Dreams of Destiny Pt. 04

“God, did I really do that to you baby?”

“Yes. And what about Kathy? How could you do that, Stephen? She had your baby.”

“Have you ever lived in a trailer in the middle of a corn field during winter with a sick infant and a depressed teen age mother? We didn’t even have money for food, much less recreational drugs or beer and smokes. I was only nineteen for Chrissake.

“She knew a whole lot better what she was getting into than I did. I had to be so fucking responsible all the time. I’m surprised I didn’t kill one or the other of them, or both and then myself. You’ve heard about families that have gone that way haven’t you.? Well, that’s the way it was.

“Our car was broken. The phone got disconnected. Her parents came by with care packages but they hated me and I hated them. Finally Kathy threatened to move out and go live with her folks. I lost it. I feel terrible for what I did, but I can’t change the past.

“But you know what Destiny? I did damn well in the army. I was going into special operations after basic training but I got caught on a technicality. I was taking Tylenol 3 for a tooth. I got it under the counter because I didn’t want to go to the dentist. I tested positive for opiates and BAM, out I went. No second chance. No more future. My CO had it in for me from the start. It wasn’t my fault.”

“Right,” Destiny said, “Nothing’s ever your fault. That’s your problem. It wasn’t your fault that you were so high all the time when we were together that ... Oh shit! Never mind. I swore to myself I’d never go through this scene.”

“No, tell me, Destiny.”

“Why did you need so many drugs? Why all the drug sales. Why did you drop out of high school? You had it good at home - well better than a lot of the people we sold drugs to. What were you looking for? And why did you want to hurt me. I know you did. Sometimes you’d pull my pony tale so hard, and then laugh and we’d come so close to making love. You always got such a kick out of pushing me around. You did the same thing to Kathy. Thank God I didn’t get pregnant!”

“I always wished we’d made love that night Destiny....” That’s when things started to go wrong. You didn’t think of me as a man after that.”

“That’s a bunch of crap, Stephen.” I really loved you. You just sunk into addiction and then picked up with Kathy. That was that as far as I was concerned.”

“Oh come on, surely you still think of me from time to time.” He smiled his most seductive smile.

“Of course I do. But it’s ancient history.”

“So, who are you seeing now? You look really great by the way. You’ve really grown into your height. You used to be all arms and legs. Now you have great hips and marvelous breasts to go along with the rest of the package.”

“Stop it, “ Destiny blushed. “I’m not seeing anyone. I’m taking college prop courses and staying pretty busy.”

“You don’t party any more.”

“Oh, I go out. But I’m a lot more careful than I was”

“You were always cautious. Except when you were drinking. By God you could sing when you were drinking!”

“I still sing. “But I don’t like to get hurt.”

Destiny noticed that Stephen was turning very green and shivering and sweating. Her nurturing nature got the better of her.

“Oh my God, you really are sick, aren’t you? What’s wrong? How can I help?”

“Can you let me stay on the couch for couple of hours? I have a business meeting at 5 O’clock, so I’ll be out of your hair long before then. I could also use a shower and shave. And some juice and crackers. I’m going to try to ride this out Destiny”

He looked at her with his big brown glittery eyes. She felt so sorry for him. She could almost feel his pain.

“What are you withdrawing from? Heroin?”

“Yeah. I’m sorry Destiny. I really screwed up.”

“Shit. Why me?” Destiny said to the sky. “Okay. You can stay. But not on the couch. I fixed up the basement some last year. It’s comfortable enough. I’ve slept down there before. It has its own bathroom now. My dad won’t have any reason to go down stairs but you’re going to have to be quiet while he’s at home. If he finds out he’ll kill me.

“I’ll go get you some juice and some crackers. Also some Pepto Bismal for your stomach. If you get really sick I’ll go out for Nyquil. That has alcohol in it and might help the worst of the cramping and cravings”

Destiny showed him down to the cellar and helped him get settled. Then she went to the second floor for blankets, sheets, a pillow. She got the stomach medicine, water and crackers. As an after though she brought down a large bucket -- just in case he needed to puke and couldn’t make it to the bathroom in time.”

