The Arrangement

"God that man was boring," Pamela remembered. "And I thought Paul was a lousy lover. It was all I could do to stay awake while he was screwing me."

"And at the same time extending the free service to twelve months. Victoria stated.

"I did the math," Pamela Jean interrupted. "And the profit we made on the sale of the 30 modules, even with the service contracts, was still inside the profit guidelines."

Actually, she hadn't done the math. She tried but quickly realized it was over her head. Paul had been away in Chicago that week on an actual business trip, so she couldn't run to him for help. Instead she reverted to a practice that had worked so well for her in school.

There was this summer intern working in the department that everyone was praising as a whiz kid. Pamela struck up a conversation with the awkward college student and asked him to lunch, sort of a welcome to the firm sort of thing. Lunch had ended with a blowjob for dessert. After that, the young man was more than willing to help and do the math for her. It was a pity he had to go back to school a few weeks later, she had lamented, he'd been the most fun she'd had in months.

"Well when you did the math, maybe you should've done the research too. At least have read the engineering specs that were in the files you were given." Victoria said in a hard tone. "If you had, you'd have known that less than 10% of the K-7's require any maintenance at all in the first six months, but close to 80% need it in the second six. Additionally, if they are run beyond the recommended six-month user life, they then need to be totally rebuilt. A rebuild that you now gave away for free."

She paused to give Pamela time to really understand what she had said.

"So now," Victoria concluded. "Instead of buying any new K-7's, Robinson Dynamics gets 30 rebuilt modules free of charge. So instead of a guaranteed profit, we actually suffer a loss on this deal."

"Oh shit." Pamela said under her breath.

"Oh shit indeed." Victoria said, having heard Pamela.

Another long awkward pause filled the room, until after a long hard shallow, Pamela said.

"I guess this is the point where Dawson, Davis and Douglas and I part company as well."

"That would seem to be the easiest solution," Victoria said as she got out of her chair and began to walk around her desk. "But I'm not sure yet if it's a solution that I want to take."

"I don't understand." a confused Pamela said.

"Well I think a great deal of the blame here has to lie with Paul Ryan." Victoria explained. "That he put his girlfriend on his personal staff, well that sort of thing has been going on for longer than you could ever imagine. That he then went further and promoted her to a position of responsibility to which she was in no way qualified for, well that was extremely poor judgment."

Pamela almost wanted to laugh when Victoria referred to her as Paul's girlfriend. She was hardly that, she was just a girl he liked to fuck. If was funny how quickly her opinion of Paul was changing now that their relationship was definitely over.

"So the question remains," Victoria was going on. "What do we do with you? It's obvious that you can't continue as an Account Manager."

The younger woman had to agree with that, however reluctantly.

"When I came in early this morning, I had considered the idea of sending you back to the bullpen."

That suggestion was definitely not to Pamela's liking. She couldn't deal with those women again, especially after lording it over them for all these months. Aside from that, there was a big issue of salary to consider. Pam had come to like the lifestyle her job as a Secretarial Assistant and then as an Account Manager had provided her with. Back when she was just another girl in the bullpen, the best she could do was share an apartment with two other girls. Now, her credit card bill alone took up a quarter of her salary.

"But when I approached Mary Cox about the possibility, she was incredible hostile to the idea," said Victoria. "She even went so far as to suggest that you weren't even qualified to be behind the counter at Burger Barn, much less any here at Triple D."

"Mary and I have a few issues." Pam said.

"No doubt." Victoria said as she leaned against the front edge of her desk. "Still the question remains, what will I do with you? Do you have any suggestions?"

Pamela started to open her mouth to say something, then stopped. There wasn't a single thing she really felt she was qualified to do that didn't involve her being either on her knees or her back.

"I don't supposed there's an opening for corporate whore." she said half-heartedly.

"No, I don't think so." Victoria said as she couldn't help but smile. "At least not in this politically correct age."

The older woman let Pamela think about the question a little longer, just to see if she came up with any more serious suggestions. Three long minutes later, none had been forthcoming.

