The Twelve Vitali Ch. 35

"You wanted to see us?" Bradbury spoke as he and Hugh appeared at the door of her office.

"Thank goodness, yes!" Cat sighed. "Can you help my husbands find their own office and then stand guard and not let them back in here, please, I have so much to do, and they are driving me crazy!"

"Of course, Mrs. Vitali," Bradbury said with a smirk. "This way, gentlemen."

"I think you have forgotten who employs you," Matteo grumbled, but walked toward the door anyway.

"Perhaps you have forgotten why you employed me; I do what she says, except in cases of emergency when her safety comes first. Is there an emergency I don't know about?" Bradbury said in an equally low voice, but his eyes twinkled.

"She's out of control," Matteo grumbled to Ricco, who laughed.

"We have ways of fixing that. Let's go to your office and discuss some plans I've been working on!" Ricco said loud enough for Cat to hear, and turned his head to grin at her malevolently.

"Talk to each other about the weekend too," she said as they were leaving, sounding unconcerned about them planning some sort of pleasurable punishment for her because she kicked them out of her office. "In your offices downstairs, preferably," she called after them with a small nervous laugh in her voice.

She walked from her office to her bedroom and changed quickly without the distraction of her husbands. Then, looking around her office, she drew a deep breath. She could do this, for them and for Theresa, she could do this. She was a Princess. She wasn't the uneducated, poverty-stricken girl from Acacia Grove anymore, she was Princess Catriona Vitali, and two of the most powerful men in the country loved her.

She wore a plum coloured dress that had a depth of colour that made it seem more of a deep red than purple, expecting that Sonya would wear the red of the Vitali. It was a simple sheath dress, but had been made for her, and it flattered her figure and added to her height and stature when paired with the matching shoes. Her jewellery was simple, but gold, and she knew expensive, and her make-up was light and barely there. She had left her hair down, but pulled the front back away from her face. She wanted each of these women to have no illusions that she meant business this time.

She had a room set up for Maryanne's nanny and son to be comfortable while the meeting took place, after denying the request to have the meeting at her house again to save travelling with the baby. Matteo was right, she had two nannies to do everything, aside of breastfeeding the child for her, it was not going to inconvenience her much to bring what she needed to a meeting, and it would do her good to get out of that house for a while. Or so Cat thought, she pursed her lips and wondered if she was too hard on Maryanne, before deciding it was too late now to worry about it.

"They're starting to arrive," Aria said softly as she entered Cat's bedroom. "Wow, I've never been in here before! I wondered how you all fit in the same bed, but that explains it," she indicated the oversized custom bed Matteo had built for them. Cat laughed and blushed. No matter how casually her relationship with both Mateo and Ricco was talked about, it still seemed so bizarre to her.

"Aria, thank you for being honest over lunch, I really thought I had made a mistake when no one said anything," Cat admitted.

"Hold that thought until after this meeting," Aria sighed. "I've got some things to say too, and you aren't going to like all of them. Come on, it's time to face the music."

"Aria, you can't say something like that and just drop the conversation!" Cat gasped.

"Sure I can, you do it all the time. You dropped that bomb on me today, as a matter of fact, so fair's fair," Aria grinned, showing there was nothing malicious in her thoughts.

"Great, something else to stress over! Let's go then," she sighed dramatically, but she knew she had everything in place that she needed to make this transition of leadership to her as smooth as possible without any melodramatics from anyone aside of her. She followed Aria out into the living room, marvelling at what a wonderful job Lisa had done in setting it up to be cosy, despite the number of chairs required.

Cat chatted, encouraging everyone to make themselves at home as tiered trays of treats were brought in and placed on small end tables and the coffee tables in the space. Tea and coffee, as well as iced teas, were served to order, and once everyone was settled and chatting quietly, Cat finally spoke to the group, welcoming them all to her home.

"I have a few guests coming to observe my little opening speech to kick things off, I know it is highly unusual, but once you hear what I have to say I am sure you will understand why I have invited them," Cat smiled politely and stood. "I'll just be a moment."

