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  • The Passing Ch. 01

The Passing Ch. 01


First time writing. Self edited because I don't know how to think of my writing just yet and don't want to unwillingly subject someone else to it(Heh). Enjoy and leave comments good and bad! I welcome all criticism.

No sex in this chapter but later ones will have as appropriate. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I had thinking it up.


The pain was unimaginable, undescribable. I was in a place that couldn't rightfully be described as simply black, it was a dark void that consumed all, taking away any sense of being and leaving me solely with this pain. It felt like I was slowly being torn apart from the inside, as if my very cells were being torn from each other, a mind numbing feeling that extended beyond the flesh and permeated through my very core.

The thought of death seemed welcoming, though I didn't even know what led to this situation in the first place. I had done nothing I could even remember that would lead to this...

16 Hours Ago

I wiped the drool from my chin, free hand blindly grasping for the phone that was wailing its annoying amber alert sound which had rudely woken me up. I had barely slept and now this foolish alert was rousing me from a well earned slumber. Perhaps I should have cared more but I didn't, where I lived amber alerts were irrelevant, either a flood that could never reach where I was or a kidnapping of some sort that I had no business with nor could I ever help with.

It took a moment, as I groped around blindly for my glasses, before the message could be read. 'Amber Alert, Tune Into Local News Channels for a Status Update.' "What the fuck?" I cursed, upset and confused by this alert I'd never seen before. Curiosity got the best of me however, and I did eventually roll out of bed, to head to the only television in my small apartment.

I was what one could call a recluse of sorts, I didn't fear people, no anxiety around others, I simply prefered myself. As it was I worked from home, a technician of sorts known by a small group of friends as the one to come to with almost any computer problem, hard or software. This left me with little need for many common amenities, such as a television in my own room, cable or any other little things people began moving away from with the advent of better internet. It took a moment to find the remote, but the tv was soon clicked on and the news was reporting instantly.

"...and there is no current explanation for what is being seen around the globe. However, we're being told to avoid these apparitions if possible, though no present threat has been seen from them." I caught the end of the caster's words before drowning him out as I focused on the footage being shown instead.

It was almost unimaginable, even though it was before my eyes. A shot from a helicopter was being broadcast as it flew around Manhattan Island, the image focused on something it couldn't properly focus on. The entire island seemed covered by some sort of mirage that extended out past the camera's scope. The buildings, moving cars and awestruck pedestrians seen through this shimmery image of what looked like the trunk of a tree that seemed impossible to properly comprehend the magnitude of. It was like a clear overlay of the bark of his tree that was slowly moving towards the east. Not actual movement but this mirage wasn't static, it slowly seemed to be moving opposite the earth's own rotation.

I had to tear my eyes away then, listening to the background sounds from the tv as I grabbed my laptop from my room and began to scour the internet for some greater news. Time seemed to flash, hunger ignored as I took it all in; these apparitions across the globe began only 4 hours before I had woken up and there was nothing else to be said. They caused no harm and were for all intents, not even actually there aside from the fact that these apparitions were viable to the eye. The world saw various structures though, parts of California were under a mirage of water while other places saw glimpses that faded in and out of what appeared to be man made structures. It seemed the smaller the object, the hard it was to keep it in its limited focus, unlike the tree in Manhattan or the river in Cali.

All of this just had me, along with the rest of my friends, intrigued for what i could all possibly mean. However only bad speculations came up, both within my group and from the government. No one had any idea what was happening and finally I decided I needed to sleep, to try and cool down and perhaps myself, others and the world could figure out more later. It was 1AM by the time I finally dropped dead into my bed, hungry and yet too mentally exhausted to do much more than sleep.

Sleep came but only just, before I was in this predicament, screaming into a void that held no answers. I could barely even wonder if I might be able to pass out given the pain I was in, before finally I was sucked, for lack of a better term, out of the void and I crashed down across a mound of overgrown roots. The landing wasn't kind yet the pain from before instantly disappeared. The sudden relief and exhaustion overwhelmed me and blissfully I was allowed to blackout where I was.


