The Professor Ch. 15


Sunday evening Lissia and I spent on the sofa talking quietly and listening to our favorite music: Etta James, Ella Fitzgerald, the Platters, the Limelighters and a few classical composers as well. She would cycle through trembling and calm as we held each other. I told her I would write a letter to her everyday – I lied unwittingly – I would write to her twice a day. Usually the letters were one or two pages but I'm getting way ahead of myself. I took two pictures of her for my personal effects - one was a wallet-sized portrait for the school yearbook and the other was of the two of us at the Seaview in Galveston. Both fit into my wallet. While we were sitting on her sofa she handed me a small box, "What is this?"

"Open it baby – I want to think about me while you're away," she whispered.

I opened the box and there was a gold cross and chain, "Lissia you shouldn't have done this baby. You've done too much," I hugged her closely. My heart was aching so much for her – you'd think I was going on a tramp steamer for my 'Two Years Before the Mast Journey.'

As I held it between my fingers, she took it from me, but I held her hand still and kissed the cross and she then put it around my neck, "I love you Steven Michael Edwards. God brought you to me to restore my heart and you did with such beauty and tenderness that you leave me breathless and needy," She raised up on her elbows and looked deeply into my eyes - I felt something move in my soul that made me weak all over. Her love took us to a more profound place than I knew existed. We kissed and held each other for a very long while – we had to wake up to go to bed. The night before had finally come – now it was just a wake up. My duffel bag was packed and my AWOL bag was ready along with my orders and my very thin 201 file. We undressed each other and climbed into bed for our last night together. We didn't move much we just held onto one another – dreading the alarm clock that would hurtle us forward at a speed we weren't prepared to travel.

Mom and Dad got to Lissia's home at around 0600 hours and we shared breakfast together. Our talk was small talk. We didn't make promises and swear blood oaths over what we'd do while we were apart – we dealt with the reality – Mom was a soldier's wife she would get Lissia through this. Dad had given me his advice – do as you're told – stay within the chain of command and don't speak unless spoken to. There are four right answers to any question: 'yes sir; no sir; I don't know sir but I'll find out sir; and no excuse sir.' Never make excuses and only explain your actions when you're asked to do so otherwise it is an excuse which is the skin of reason stuffed with a lie. Mom and Dad drove us to the university. I was still wearing civilian clothes until I got to in-processing at Benning. Lissia and I held onto to one another in the back seat. We pulled into the parking lot and there was the dark green bus with wire over the windows – it looked like a prison bus. We got out and I grabbed my duffel bag and AWOL bag and reported to LTC Calwell. He then walked with me to meet my parents. He and Dad got on very well and then he turned his attention to Lissia, "Dr. Wright this is a pleasant surprise. I am glad to see you this morning." He smiled to me, "Say your goodbyes Candidate Edwards we leave in ten minutes."

"Yes sir," I spoke to his back as he quickly stepped away. Everyone else was hugging and kissing. Lissia and I were new to this and nervous. I hugged and kissed Mom and Dad and then immediately forgot what we rehearsed for the goodbye kiss. Lissia was crying and I couldn't stand it. I took her into my arms and kissed her long and slow, "I love you sweet wife of mine."

"I love you my beautiful husband," she responded as we hugged tightly. The first sergeant hollered for everyone to board. I left the three of them standing there watching me leave – Mom and Dad had their arms around Lissia and my heart was breaking – they had each other and I had the Green Machine. I watched them and blew kisses to Lissia as long as I could. I hadn't noticed that someone was sitting next to me.

"I'm Richard Carls," he said to me.

I put my hand out, "Steven Edwards – nice to meet you."

"Who's the black woman?" he was being nosey.

"My fiancé," I reluctantly told him.


"What?" I wanted to know what that meant.

"Nothing...just damn. You two are brave as hell," he acknowledged.

"Richard I don't think about it as brave – she my fiancé, I love her," I felt an ache in my chest as I strained to see them waving at the quickly disappearing bus.

"I feel like shit Steve..." he confessed.

"It's Steven – Richard. Why do you feel that way?" I wanted to hear this.

"My girl and I sneaked around for three years and we got caught by her parents then mine and it was a bad scene," his heart was broken too.

