything from morning nausea, to sore muscles, to headache.

By the time the Healer had explained each small satchel and vial, Alaliya and Sarantha were in awe. The previous Healer had given her none of these things. In fact, when Sarantha had inquired over a remedy for the morning nausea, the Healer's response had been to wake her earlier to ensure the bouts of illness passed before breakfast with the Keeper. She would make sure to thank the King for his kindness in allowing her the use of his Healer.

For the next hours, the Healer explained the birthing process, how Sarantha could prepare, and ways for those around her to be prepared. She explained what to expect once the child did arrive. She even went to the crib and checked it for stability and safety for the child, Sarantha frowned when the Healer removed the small pillow in it, explaining that it could interfere with the child's ability to breathe.

After many hours of talking and questions, Kyrsti, slightly smiling, rose to leave, assuring the women that she would return to check on Sarantha at or after dinner, depending on the King's wishes.

"Wait!" Sarantha called, finally collecting herself as the woman reached the door.

The Healer turned to face her, her head bowed. "Yes, Ma'am. My apologies, I did not mean to leave before you were satisfied."

Sarantha ignored the apology, her way of dismissing any perceived disrespect. "What of my restrictions?"

Kyrsti looked genuinely confused. "Restrictions?"

"My movements. What am I allowed to do?" Sarantha felt hopeful.

The Healer's frown deepened. "My apologies, Ma'am. I do not understand."

"The other Healer, she said that I needed to be in bed as much as possible, walk at little as possible, not partake in any physical activity-" Sarantha, caught off guard, almost laughed at the Healer's snort of derision.

For the second time in the hours she had been in the room, irritation showed on the young woman's face. "You may be as active or as inactive as you are comfortable with. If you feel well enough to run, you may. If you feel tired and would like to nap, you may. If you desire physical pleasure, secure it. You have no 'restrictions'. Your body will let you know what you need. Listen to it, obey it, and you will be fine. However, physical activity of any kind, including sexual, may expedite the child's arrival. Eat as we discussed, drink as we discussed. That is all. Speaking of, Ma'am. I've taken up your entire afternoon. Dinner will be served shortly. If you do not mind, I would like to speak with the King and General before the meal."

Sarantha nodded and smiled as the woman slipped out the door, her assistants following behind her. As the last one slipped out, Ivory came darting into the room, her face troubled, no doubt confused as to why she was denied entrance. Ebon, as always, was only a few steps behind her.

Accepting Ivory's nuzzling display of affection, Sarantha's turned an absolutely radiant smile on Alaliya. "I am free."


Sarantha, in higher spirits than she had been in in some time, nearly skipped as she walked to her brother's rooms. Ivory, as always, darted around, happily twirling and skipping. Ebon was tense, obviously unhappy with something, though he would never tell her. Actually, Sarantha was fairly certain that if it weren't for Ivory, Ebon wouldn't speak to her at all.

Just as the Healer had said, Sarantha had only time to ready herself and slaves for dinner before leaving to retrieve her Trivalm for the meal.

She hoped he was feeling better. With the King visiting, she wouldn't be able to send him to bed early; he would need to stay at dinner until the King retired. If she allowed a war slave to be absent, it would be perceived as disrespect. If he was still ill, it would be horrible for him. If the herbs hadn't worn off, it would be even worse.

Gently, she knocked on her brother's door, smiling when Ehrik pulled it open. She was happily oblivious to the anger in his eyes or the frown on his face. "Brother! Did the Healer speak to you?"

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