A Few Sips Ch. 13

"Move your hands, Domino." He said gutturally and she knew they were shaking as she pressed them into the couch on either side of her spread thighs.

He was right, the second he touched the rapidly pulsing wand to her clit, her pussy exploded and she felt moisture gush from her extremely sensitive fold. Her gasp was loud, and appreciative, and she felt her hips shift towards him, giving him better access, a full view of her pale pink pussy lips and the liquid he had made her spill. Domino felt her whole body tense and roll and she couldn't help the cries that repeatedly came, and how she began to pant for breath as he continued to move the wand in tiny little circles on and around her clit. It kept her in constant orgasm and she knew she was grinding her pussy towards him, aroused to the point that she didn't care who was doing this to her, just knowing she never wanted him to stop.

Suddenly, the wand turned off and Domino groaned, "Oh, fuck, fuck, no. Don't stop." She looked at him with passion-filled brown eyes, her hair mussed behind her head, and Domino saw that Samir was smiling wide, completely satisfied that he'd been right about her reaction.

"I told you that you'd want to talk to me about this."

"Oh my God, Samir, you're such an assho-!" Domino squealed when the wand suddenly vibrated to life and he teased her clit with it for another minute before pressing harder, eliciting another momentous orgasm that made her juices squirt from within her tightly clenched pussy.

"You don't have to thank me, seeing you get wet like this is all I need." He chuckled as he ran the ball of the wand up and down her pussy fold. He knew Domino wanted to shoot a retort at him, but she was so wrapped up in orgasm number three that she forgot to by the time he tilted the wand at a different angle and grabbed one of her thighs.

"Squeeze your legs together, that's it." He ordered as he moved a bit so that she could do as he bid, squeezing her thighs together around the wand that he had shoved right onto the top of her quickly over sensitized, swelling clit. The sensation of it made her groan and she felt her body writhe, the hand he wasn't using to hold the wand was helping hold her legs closed, forcing her orgasm, not allowing her to back away from it, and she shook and whimpered and breathed rapidly.

By the time Samir switched the wand off and set it to the side to clean later, Domino was limp on the couch, her whole body tingling and her pussy sopping wet with her pussy juice. The shiny pink surface made Samir smile as he stood up and went to the bathroom to fetch her a towel and her clothes that he'd taken from her. When he returned to the couch, she had barely moved other than moving her knees closer together in front of her. She was still trying to calm her breathing, and her eyes were half closed as they watched what he was doing.

"You are a really weird friend." She muttered as he wiped her pussy off with the towel and started putting her panties on.

"You needed to remember what it feels like to feel good, Dom." He whispered, his dark blue eyes focused on hers, his grin was infectious and she couldn't help the knowing smile that lit her face.

"I would have talked to you about the wand. That thing is fantastic."

"Isn't it? I don't mind saying I told you so."

"I don't mind hearing it." Domino felt him pull her legs through the holes of the leggings.

"I'll clean it up and put it in your room later. I know that Buttons will be awake soon and your vampire visitor is supposed to be arriving tonight." Samir stood up and pulled her to her feet.

Domino frowned, "Stop calling her Buttons. That is a ridiculous nickname."

"I can't help it, she's got this cute little button nose, and these cute little button eyes, and this cute little mouth that curves into the shape of-."

"A button, I know. Samir, really. You're going to be that annoying uncle after all, aren't you?" She chuckled as the air around them gradually cooled off a bit from the heat that they had created before.

"When it comes to that gorgeous little baby girl, absolutely." He grinned and kissed her forehead and hugged her before walking her to the door of his room.

"I will tell you how this meeting goes. I'm not sold on the idea of being watched over by a vampire, but she may be able to answer a bunch of questions that I have about Faith." She told him as he opened the door.

"Domino. Alexandru loves you, he did what he did for you. But you can't live your entire life hoping he will come back. We don't know if he ever will. You're not ready to go fuck around with some other guy." That sentence made her raise an eyebrow at him, "Other than me, of course, because we're friends. Make some decisions, for you and for Faith. Some big ones. Get out of here and start a life for the two of you somewhere. Don't wait for him, but don't hate him, either."

"You sound like Faeron." Domino bit her lip when she realized what she'd said, but he merely smirked just a little.

