Young Wolves Ch. 11

A deep growl rumbled out of Mike at the mention of Camille being tied up. Tyler glanced at Mike before turning his attention back to Cameron.

"I see you brought some back up," Tyler said. "And he's an Alpha as well."

"You have some new friends yourself," Cameron said indicating the vampires. The vampires gazed at Cameron as though they weren't interested in the slightest.

Tyler glanced at the vampires and Cameron was sure he saw a hint of regret on Tyler's face before he turned back to Cameron. "There were supposed to be three, but only two showed up," he said.

A faint hope sprouted in Cameron. If Tyler was regretting his deal with the vampires maybe there was a way out of this.

"Tyler," Cameron said carefully, "Despite our differences, we are both werewolves. These creatures with you are our enemies, and the enemies of all living things. It's not too late, Tyler. We can let go of this hatred we have for each other. Join Mike and me and let's kill these abominations. We can work out our differences peacefully after they are dead."

The vampires didn't react noticeably but their attention seemed to subtly shift from Cameron and Mike to Tyler.

"It takes three or more werewolves to kill a single Vampire, Cameron," Tyler said. "Besides you have no idea why I am doing this. You couldn't possibly understand."

"Maybe I would understand if you talked to me about it," Cameron said, "And you are wrong about one thing. I killed the other vampire, one on one, last night in the woods. He must have been on his way here."

Both vampires hissed at this news. "You lie," the shorthaired one spat.

Cameron ignored the vampire and kept his eyes locked on Tyler. He saw doubt, hope, fear, anger, and even sadness flicker across Tyler's face before his features settled in an expression of resentment. Cameron's hopes crashed.

"Enough," Tyler said, "Reed, you have taken from me and now I am going to take everything from you."

Tyler took a step toward Cameron and shifted to half wolf. The vampires spread out to the side one preparing to attack Mike and the other ready to assist where needed. Cameron and Mike shifted to half wolf and prepared to fight. The sound of a car coming up the broken road to the house made everyone pause.

"That's just John and Allan bringing my other surprise for you Cameron." Tyler growled through his muzzle. "I sent them to bring your mother and your precious Sarah."

"Tyler you're a fucking bastard," Cameron growled.

Suddenly Tyler looked confused, and Cameron looked around trying to determine what had distracted Tyler. Then he realized that he could here more than one car coming down the road. In fact, he could hear several car engines.

The werewolves and the vampires stood frozen as seven black sedans pulled into the clearing and parked in a semicircle around them. The cars headlights shone blindingly on them, making it impossible to see who was driving them. The engines began shutting off but the headlights remained on flooding the area with light. Car doors began opening and several shapes piled out into the clearing and began spreading out surrounding Cameron, Tyler, and the others.

Cameron didn't understand what was happening. He watched the shadowy figures spread out and surround them on three sides leaving only the old house as a possible escape route. He glanced at Tyler and saw that he was just as surprised as Cameron was. Suddenly he began picking up the scents of werewolves and lots of them, many of which were Alphas.

Realization hit him. Their secret was out. Tyler's father and the rest of the Alpha council had come to deal with them at last.

Cameron caught his mother's scent and sucked in a surprised breath. He looked around wildly, trying in vain to find her through the glare of the headlights. He also thought he smelled Trish, and if she were here then the others would be as well. If the people he loved were here, escape was out of the question.

Escape became a moot point as four werewolves including two Alphas leapt onto the porch blocking the vampires who had turned as if they were going to flee into the house. The bloodsuckers cast their heads around wildly looking for another way out and then stopped and stood perfectly still when they realized they were trapped.

As one, the werewolves surrounding them moved forward into the light. There were over twenty of them and Sharon, Sarah, Jenifer, Beth, Trish, John, and Allan were each being held by a werewolf on each side.

Sarah looked terrified. His mother and the others looked worried, all except Beth who struggled mightily against her captors, thrashing with everything she had until the big werewolf on her left twisted her arm behind her back and she cried out in pain.

"Beth," Cameron shouted, "Stop fighting." He resumed his human form and Mike followed his lead.

She instantly stopped and the big wolf glanced at Cameron and let her arm out from behind her back. She sagged between her captors panting for breath.

"Mom," Cameron said, "Is everyone all right?"