"Can we talk frankly, Pamela, I can call you Pamela can't I?" Victoria asked.

"Of course." Pamela Jean quickly responded to both questions.

"Good." Victoria smiled. "Well since we are talking frankly, tell me, were you happy being Paul Ryan's slut? I'm not being judgmental in calling you that, but that is how most people in this office saw you."

It was funny but in all the months she had Paul had been doing it, she never really asked herself that question. She had just taken it for granted that was the way for her to get ahead, just as it had been a way for her to get through school.

"I guess in some ways I was, and some ways not so much." she finally responded. "I mean the sex wasn't always that great, but sometimes it was exciting trying new things or letting him be in control."

"Trying new things and letting him be in control," Victoria repeated as if she wanted to make sure she had heard Pamela correctly. "Excellent."

The statement confused Pamela but before she could seek clarification, Victoria had already gone on.

"You know, I really don't hold it against you for using your sexual assets to try and get a leg up, so to speak." she said. "That has been going on since the day Eve offered Adam the apple. What I am disappointed with is that you didn't make the most of any advantage you might have gained. Instead of learning that skills that might actually have eventually qualified you for that Account Manager's position, you settled for shiny baubles like some primitive tribeswoman."

Pamela had never really thought about it like that. Victoria was right, she had wasted her opportunities. What hadn't she seen that?

"Because I'm an idiot." Pamela silently concluded.

"You know," Victoria said as she changed the subject. At least Pam thought she was changing the subject. "Since I'm now going to be running two departments, I'm entitled to a second Secretarial Assistant."

That statement immediately caught Pamela' attention.

"You'd want me to be your assistant?" she asked incredibly.

"Perhaps ..." Victoria replied.

"But we've already established that I'm not good at much of anything business related." Pamela said realistically.

"Perhaps you just need a second chance to make the most of your opportunities." answered Victoria, a strange look in her eyes.

"I'm afraid I don't understand." Pamela said.

"It's said, people should do what they do best." Victoria said. "And then take it from there."

"But all I've ever been good at was ..." Pamela Jean started to say, then thought she realized where this conversation was going. "What I joked about before, you want me to be some kind of corporate whore? Someone to sleep with clients and such?"

"Would you do something like that?" Victoria asked out of curiosity.

"I ... I'm not sure." she replied.

"It was just a question." Victoria said. "Since you brought it up. Corporate whore isn't what I was suggesting."

"Then what?"

"If you could start all over with Paul, what would you do differently." Victoria asked as she stepped closer to Pamela.

"I guess what you said earlier. Make sure that this time I would get something more out of the relationship. Something more important than just a few trinkets."

"Very good." the brunette smiled as she stopped just in front of the blond. "You've just shown that you can learn when you have the chance. Sometimes all a girl needs its a little guidance. Maybe a firm hand once in a while."

"Tell me, Pamela ..." Victoria asked as she reached up and stoked the younger woman's cheek. "Have you ever had another woman as a lover?"

Pamela too her time in answering. In college and a few times after, the opportunity to be with a woman had presented itself but she had never really been curious enough to try it. Several times during her affair with Paul, if that was what you could call it, the older man had suggested that they try a three way with another girl.

Of course he wanted Pam to come up with the other girl as well, someone as young and endowed as she was. Every time he brought it up again, she always put her off saying that she couldn't find a girl she felt comfortable enough with to try. The last time Paul had asked, he said that he would pay for a professional escort if she couldn't convince a friend. She had told him she would have to think about that.

"No, I haven't" she finally replied.

"Have you ever wanted to?" Victoria asked as she brought her hand down and placed her fingers on the exposed top of Pamela Jean's breasts.

The sudden flesh to flesh contact made the younger woman suddenly gasp.

"Before you answer," Victoria said. "Let me say a few things first. As I'm quite sure that you've already guessed, I'm a lesbian. Now that's not exactly a secret to most of the management team here at Triple D. While I don't have a sign on my desk that says lesbian, I don't make any effort to hide it either. It's just who I am. When you get to my level, a firm is much more interested in what you deliver on a business level than who shares the other side of your bed."