"It figures there has to be at least one wood elf with at least half a brain, Domino. He's a rare breed." He shrugged his shoulders.

"I've got to go. We will talk later."

"Make decisions, Dom." He called after her as she rushed down the hall, towards the elevator.

Domino thought about what he said, he was right. She needed to take control of things. She could not stay here, she could not raise her daughter in this place, even though she knew that she was loved here. She needed to make a real life for herself, to find her own place in the world. She knew he was right about one other thing, too. She had to do it without considering whether or not Alexandru would ever return to explain why he had kept everything so secret. Did Klaus honestly have that much control over him? They had been alone together, intimately so, had Klaus been a part of making all of that happen? She shivered thinking about it, now wondering just how very long Klaus had actually been compelling her lover to do his bidding. It made her a little sick to think about, so she shook it off as the elevator doors opened and she saw Faeron standing there, a worried look on his face.

"Domino. Stop thinking what you're thinking. He wasn't being compelled until he got back to Vorhees with his sire." God damn it all to hell. Domino pushed against his chest until he moved out of her way.

"Get out of my head, Faeron." She growled.

He shook his head, "This time, I'm glad I heard you, Faith is not a product of a compulsion from his sire. Klaus took advantage of it." Faeron explained slowly.

"When you started talking about Klaus and his experiments with human girls, you said he did it because he lost someone he loved, you never said it was because he was a sick creeper who would steal my fiancé from me." She shook her head, not looking back at him as she started walking away.

He was behind her, close behind, and she felt his hand wrap around her arm.

"He did lose someone he loved, a human. She became pregnant and died from it. After that, it warped him, made him cold, detached, and he was determined to find a way to make it work, not for others, but to prove that he could do it. It became an obsession, one he has been sickened by for centuries. Alexandru realized just why his sire had changed him and was enraged, escaping as soon as he could and trying to steer clear of him ever since. He went to him now because he had to."

"So Klaus is going to compel Alex to impregnate women for him?" Domino felt tears fall from her eyes, she couldn't even imagine it, he would be so angry, and him with another woman, it was enough to make her chest burn and she had to pause to get her breathing under control.

"Klaus is unable to seed his own, a long time ago, he was captured and castrated by a group of non-humans that found out what he was doing. It was causing problems for them in the town that they were living in among humans. He was rescued by one of his spawn before they finally cut off his head, but it did the damage it needed to. But now, he needs Alex."

"Alex said he's never gotten a human girl pregnant before."

Faeron shook his head, "He hasn't, Domino. Just you."

Domino sighed, letting her back rest against his chest for a few moments as she took all of this in. It explained a few things, a lot of things, but it didn't explain everything, and it didn't make what she needed to do any different. Her life was her own, she wasn't going to live it for him anymore.

"I was with Mr. Hughes when Josephine arrived by plane a few minutes ago. She is quite...interesting. I think you will like her." He put a hand on her back and gave her the tiniest of shoves to get her walking again.

"Stay out of my head, Faeron." She muttered under her breath as she walked towards the foyer and Mr. Hughes' office.


Domino still had a frown on her face as she rounded the corner and opened the office door a little faster than she'd meant to and stumbled inside. Mr. Hughes was leaning on his desk, smiling and nodding as a rather animated woman with black bat wings folded behind her stood before him, waving her arms about and telling him something or other that was apparently amusing him. When she opened the door, however, they both stopped and looked her way.

"Sorry I'm late. Samir made me dinner and...well, held me up a little. And then Faeron was in the hallway, so..." She shrugged, not sure what to say really. The vampire in the room would have heard her in the hallway, she knew how good their hearing was.

"Oh, you are beautiful, they weren't kidding." The muscular but thin, average height, predominantly African woman said with a wide smile in a really unique accent as she walked over to Domino, her hand outstretched.

Domino widened her eyes as she took in the long, curly hair and the green eyes that really bounced against the darkness of the woman's skin and grasped her hand in a firm shake.

"I'm Domino Ashburn. I know that Arc has told you about me. It's nice to meet you." She said and gasped when the woman pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek.

