Woman Power Ch. 02

"You seem preoccupied tonight" Debbie said to Jessica at one point on Saturday evening.

That was when Jessica knew she better stop thinking about everything so much and start concentrating on being out with Debbie and Craig. "I don't mean to be, it's just that I'm a little tired and still a bit hungover" she replied, after which she gave Debbie a very watered-down version of her evening at Trina's house the night before. And after that she gave most of her attention to the typical two-couples out for dinner and drinks night that was going on, although the occasional peek at Debbie's cleavage and the almost indescribable power it represented also stayed on her mind. It had just become too damned big of a thing for Jessica to not be very aware of.

It was a most unusual night for one particular married couple later on when Jessica and Robby got home. Up in their bedroom she waited for him to come out of the shower, knowing that he'd probably be naked and towel-drying himself like he always did. And she was looking forward to that, but not for a reason that anyone would have called normal.

When Robby returned from his shower, naked and still drying himself, Jessica was all but staring at his genitals and thinking, with growing arousal, about how they actually now looked to her like a guy's own symbols of being the one who "had to ask permission". She tried to keep the grin off of her face as she checked out Robby's rather tiny and flacid penis. At that moment it was so small that it didn't have any "hang" to it but just kind of pointed outward a few inches. It almost looks pathetic, thought Jessica as her nipples became erect in seconds.

She was wearing one of her sheer babydoll nighties, a nice feminine pink one. Guaranteed to have Robby "wanting it", which was how she needed him to be. It would feel that much more authoritative to refuse his overtures, such as they were, if she had him good and hot for her. The more a guy wants it, reasoned Jessica, the greater impression it would make on him to hear his wife say "No".

After looking his soon-to-be-rejected penis over, Jessica's eyes moved slightly lower. To that bulb-like shape below Robby's little dick. His balls. The nerve center of his own male weakness. From their bed, where Jessica ever so casually lounged with an open book, her nipples teasingly visible to him through the thin veil-like fabric of her pink nightie while Robby moved about as he prepared to come to bed, she was looking at his puny sac as often as she could without him noticing. And she was completely unable to prevent visions of her own knee slamming into that silly looking thing. Squashing it and its contents against his pelvis. Sending shock waves of male agony throughout his body. Showing him who had all the power around there. Convincing Robby of it with no room for any doubt.

I could do it with one little effortless jab of my knee! This thought absolutely mesmerized Jessica as she furtively eyed her husband's scrotum, finally seeing it for the bullseye that it so clearly was. And it looked like one, too! Once she allowed herself to dare think about it in such terms, Robby's scrotum actually looked just like a fucking target down there between his legs! Hanging there, front and center, in a location that couldn't have been more convenient! Just waiting to be nailed by a nice, authoritative knee!

Like Trina did to Brian! She had used his testicles for a bit of womanly target practice and taught him a valuable lesson at the same time.

As it turned out, Jessica had to excuse heself to the bathroom before she and Robby retired for the night, for she was by then far too turned on to simply say no to him and go to sleep. First she had to get herself off in the bathroom to relieve some of the pressure. This was a good decision too, for when she came back and found her husband all settled in bed and waiting for her, she had no interest at all in sexual activity of any kind. Jessica had just finished enjoying a nice climax with herself in the bathroom while running water to cover it up, and she couldn't wait for Robby to try "getting something started" so she could tell him and that wimp of a cock to forget it.

And as Jessica disappointed him, she did so while again thinking about that "target" between his legs. And how the fact that men had those things made them total doormats of women in so many ways. Men probably never gave a thought to how lucky they were any time their balls were "within easy range" and a woman resisted the temptation.

Robby was quite disappointed, too. Especially after seeing Jessica in that skimpy nightgown of hers. He had, of course, worn that thing himself a few times when she wasn't home, but he sure didn't look like she did in it. But seeing her walking around in that nightie for a while before bed, he naturally assumed that "it was on for tonight". Why else would a woman put a sexy thing like that on?

