Speech and Debate Pt. 03

Never had their lips caused me to quiver inside. Not one of them had made my heart beat faster in my chest by their very presence. Even now, alone in the hotel room, my nerves were on edge wondering when the door would open and Daniel would enter. My mind played out the various ways in which he would greet me, still lingering on what I thought he should be doing, how he should be treating the socially inferior nerd he was forced to room with. No one I had dated had ever come close to that.

But Daniel and I were not dating. No. That much was clear. We were exploring. HE was exploring. That is what he was calling it and I had to remember that.

But try telling your mind to define something that was undefinable. It doesn't work.

I idly wondered if this feeling was the one I'd heard so much about in the bodice-rippers my mother liked to read on our summer beach vacations. I certainly didn't relish the idea of being in a comparable state to the often powerless and agentless women of those novels, but there I was.

How would this play out when we got back to school? Daniel wasn't even sure he was bi, much less gay. And I wasn't at all sure I would even want to be in a relationship with him. Not publicly. I realized that part of what made this, whatever it was, so intoxicating, was the clandestine nature of it all. What we were doing was secret, hidden. That added a layer of intrigue and mystery that I hadn't ever expected to find arousing.

I was secure and comfortable in the non-popular crowd. I knew my place and how to act in it. High School would be over in four months. I didn't want to change the world order now, not so close to the end of this particular journey.

All of these thoughts bounced in my head, competing for dominance and finding no answers. When the door opened a little before six PM to admit a smiling Daniel, I was still pacing the floor.

"How was your last round?" He asked plainly, removing his suit jacket and tossing it to the most unrummpled of the two beds.

"Fine. I guess." I said without really hearing myself. My eyes wandered his muscled arms and chest, traveled to his waist and lingered on his strong thighs underneath the grey dress pants.

"Well, did you win?" His tie joined his suit jacket and his waistcoat soon followed.

"Yeah. For what it's worth."

"Spoil sport. Celebrate your victories!"

The top buttons of his dress shirt were unbuttoned, revealing his olive-skinned chest and masculine black body hair, swirling over the planes of his muscles. My mouth was suddenly very dry.

"Hello? Earth to David?" he said with a jocular vibe. His shirt hung open now, his flat stomach and hip bones exposed, pointing the way to his manhood like a map I was destined to follow.

I tried to shake myself from my daydreams of licking every inch of his exposed skin. He approached me and, though he was shorter and I had to look down to meet his gaze, his fingers on the buttons of my black shirt immediately made me feel smaller and vulnerable.

"Get changed," he said in a breathy voice as he untucked my shirt and finished unbuttoning it. His strong fingers traced my ribs and my body went numb. "I'm taking you to dinner."

He turned from me and headed towards the bathroom door.

"Wear my jock. I'm going to wash up. Be ready when I get out."

That wasn't a question. I was normally very proud of my independent nature, but I found myself smiling and humming as I followed his orders. And orders they had been.

Daniel was taking me...ME...to dinner.

I dressed in a daze and bundled up against the coming cold. I'm sure we must have talked on the elevator ride down to the lobby and out onto the bustling streets of Boston, but for the life of me, I can't recall the conversation. I was too preoccupied with the sound of my own blood pumping in my ears, and that little voice in my head raging against the illogical nature of what was about to happen.

Daniel positioned himself by my side as we walked down the street, deftly avoiding piles of dirty slushy snow and uneven bricks as if we'd been doing it our entire lives. Our hands remained in our pockets as protection against the very probable dangers of frostbite, but I couldn't seem to shake the desire to remove them from their hiding place and wind my arm around Daniel's. But that would have been too intimate. And anyone could have seen us. We were left mostly to our own devices for dinner, but Ms. Gonzales or any of the other students could have been in one of the many cafes and coffee shops we wandered past.

"What are you in the mood for?" Daniel asked, turning those brown eyes on me.

"I don't care," I said, truly happy just to be walking with him in the briskness, our breath making small clouds before us as we meandered the various obstacles. "You pick."

"It's your Birthday. You should pick the restaurant."