“You’re a true angel of mercy.” Stephen whispered. “Why did I ever let you get away?”

“Shh. Just wait until tomorrow. You’ll be cursing me and threatening my life if I don’t break down and buy you some smack. But I’m telling you now. I will not buy you drugs. Nor will I help you take them this time around. You either make it or break it with me on this Jones. If you slip out and get high I will find out and lock you out for good. If you steal anything I’ll call the cops and make sure you’re caught. If you bother my father I’ll kick your sorry ass. Do you understand the conditions?”

“You’ve grown up Lysander. What did you do, go to boot camp?”

“No, I just learned a few things. I hope maybe you will too. You’re still so young.”

“And you sound a hundred years old. What have you been up to since I last saw you?”

“Oh, let’s just say I’ve traveled a little. So have you decided, are you going to eat or do you have to puke?”

“Neither. I feel better already. I’m going to skip my meeting this afternoon meeting. I should be fine by morning.”


Stephen bided his time and was a model patient for a week. Destiny juggled school and after school activities with nursing him back to sobriety. By the time he was clean he had almost convinced himself he was cured and had a fresh start as a normal citizen ahead of him. And Destiny was madly in love with him again. He felt 10 feet tall.

They spent another week with him hiding out in the basement plotting was to get together away from the house and Mr. Lysander so they could consummate their relationship. Destiny never said as much, but he got the impression that her few sexual experiences had been unsatisfying and forgettable. Stephen vowed to himself his time with her would be different. He knew just how he would handle it. He was sure she would love it.

Their desire had reached a fever pitch by the time their chance came. They went to an old abandoned house with a little coke, a picnic, candles and a blanket. It was perfect. God! Cummng into her like that had almost given him a heart attack. So she was a little upset afterwards. It was worth it

He’d forgotten she was still just a kid and he had surprised her. Really she had loved it. She hadn’t faked that orgasm. And then came the fall from the balcony. He’d never felt so alive and so powerful as when he had landed, unhurt, and watched Destiny on the rope. He’d cum again that instant, and knew it was a sign. In that one moment he was changed for time immemorial. That was when he’d become a sexual assassin.

He’d spared Destiny because she was his queen. She’d shown him the way. He cleaned her up and taken her to the hospital while she was unconscious. He waited until she awakened to be sure she was all right. He had wanted her to recognize how incredible the evening’s events had been and was bitterly disappointed and enraged when she hadn’t been changed by the experience as he had been. He’d hoped they could walk out of the hospital together and begin a new future of horrifying beauty but it was not to be.

He’d known the instant Destiny woke up she was not ready for that future yet. He’d left when she ordered him out, not doubting she’d be able to put the incident behind her as a terrible nightmare. He knew her memory of him would fade into oblivion for the time being. Just for a little while. Then he’d have her back he’d vowed.

So he’d left the hospital and began to seek a victim to slake the new thirst he’d developed. He could already imagine the feeling of life’s blood on his hands. He could taste blood in his mouth. He could feel his fingers on some poor woman’s neck.

He decided it was time to see his wife. He hadn’t seen Kathy or Jeffrey for 6 months. What a cunt! he thought. She thought she and the baby were too good for him. She’d gotten a protective order against him when she realized he was out of the army. His pride was still stinging from the treatment she and her lawyer had given him.

This is perfect. He drove to the little trailer they had lived in while they were together with the baby. He had heard through her lawyer that she still lived there and was having a terrible time making ends meet. The lawyer wanted to meet with him to discuss child support. Child support, my ass, Stephen thought. She ought to pay me for giving her the privilege of raising my son.

The trailer was dark and Kathy’s car was gone. Stephen decided to make himself at home inside the squalid little mobile home. He pulled out his Swiss Army Knife and made short work of the useless lock which secured the door to the trailer.

It was dark inside and smelled of beer, cat and baby urine, vomit, greasy food and incense. Kathy’s back on smack Stephen thought smugly as he looked around the messy home. The only areas that were at all savory were the nursery, and the laundry room. Well, I guess she’s trying to make it okay for the kid. But the bathroom was a shooting gallery, and stank to high heaven.