When Jessica came to bed, she didn't know it because he had the sheets over himself, but Robby had an erection that, while nothing impressive, was still very eagerly looking forward to entering the warm wet softness of his wife. His penis had been throbbingly hard when she told him she was "too tired", and as Jessica turned over with a complete lack of interest and went to sleep, Robby was left to lay there on his back with a very stiff but rejected cock that had been denied permission to enter Little Lovely.

He wasn't smart enough to realize it yet, but being refused in bed was a good lesson for a guy. It taught him that he had no right to take a thing like sex for granted. The fact that more men did take it as a given than otherwise made it an even more valuable lesson when a woman caused a guy to "strike out" in the bedroom.

But there definitely were advantages to having a wimp like Robby for a husband, and his wife was finding it rather delightful to finally see this. He didn't suspect for one minute that the refusal of Jessica had been a very big symbolic gesture on her part. One that she considered a demonstration of the female as the obviously stronger sex since women were the ones who decided yes or no in bed. More than that, Jessica also saw deliberately turning Robby down as a kind of "salute to the sisterhood of women", which anything penisless definitely was. And she made sure that it was a very penisless night in her and Robby's bed that night.

As Jessica turned on her side and began drifting off to sleep after putting Robby in his place like that, she also smiled to herself about what a kick in the balls it truly was to turn one's own husband down in bed for reasons that pertained only to women and the undeniable authority that they had. In her own way, what she had just done was meant to be her own private way of giving that sac she was looking at earlier a good flattening with her knee. Robby didn't suffer one fraction of what he would have had she done it for real, but in Jessica's mind, by saying no to him tonight, that was exactly what she was doing. Sending her knee right into Robby's sorry little wimpy-looking nut-sac.

Too many women apparently had no clue about how powerful it could feel to do a thing like that, thought Jessica as she went to sleep that night. They couldn't possibly know! Because if they did, you wouldn't hear half the stories about guys treating women like shit the way they so often did. If women used a different approach, a more aggressive one, men wouldn't dare be as out of line as they were. If the first method didn't work - the symbolic knee in the groin - , well then you could always "do a Trina" and use the real thing to straighten a guy out! It even occurred to Jessica that this new way of seeing things felt extremely pro-woman, and a thing like that seemed so fucking overdue!

And it wasn't even something as shallow as simple bitchiness either! It was an attitude which women would inevitably need to adopt if they ever expected to put an end to all the shit that men subjected them to. This was another thing Jessica was slowly realizing. That to think in the sort of terms that she was beginning to, thanks to Trina, was so much more than when you heard somebody say "Oh, she's such a bitch!". There was, Robby's wife now knew, a vast difference between some chick who was a "bitch" for no apparent reason and one who was finding in herself a totally female-oriented way of thinking.

On the surface, all a thing like this would look like was typical bitchiness, but it carried so much more meaning than that! At times, Jessica felt almost overwhelmed by all the things she was thinking about after having run into Trina the other night. But the main idea was that "being a bitch" could simply mean being "all female" for a change and not kissing up to men as if they were so fucking great or something.

Which they weren't, in Jessica's mind. Certainly not after finding out how it felt to have another woman make love to her the way Trina had done. That by itself was causing men to lose more ground in Jessica's opinion than they would ever themselves be able to comprehend.

It had turned into a very long but exciting and fulfilling weekend for her, that much was for sure! And Robby, as Jessica now felt was appropriate, didn't have a clue. She liked it this way. Men not knowing anything about what was happening right under their noses. Sooner or later he'd have to find out that his wife had become a very different person, but Jessica thought that she'd know how to handle this when the time came. Until then, a little pussywhipping here and there, and refusing sex often enough to firmly establish that it was indeed her privilege as a woman to do so should be sufficient in her house.

