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The Maddening of Andrew McQuillan

It was a little more than 12 years ago when I first began to hate the Currey family. My father, Kenneth McQuillan, was the 18th richest man in America… but none of that ever really mattered to me. The priceless possessions which surrounded me all of my life never meant anything to me. The only thing we owned that I revered was a very cheap necklace which my mother had loved. It was a simple gold chain with a diamond heart pendant. The diamonds which made up the heart were not even real, but simply cubic zirconians. My father had tried for years to get her to wear the expensive jewelry which he showered her with, but she would never give up the necklace. When she died giving birth to me, it was the only thing of hers that I knew she had loved and cherished, and I vowed to keep it with me always to remind me of her. I kept my word until it was ruthlessly taken from me.

Though my father was a rich man, he never really behaved as one. All throughout his life he would go down to a small bar in town called The Dragon’s Lair every night to enjoy a drink with the townsfolk. He befriended a man named Jonathan Currey, though why, I could never understand. Jonathan was a drunk and it was a well-known fact that he was addicted to heroin. When he was going through withdrawal, you did everything you could to stay away from him. I disliked him from the moment I laid my eyes on him. In fact, his first words to me were, “Andrew you dumb bastard; grow some facial hair. You look like a damn fag”. With a greeting like that, how could anyone like this man? No one really did like Jonathan except for my father, and Jonathan’s wife Mary Beth. I had met Mary Beth only once and that was enough. She was a very pretty woman, but she too was more interested in drugs and alcohol than socializing.

Now that you know the basics of these people, I can go on to what happened that night 12 years ago which made me go from simply loathing them, to all out hating them. It was nearing 1am and my father was still out at the Dragon’s Lair. He had tried to get me to go with him, but I never really fit in there. I was happier to stay at home and finish up whatever book I was reading at the time. I was beginning to worry about my father, so I drove down to the bar to bring him home. When I walked into the place I overheard Jonathan Currey begging my father to lend him some money. We all knew he would use the money on heroine, so my father kindly told him that he couldn’t give him any. I could see Jonathan was getting desperate, so I quickly went over to where they were seated and told Jonathan to go home, and proceeded to help my father out to the car. On the ride home my father spoke of his grief that his friend was still so dependent on drugs and how he wished he could do something to help him. I kept my mouth shut as to not offend him with my disgust for the man. When we reached home, we both retired to bed.

That night I was awoken by some strange sound. I quickly got out of bed and pulled on a bathrobe as I made my way to my father’s room to check on him. As I walked in, I heard the front door of the mansion slam closed, and I saw my father slumped over on the floor. I rushed over to him and saw a deep gash in his stomach. My first thoughts were that someone had broken in and stabbed him. He tried to remain calm as he told me to call for help. I called 911 and while we waited for the paramedics I kept pressure on his wound. As he laid there he told me what happened. He said that he woke up and saw that there was someone in his room going through his drawers and desk. He simply thought it was me so he got up and walked over to the intruder. The intruder was startled that my father was awake, panicked, and stabbed him. My father told me quietly, “It was Jonathan. I saw his face. He was looking for money or something to sell”. I was shocked and told my father I’d tell the police and see that he was arrested, but my father would not hear of it. He said, “Son I know you never liked Jonathan, but he is my best and only friend. He was going through withdrawal and was not himself. Don’t tell anyone he did this and don’t go after him yourself. I forbid it. I forgive him for what he’s done”. The ambulance arrived soon after and took him to the emergency room.

My father survived the stabbing and made a full recovery. Jonathan Currey and his wife even visited him in the hospital, though my father would not tell me if he admitted to the crime or not. My father had no trouble forgiving him, but I never got over it. The next day after the stabbing, I had searched through the house with some police officers to assess what the burglar had stolen. He had gotten away with nearly $900 in cash, a few priceless jewels, and my mother’s favorite necklace. Jonathan must have thought the diamonds were real and took it. I was so distraught at losing the only part of my mother that I had left, that I vowed revenge on Jonathan Currey and even his wife Mary Beth. I went to my father and told him what Jonathan had taken, but still he was unwilling to do anything about it. I would have to wait for my revenge. I went to the pawnshop daily after that and saw everything Jonathan had stolen from our house come through… everything except for my mother’s necklace. The man running the pawnshop remembered the necklace and said Jonathan had been furious when he had told him that it was a fake. Jonathan had cursed and taken the necklace back home with him.

Twelve years later my father passed away from old age. I was grief-stricken and would not leave the house for days. He had been my only family and now I felt utterly alone and cut off from the world. Plus he had left me everything he owned, therefore I became the new 18th wealthiest man in America… I title that I was wary to take on. My family doctor stopped in a few days after the funeral and tried to console me. He advised me to try to move on with my life; to travel and to do whatever I had ever wanted. That was the light at the end of the tunnel for me. Do what I’ve always wanted… it was time for the Currey family to pay for what they did; but more importantly, it was time for me to get my mother’s necklace back. I had a mission.