Actually, until five minutes ago, Pamela hadn't figured out that Victoria was gay. She always thought that she was a bitch, but never a dyke.

"I'm also sure you've figured that I find you very desirable." she went on. "I confess that I've always had a weakness for beautiful young women. Especially if they have, what shall I call it, a bit of the slut in them."

Pamela had to admit to herself that certainly described her. She was also very aware that Victoria's hand had again moved lower and her fingers were now pressed against Pamela's nipple. A nipple, Pam was surprised to discover, that had grown hard at her touch.

"I want to be quite clear at what I'm proposing here. What I'm talking about here is an arrangement. One similar to that you had with Paul Ryan, but one that I can promise would be much more beneficial to you. You will give me what I need, and I will see to it that you get what you so desperately need. You will also work, and I promise you my dear, you will work hard. This is not going to be a free ride. You will learn the skills you need to succeed. And along the way, you might discover other things about yourself as well. Things you might never have considered before."

When Victoria finally finished, Pamela's head was spinning. It was a lot to take in at once. In just an hour, the world she had built up for herself over the past year had been swept away. It was too much for her to sort out right now.

The new Vice-President of Sales realized this as she stopped stroking Pamela's breasts through her dress and took a step back. She picked up a pad from the desk and quickly wrote something on it. Ripping the page off the pad, she used a paperclip to attach a business card to the paper as well. Then reached out and offered both to Pamela.

"On the paper is the address of my apartment uptown," Victoria said as Pam took the offered paper. "I want you to take a few days off to sort this all out in your head. If you decide that you want to take me up on my offer, be there Friday night at eight o'clock. Wear something appropriate."

Pamela looked at the address and though it was in a pretty exclusive part of town. Then she took a look at the business card that was also attached to the note.

"That card," Victoria explained, "Belongs to a friend of mine named Blair Scott. She and I belong to a sort of businesswoman's society. She also is head of personal for McMurphy Industries. If you decide my offer isn't for you, give her a call on Monday morning. I'll talk to her before then and I'm sure she'll be able to find something for you in the way of employment. It might not be what you have gotten used to over the last year, but it'll be a place to start over."

Pamela was to say the very least, stunned. She stared at the paper and card, which she held in separate hands. One minute, Victoria was doing her best to seduce her, then the next she tells her to go home and take the rest of the week to think about it. Oh and by the way, just in case you want to tell me to fuck off, here's the card for someone who will give you a new job.

"If this was Paul standing here right now," Pamela thought as the scattered thoughts in her head crashed against each other. "I'd be on my knees by now, sucking his cock at the least."

"Well as you said a little while ago," Victoria said as she went back behind her desk. "I am going to be quite busy today so I'd better get started. Please ask Jacqueline to come in on your way out."

With that, Victoria picked up a new pile of papers from her desk and began to read them. She didn't seem to notice as Pamela backed out of the office. In fact, few people took notice of Pamela as she quietly left the office for the rest of the week.

"What do you think, Jacqueline?" Victoria said as she handed the older woman the papers she had just signed. Will she or won't she?"

"I really don't know." she said as she smiled at her new boss. "And I have to say again, I really don't understand why you'd ever want to bother with trash like that. You know I never held it against Mr. Ryan for having a little fling on the side. I've met his wife and a nastier bitch I'd never want to meet. What you see in that girl is beyond me."

Victoria looked up into the older woman's eyes and smiled. A smile both warm and full of familiarity.

"Maybe a little of the same thing you saw in me when I first started here." Victoria laughed. "Remember what you said to me the first time you took me home. That I was brilliant but still very undisciplined. You changed that, didn't you?"

"I guess that I did." Jacqueline mused as she thought back of the torrid affair they had back when she was thirty-two and Victoria fresh out of college.

"Be sure to give Christine my love," Victoria said as Jacqueline started to leave her to the pile of work on her desk. "Tell her I always envy her, spending the last twenty years with you."

"Liar," the older woman laughed before exiting through the door. "We both know long term relationships were never your style. You're too attracted to cute young things."