Which is not to say that a married woman like Jessica could just suddenly start being a completely different person and start treating her own husband entirely differently without a whole lot of misgivings running through her mind. It was really much more complicated than this.

First there had been that wild Friday night with Trina, during which time Jessica had found herself juiced up on wine and saying some fairly derogatory things about the guy she was married to. Then she came home Saturday in a mood to pretend she had a whip in her hand as she followed Robby around, giving him household jobs to do.

Going out with Debbie and Craig that evening and sitting there looking at Debbie's cleavage and thinking some more bitchy thoughts.

Coming home with a deliberate plan to refuse Robby in bed, just because Jessica was the woman and had this privilege. Masturbating in the bathroom just prior to turning him down because of how worked up she had gotten herself by thinking of his nuts as a "target" that was in such an easy to reach spot. And then saying "No" when her husband "wanted it".

All of this did happen, but when Jessica got up on Sunday morning she found herself thinking that she should maybe "cool it" a while and not let the whole thing get too carried away. For none of the things she'd done or been thinking since Friday night were ordinary for her. Not at all, and Jessica even felt a little weird about it on Sunday.

The fact that she had said no to Robby in bed for the very first time without any better reason than that she "wanted to" seemed a bit shocking in the light of day so to speak. And there were all the other things, too.

As Jessica and her husband had coffee and read the Sunday paper like thousands of average couples were doing at the same time all over town, she could hardly get over how she had actually been looking at poor Robby's balls the night before and thinking what she had been. What the hell is with me all of the sudden? wondered Jessica. How could I possibly just start getting such cunty ideas in such a short time? When she thought about the past two days, it did, in fact, seem quite strange and even kind of crazy.

Not knowing how to deal with this, she made up her mind to "act normal" today and see if all that other shit turned out to be nothing but a temporary and not realistic state of mind.

"We should call your mom and see what they're doing today" Jessica prodded her husband, who even needed a push to do things like that. "Maybe they'd like some company."

Robby thought that this might be a good idea, but of course he wanted Jessica to make the call.

Such a child, thought his wife as she picked up the phone. But she was going to try to stop thinking about all that, and especially the crazier stuff about balls and pussywhipping. There was even a bit of guilt creeping up when she recalled Friday night at Trina's and thought about the way she had so purposely planned on refusing Robby in bed last night.

They ended up going over to Robby's parent's house and having a casual lunch around two o'clock, which Jessica felt happy about because it got her mind back on being their son's wife and off of everything else she had been thinking about. While she and Robby were over there the events of Friday and Saturday all seemed like some weird dream or something. It wasn't as if Jessica was now "back to normal" and completely like she had been before running into Trina, but she definitely needed the distraction of something nice and ordinary like lunch with the in-laws to get her mind away from all that other shit for a while.

And it worked, at least to a point. For the rest of the weekend and into the following week Jessica more or less went back to being her usual self. But it only lasted until she and Robby had sex a few nights later. Once again he was a total wimp about it and accomplished nothing other than to have Jessica thinking about what a nuisance his little dick was and how all it did was squirt that mess for her to go clean up after without doing anything else for her at all.

He does absolutely nothing for me in bed, thought Jessica in the bathroom after her husband had finished his short task and rolled over contentedly, leaving her to go wash up. And after all the wimpiness of his that I put up with, too. While feeling this way after sex with Robby was nothing new, Jessica felt something different this time. And it surprised her, although later on she realized that it perhaps shouldn't have. She felt kind of glad that it wasn't anywhere as good with him as it had been with Trina last Friday night.

I actually didn't want it to be as good, she caught herself thinking as she came back to bed after a visit to the bathroom.

Getting into bed next to an already snoring Robby, his wife was recalling something she and Trina had discussed on Friday night; that thing about only really needing men for their sperm when children were wanted. Right at that moment Jessica knew that this could certainly be true for some women, for she herself now saw very little point in dealing with that mess Robby made when he ejaculated into her.