I awoke feeling like shit, which to be fair was a much better feeling than I'd felt in a while. My head pounded and I found I couldn't see, there was some cloth covering my eyes. Movement was possible but barely, my arms ached as I tried to check myself out, even my fingertips felt like they'd been rubbed raw. My lower half fared much the same though apparently I was a prisoner somewhere, evident by some shackle that was cuffed around my right ankle. I didn't worry much though, I was in a bed, covered and at least moderately taken care of so I simply let my consciousness pass again to relieve the pain.

The second time waking was much better, the raw feeling was replaced by a dull ache but otherwise I seemed fine. My sight was still removed, though for what end I didn't know. It wasn't till I was about to remove the cloth that I was privy to another party, a woman's voice ringing out, "I wouldn't if I were you, not yet anyway. Your eyes have it the worst, even a little light might prove too dangerous."

My hands dropped as I tried to make sense of this all. I should have been more surprised, angry, something, but all I felt was curiosity. "Why am I here? Or..." I trailed off, giving my ankle a shake, to rattle the shackle, "What exactly is here?" I finally finished.

"Rest again and when you next awaken I'll explain what I can." I heard the sound of clothing rustling as she rose then, the clicks of what I assumed were heels slowly fading away as she only partially closed the door to wherever it was I was being held. Nothing was to be gained by panicking so I fell back onto the bed and quickly let sleep take me again.


The next time proved to be different, rather than waking myself I was being woken, a hand grasping my shoulder and gently rustling me from my slumber. I shook the cobwebs from my brain as I pushed myself up, finally free of any pain aside from the lingering in my head of some foreign feeling. "What is it?" I managed to yawn out, my hand instinctively coming to try and rub at my eyes over the cloth.

"It's been four days since you arrived and our medic felt you were recovered enough to be awoken without fear for your life. Now hold your questions for the moment." I had opened my mouth for just that but held my tongue, figuring my life was most safe should I follow orders. I felt then, the softness of her fingers as they reached through my hair for the knot tying my covering, a gentleness that felt unbelonging to someone I considered my captor given present situations.

"Now slowly open your eyes and try to get used to the light." She said in a hushed tone, her words sounding like verbal silk, utterly disarming. I held my eyes shut as she lowered the cloth, waiting a moment before then peeking them open.

I felt lucky to have heeded her warning, that garment seemed especially proficient at having blocked light, as now even the small crack of my eyelids suddenly had me tearing and squinting. She was silent, waiting for me for some reason. Silence stretched uncomfortably and I finally tried again, steeling myself against the income of light that slowly faded in intensity. It felt like I was using my eyes for the first time, as the room only had light filtering in from one window which seemed almost as bright as the sun at that moment.

Finally I turned towards her voice and gasped, surprise taking away any hopes of composure I had. She seemed to be of a similar mindset though she managed to only shudder slightly as she glanced into my eyes. "What are you?" I stammered, eyes moistening again and again with every blink I gave, both trying to focus on her yet not strain my eyes.

She was more surprising to me this the situation I was in. She was voluptuous, though my eyes secondly caught sight to her chest, large busom hidden behind a purple dress, contoured to her body in a manner that was tasteful yet hid little of the woman under it. It came down past her knees though she was so close to my bedside that I couldn't make out how much further it went. Surprisingly that was only second in my mind, as eyes snapped back up, over ruby painted lips that were pursed in a tense smile, and past heterochromatic eyes, a sky blue and this deep piercing green that stared at me with sudden distrust.

This all fell to the wayside to what lay in her hair, blonde curls hugging her cheeks, tickling her chin and spinning down her back.. yet housing a pair of feline ears. They were pointed and covered with a layer of black fur, and any ideas I harbored over their authenticity was slowly eroded as they twitched and twisted, seeming to listen in every direction.