"I guess you do know me too well." Victoria said as the door closed behind Jacqueline.

Victoria paused from her labors and remembered how soft Pamela's breast had felt beneath her fingers. It was a memory she carried with her long after she went back to work.

* * * * * * *

Pamela couldn't believe how fast the next four days sped by. It seemed like she went to bed Monday night and woke up Friday morning. Or more precisely Friday afternoon as the day was more than half over before she crawled out of bed. Victoria's deadline was less than eight hours away and she still wasn't sure what she wanted to do.

One thing she was sure of. The job at McMurphy Industries was real enough. She'd called Blair Scott on Wednesday and scheduled an interview for Monday morning. Ms. Scott had assured her that the interview was just a formality as there was no chance she was going to let slip the chance to do a favor for her friend Victoria. It was just a matter of finding out where she would best fit in the McMurphy family she had said.

Just in case, Pamela went out and got her hair done. It was short notice but the girl at the mail said they could fit her in about three thirty. She was so pleased with the haircut, she gave the girl a more than generous tip.

She had a quick bite to eat at the food court, giving in to her weakness for junk food. Biting into the cheeseburger, she knew she would be paying for this on the treadmill tomorrow. That was, of course if she didn't find some alternate exercise before then.

The tall blond really wasn't paying much attention to the stores she passed, until something totally new caught her eye.

"This wasn't here the last time I was in the mall." Pamela thought as she looked at all the displays in the windows. "If this isn't fate, I don't know what is. I should at least check it out." she added as she stepped inside the small shop.

Given her lifestyle, she found it funny that this was the first time she had ever been in a Victoria's Secret boutique. Pam walked around the store, taking stock of all the wonderful lingerie that had to offer. A pretty redheaded saleswoman in her early thirties offered to help, but Pamela said she was just looking.

She was just about to leave when she spotting a scrumptious bra and panty combo. Immediately she knew she wasn't going to leave the store without it.

"We have that in a wide assortment of colors." the saleswoman said, having come back over when she saw Pamela's interest. "What color are you looking for?"

"I wonder what Victoria's favorite color is." Pamela mused without thinking about what she was saying.

A moment later it hit her. She realized that even though she hadn't realized it, she had already made up her mind. Come eight-thirty, she would be standing at Victoria's door.

"Is there a particular color you're looking for?" the saleswoman repeated.

"Oh," Pamela said, snapping back to reality. "I really hadn't thought about it."

"With your hair color and skin, I think the emerald green would look lovely on you." the saleswoman suggested.

Pam looked at the small plastic wrapped package the saleswoman had taken from under the display case. She suddenly remembered Victoria wearing a dress that color at last year's Christmas party. Strange how something like that sticks in your mind.

"These will be fine," Pamela Jean said. "I'll take them. I'm planning to wear them tonight. Is there a place I could try them on. I'd like to see how they look."

"I'm afraid that's against store policy when it comes to panties. Especially ones so delicate" the woman said. "I'm sure you understand."

"I'll pay for them first." Pamela said.

"Oh in that case I'm sure it would be okay." came the response.

Pamela was quite surprised when the saleswoman followed her into the changing room. The store was practically empty since it was closing time, and she said she just wanted to see if Pam wanted any help.

The twenty-four-year-old quickly stripped off her dress and bra. As she was pulled down her panties, she noticed they were wet, and so was her pussy.

"This is embarrassing." Pamela said as the older woman saw the stains.

"Don't worry about it," the woman whose name Pam now learned was Eleanor. "We're all big girls here, but we can still get a little excited. Tonight must be very special."

Eleanor disappeared into the small washroom next store and reappeared a moment later with a small washroom and towel. With a professional detachment equivalent to a doctor or nurse, she quickly washed and dried Pamela's mound. Even so, her brief touch was enough to send a small quiver throughout her pussy.

Now ready to try the outfit on, Pam did so. Looking in the mirror, she took note of the way the open bra pushed up her large globes, even displaying the top hemisphere of her nipples. The panties, what there were of them, were so sheer that you could see her blond bush right through them.

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