Why would I want to put up with that on top of everything else, she was asking herself as she settled into bed. Sex that wasn't the least bit satisfying but also left her full of semen that she had no use for, since she knew darn well now that she wasn't about to have a child with this guy next to her. So what was the point of even letting Robby have sex? She was the woman and she was the one who could decide about that. Maybe they were married, but he still couldn't do a thing without her consent. Thinking about this again started getting Jessica kind of hot as she lay in bed beside her sleeping husband.

But then, if I don't allow sex, why bother staying married to the guy at all? The answer to this, however, had more to do with his parents and the rest of the family as well. They all got along so great together and the thought of doing something as drastic as deciding to dump Robby would, Jessica knew very well, cause a whole lot of trouble between herself and certain family members. This might be unavoidable at some future time but right now she didn't feel anywhere near to being ready for a major thing like that.

Which wasn't a good reason to stay married and never had been, but Jessica's marriage itself wasn't so much a problem as it was simply an embarrassment and rather frustrating for her most of the time. When she wasn't dealing with Robby's total wimpiness around the house, she was dealing with it in the bedroom, like she just had tonight, and she knew that sooner or later she would need to do something about it. But for the present, Jessica thought that it might help her a lot if she kept in touch with Trina. Maybe she could start seeing her on the side. And there was that exciting expression again, right back in her mind. Penisless sex.

That had to be at the root of it all, she suspected. The fact that certain feelings inside her had been allowed to "come out of the closet" last week Friday. Feelings that were not going to go away, as Jessica could now see. All the visits to in-laws and family in the world weren't going to distract her from knowing how much she had enjoyed it with another woman. And that she was even kind of "missing" Trina now after some time had gone by. As Jessica went to sleep after another less than terrific performance by Robby in bed, this was what was on her mind. She wanted to see Trina again.

Which happened on Friday, one week after meeting her at the mall. This time Jessica had called her old friend during the week and found to her own delight that Trina was free on Friday and very interested in having Jessica over again. So taking advantage of being married to a wimp - and Jessica was aware of how this did give her more freedom than other married woman usually had - she made up some bullshit story for him about how she was going over to Trina's to help her sew a dress for a wedding. A nice "chick" excuse that most guys paid very little attention to once it had been given.

"I guess you'll be drinking again" said Robby, sounding every bit like the class nerd who put alcohol right up there with all the "bad" things. He didn't even sound like an adult when he said that, thought his wife. But it did give her an idea and it was too good to miss. Robby himself had paved the way.

"We probably will drink some wine tonight" Jessica replied. "And thanks for reminding me - I really should pack an overnight bag since I'll probably end up staying overnight again."

Just like that. Jessica hadn't even thought about doing anything like taking a bag along but after Robby mentioned drinking right away she went upstairs and put some things into her overnight case and told her husband that she'd call and let him know if she was staying over.

Robby felt a sudden wave of jealously sweep over him at how readily his wife ran up and packed that bag before going over to that Trina chick's place. She seemed a little too eager about the prospect of spending the night at her girlfriend's again but because he didn't have it in him to try objecting to this, all he could do was watch Jessica hurry out the door to her car, all prepared to stay the night at Trina's. Jealous about feeling so left out. But Robby learned something at the same time - a guy could actually get an erection over such a thiing.

By the time Jessica arrived at Trina's, her husband was up in their room, pulling on a pair of her pantyhose. He was pretending that he was a woman on her way to spend a whole night with a girlfriend. His jealousy increased, along with his arousal. Women could be so tight with each other sometimes, a thing which Robby sort of knew that guys could never experience. They couldn't make a call about getting together and right away be packing things to spend the night. A thing like that wouldn't look right. It would look queer. But when a woman did it she was just being a woman.

Not an hour after his wife left the house, Robby was wandering around in Jessica's panties, her pantyhose and even one of her bras. Jealous about female friendships but also very much turned on by them.

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