"She from here?" I asked.

"No we're from Cuero. Her family has lived in Texas since the 1600s. Spanish land grant and all," he breathed out hard.

"Do you still love her?" I knew the answer.

He nodded, his face darkening, "I do. She writes me everyday – she's at Texas Tech."

"Don't lose hope Richard," I told him.

"Your girl looks very familiar but I can't place her. Is she a student at the University?" he was getting way too close.

" she's not," he did ask a yes-no questions so I didn't feel it necessary to tell him much more.

"She is the most beautiful black woman I've ever seen Steven and right up there with the best looking women I've ever seen period," he nodded and shook his head. "Boy we're something huh?"

We talked all the way to Hobby Field and all the way to Benning. He would eventually become my Ranger buddy – our friendship formed because of our ladies who didn't even know one another. The flight from Hobby to Atlanta took about two hours and we boarded a bus for Ft. Benning at the airport for another three and half hours. The Army likes you to arrive in the dark so you don't know where you're going, how you got there and how to get out of there. We were herded around like lost calves with lots of screaming and shouts of 'do it now!' We loaded out wall lockers and footlockers with our displays and identified our fatigues for the next day. We finally hit the racks at about midnight and they got us up at 0430 to begin our in-processing and take our oaths. We filled out paperwork, got shots, haircuts, filled out beneficiary forms, and uniforms and boots that we didn't have already. There were 178 of us ROTC boys in the first phase which was eight weeks. Same kind of physical training as the basic soldier gets with an increased emphasis on leadership – plus we wore R.O.T.C. brass on the collars of our uniforms and the peak of our caps and helmet liners.

Each morning and each night I wrote a letter to Lissia and during the week I would write two or three to Mom and Dad. Her letters came so frequently that I was overwhelmed at mail call – but we missed each other desperately. Three weeks into training we got a Sunday off and after chapel we could call home. I called Mom and Dad first and they had just had Lissia home with them for two days and to church. It seems they shared news from their letters with one another. I then called Lissia and for two minutes tears just ran down my face as I could hear her sobbing too. We finally got calmed. We were hurting pretty good I spent $12 on that call which was about 10% of my pay. I was on E-4 or corporal pay which was $153 a month – it would go up to E-5 pay or $200 a month when we finished basic. Anyway I told her I'd call her when I could. We professed our love.

Richard and I became good buddies. He worked hard too and I like that in a person. He had taken heart from my relationship with Lissia and began an earnest and renewed relationship with Maria Elena. She sent him letters like Lissia sent me letters – abundant letters. In her last letter she advised him that she had completed the application to change schools and would be starting at our university in the fall – all of her engineering credits and courses transferred. He went ballistic in his happiness. Knowing that she'd be near him, encouraged him to work even harder. The training weeks flew by and within two weeks of graduating Richard and I, along with thirty of our classmates who chose combat arms and were in the top 25% of our class were offered a chance to go to jump school - airborne or paratrooper training. We took it – of course. Lissia and my parents were disappointed that I would be staying four more weeks at Benning but Dad smoothed that over with Lissia and Mom telling them that this was a critical qualification.

Richard and I joined a company of R.O.T.C. Candidates from other schools to form a company for becoming paratrooper qualified. We were both now E-5 for pay purposes but wore R.O.T.C. brass on our uniforms. We bought Corcoran jump boots and were soon learning the airborne shuffle. It wasn't long before we were making our 'cherry jumps' (five required jumps) that qualified us as airborne. We were now eligible to draw an additional $55 a month for jump pay provided the unit commander designated our platoon as airborne status which he did. It felt pretty good to have one ribbon – the National Defense Medal on our uniforms but it felt really good to have our cherry wings and bloused boots with our Class A uniforms – we felt like airborne troopers even though we had a long way to go.