It may have been wishful thinking or projection on my part, but I could swear there was an edge of nervousness to his voice that I hadn't heard before. Or at least, hadn't noticed. The slight waver of panic that made his voice raise in pitch just a bit, like when you sit in the seat waiting for the roller coaster to crest the first big hill and speed you through its course. Adrenaline building to a joyful climax.

"I like Italian," I said. It was true, but it was also my pathetic attempt to insert some possibly undeserved romanticism into what most likely was a platonic dinner. All the movies portrayed romantic dinner as being candle lit ordeals, almost always finished over dessert and red wine. Think: "Lady and the Tramp."

"Italian it is."

We passed three restaurants that boasted Italian or Italian-inspired menus posted on the walls near their entrances, but Daniel walked past them quickly without stopping. At the fourth, a small hole-in-the-wall place of exposed brick and rustic charm, as the newspaper critics would undoubtedly say, he opened the heavy glass door and held it open for me.

We were seated at a small table near the back, the college-aged hostess smiling warmly as she handed us our menus.

"You boys enjoy your dinner."

"It's his birthday," Daniel said as she prepared to leave.

The hostess patted my shoulder and offered me a genuine, "Happy Birthday, sweetheart," as she left. As she returned to her post, I heard her whisper, "So friggin' cute," under her breath.

"I think she thinks this is a date." I said, immediately regretting the decision to open my mouth, as was often the case for me.

"And?" Daniel said, looking at me over the cloth-lined table and smiling. Candlelight did nothing to reduce the effect that smile had on me. Just the opposite. I didn't think he could be any more beautiful than he already was, but put a Sicilian boy in a candle lit Italian restaurant and you increase his general attractiveness quotient by a power of ten.

"Just saying," I offered, low and breathy, terrified to speak above a whisper for fear my resolve and my voice would both crack.

We ordered and were soon chatting amiably about life and school and our future college plans. Daniel had gotten into the State university, and I was still deciding between two Ivy League options, my mom and grandfather's alma mater, and a prestigious arts conservatory. The conversation flowed easily and in minutes, all of my fears and trepidation were washed away and I relaxed into the banquette. I was stunned at how well we got on, how simply things seemed to work between us.

In the middle of a story about my very angst ridden little sister and her current penchant for Sylvia Plath and stealing my oversized button downs and sweaters, I choked on my Diet Coke when I felt Daniel's foot travel up my leg under the table. He had removed his shoe and his sock-lined foot traced a slow path over my calf and knee.

He didn't say anything and I couldn't. His foot pressed into my thigh and slowly inched towards my crotch until he found his mark. He pressed firmly and giggled a bit when my eyebrows shot up.

My cock responded immediately, making my jeans uncomfortable in moments, but his foot and toes were just as agile as his hands and fingers. He traced my length and we stared in silence over the flickering orange light, my eyes searching his for answers and finding only a mixture of teenaged mischief and glee.

"Do you boys want to box this up and take it with you?" our waiter asked, startling me. I hadn't heard him approach. Truth be told, I hadn't heard anything since Daniel's foot began his journey of exploration.

"Sure." Daniel said, not looking at him, still staring into my eyes, daring me to make some sort of indication of what he was doing to me beneath the tablecloth. To give away our little game.

Our dishes were cleared and doggy bags brought back to us in short order.

"You are so mean," I said, teasing him, but not entirely untruthful.

"We had to pass three other Italian places before I found one with tablecloths, so I could do this," he said, his foot still kneading my dick.

I suppressed my moan and did everything I could to stop my eyelids from fluttering. All I really wanted was to melt into the seat. Or dive under the table and suck his cock right there in front of the other diners. Whichever I could do first.

"You sneaky little...," his foot pressed harder, stopping my insult.

"Come on. Let's head back."

In a flash, his foot was gone from between my legs and he stood. How he got his shoe back on so quickly, I'll never understand, but there is much about Daniel that will always remain a mystery to me. I took a little solace in seeing that I wasn't the only one who had to hold his doggy bag over his lap to cover his obvious arousal. At least both of us were slightly uncomfortable, though Daniel showed no sign of it, walking out of the restaurant after paying for our meals with his normal confident swagger.

As we walked back towards the hotel, past the same restaurants and cafes Daniel had apparently decided against on purpose, my cock slowly began to deflate.