"You'll have to excuse me, Dom, it's not often, or ever really, that I get to meet a woman who has made it through what you've made it through. I think it's fascinating, and I am so excited to be here. Oh, I really really want to just hear all about it, but Mr. H here said on the phone, well, not to me, but to my partner, phones give me this excrutiatingly bad headache, anyway, he said that you need a safe place to move to, and, well...I've got a suggestion or two for you, as well." Her rapid speech made Domino have to focus, and then that wide mouth opened again in a smile and she laughed.

"I'm Josephine, Jo Thompson, by the way. I'm sorry, I get overly excited. I always have." She waved a hand at one of two chairs beside Mr. Hughes' desk.

"I have Deandra downstairs with Faith, to give her a bottle. She will bring her up after to feed from you when she is finished." Mr. Hughes said as he sat behind his own desk.

"God, I love this desk, the memories." Jo smiled familiarly at Mr. Hughes and Domino frowned, they'd fucked? Here? Jesus, she might need to punch this girl.

A knock came to the door. Then it opened and Faeron peeked his head inside, "Pardon me, Mr. Hughes, but I kind of think that Domino could use me in here...for guidance. Do you mind?"

Domino groaned and leaned forward to put her head on the top of the desk. Maybe if she slammed her head against it a couple times, he wouldn't be able to hear her.

She could feel him moving a chair from near the door over so that he could sit behind her and to the right, out of the way, but close enough that she knew he was there, that he would be listening, and trying to keep her just a little bit in line.

"This doesn't really concern you, Faeron." Mr. Hughes frowned at the wood elf, who nodded back at him.

"I understand, but Domino is feeling a little...volatile...right now." Faeron's mouth moved up slightly in a knowing smile and Mr. Hughes centered knowing eyes on Domino.

I recently gave birth to a vampire and my fiancé ditched me to go impregnate a bunch of other human girls for his sick mother-fucking sire. What do I have to be a little volatile about?" Domino shrugged, widening her eyes at Mr. Hughes as she spoke.

"Klaus is a total ass, Domino, I agree. Scientist, whatever. Does he have any degrees, did he go to school? Being non-human doesn't make you smart, nor does it mean that you have the right to do whatever you want. He'll get his one day, Dom. I know he will." Jo told her and then looked over at Mr. Hughes, "Why didn't you have Brunhild change her after he left? Isn't that what she wanted?"

"It seemed like the thing to do would be to wait...at least for now."

"Oh, uh, I think that's a bad idea. Especially for the baby. Once she has teeth, there will be a huge chance of her biting you and accidentally changing you herself. And that is not something you would ever want, Dom, to have a small child as your sire, it would be absolutely the worst. Can you imagine, the way she would compel you? No, you need to change, and soon, so that she senses that she can't bite you." Jo explained, and Domino was starting to wonder if the woman even breathed, where was she storing enough oxygen to get through all that?

"I don't really want to have anyone as my sire. The idea of being compelled to do what someone else wanted me to do kind of makes me sick right now."

"Well, we can do that." Jo shrugged like it was absolutely no big deal, and everyone turned to look at her in confusion.

"That's not possible." Mr. Hughes shook his head, confused.

"It's totally possible. It takes a little more work and vampires who change humans have a tendency to want to be able to control them, so no one does it. It's why I don't get a lot of respect from others of my kind, you know. Most vampires like dominance, and dominance over spawn is a huge thing for them, but it really all comes down to cells and protein chains and stuff. It didn't take long for me to figure out where it happened once I started looking. The activated chain was actually pretty simple to turn off." Jo started rambling and Mr. Hughes frowned and held up a hand.

"Jo, I'm not a scientist, can you please re-explain yourself?" Domino asked her.

Jo shook her head a bit, "Ugh, this is why no one likes me but Arc. I'm sorry. I am an actual scientist, I run a lab. I've gotten my PhD in biochem like six...no seven times already. I go back to school every fifteen years or so to keep up. I also have degrees in microbiology and molecular biology. I'm a hematologist, too, which no one can believe. I know what makes vampires tick, not that I can write a paper on it or even tell my stupid species. They chalk real science up to something like witch craft. Which I think is really insulting to witches, you know. That shit's real."

"Why didn't you bring her in when I was pregnant instead of having Alexandru go get Klaus?" Domino asked Mr. Hughes.