"Yes, we're okay," she said but her voice trembled.

"Let them go," Cameron barked at the assembled werewolves but they ignored him.

He heard two car doors open and close in the darkness. The line of werewolves parted and a tall Alpha that looked to be in his late forty's with dark hair graying at the temples, and wearing an expensive black suit walked into the lighted area. He was followed by Karen who moved up and stood beside him. The wall of werewolves closed behind them.

Cameron looked at Karen questioningly.

"You never said specifically that I couldn't call him," she said and looked up adoringly at the Alpha that could only be her mate, Samuel.

The distinguished looking Alpha ran his eyes over Cameron and Mike, and then Tyler before focusing his attention on the vampires. "What do we have here?" he asked in a deep voice that echoed with authority.

"Father, I can explain," Tyler sputtered as he resumed his human form.

Samuel held up a finger to silence Tyler. "In a moment," he said, "First things first, kill these," he paused as though searching for a word bad enough for the vampires. "Things."

Every werewolf that wasn't holding a captive changed to half wolf and began slowly closing in on the vampires. Their low growls filled the night with malice as they stalked their pray.

"You filthy dogs," the longhaired vampire said as he moved back to back with the other vampire. "You are all going to die. Our brothers are coming soon and we will feast on the blood of your women and children."

Howls sundered the night as the werewolves leapt on the vampires. It was over in less than a minute, but the carnage stood testament to the viciousness of the battle. Several wounded werewolves lay on the ground whimpering while the others panted for breath.

The remains of the vampires were spread on the ground. Scattered from the explosion of violence. Severed heads, arms, and legs lay grotesquely among strings of entrails, and their Acrid black blood covered the grass.

"Now," Samuel said as the wounded were being helped to the rear. "Tyler, care to explain why I find you allied with vampires against those of your own kind?" He turned to his son and focused the full weight of his commanding presence, demanding an answer.

"Father, it's not what it looks like," Tyler said with the desperation of a man that knows his plans are unraveling.

"Really?" Samuel said with a raised eyebrow, "That's not what your mother and these others say." he gestured toward the captives.

Tyler pointed at Cameron franticly. "It's all his doing," he yelled, "He made this pack and raped mother, and now he has commanded them to lie to you."

"That's not true, sir," Cameron sputtered in indignation.

Samuel turned his attention to Cameron and started to speak but Tyler interrupted him.

"Shut up!" he screamed at Cameron. "Shut your fucking mouth, you fucking liar."

Cameron needed to stop this accusation immediately if he wanted any chance of saving them, "Karen, Jenifer, Beth, Trish, as your Alpha I command you to answer any questions this man asks you with complete honesty," Cameron said loudly indicating Samuel.

Samuel studied Cameron for a moment as though reluctant to hear the truth, for it meant confirming the guilt of his own son. He finally raised his voice. "Is what you told us earlier about my son and this boy Cameron Reed the truth?" he asked.

"I'm sorry Samuel, but it's all true." Karen said, a tear escaping her eye and running down her cheek. The girls quickly added their agreement.

Seeing his gamble was lost, Tyler panicked. "I'll fucking kill you," he screamed, and launched himself at Cameron in one last desperate act. Cameron prepared to defend himself, but before Tyler reached him, two large werewolves blocked Tyler's path. He snarled at them but stopped his advance.

"What happened to you, son?" Samuel asked , showing the first sign of emotion. "Why would you do these things?"

"What do you care?" Tyler spat. "You have never cared what happened to me or my mother."

Samuel flinched, "That's not true, son. I have always loved you both."

"Liar!" Tyler shouted. "If you loved us so much why do we live out here away from you? You never paid any attention to what I do. Well Dad, are you paying attention now? Are you?"

Samuel only gaped at Tyler as though he didn't know what to say. Regret tore through him. Regret for having allowed his responsibilities as Governor of the Alpha council and his turbulent relationship with Karen to have kept him from him his son. Who clearly had needed him more than he realized.

"Sir," Cameron said to Samuel, distracting him from his thoughts, "Tyler has my sister tied up inside. Could you please send someone in to untie her?"

Samuel nodded and one of the werewolves trotted into the house and returned a moment later with Camille. She looked scared and little disheveled, but didn't seem to have been hurt.