We got a ride on a C-123 back to Houston landing a few miles from my parents' home at Ellington Air Force Base. LTC Calwell named me the platoon leader for our airborne infantry platoon and as such was in charge of getting us off the aircraft and into formation. The C123 taxied to a stop and he gave me the command to get the platoon up and off and form up on the tarmac. I gave the command, "On your feet! Attention! Left side, right face! Right side left columns of twos...forward march!" Once the platoon was off the aircraft I turned them and marched them to the shade of the hangar and halted them, "Platoon halt, right face! Parade Rest! Stand at ease! Okay gentlemen reform the platoon by squads. Squad leaders dress and cover your squads and bring them to attention." I watched as they formed and when the squad leaders completed their orders they all faced me. "Platoon...attention!" The platoon came to attention. I did an about face as LTC Calwell walked up. I saluted him, "Sir 1st airborne infantry platoon is ready for inspection sir!"

He returned my salute, "Thank you Platoon Leader Edwards. Gentlemen stand at ease. Your gear will come off in just a moment. Your families are waiting for you – it's time to grab a kiss and some hugging. Dismiss your men Platoon Leader Edwards."

I came to attention and saluted the colonel, "Yes sir." I did an about face and called the platoon to attention, "Platoon!" The squad leaders followed with, "Squad!" I then gave the command, "Attention!" They came smartly to attention. "Squad leaders dismiss your squads," I commanded. My heart was about to explode as I turned to LTC Calwell, "Thank you sir for everything."

He shook my hand, "Steven you're going to make a fine commander. I'd like to have a word with your Mom and the Major as well as your beautiful fiancé."

I swallowed hard, "Yes sir!"

We walked quickly toward Mom, Dad and Phylissia. My family, including my brothers, much to my amazement, along with Lissia met me in the hangar. Lissia came running with tears streaming down her face and we drew some stares as we hugged and kissed, "Oh Steven my wonderful soldier, my love I have missed you so much. I can't believe you're here. You're beautiful. Look at you! I'm not letting you out of my sight forever." She held tightly onto my arm, gripping my hand with intertwined fingers with a vise-like hold.

"I missed you too baby. I love you so much," between kisses and hugs.

LTC Calwell spoke to us, "Good afternoon Dr. Wright. You and the Edwards should be very proud of your soldier." As my parents approached LTC Calwell saluted my Dad, "Major your son informed me that you are the recipient of two Distinguished Service Crosses from the second war and Korea. It is my honor sir to meet you and to congratulate you and Mrs. Edwards on this fine young Candidate. He graduated at the top of basic and airborne schools and not just for our unit – he was the number one graduate in his airborne company which included regular enlistees and volunteers. His leadership kept his platoon together and not one of those young men dropped out. This is a first for our ROTC unit." He turned to face Phylissia, "You have incredibly impeccable tastes in young men. I pray to God that you can live your lives out completely – you are both such wonderful people." With that he saluted us and I came to attention and returned his salute. Lissia was in shock.

Mom and Dad came over to us and hugged us tightly. Then Mom did what she routinely does and took our pictures – we were both crying and laughing. She admired the uniform and Dad shook my hand – his eyes were red with tears, "Son I am so proud of you." We hugged and held each other. I was getting closer to the dream of getting graduated and commissioned before he died. I didn't know that this would be as close as Dad would get for us both.

I glanced over to where Richard was standing and there was Maria Elena. They were crying and holding one another too. I took Lissia's hand, "Come with me a minute baby I want you to meet someone."

Richard saw us coming and he smiled and said something to Maria as she wiped her eyes. We introduced ourselves. Maria was charming and beautiful. They would become our good friends for a long time and would marry a year after she moved to our University – they could marry but we couldn't. "Richard I'd like you to meet my fiancé, Dr. Phylissia Wright, sweetheart this is Richard Carls he's the assistant platoon leader."

Lissia extended her hand, "Richard it is a pleasure to meet you."

He took her hand, "Dr. Wright it is a pleasure to meet you – you're more beautiful than your pictures – you and Steven are a stunning-looking couple. Forgive my rudeness, Dr. Wright, Steven this is the love of my life and my fiancé Maria Elena Garza. Maria this is Dr. Wright and Steven Edwards – they're engaged to be married."

Maria shook hands with us both, "Richard has told me so much about you both. I'm honored to know such brilliant and accomplished friends of Richard's." We chatted for a while until our families got anxious to get back to our homes and welcome us properly. That didn't include my brothers who'd yet to speak to either of us. I could tell that there was a greater gulf growing among us. My life direction was becoming more certain and focused and they were still waffling and quavering in what to do.