"That won't be necessary!" Sonya said in a commanding voice, stopping Cat from moving. "We have our own agenda items for this afternoon. We didn't want to bother you with the little details, and there certainly isn't any need for a speech. So, the guests could maybe come to visit you another time. I'm sure they won't mind changing their plans for us," she said dismissively.

"How lovely of you, Sonya, but as I have taken these men from their busy days I think we at least owe them the courtesy of a cup of coffee and a piece of cake, don't you?" Cat said in a sickly-sweet tone to match Sonya's.

"Hello, Mother, I have been looking forward to hearing Cat's speech, so I think I'll stay," Sebastian said, walking into the room, unhappy about the way his mother had just talked to Cat and understanding why she was so nervous about this meeting. His mother was a formidable woman, and it didn't surprise him that she would try to dominate proceedings, just as she dominated everything else in her life, except, perhaps, his father.

He was followed in by Thomas, Brady, Ryan and Isaiah, who all greeted their mothers and cousins with kisses to the cheek before taking seats away from the circle, but close enough to listen and observe.

Cat launched into her speech about Theresa, her acceptance and love, her becoming like a mother to Cat, who had never had that in her life, and the events on the jet that led to her shooting and Vanessa's death.

"I invited these men to observe my speech in case any of you doubted my version of events. They know the truth, and, of course, more of the story after I was taken from the jet by Bradbury. So, if you have any questions, now is the time to ask so I can let them get back to work, then we can do what we do best and plan the best way forward from here to support each other and the family," She laughed lightly and waved a hand in their direction. "Gentlemen, anything you'd like to say to add to my story?"

"Sure," Thomas shrugged, coming to his feet to address the circle of women. "Why would you think anyone would doubt your version of events?" He scanned the circle. "You have no reason to lie, you are the Mother of this family now, you don't have to explain yourself to anyone, but I'll fill in the blanks for everyone, and Sebastian can correct me if I am wrong."

"With glee," Sebastian chuckled.

"What Cat failed to mention was that she was shot as well trying to save both Theresa and Vanessa. Even as she was carried from the plane, she was screaming at Vanessa to run and save herself. What didn't come across in that story is that she had gone there as a sacrificial lamb, and that she was prepared to accept that fate for the good of the family, just as Theresa was in the end," Thomas said, placing a hand on Cat's shoulder. "If we are here to talk of bravery, then you all need to acknowledge hers as well as Theresa's."

"What Cat also failed to tell you was how sick she had been in the week prior, and that she collapsed from mental and physical exhaustion after she saved the people she could, including Lydia and another mother," Sebastian added. "Did we miss anything?" He asked Brady and Ryan.

"She has Tater royal blood, she's a long-lost princess or something," Ryan said, thinking about all he knew. "She chose to stay here though, rather than take her place among them."

"I doubt Theresa will take up the mantle again. Her injuries are going to require a lot of rehabilitation," Isaiah said.

"I don't have anything to add," Brady said. "I will point out, however, that we all already think of Cat as the mother. If she truly was worried that you wouldn't believe her version of events, then shame on you all," Brady shook his head at Anna, who said nothing and took the silent chiding from her son for not being more supportive of Cat.

"Thank you, gentlemen, we are sorry to have interrupted your day with women's business," Sonya said, dismissing Brady's concerns and hopefully the men from the circle. "Of course, we believe her. Why wouldn't we?"

"Why, indeed?" Brady asked, frowning.

"It's a hard story to tell,and even harder to hear for some people," Cat said. "Thank you for coming and being so supportive," Cat said, embracing them all and kissing their cheeks. "I just needed you to agree that Theresa was heroic in the face of evil men when I told the ladies. She was so quiet and unassuming here amongst us that it would be difficult for anyone to believe. I guess it just shows that it's the quiet ones we have to watch out for," she gave a small laugh. "You don't need to hear about balls and charity events and all that boring stuff," Cat said. "Oh, Thomas, Lisa has little goodie baskets for Zion and Ricco. Could you drop them downstairs at the offices for me?"

"If they make it that far," Thomas chuckled.

"There are goodie baskets for each of you too, if you want them," she grinned as if talking to little boys instead of grown men.