She blinked trying to adjust her eyes to the light and stared around in confusion until her eyes found Cameron and Mike. "You came for me," she cried and then fell to her knees sobbing.

"Camille!" Mike shouted and ran to her. A few werewolves blocked his path until Samuel waved them back. Mike fell to his knees and took Camille in his arms and she wept onto his shoulder.

John also tried to go to her but his captors held him fast. He snarled viciously until he saw Camille throw her arms around Mike. The pain that hit his heart at their embrace was so palpable he staggered. Hope blazed in him when her eyes met his and then that hope burned out when she buried her face into Mike's shoulder.

"Thank you, sir," Cameron said relieved that Camille was relatively unhurt.

Samuel didn't respond immediately "What am I to do with you and your little rouge pack?" he asked finally.

Cameron took a deep breath and decided to take a gamble of his own. "May I speak, sir?" Cameron asked.

"You may."

"As you know from what your mate and my girls told you, none of us asked to be werewolves with the exception of Mike, who I turned so he could help rescue my sister, the girl he loves. With that in mind, I would like to respectfully request that my pack and I be allowed to join your nation and take our place as lawful members. I formally request a vote of the Alpha council, and if denied I would like to ask safe passage out of your territory for all of us."

"Well put, lad," an older Alpha with grizzled gray hair said from the ring of onlookers. Several of the others nodded but just as many scowled angrily.

"Did you really kill a vampire by yourself?" another younger werewolf called out and then was hushed by an Alpha standing next to him.

An excited buzz passed through the assembled werewolves as they waited for Cameron to answer. Cameron nodded, never taking his eyes off of Samuel. The buzz grew louder until one of the Alphas barked for silence.

"Very well," Samuel said. He felt a burgeoning respect for this young Alpha who had just effectively cornered Samuel into Calling for a vote. "Members of the council step forward."

Eleven Alphas stepped forward and joined Samuel making them twelve in number. Cameron's heart thumped in his chest. This was the moment that would decide their fates.

"Who will testify in support of Cameron Reed and his pack for admittance to the central territory?" Samuel asked formally.

"I will," the old gray haired Alpha who had spoken earlier said.

"Mathias Deeringwater testifies in support," Samuel said, "Proceed."

The old werewolf made a great show of limping into the center of the ring of Alphas. When he began to speak his strong voice carried to all in the clearing.

"We, the council, have all heard the tale told by these lovely ladies," he said. "The tale of how this boy, Cameron Reed, has made decision after decision to help those in need and to protect the ones he loves. He faced the vilest of enemies, the vampire, and was victorious. He came here tonight with but one companion to face almost certain death to rescue his sister and to give his mother and the rest of his pack time to get to safety." He paused for affect and met the eyes of each member of the council. "I say," he continued, "That we couldn't ask for a braver and truer lad to join us." He fell silent and limped back to his place.

"Who opposes?" Samuel asked.

"I do," An Alpha in his mid thirties stomped forward with a scowl on his face.

"Arthur Treadwell testifies in opposition," Samuel said, "Proceed."

"The council did hear the story Mathias referred to, but he left out one detail. This boy Cameron Reed is an Alpha that was turned by that girl," he said, and pointed at Jenifer. "She is not pure born and she created an Alpha."

There were gasps among some of the werewolves watching while others looked confused, not knowing of the prophecy. Some among those who understood looked at Cameron with fear radiating from their eyes while others gaped at him in awe.

"We of the council know how dangerous letting this boy and his pack live could be. I say we kill them all." He stepped back.

Cameron looked at Jenifer in bewilderment. What did Jenifer turning him have to do with anything? She shrugged back at him, not understanding either.

"Rebuttal?" Samuel asked.

Mathias moved back to the center of the Alphas. "Only this," he said, "It is just as dangerous to kill him as it is to let him live. Remember there are two possible outcomes. Can we afford to take the risk by killing him?" He stepped back.

Cameron was bewildered. He had no idea what they were talking about. He didn't want to reveal his ignorance, so stayed quiet. He would ask his questions later, if he survived.

"Arguments have been heard," Samuel said, "I call for a vote. Yes for admittance and No for refusal."

