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A Correspondence with Sharon Ch. 06


Part 6: A recent development changes the conversation.

This is the continuation of an email correspondence I had with a woman named Sharon Alderson. If you have not read the previous parts I suggest you go back and read from the beginning to get the full background. This conversation includes elements of wife swapping/sharing and group sex. If you don't approve of these behaviors then don't read on. Frankly I'm tired of receiving feedback from people that read every word and then call me a sick fuck.

Nov 11/01/08 8:05 PM


I said once that Jay was a bastard, but I was mistaken; he is a sadistic bastard. Some people just deserve to get their ass kicked for good measure. He's one of them.

I have been hesitating telling you this, but I have decided that I should. The reason I asked was because I ran across a couple of pictures on the Internet that I think might be some of the ones that Jay took of you nude. I was hoping that with a better picture of you I could make a positive identification without having to send them to you. If you wish I will send you one of the tamer ones for you to check out.

Your friend,


Nov 11/01/08 11:37 PM


Thank you for being honest but I wish you wouldn't get so upset. I'm long over my anger and that is the only reason I can tell you about these things. I do understand why it makes you angry, it is only a normal reaction by a normal person. Remember Jay, and the whole crew there for that matter were not what I would consider normal people. I'll get more into that another time.

I wish you would have told me that was the reason you wanted more pictures. It would have saved a lot of misunderstanding. I would appreciate it if you would send me all of the pictures you found. If they are me, I would like to know what is still out there. The other reason is that I can remember the ones Lee posted but Jay had taken hundreds of others. I am curious if others were posted after Lee posted the ones she put up. Jay may have even sold them. That I wouldn't doubt.

Please send what you have. I'm very curious and don't worry about how tame they are. After all, it is the really hard core ones I'm most interested in knowing about. I promise to be honest and tell you the truth about if they are me or not. I really suspect that they are.


Nov 11/02/08 6:33 PM


I'm am sorry for the angry response, as you said it is a normal response. However it was short lived and I should have waited to hit the Send button until after I realized that my anger was misplaced. I've read fictional accounts like yours, but I never thought they could actually happen in real life. It makes me wonder just what Chuck thought of the whole thing. I hope he didn't think places like that are normal, he sounded like a nice kid.

I have attached one of the pictures you found as requested. Hopefully it's not you.

Your friend,


Nov 11/03/08 9:55 PM

Hi Paul

I wanted to talk a minute about your reaction to the incident with Chuck.

You expressed anger over the way I was treated by Jay. I understand that but it is misplaced. The events I have been telling you about happened in my past and they are over. I didn't like what was happening then and even now don't understand why I let it go on. I can come up with reasons to justify my actions or in most cases inactions but I still can't come to terms with why I just didn't walk away. Unfortunately, looking back with clarity is much different then being faced with decisions as they are happening. When all of the excuses are exhausted, the cold fact remains, I made bad decisions.

Jay was a low life, a user, and generally a despicable person. He was also an opportunist. That is really the key here. If I did not give Jay the opportunity, nothing would have happened. Jay was wrong for taking advantage of the opportunity but it was me who left the door open. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not defending Jay. What I am trying to say is that it was my bad decisions that were as much at fault as he was. It took me a long time to come to terms with that.

Like anyone, I looked for someone else to blame my misfortune on. Lee and Jay were easy to blame. It took a lot of soul searching to realize that I was as much to blame as they were for what happened. Once I understood that, I stopped feeling sorry for myself knew I was just stupid. I made bad decisions. That was something I could deal with. We all made bad decisions.

There are really two things I wanted to relate to you here. Two things that I hope will help you control your temper and allow you to better understand what I'm telling you. The first thing was what I have already told you. Don't get angry with Jay over what happened. I was at fault too. The bottom line really is that I'm telling you about my past and not my present. What happened then is over, done, and no longer a factor in my life. There is no reason to get angry about it now because there is nothing either of us can do to change the past.

The other thing I wanted to tell you is about how I deal with telling you these things. We talked about this before. I try relating the events as I remember them from a third person standpoint. In other words, I'm telling you that I see Sharon as another person and not myself. I am not that Sharon any more and that makes it easier to tell about what happened to her. I still can't detach myself completely but I can do it enough to tell you about what happened.

I honestly think you need to do the same and separate the me you have grown to know from the Sharon of then. That Sharon was dumb, vulnerable, and made bad decisions. I am not that person now. The fact that this really happened is cause for anger but no longer a reason to be angry. Try looking at the Sharon of old as a character in one of your stories and not the Sharon who is writing you now.

The reason I felt a need to express this sentiment now is because I want to be able to tell you everything. What happened that night with Chuck was usury and it upset you. That incident was mild by comparison to other things that happened. If that upset you that much, it makes me hesitate to tell you other things. I have no desire to upset you but I do want to tell of the things that happened. My original worry was whether I could handle revisiting these things again. Now I have a concern about whether you can handle it. I think you can but I also feel you need to look at it differently.