"I an a Were, one of the many on this world. But you... you shouldn't exist, you aren't of here, you.." She trailed off, a shake of her head given, "You will need to see yourself later. I only barely understand what has happened, but for now you will stay here as we try to figure out what to do with you. But I will tell you what I know so far."

She began her story by explaining that in this world, magic existed alongside technology though the latter wasn't as much a focus as the former. I learned that what had happened was thought to be almost a statistical impossibility, two dimensions and two worlds within those dimensions passed each other and began to exist in the same space across time and even reality. When they continued their orbit in their expanding universes, a few unlucky beings were caught in the parting, stuck in the void between realities before being thrown to the other side.

As far as she knew, I was the only one to survive what came to be known as The Passing. Few others were tossed out as I was only their minds had broken, or their bodies had. I barely survived and it had taken days of medical attention to thankfully save my life. "We know the universe expands infinitely, and seeing as how this was an accident, we don't believe return either way would be possible."

My silent thoughts had be answered and I was only briefly overcome with sorrow. I didn't have much in the other world, on Earth, so I wasn't too put down. I silently nodded and looked towards my ankle instead. I had to accept the position I was in so I began to think rationally of what to do next.

She nodded at the manacle and it fell apart from my ankle. "I'll tell you more in a bit. Eat, then follow my aide afterwards." She stood then, another small shock overcoming me at seeing her height. I was only a few inches over 6 feet, but even without her heels it seemed she'd stand taller than me. I was also privy to the sight of her backside as she left, a round backside that was bisected by a dangling tail that seemed to counter sway with the movement of her hips. All leading down to long, covered legs and ending at a pair of black heels that seemed to be at least three inches.


In the next bit I was greeted by what I assumed was a maid in this household. My room was open but I awaited others and it took just a few minutes before food arrived. I wasn't sure how I was kept nourished while I was unconscious but the taste of hot food and a sweet drink seemed to only add to my quickly recovering stamina.

Afterwards I was guided to a bath, and it was only as I stood that I noticed my state of undress. All my clothing save my boxers were gone and I was told I'd only be given new items to wear after a proper cleaning. I wasted no time with taking it, curiosity demanding that I follow their rule in hopes to get more questions answered.

I washed quickly, taking time only to ask small questions of my sitter. Another Were as I had been told earlier. Comparatively she was much smaller, only a few inches above five feet if I garnered a guess, though I felt something hidden away, a feeling that made me not even contemplate escape. She was Angela, one of the many residents of the house and the unlucky one assigned to me. Nothing else earned a response so eventually I gave up, falling to my own thoughts. Curiously I was not offered a mirror or a way to shave, and as we spoke and even now as she finally led me to the mistress, I noticed she'd continue to glance away from my eyes.

I was comfortable regardless, now that I was properly clothed and fed. The walk through this either mansion or castle giving me time to both stretch and get used to the outfit I was given. I tried not to be surprised but it seemed even this world followed the same idea of fashion, as I was given a most casual yet appropriate outfit; the top was a simple white button down that seemed perhaps a size too small, it hugged my chest and made me slightly self conscious but also aware that I had lost some weight here. Pants were much the same, black slacks and a belt with what I assumed as a real gold buckle that managed to grip my thighs and also my groin a little uncomfortably. I was unlucky with footwear and so I was told to simply come barefoot as finding something larger would take too long.

The chill of the wood floor thankfully was forgettable, and my trip was uneventful until we arrived on a new landing, this long hallway was sparse and only held sconces, each flickering with a bright fire, and a set of double doors. "Knock, wait, then enter." Angela told me curtly before she slipped away. I faced the ornate doors, fingertips tracing some pattern in the wood before I knocked once. "Enter." Was heard instantly and I froze for just a moment before slipping in.

I was greeted first by plush carpeting beneath my feet, and then by the strong sunlight that filtered in from the far wall, bringing a nice light to what would otherwise be a dark office of sorts. One wall held many bookshelves, filled from floor to ceiling while the other had racks filled with papers, rolled and stacked. As for her, she was seated behind a large desk, made of what looked like cherrywood. She said nothing as I glanced around before finally slipping into the only seat opposite of her.