"I don't do babies, Domino. I may understand how the change works and how to keep certain things from happening, but there are very few pregnancies to even study, and the whole process is very tedious, human women are not always good at lasting long enough to birth a baby. I'm sorry, but I couldn't have helped you. Klaus, even though he's a total douche, was your best bet." Jo pressed her lips together in an apologetic way and met Domino's gaze.

"So you can change Domino without forcing her into a sire/spawn relationship?" Faeron's voice was quieter than the others, mostly because he knew that Domino wanted him to leave, and to jump off a bridge somewhere over a pit of crocodiles, that was very clear in her thoughts.

"Oh, definitely. It's a slower process that requires a hemodialysis machine to infuse you directly instead of you drinking blood, but it works. It's less messy, too, which I like." Jo nodded.

"And you really think she should change?"

"Unless she wants her daughter to control her all through her preteen years, absolutely. I brought all my equipment. So whenever Domino makes her decision, I can be ready. I use fresh blood, so I'll need to collect from myself, Brunhild, and a few other vampires, but that is easy enough. I brought Cooper and Fionna with me."

"I thought vampire blood was toxic to other vampires?"

Jo nodded, "Oh, totally, when you drink it. When it goes through your digestive tract, it breaks down proteins that release endotoxins to the vampire blood in your system. But you currently don't have any vampire blood in your system, and they are mixed in a beaker, not in your gastric system."

"You are really into blood." Domino sighed, eyes wide in amazement.

Jo's lips parted in a wide smile, "I am a vampire. I was one all my life and I spent a good part of my 'youth' trying to figure out what it all meant, and where my place was in the world. I didn't really fit in with a lot of vampires that I know. Nor did I really want to, they're kind of creepy sometimes. But the blood, it really spoke to me, and I wanted to understand it, so I did what any self-respecting scientist would do and learned everything that I could in schools and from other humans, and then added on the vampire bit in my own labs. I know a LOT."

"Do you just study vampires?" Domino was intrigued.

Jo nodded, "Yes, other non-humans don't really have the blood thing like we do. It's what makes us who we are. Other non-humans tend to have their differences rooted in the neurological system, like your wood elf there, or their psychological system, like Mr. Hughes. That doesn't really sound right, we're talking brain for each. Hmm..." Jo looked from the elf to the angel who were both frowning at her.

"Will I still be able to breastfeed?" She asked, wondering if it would be better to wait for that.

"Oh, absolutely. You're still you, and you still just had a baby and have all those hormones shooting through your body. There's no reason to think that would stop. You'd just have blood added to your diet, and these crazy wings, oh, and you'd be able to hear like...everything, did you know that wood elves have five chambers to their heart? It's totally wicked, wait til you hear it. Your sense of smell would increase and your eyesight, well, that kind of doesn't change."

Domino had looked over at Faeron when Jo had mentioned his heart and the look of irritation on his face was almost comical, "I would sleep all day, too."

"Well...sure. I guess, but I kind of know how to shut that off, too." Jo said quietly.

"What?" Mr. Hughes furrowed a brow, she hadn't told him that she'd finally been successful at it. If she had been, there would be some ramifications.

"Not entirely, I know the chain, again, we're talking proteins, that makes us go all limp and stupid all day long. It's harder to alter, unlike the sire thing, but I've developed an elixir that you can take before dawn each day and it allows you to stay awake for about six or so additional hours a day."

"But what about the sunlight? Won't that still burn?" Domino asked, this seemed a little too good to be true.

"That's the super tricky part, we still would in direct sunlight. But if you're inside, and not sitting on a beach in Tahiti, you're ok. We're not cursed, vampires are so neanderthal about all of that stuff, it's a cell wall issue, nothing more. But I can't correct the issue without affecting the cells ability to work, so I'm limited. Cooper went out on a cloudy day, with long sleeves, pants, and gloves, hat and sunglasses and a crap load of sunscreen on and he didn't die. Though he did sort of throw up for a few hours after. It's hard. I'm thinking I've hit the end of where I can go with it at this point."

"But I can be up longer? That's amazing." Domino breathed out, how could the other vampires not like this woman, she was awesome.

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