VOTE tomorrow


Nov 11/04/08 8:17 PM


As I said in my previous email, my initial response was normal, but I should waited before replying and edited out the anger. I can't promise that I won't have the same reaction in the future, but I will suppress it in my emails. Again, be assured that such anger will be short lived and will have no long term impact on me. So, my dear lady, while I appreciate your concern for me, you don't need to worry. I can handle anything you can tell me.

And thanks for the reminder to vote, but it wasn't really needed. I take my civic duties very seriously.

Your friend,


Nov 11/08/08 5:30 PM


I haven't heard from you for a while. I hope you are all right.



Nov 11/11/08 8:21 AM


I've been dying to tell you this but there was that stupid modem and last night I didn't have enough free time. My husband kept walking in asking when I was going to be done playing on the computer. BTW, don't leave mail on top of your cable modem. It makes them over heat and not work.

I'll get back to Jay and Lee in the next e-mail. Right now, I want to tell you about a small party we went to Saturday night. The party was at Ron and Diane's house. Ron and my husband are fairly close friends and Diane was having a small birthday party for him. Those two idiots are golfing today (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?) Don't those courses ever close? I know Diane only socially from events we have attended. She always seemed nice.

There were only 5 couples invited and the party did not start until 9:00 or after their children went to bed. They have a lovely house (that I know you don't care about) with a large rec room in the basement. That was where the party was held. One thing I found interesting was this cute little pool table they had. It had no pockets and looked like a pinball machine. I forget what they called it. Anyway, the reason I brought that up was because of our recent exchange about strip pool. As soon as I saw it, I thought about that and facetiously wondered if strip pool was going to be part of the activities. Of course it wasn't. (At least not while I was there!)

As with most social gatherings, the activities mostly involved sitting around telling stories and drinking. The other couples were all 25-30 age group but we got along fine even though we were a bit older.

We were all just sitting around having a round table type discussion and briefly touching on several different subjects. It was fairly apparent to me that Diane and Sally had gotten an early start on the party. They clearly were very close friends and both were sloshed. Sally, I had not met before that night but I had never known Diane to drink very much and had never seen her drunk.

The conversation somehow got around to funny things that happened during our individual weddings. We all had some little humorous story to add. Diane stumbled through some little quip about her wedding and then mentioned that she was the maid of honor at Sally's wedding.

Sally then jumped in with "I'll tell you what she did at my wedding. She fucked my husband!" The room went dead silent.

Then Diane came back with "Well you were fucking my husband."

Now the husbands are both sitting right there. Ron seemed slightly annoyed at Diane but unphased by her remark. Bill, (Sally's husband) made a little joke by saying with a laugh "And she was pretty good too."

Me and the other two couples were pretty much speechless at that point. Then Bill hugged Sally and said "I couldn't wait for you honey."

Sally laughed and said "I couldn't either."

This was followed by Diane saying "I couldn't either." Then she said to Sally "I just had to try him out to make sure he was good enough for you."

None of the four of them seemed to be embarrassed in the least. The conversation was like they were trying to top one another with their comments.

One of the guys changed the subject to the football game that was on and everything seemed to settle down. With the guys talking football, The girls drifted to the kitchen for more important girl talk. I was expecting the usual type conversation, kids, clothes, and husbands. I was wrong.

The other 4 girls seemed to know each other fairly well. I was older and not part of their age group so I mostly just sat quietly while they talked. I was right about Diane and Sally. She had stopped earlier and they shared a bottle of wine. The conversation quickly turned sexual when Kelly asked Diane what she got Ron for his birthday. She snickered and said she already gave him his birthday blow job.

Then Sally said "You did too?" That brought another laugh. She added "What do you think I did while you were gone to pick up the cake."

They were saying these things jokingly but I detected a sense of seriousness. When asked, both Sally and Diane confirmed that the wedding story was true.

I was beginning to have some concerns about the real intent of this birthday party. Then Diane said that a little later she was hoping to have a "no holds barred" dancing in the dark. Kelly questioned the "no holds barred" part. Maybe I've been out of circulation too long but I didn't understand what she meant with any of this.

I asked "What's dancing in the dark? Is it a game or something?"

That got a little snicker before I got an answer. Sally then explained that the name was just what it was. All of the lights were turned out and everyone danced with who ever they found in the dark and you changed partners with every dance. I didn't need the no holds barred part explained.

To be honest, it did sound like fun. My biggest concern was my conservative husband. I might be game for it but I was certain he wouldn't be. We all agreed that it did sound like fun but Kelly and I had reservations. Kelly said she had never done anything like that before. I said that I would have to talk to my husband before agreeing. I was told that no one had to participate if they felt uncomfortable.

The husbands there were all good looking and I really wanted to participate. It made me horny just thinking about it. Kelly agreed to try it as long as it didn't go too far. That left me and I wanted to do it.

I decided to be practical and told then that I would need to talk to my husband at home about it and maybe the next time we got together we would participate. Everyone was OK with that. Diane made the comment that Ron would be disappointed because he was looking forward to dancing with me.

We left shortly after that to leave the other 4 couples to their games.


Nov 11/11/08 8:21 AM


I'm glad that it was just a computer problem; you had me a little worried. Sounds like you need to find a better place to put your mail.