We sortied again with my family. Lissia had driven her car so I put my duffel bag behind the seat and the AWOL bag in the trunk. There was barely enough room in her car for a toothpick much less a fully loaded duffel bag. Our life together was restarting. "Lissia I missed you so much." I couldn't keep my hands off of her she was so beautiful. "I love you sweet baby and desperately want to be alone with you," I confessed as she drove the few miles to Mom and Dad's home.

She wiped her eyes and drove, crying and laughing and chattering, "I know. I know. It's so hard to believe that you're finally home – oh God, how I love you Steven, my sweet husband. Let's get through today and we can have some very quiet time together to reacquaint ourselves to one another."

I smiled, "You don't know how I've longed to hear you talk and just be near you again. The Army is a rough and tumble world filled with profanity, violence and excess. Sundays were my only respite when I could talk with you on the phone and at least get my Lissia fix."

We met up at Mom and Dad's house where there were friends and barbecue waiting. As we walked in, me carrying my duffel bag and Lissia carrying my AWOL bag we were met by cheers and applause. There must have been fifty people there. The house was filled with laughter and the smells of South Texas cooking and barbecue. Hal came over, "Steven...I...well you look like Dad...a real warrior brother. I can't do what you're doing in the military or with Dr. Wright...I wish I could," and he walked away. Georgie didn't bother to come talk to me he kept a wide circle around us unlike our friends including Reverend Broughton and his wife. We feasted and talked into the night. I asked Mom and Dad to chat with Lissia while I went to shower and change.

Dad came over to me as I returned to the gathering, "It's getting late son why don't you and Phylissia go on home and get caught up. She's missed you something awful Steven. Come home for church on Sunday," he hugged me, "Son I am so proud of your accomplishments."

"Dad I'm following in some mighty big footsteps sir. Your military history became well-known while we were at Benning. I had to tell them you're retired field grade and they looked you up and found your history Dad. I didn't tell them about the DSCs or the Silver Stars – they found it out on their own," I was feeling overwhelmed.

"Son you have a lot of life coming your way and you've started well. Your commander is going out of his way to reward your diligence and hard work – you cannot let him down," he shook my hand and held his gaze steady into my eyes looking for the weakest part of my being. "Say your goodnights Son. Phylissia needs you right now. She cried for a week with us. Don't let on that you know..."

"We don't have secrets Dad I just appreciate your looking after her," I sighed heavily.

"Steven she is so brilliant and beautiful and loving. I couldn't have picked a more perfect woman for your wife than Phylissia; Lord knows she loves you dearly and that you commander recognizes how important she is to you is a credit to you both. Now get out of here before you piss me off," he winked.

Lissia and I said our goodbyes starting with Mom and thanked everyone for coming over. We got hugged and kissed by everyone with the exception of my brothers. Their girlfriends apologized to us and I just smiled, "It's okay. They're not there yet."

Our ride to Lissia's home was intoxicating. It was a soft night. "Steven I feel terrible about how badly I missed you. The first week you were gone I cried all week. Your Momma and I talked all the time and your parents came and got me for a few days. They did everything they could humanly do to keep me from being so desolated."

"That's what families do baby. How did they make you feel?" I wanted to know.

"I couldn't have been treated better by anyone – they are so kind," she admitted.

"I missed you heart hurt for several weeks. Being with people you don't know and away from home in a rough and tumble environment begs for a soft place to land and I had none except for our memories together. I would fall asleep asking God to watch over you...I never took my cross off. I looked at your pictures all the time that's how Richard and I got through the training knowing that we had our loves waiting for us. LTC Calwell is so impressed by you and us together."

She gasped, "Oh my...that's scary."

"No I think it's okay. He wouldn't have promoted me or been such an encourager to me if we were a problem," I spoke openly with her. No secrets.

We pulled into her driveway and in the twilight the lawn was beautiful. All the flowers were blooming and had filled in so nicely, "Wow the lawn looks magnificent!"

She was beaming, "I've been mowing the grass and raking and trimming in between my sabbatical work. I'm ready for us to work on this together."

We pulled her car into the garage next to mine and closed the doors. I took my small suitcase in and she unlocked the house. There were fresh flowers everywhere, "where did all the flowers come from?"

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