"I'm going to get you for that little trick when we get back."

He laughed, his head falling back, a full throated sound that sent me into a nose dive of shivers and anticipation.

"Promise?" he joked and elbowed me in the ribs.

"You can bet on it."

"I'm going to hold you to that."

The scene was set. My softening cock hardened again knowing that something, not sure what, was going to happen when we returned to the room. Both of us quickened our pace a bit, though neither of us would have admitted to the fact under torture.

When he pressed the button for the floor that would lead to our room, he stared straight at the shiny metal doors and said: "I have a surprise for you when we get back."

He'd already surprised me more than I thought I could handle; from the first exploit the night before to the airplane bathroom and kiss and, finally, at dinner with his game of footsie. What else could he possibly do that could shock me further?

"Oh?" I asked.


He rocked back and forth on his heels like a child waiting to be allowed downstairs on Christmas morning. The elevator doors opened. This time, neither of us made any attempt at walking at a pace that could be called dignified. We didn't run, per se, but it was a close call.

Daniel entered first, his coat making a pile on the floor before I had even fully entered. His sweater and undershirt followed in rapid succession. He seemed in a great hurry to remove his clothes, as if he felt suddenly restricted by them. I was only two paces behind him when he whirled and turned on me with a speed I hadn't expected. One moment, I was staring at the rippled muscles of his back, and the next his eyes were before me and his hands gripped my shoulders.

I swear that both of my feet left the ground. He physically threw me onto the bed with such force that I bounced, my breath leaving my lungs, my eyes still attempting to adjust and having difficulty. I may have hit the ceiling for all I know had Daniel not jumped onto me and pinned me down before I had the chance. His speed was stunning. He had my wrists in a tight grip and wrenched them above my head, trapping them to the headboard, his hips pressed unyieldingly into me, holding me down.

My heart raced and my breath came in short gasps. My head reeled and I couldn't wrap my mind around what was happening to me. His mouth on mine finished any hopes I'd had for rescue. Soft and firm at the same time, they pressed into me and I gave way. His tongue wrestled mine, my legs opened and he ground himself into me with me a lust I had never experienced before. I was vulnerable to him, to anything he wanted to do to me. My hands were trapped in his, my soft parts exposed to him, but the hardness of his body protected me, sheltered me, and moved against mine as if to say, "you're safe, let go. I've got you."

When our lips parted and he traveled down my neck with soft kisses mixed with firmer bites, I moaned and raised my hips a bit so I could feel his hardness press into my ass through our pants.

"Oh fuck, Daniel...," I was lucky to get those meager words out.

As quickly as he'd begun, he sprung back from me, my arms suddenly released and my torso free from the much loved pressure of his body. He knelt between my legs, his cock clearly outlined in his jeans and jumping with his heart beat. I wanted to reach forward and grab it, remove the barrier that separated me from his nakedness.

"You ready for my surprise?" he asked, his hands on my knees and traveling slowly towards my hips, pressing firmly, squeezing my thighs in his grip.

"But wait? There's more?" I intoned in my best infomercial voice.

He smiled and leaned forward to brush a kiss as soft as the breath of spring against my lips before athletically springing from the bed and heading towards the dresser. Not that I didn't appreciate the view of his bubble butt in his jeans and the line of his back expanding into wide shoulders, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him on top of me. Crave it would be more accurate. My hips still writhed in anticipation of having him back on top of me. Or in me. Anything. Just...him.

When he turned around he had an object in each hand, holding them out to me for inspection. In one hand he had a slim purple metallic vibrator, about 6 inches long and maybe 3 inches in circumference. In the other, a metal cock ring of a moderate thickness.

"Well? Happy Birthday, nerd."

What was I supposed to say?

"Thanks." I offered with as much appreciation as I could muster, when all I really wanted was to shred his jeans with my teeth. "But, I already have a vibrator at home, and a few dildos too."

"Oh, that's not for you."

He raised one arched eyebrow in a questioning glance towards me.

That made me sit up and take notice. I raised myself onto my elbows and returned the glance. He advanced towards me slowly, still holding each of his presents.