As to Saturday night: Wow, we never get invited to parties like that! In fact, we hardly get invited to parties at all anymore. Do you think your husband knew that the party would get a little wild? If so, I wonder why he didn't say anything to you. I also think you are underestimating your husband. I'll bet he'd have liked to stay. You should talk to him about it, you might be surprised. I wonder how he would react if he knew that you wanted to stay.



Nov 11/13/08 9:52 PM


Just thought I would tell you that we don't really get invited to a lot of parties anymore either. I think that just happens from getting older.

As for the mail thing, I wonder if I could sue USPS for not having a warning message on the mail they delivered informing the public about the dangers of blocking air holes. Hey, it worked with the coffee at McDonalds!

Now back to the party. Before I get started I'm not sure if I told you that my husband now is named Joe. Yes, my first husband was named Joe too. I always refer to him as Joey because he was so immature. I avoided using his name in the story about the party because I didn't know if I ever told you that and I didn't want to confuse you.

Now about the party. Of course Joe and I talked about what happened that night after we left. He informed me that he knew before we even went that he knew the party would be interesting. After all, he and Ron are a lot closer friends then Diane and I were and the invite came thru Joe.

Ron had apparently informed Joe that some of his parties got a little wild and warned him about probable nudity. Joe had heard Ron talk about some of the parties he had held and went to in the past and was curious about what was really going on. He also knew that Diane got high and drunk before these parties.

Ok, Wife's view and bottom line. Joe was curious alright but it wasn't about what went on at those parties. Joe was curious about Diane's boobs and hard 25 year old body. When he heard about the nudity, he was thinking Diane. You guys tell these stories like you are so innocent. Ask your wife, we always know the truth.

Ok now that we all know the real reason Joe wanted to go to this party, I can continue. He told me that he didn't say anything about the party getting wild to me because he was afraid I would say no and he had already told Ron we would be there.

He said "With you being a teacher and all you probably wouldn't like a wild party."

If he only knew. He was right about the fact that I could get in trouble with the school board if word got out that I had been going to wild parties. There was a professional concern there but he said it like teachers, nuns, and librarians don't like to have fun. It made me think that maybe I had played up my good girl image a little too much with him.

I wasn't upset at all about his desire to see Diane's boobs. That is just being a normal guy with a middle age crisis. It did upset me that he thought I wouldn't enjoy the party if it got wild. Here I was worrying about that conservative idiot (Yes he voted for Bush both times) getting upset and I found out he wanted to go because he was worried about me being offended. I told you when I wrote about the party, that I was interested in participating. My only concern was Joe's reaction to some guy grabbing my butt or somewhere else. I guess I'm still learning about him.

We got home and went to bed. I was hoping he would fall asleep early so I could write you. He wanted to play and I'll take that any day over writing you. (no offense) We fooled around and talked more. (What is weird is that I feel completely comfortable telling you about what went on in bed with my husband) I told Joe about the kitchen conversation and the "dancing in the dark" that was to happen. He told me that the guys had a similar conversation. It was explained to him that all of the women got felt up by all of the men but little more happened. I told him I had assumed that from our conversation.

Ok, to tell this right, I have to give the complete picture. Joe and I are laying beside each other, in bed, and naked. We are trading some light kisses and his hand is just brushing my breast. My hand is between his legs just lightly playing around. We are just talking so I'm not really trying to turn him on with my hand. I was just playing enough to keep his interest. He wasn't hard but not exactly soft either.

Our conversation went on. Joe told me that he knew I would want to leave as soon as I found out about the activities. He told the other guys that he had no doubt I would want to go home.

I asked "And what would make you think that? I might have enjoyed staying."

That really took him by surprise and he said "You're kidding!"

I told him that I told the girls that it sounded like fun but Joe would probably flip out. Joe asked with urgency "You really would have done it?"

It was a 'boy did I miss my chance' statement. I answered "Yes, it sounded like fun."

I didn't need any other reaction from him to know how he felt about it. He instantly became fully erect without any physical encouragement from me. The idea of me being felt up by other men seemed to turn him on. I really didn't think he was like that.

Never once in the years we have been married has he ever expressed any interest in anything extra marital. My guess is that it had always been there but he never wanted to say it. I wanted to find out if it really turned him on or if it just turned him on to talk about it. My guess with him was that he was a talker but wouldn't want it to really happen.

Even just talking about something like this was new to our relationship. To me, this was an indication that perhaps he was feeling our sex life needed a boost. I've known that for a while but as I said before, he has always been pretty conservative about everything and often rejects anything new. This new interest was welcomed by me.

We went on talking. That in itself was also something new. Our sex life had always been more physical stimulation then mental. I would get my mental stimulation from reading erotic literature. I assumed he didn't need any since he has never shown any interest in that area.

WOW! I've got to stop a minute and tell you something. Telling you these things is deeply personal with me. It is actually much more personal then telling you about Lee and Jay. That I have detached myself from. So it is like I an writing about someone else. This is now and personal and to be honest, I'm a bit flushed in the face writing this. Thanks for being a person I can talk to. Your wife is lucky.

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