"I'm going over to Zion's place anyway, so I'll take his," Brady offered. The men jostled each other as they headed for the kitchen and Lisa's prised treats.

"Now, Ladies," Cat said quietly. "Starting today, there are going to be some changes to the way we do things as a group. It is a new era, and a new generation is coming into power, and you can either get off the bus and enjoy the scenic tour or buckle up and hang on for the ride." Cat's voice held steely determination as she looked at Sonya, daring her to make her challenge.

"If I may," Kari cut into the tension before things got out of hand. "If you challenge Cat today," her voice became steely, "You will be challenging the current leaders of our family, including the Chair and the Oracle. And while Cat wouldn't be happy for them to interfere in women's business, I have no such compunction. If you challenge their authority, I will tell them that you dismissed the Mother of the table in favour of your own agenda. Let's not forget who put them and Cat in the positions they hold. Do you believe Salvatore would be happy that you went against his wishes? Or Cosimo? Or any of your husbands? Think carefully, ladies, before you speak today."

"So, you would threaten us to remain silent and let Catriona destroy all of our hard work?" Sonya glared at Kari.

"Not at all, I am sure there will be a healthy and sometimes heated debate during this meeting, but I know that Cat will listen to all the points of view instead of trying to impose her own on others. Who here could say that about you?" Kari said, not backing down.

"The matter is simple, ladies," Ruth stood and went to stand with her daughter-in-law. "It is time for us to be sharing our knowledge and experience with the new generation, working with them and encouraging the things they want to do to lead our family forward. It might be a little sooner than we reckoned, but we will always have a place here, as our mothers did before us." She guided Kari back to her seat, concerned that Sonya may lash out at her.

"This is ridiculous, you all know it! She is an uneducated daughter of a whore who didn't even know who the father was! She cannot lead our family!" Sonya spat disgustedly. "I won't stand for it!"

"Then you will stand alone," Angela said sadly. "Did you not hear our sons speak? Did you not see the loyalty and love she already inspires in the next generation of our table?"

"It's okay, Angela," Cat spoke softly. "Most of what she said was true, except the part about my father. You know Aria didn't like me either when we first met because of my lack of education, but she got to know me and realised that it wasn't because I was stupid, I just didn't have the same opportunities as she did growing up. But, as I said, I learn quickly, and, as I am the one with the most recent history lesson, I will remind you of something... The original twelve men who came together to build the tables, as we know them today, were each the son of a nobleman and a whore. Everybody in this room is descended from a whore. So if you think you have insulted me, Sonya, think again."

"That's hardly the point here," Sonya said condescendingly. "The point is that you have neither the pedigree nor the understanding of what we do to be able to lead this group."

"Again, you are probably right, but I have a wealth of experience to guide me, because I would like to use my new position to help girls like me, so they aren't judged so harshly because of pasts that weren't of their own making. It wasn't my fault that my education was lacking, or what my mother's occupation was, and it's unfair to judge me based on that alone," Cat explained part of her own agenda.

"You can take the whore out of the slum, but she is still a whore! Just look at the Kept we train!" Sonya sneered, not hiding what she really thought of Cat and subtly calling her a whore.

"I think, perhaps, you should go, Sonya, because you aren't going to like anything else I have to say today, if that is truly how you feel," Cat sighed.

"I will not!" Sonya hissed. "You have no right to ask me to leave!"

"Actually, I do, even though I would rather not, but I don't want to argue with you, Sonya. I truly hope that one day we can work together, but today is not that day," Cat remained calm in the face of Sonya's anger. "Oh, good, you're here," Cat turned and spoke softly to Bradbury. "Could you please escort Mrs. Sonya Vitali from the penthouse?"

"Of course, Mrs. Vitali," Bradbury said, and moved toward Sonya, who looked at him as if he had gone mad thinking she could be thrown out of this meeting. "Your son, Sebastian, is still here and waiting in Matteo's office, he would like to see you before you leave," Bradbury said when he was close enough to say the words without the whole room hearing. "It would be better if you came with me now."

"This isn't over!" Sonya spat. "I deserve more respect than this! I have been leading this group for years without anyone challenging me! You have no idea who you are messing with, and there will be consequences!"