"If last night was any indication, and this morning...and the airplane...and all day in my head...and at dinner...then I have some serious exploration to do. Thought this might help." He waved the purple vibrator in the air.

"And this," he held out the metal cock ring, "looked interesting and I thought it might look good on you."

He stayed where he was, some four feet from me, holding his present, naked from the waist up as looked down at me. His eyes were thoughtful and sincere, but there was a skittishness behind them, a nervousness that hinted at a fear of rejection. It was a fear he needn't have nursed.

I was touched at his thoughtfulness. And extremely turned on at the prospect of his "serious exploration." In the space of a day we had gone from unknown entities, to messing around, to exploring, and had apparently progressed to "serious exploration."

This was the best 18th Birthday in the entire fucking history of 18th Birthdays.

I nodded and smiled. My arms reached towards him and I gestured for him to return to me.

"Good!" he giggled, the nervousness melting from him as he fell back on top of me and grabbed my head in his hands, the cock ring and vibrator thrown to the mattress, forgotten for now while he showered me in fiercely passionate kisses.

Our clothing was removed in a flurry of awkward horizontal motions and groans as we tumbled on the bed, unwilling to part from each other for the length of time it took to unbutton or unzip various articles. Finally, I reveled in the warmth, the nearly uncomfortable heat, of his naked skin pressed into mine, our legs tangled and moving as if trying to run a marathon while lining down.

Our hard dicks rubbed together between us, pressed between out torsos. I could feel our precum mixing and lubricating our stiffness as his hands groped at my ass and I returned the favor. I wanted to press myself into him until we merged, tried to pull him into me with all of my strength. I pushed the small voice that wondered at the intimacy of it all, the nearness of this unknown entity who seemed to want me, desire me, and crave my touch as much as I wanted him, desired him, and craved his touch.

Up and down lost all meaning for me. Somehow, I positioned myself on top of him and found my arms on his wrists while our mouths were still locked together and our tongues did what actual speech seemed incapable of achieving. The reversal of our previous dynamic, with me now on top and covering his muscled body was not lost on Daniel, but he reacted by redoubling his passion, if such was even possible. Being in the forced but comfortably submissive position activated something in him. He moaned into my kiss and wrapped his thighs around mine, seeking to pull me into him ever closer.

Doubt was gone, forgotten in the haze of his taste, his obvious lust for me. I kissed his neck and let my tongue trace over his collar bones. His hands wound into my hair and eased me down with gentle pressure. I took one dark nipple in my mouth and bit down, harder than I had ever before.

"Shit," he groaned, his fingers tightening.

I kissed down his ribs, moved to his abs, and followed the line of his treasure trail to the defined V of his obliques. His hips pressed up to meet my advance, his cock throbbing in the open air.

When my lips closed over him, his back arched, head thrown back to the pillows, and I thought he would gag me as he pushed himself into my throat. But I opened for him and felt him fill me completely. I reveled in the flavor of his skin, the sweet saltiness of the precum that leaked from him. The tip of my tongue gathered his nectar and swallowed him down, making quick circles over his most sensitive spots.

"David...," his voice was hoarse. "Don't stop."

I had no intentions of stopping. My hands grasped his hips and I encouraged him to thrust into me. His body undulated, his stomach tightening and loosening as he rhythmically fucked my mouth. It drove me insane. I felt my lips brush his pelvis, his hairs tickling my nose, and I held him there, tightening my throat around his girth.

"I...I...Oh, Jesus. Fuck!" Daniel wasn't even trying to modulate his volume, his fingers running through my hair and tracing the line of my jaw with a gentle firmness.

It was the hardest thing I'd had to to, but I pulled myself from him and grasped his now slick cock in my hand, feeling his foreskin react to my manipulations. I jerked him slowly as I moved to his hole, knowing exactly what that would do to him. When my tongue met his pink opening, his reaction didn't disappoint.

I had plans for him tonight. Plans I was desperate to enact and I took consistent steps to that end.

I rimmed him, wetting his hole as best I could, tightening my tongue so I could fuck him and flick against him. He let out a constant stream of wordless grunts and breathless moans, ragged and raw, holding my head to his ass, urging me onwards.

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