"Humans inhabit this world, but you are not like them." She narrowed her eyes, glancing over my face for a long minute before reaching over and handing me a mirror face down. "You look like one, on the outside, and I can smell the similarities, but you're not one. Whatever happened as you passed over changed you, and being the only one still alive, I know not what it means."

My mind was scrambled trying to process her words but I waited till the last moment before finally accepting the mirror and glancing at myself. I felt I looked the same, a bit of scruffiness had grown in, I looked a little thinner, but I didn't see anything immediately... Until I continued upward and noticed my eyes. On my world I wasn't special, early greying hair, hairier than most, with a stocky body but otherwise average, oh and dark brown eyes but now...

"What happened?" I asked her even as I brought the mirror closer, trying to self examine the now red eyes I had. I stood, moving around as if maybe it were a trick of the light, placing my back to one window to get the most clarity. Just around my pupils was a ring of light blue that transitioned seamlessly into the deep red I saw, a red that seemed alive, shifting about with the small lines of black. I couldn't look anymore and quickly I thrust the mirror down, sucking in a precious breath after forgetting to breath that entire time.

"I don't know, and I don't know anyone who would. I've never heard of anything like this, and honestly it unnerves me" She was watching me this entire time, arms crossed and a scowl on her lips as she seemed perturbed by this. "Since you woke up they've changed more. You were found bent over a root and you were assumed dead like the others. Your body was raw, and as the ones who found you went to put you with the others, you were said to have gasped in pain."

I moved back to my seat and placed the mirror back where she'd left it, mind swarmed with thoughts as I tried to both listen and figure out what happened.

"There was alarm and I was told they tried to be careful as you were rushed back here. It was only once we had you examined that we saw the damage wasn't entirely physical nor do we know if it's even mental. Your eyes though, they were dulled and unfocused, until you woke up and I saw life in them, not just in you but them as well."

"What now?" Was all I could ask, still utterly confused. I was on a new world and now I wasn't even myself.

"Now you learn as much as you can. I have certain responsibilities here and you compounded them. You'll be allowed to roam in this building, given access to the library and to help should you need it. But you will not be allowed out of here. It's hard enough dealing with this with you being completely ignorant." A growl punctuated her sentence, though it seemed more aimed at the situation rather than myself.

"So while I'm prisoner, and not to you I may add, since you will presumably have an aide, or subject or whatever you call them watching over me; I am to learn and study of this world, on my own." My eyes narrowed, staring right at her with a sudden sense of calmness and sureness of myself that I hadn't expected. "I'm to do all that and then what?" I didn't want a confrontation but merely to assert my position as one unwilling to take this situation as a simpering idiot.

She held my gaze as I spoke, though I saw her break first, shifting slightly before she grasped at the edge of her desk. "Then we will speak again and see what will be done further. I don't take you for a fool, you won't try anything rash and I'm hoping you'll learn so you don't make a fool of yourself anymore. I can see you value knowledge, so rather than worry about something beyond your control, direct that energy towards something productive. Now go, see Angela again and get started as you wish. She will help with whatever you need."

I could see the sense in her words and I merely nodded. Raising, I took a moment to appraise her again, allowing the faintest grin tug at the corner of my lips before I turned away. It was only just as my hand grasped the handle that I turned back, "We never got each other's name. I'm Alexander, Alexander White."

I saw her nostrils flare for a second, "Tara." She left it at that before turning away from me to look out of her window, watching the midday sun as it cast a glow into this room.

Nothing else needed to be said and so I left, quickly walking back down the hall as I sought out Angela again to get me started.


No time was wasted, having asked to be led directly to the library so I could start the process of learning about this world. The library seemed almost like something out of a book, for an estate this big I should have expected it but I was still shocked. The room itself was in a corner of the estate, and it seemed to me that it could have been a house in its own right.

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