Every dish Kathy owned seemed to have been left dirty in the sink. The kitchen floor hadn’t seen a mop in months. Cockroaches crawled everywhere. Spoiled food in the sink was a delight to the army of ants marching there. The counters and stove were filthy. There was nothing but beer, baby food and baby bottles in the refrigerator. There was a bottle of vodka and a pint of pistachio ice cream in the freezer.

It was pitiful how quickly Kathy had deteriorated after he had gone, Stephen thought. Even at my worst I didn’t live like this. He didn’t feel a twinge of guilt over having left Kathy and the baby to fend for themselves out there in the middle of nowhere. Instead, it firmed Stephen’s resolve.

Stephen looked around for items that might facilitate his task. He found some ties that some man or another had left in the bedroom bureau. He was getting excited now. Calm down, he cautioned himself. Act with precision. He looked in the kitchen junk drawer and came up with work gloves. He donned them, thinking about fingerprints. He backtracked and carefully wiped down the surface of every area he had touched in the trailer.

Then he went back into the bedroom. He tied a tie securely to each of the four posters of the bed he and Kathy had used during their short marriage. He put an extra tie to the pocked of his jeans.

Then he sat down to wait. He waited in the darkness next to the back door of the trailer. He wanted to be able to make an unhindered escape if Kathy brought anyone home with her. He didn’t want to have the baby see any violence. He hoped she had left Jeffrey with his mother-in-law as she usually did on Friday nights.

He heard Kathy’s truck pull in around 3:00 a.m. She was alone. Good, he thought. She weaved as she walked in the front door. No baby. Even better he thought. High as a kite. Smack probably judging by her looks he thought. She looked older than when he had seen her last.

Kathy’s eyes widened when she saw Stephen sitting near the back door. Her eyes were pale blue and shot with red from the drugs in her system. They spouted tears which she angrily brushed away.

“So, you’ve returned to the scene of the crime? Haven’t you done enough? What do you want? Drugs?” She laughed. “I’ve taken them all. Money? I don’t have any. I spent my last dime on dinner for Jeffrey. I paid for my fix with my body. That’s all you left me. That and Jeffrey. Oh My God, that’s why you’re here. You want to take Jeffrey don’t you? Well you can’t. He’s at my mother’s house and she won’t let you have him. So why don’t you just go away?”

You always did talk too much,” Stephen said. “That’s one of the things I couldn’t stand about you. And I don’t want Jeffrey. He’s better off where he is for now. It’s you I want.”

“You want me? What a crock. You made it clear just how much you wanted me the last time you kicked the crap out of me. And now I don’t want you. All I want is child support. Get out of here and talk to my lawyer on Monday.”

Stephen got up as if to head for the front door. As he started to brush past Kathy he grabbed her upper left arm with his right. She was so thin from her mode of living that his hand almost encircled her arm.

She cried out that he was hurting her.

“Just come with me to the bedroom for a little while. I want you to know how much I’ve missed you.” He let go of her arm to grab her beautiful hair. He pulled it hard. She yelled. He grabbed her wrist with his left arm and placed her hand on the bulge in his trousers. Then he twisted her arm cruelly behind her back. She tried to stomp on his foot and missed.

“You’re too stoned to do anything Kathy. Just come along and enjoy the ride. It will be the ride of your lifetime, I assure you.”

“No. Just let me go. There’s money here. I’ll get it for you. Just let me go.” She was crying with fear.

Her eyes opened wider when he pulled her into the bedroom. She saw the ties. Then she saw he had turned the bed covers down just so and lit candles about the room. She started to shake. “What are you going to do?” she asked.

He picked her up under the arms and tossed her lightly onto the bed. She started to scream. She tried to jump up and out of the bed but he was too fast for her. He easily secured both arms using the ties on either side of the bed. She got in a few good kicks and screamed her head off during his procedure, which increased his building excitement.