One at a time, the Alphas cast their vote. When only Samuel remained to cast his vote it stood six against Cameron and five for him. All eyes turned to Samuel. Being the Governor of the Alpha council his vote counted as two. On his vote rested Cameron and his loved one's fates.

Samuel looked sadly at Tyler for a moment. Tyler gazed back defiantly. Samuel sighed and turned to Cameron, his expression grave yet resigned. "I vote yes. The motion for admittance passes."

Cameron's legs almost buckled in relief.

"Release them," Samuel said.

Cameron's mother, Sarah, and the girls of his pack rushed to him and he took turns hugging and kissing them.

"Let it be known that pack Reed is now and forever a member of the Central Territory with all the rights and privileges that come with it."

"Wait," Cameron said, "What privileges are you talking about?"

"A seat on the Alpha council now belongs to you," Samuel said, "As well as a monthly stipend for your pack from our many business ventures to be used at your discretion."

"A stipend?" Cameron asked, "How much?"

"Five thousand dollars per pack member, but it comes with a price. Each member of your pack, after college, will be required to either contribute by working in one of our many businesses or create a new business to add to our wealth. This money is for you to maintain your pack. This is on top of any salaries you and your pack may earn."

"I understand, sir." Cameron said.

"Please, call me Samuel," he said. "Also, humans are not allowed to know of our existence so your mother and this girl," he said gesturing toward Sarah "Will have to be turned."

"Me?" Sharon asked, stunned. "I can't have sex with my own son."

Many of the werewolves laughed, and Sharon looked affronted, which made them laugh even harder.

"You misunderstand, Mrs. Reed," Samuel said, "Sex is only required when taking a woman from another Alpha. If Cameron is the one to turn you, he will be your Alpha."

"Well, that's okay then," she said a little sheepishly. "And it's Miss Reed or Sharon."

"Very well, Sharon, if you don't wish to be subservient to your son I would be happy to welcome you into my pack," Samuel said and smiled at her. He had not failed to notice that she was an attractive woman.

"Oh," she said blushing at the appreciative smile he was giving her. It had been a while since such a good-looking man had looked at her like that. "I will have to think about it."

"Of course," he said and turned back to Cameron. "One more thing, in capturing your pack we inadvertently caught your house on fire. I am sure it is burning to the ground even as we speak."

Cameron was stunned. Irrationally, he started calculating how fast he could get home, and actually took a step before realizing the house would be long gone before he got there.

"I am truly sorry about your personal belongings," Samuel said putting a hand on Cameron's shoulder. "But don't worry about where your going to live. I am taking Karen back with me where she should have been all along. So the mansion is yours now, for you and your pack to live in. I assume you have no objection to me reclaiming my mate?"

"Not at all," Cameron said, a little overwhelmed by Samuel's generosity.

Karen's face lit up at her mate's words until she heard Tyler's laughter.

"Fantastic," Tyler said when he stopped laughing, "Now you're taking my house from me too. At least I don't have anything else you can take."

"Wrong, Tyler," Cameron said, "There is still the matter of John and Allan. I promised to free them from you and that is what I intend to do."

"You will have to fight me for them," Tyler said defiantly.

"No, Tyler," Samuel said, "You are a criminal, and have obtained these pack members illegally. You will submit to Cameron and release those boys."

Tyler snarled in hatred. "Never!"

"Son, if you cooperate now it will help you when you are sentenced for your crimes." Samuel said, his voice softening.

"I will never submit to him. Never!" Tyler spat.

All the feelings of embarrassment, grief, and rage Samuel had been suppressing at his son's very public betrayal finally overcame him and exploded out of him. His face twisted in anger and he clinched his fists. "Then you will be made to submit," he roared, and many of the younger werewolves flinched.

Samuel gestured and several werewolves leapt forward and grabbed Tyler. Tyler struggled mightily but there were too many and they began forcing his head down toward Cameron's feet.

"Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr!" Tyler screamed in rage at being forced to submit to his hated enemy.

"Wait!" Cameron cried. They stopped forcing Tyler down but didn't let him up off his knees. Tyler stared up at Cameron with wild eyes, panting for breath.

"What is it Cameron?" Samuel asked.

"This doesn't seem right," he said. "If he is to submit to me, I want it to be because I earned it, not because he was forced."

Many of the Alphas present nodded in approval, even some of the ones who had voted against him.

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