I did not have an elaborate plan, I simply broke into their house in the middle of the night a few weeks later with nothing but a knife and a baseball bat. I was a little nervous since I had never done something of this sort before, but I was not scared. I had nothing left to live for but completing this mission. I had planned on using the bat to break a window or perhaps break the door down, but upon reaching the Currey house, I was astonished to see an open window. I simply slipped in. It was so much easier than I had ever dreamed. I found myself in their living room and it was appalling. Trash littered the floor and I saw a rat scurry away as I walked through. I found what must have been the bedroom, and slowly opened the door. The bed was placed right beside the door, and I beheld the Curreys, both sleeping soundly. It was nothing to reach over and quietly slit Mary Beth’s throat. I figured it would be a silent death, but as I did it she awoke and tried to scream, but only proceeded in making horrible gurgling sounds. This woke up her husband Jonathan so I quickly jumped onto the bed and hit him over the head with the baseball bat. He fell down immediately and in a moment of fury I stabbed him over and over… I counted in my head, “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve! Twelve years of pain you have caused me.”

At this point I was exhausted and sat down, panting, wondering what my next move was. By this time Mary Beth Currey had quieted down and I only assumed she had died. I checked both of their pulses just to make sure. Dead. I repeated it aloud, “Dead. They’re finally gone”. It sounded so good to my ears that I wanted to scream it aloud, but thought better of it. You never know who might hear. It was time to get up and find what was rightfully mine. The necklace… mother’s necklace. I searched through Mary Beth’s jewelry box and through all of the room’s various drawers and compartments and came up empty handed. It was not in the bedroom. I searched everywhere in the house and could not find it anywhere. The only place left to check is the basement. Why would they keep a necklace in the basement?

I walked down the stairs and was immediately taken aback by the horrid smell of the place. I stumbled around in the dark until I found a light and flipped it on. It was only a small bulb and it helped very little to illuminate things. I surveyed my surroundings. There was a table covered with slices of moldy bread and a rat sat there calmly eating away. The whole basement smelled foul and I was anxious to get out as soon as possible, when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned and saw a couch, and a little girl asleep there on it. She was covered with a threadbare blanket, her hair was a mess, and I could see dirt covering a good portion of her face. I was startled to see her there. The Curreys never had any children… had they? If they had, they had never told anyone.

I cautiously walked towards the girl, and as I got up closer I could see I had made a mistake. This was not a little girl, but a full-grown woman. She was painfully thin and had the innocent look of a child, but her curves under the blanket plainly showed she was mature. I was trying to be quiet as I decided how to proceed, but the girl woke up. She saw me standing there in front of her and screamed, “No, no Daddy. I can’t… please don’t! It hurts” and squirmed and held her little arms over her private parts. It was obvious that she could see poorly because of the dim lighting and had thought I was Jonathan. I didn’t know what to do… I should run from here. She didn’t see my face, she won’t be able to identify me as the killer of her parents… but I couldn’t go. Though she was dirty and sickly-looking, she was obviously a very beautiful creature.

I sat down on the couch beside her and took her hands. She realized immediately that I wasn’t Jonathan and tensed up, not knowing who I was or what I wanted. She sat up, and in her fear she let the blanket slip and I was startled to see that she was completely naked underneath it. When the blanket fell, I also saw something else of interest. She had my mother’s necklace around her neck. She tried to pull her hands from mine but I instinctively held them tighter. She cried, “Who are you? What do you want from me?”. I was still in shock and could not think of a reply, and asked, “What did they do to you?”. Her face immediately crumbled and tears streamed out of her eyes. She looked so beautiful that I could have sat and stared at her for all of eternity, but then I remembered where I was and what I had done. I asked her, “Will you come with me?”, and without even knowing who I was or where I was bringing her, she nodded yes. I helped her to her feet and put my jacket on her to hide her nudity, but only a few short steps later she collapsed. Luckily I caught her, but it was clear that she was so malnourished and weak that she could not walk without assistance. I therefore gently lifted her into my arms and carried her up the flight of stairs and out to my car. I could feel my face redden as my hand brushed against her tight little ass. I placed her down into the passenger seat and walked over and seated myself in the driver’s seat.

I looked over at her and saw her gazing around her with a look of awe on her face and realized that she had been kept in the basement for perhaps years. To think that those bastards had held this captivatingly beautiful girl in the basement for so long brought tears to my eyes and I tenderly placed my hand over hers. She glanced down at my hand covering her own and stared at it for a long instant… then looked into my eyes and gave me a faint smile. I could have died right then and there. Gorgeous… simply gorgeous. “My name is Andrew” I told her. “I’d like it if you would come and live with me… if you would like…”. She watched me quietly as I spoke and then slowly nodded. “Annabelle”, she said quietly, “my name is Annabelle”. On the drive to my house, she slowly opened up and told me how she came to be a prisoner in the Currey’s basement.