"Does anyone else feel the same way?" Cat asked. "There won't be any hard feelings if you choose to leave today, though your experience will be missed greatly, as will Sonya's."

"I'd be interested to know how you will help girls from underprivileged backgrounds like your own," Anna said, sitting back more firmly in her chair. "Wouldn't you, Angela?" she asked the woman who had been Sonya's lacky for so long.

"I think I would," Angela nodded and picked up her teacup. "But first I would like to know what we will be doing to help Theresa once she returns home to us." The story of Theresa's bravery in the face of her own imminent death had shaken Angela to her core and made her brave enough to stand up to Sonya for the first time since Maria's death.

"My thoughts exactly," Cat said with a wide smile for the woman.


"She gave you a fucking history lesson from our own history!" Salvatore raged at his wife. "And you fucking called her a whore!" He was beyond angry. "You implied the mother of our table was no better than a Kept!"

"You have no business watching that meeting! Men are not allowed to interfere with what goes on in the Women's Circle!" Sonya seethed in return, as if the other men were not there witnessing the argument.

"Not allowed?" It was Ricco who raised his voice, coming to his feet. "Show me the law that prohibits us from any woman's business! Did you learn nothing from what happened to Carmen Donati? She thought she knew better than everyone else too! We have every right to view any meeting involving our family! Are you being influenced by the Suebi too? Because I can think of no other reason for your total and absolute disregard of all our laws and traditions!"

Ricco had called all of the older men to this meeting, and despite an unspoken tradition of not interfering in women's business they had sat together to watch the first meeting of the Women's Circle that Catriona would Chair. Ricco, Matteo, and the five men, including Sebastian, who had been invited to the meeting for Cat's opening speech, sat with them.

"Think carefully before opening your mouth, woman!" Salvatore warned his wife.

"If everyone could just sit down," Matteo said calmly. It was rare to see Ricco so angry, and gave him a rare chance to play good cop. "I understand finding us all here, and watching, is probably a bit of a shock, Zia," Matteo said, getting a spare chair and placing it at the table beside his own chair. "Please, come and sit down and I will explain why we are here."

"Thank you, Matteo, at least someone has remembered their manners," Sonya said, also calming down.

"You understand that every man in this room acknowledges that I am the Chair of the Vitali now. Roberto is dying, Stefano is on borrowed time; and, now, whether we want to admit it or not, Theresa will never be the same and has enough to deal with without having to lead the Women's Circle, so Catriona must step up, just as I have and Ricco has. Just as your sons have too," Matteo began. "It certainly wouldn't help to keep the table unified if Frankie decided, that because he had always led in Roberto's absence in the past, that he should lead for me instead of supporting me and giving me the wisdom of his advice. Can you see that?"

"Yes, but that is different, you grew up in the family with all our laws and traditions," Sonya said as if talking to a small child who didn't understand the bigger situation.

"You know that Cat has had to prove herself to Stefano and Roberto, to the thirteenth table and to each man on our table, and none of them made it easy for her. Still, she has proven time and time again that she is more than able to take her place at my side. I wouldn't have been given the Chair had she not proven herself to everyone who asked it of her. You are here by birthright, you have never had to prove your love of or loyalty to our family, and judging by your actions today you have failed to prove either. Can you see that and why these men are angry with you?" Matteo asked.

Sonya mulled over his words and said nothing, as she considered the type of trial Catriona would have had to go through was not some simple matter as she had done as a teenager. If the Thirteenth had demanded it, she would have had to undergo a complete trial at the hands of the Battaglia masters.

"You have tossed aside not only their judgement but the judgement of the Thirteenth Table, and insulted them by doing so. Cat has earned the right to lead, not only the Women's Circle, but this family, because she's been prepared to sacrifice so much for this family, including her own life when confronted by armed men in the Kimberly. If not for her and Ricco, far more people would have died on that day, and I doubt you will find one person amongst any of the Tables leaders who believe she is anything but the best of us," Matteo let his voice trail off. "Would you have us and them believe that you are better? More capable? More loyal? When the first time you are asked to be loyal to the decisions made by the table you ignore them to further your own agenda? You see how this looks, don't you?"

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