She said that she was only three years old when it happened, but that she still remembered it. She was playing with some toys in her room with her mother, when Jonathan and Mary Beth Currey came in. Jonathan took her mother out of the room and she heard a gun shot. The Curreys were robbing her house and had killed both of her parents. Mary Beth had always wanted a daughter, but the doctors had told her that her womb was barren and that it would never happen. She begged and pleaded with Jonathan until he let her take little Annabelle home with them. Annabelle told me that at first she lived a happy life in their home. She was not allowed to go outdoors since no one could no that the Curreys had kidnapped her, but Mary Beth had taught her how to read and write and was always there to play with her.

Then when Annabelle was around 12 years old, she started to grow breasts and Jonathan became very interested in her. He had to have her all to himself… but didn’t know how to get his wife to allow it. He then knew the answer… heroin. He got his wife addicted to heroin and then refused to give her more until she promised that she would never see or talk to Annabelle again. Jonathan then locked little Annie up in the basement and would go down there sometimes three or four times a day to rape her. As Annabelle was telling me this, she became hysterical and I stopped the car and tried to console her. The entire story was horrible, but in a strange way it delighted me. I was worried how to tell her that I had killed Jonathan and Mary Beth, but it seemed that she probably wouldn’t mind too much that they’re dead. Maybe she would even thank me. Imagine that. A beautiful child of a woman thanking me… living in my house… all mine. Mine. Annabelle is mine. Beautiful beautiful Annabelle.

We continued to drive to my house and I told her about my father and me, our house, and our lives. She seemed very upset that my father had died… she is such a sweet girl… is she not? Oh Annabelle, my beloved Annabelle. I told her my mother’s necklace and that I killed Jonathan and Mary Beth… and she got very quiet. At first I thought she was sleeping, but no… she had her eyes open; and people don’t sleep with their eyes open… no, not even the beautiful ones. She finally said, “Since you rescued me from the house, I won’t be upset with you for killing them, but you will not kill again, will you?” What a silly little girl she was. Of course I would not kill again… not unless she wanted me to… oh if Annabelle wanted me to, I would kill many many people for her. I would kill everyone for her. Then it would just be her and me… me and my beautiful girl for all eternity. She tried to give me my mother’s necklace back, but I let her keep it. I loved seeing it there, hanging right between her soft little breasts. Oh beautiful girl.

We reached my home and she was enchanted by it. She said she had never seen such an immense, beautiful house. I took her inside and showed her around a bit, but basically just led her to the master bathroom. There I drew her a bath… warm, but not too warm… and let her wash up. She asked if I could leave her alone to do this... but no, I couldn't bear to be away from her for that long. I lifted her into the bathtub and washed her naked, glistening body for her. I was very gentle… especially in the private areas… oh yes, very gentle. Oh but I DIDN’T WANT to be gentle!!! I wanted to fill her insides with my throbbing manhood! I want her to scream my name!! Oh my precious Annie… soon… soon. I will wait. I will wait.

After my love was bathed and clean, I slowly dried her off with a big fluffy towel… careful to dry each and every nook and cranny… and then I brushed her hair for her. Such beautiful long brown curly hair. The feeling of it running through my fingers gave me chills. I want her. I had never had a girl before. I had always kept to myself. I had been too shy to ever ask a girl out before… but that didn’t matter now. I had Annabelle… Annabelle was mine. I would have her all to myself. I dressed her in a pair of my silk pajamas and oh how cute she looked with them basically falling right off of her—them being much too big for her. She asked for some panties, but she doesn’t need any. No, no need for her to wear much clothes at all. Actually, she shouldn’t wear any. Maybe tomorrow I will ask her to be always naked. Naked Annabelle for me. All mine… a naked child of a woman. So fresh and clean. Yes, she would be naked. I cooked her a hearty dinner… she must get her strength back so that she can be strong enough to have me. I must not hurt her when I take her. I must be gentle the first few times… yes… gentle.

Wait, she was speaking to me. What was she saying? Oh yes, it is late. We will go to bed. Sleeping with Annabelle! I was a complete gentleman that night, yes. Yes, gentleman. She fell asleep in my arms… and I only touched her breasts a few times as she slept. I was a good boy. I won’t be a good boy tomorrow, no sir. I’m going to be bad with her… she will be my bad little Annabelle and I will have to take her over my knee and slap her little bottom… oh what a soft, sweet little ass she has.

The next morning I awoke early… knocking on my door… the doctor. Yes, I am fine stupid doctor, go away. I have things to do (Annabelle to do!). He said I had been acting strangely and asked if I needed to talk… no no, no talking. Maybe I should kill him too. I will ask Annabelle. Will Annabelle let me kill him, the doctor?? Oh I want to please her. I will be better to her than Jonathan was. I will touch her and please her and then ride her savagely and she will scream… yes. Want to hear the beautiful sound of her voice screaming my name. Andrew andrew andrew… yes, it will be sweet. I am such a good man to be taking care of little Annie. Yes, very very good man. Ahh, it is time for little Annie to wake up. Time for daddy to get his good-morning blow job. Come here Annabelle… give your daddy’s cock a kiss. COME HERE!

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