He grabbed her left leg. He tied it. The he pulled out his Army Knife. He left her right leg free while he sliced her mini-skirt and panties off. “I admire true red heads” he purred as he saw her pelt. He ran his right index finger through the hair. He scratched at her clitoris just a tiny bit too hard, She cried out.

“That’s a good girl. I like screams. When we were married I never would have thought I’d be glad this place is so far away from town. Just scream all you want.” Kathy was sobbing in fear. She decided to stop screaming. It just seemed to increase his hatred and lust. He pulled the skirt and panties away. She tried to cross her legs but he pulled her legs far apart with both arms. He positioned his lower torso between her legs. Then he cut off her blouse and bra. “You won’t be needing these” he hissed.

He kissed her hard on the mouth while he worked his own pants down around his knees. He left his shirt and jacket on.

He forced her right leg over his shoulder as he drove himself into her. She moaned in pain. Her head lolled back. He fucked her quickly and harshly. He knew she liked rough sex but she wasn’t enjoying this. He didn’t care. He almost came too soon. He realized he had to cage some of the best of his lust if he was to learn anything tonight. He took measure of his victim.

Her eyes were closed and streamed with tears. She had bitten her tongue in an attempt not to scream. She looked like she was in a different world. Maybe she was. She had abdicated her will to him. That made him angry. He lapped at the blood on her lips like a hungry coyote. He stopped pumping and lay on her belly for a moment while he pulled out the extra tie. He stuck two fingers deep into her anus. That brought her back with a scream.

She rolled her head to the side and squeezed her eyes shut. Her jaw was locked closed. “Look me in the eyes, Kathy.” Stephen ordered. “Do it!” He yanked at her hair. She gazed at him like wolf puppy caught in headlights. She saw his intent immediately.

“Oh no, Stephen. What did I ever do to you?” She pleaded for her life. His erection became more urgent. He started to move insider her. Increasing the friction, building his pleasure. He pulled his fingers out of her.

He wasn’t sure how to orchestrate the coup de grace. “You can close your eyes again.” Once, twice, he looped the tie around her neck. She started to scream and buck and bolt. That fueled the fire in his soul. His erection was enormous. Could he hold it? He secured the ends of the tie his hands. As he pumped in and out of Kathy he pulled the tie tighter and tighter. Her screams became gurgles.

He pulled and pumped until he was frenzied with fire and hatred and lust. The well of his emotions had no bottom. Her eyes bugged and her tongue lolled. He hadn’t counted on her becoming so ugly in death. For a second he was almost unmanned. Then Kathy gave one final cry and began to jerk. In death she had a final orgasm. Stephen felt like a god who had bestowed a precious gift. Then he came. He bucked and bolted and shouted in pleasure. It lasted and lasted.

He took a couple of minutes to savor the feeling and with his heart still pounding, he rolled off of her and began to make plans. He realized suddenly that he may have acted precipitously in coming here tonight. Kathy had a protective order against him. He was the father of her child. He would be a prime suspect for her murder.

What should I do? he wondered. I need to establish an alibi. Maybe I should torch the place to throw confusion into the situation. How long would it be before Kathy was found? Not long. Kathy’s mother didn’t let Kathy get away with leaving Jeffrey for days at a time. How long would it be before it was determined she was strangled if I set a fire? he wondered. Days, probably, and the time of death would be hard to determine.

He set about looking for a means to destroy the trailer with fire. It had a butane tank which he drained into the gasoline can he kept in his car. But the fire has to look accidental, Stephen realized.

Then he remembered the trailer’s faulty wiring. This should be a piece of cake. He returned most of the butane to the tank. He went in search of a likely place where an electrical fire might start. He found some exposed wiring behind the dryer. The wiring was already chewed by mice. He checked the dryer vent. It was blocked with lint. The flue was clogged. This looked promising. He took out a few items of cotton clothing and put them next to the wires. He poured just a spot of butane on the clothing. He found a cigarette in Kathy’ emergency stash in the kitchen. He also found her next day’s supply of heroin, ten grams of cocaine and $6,000.00 in cash. Jackpot!

Smiling, he went into the kitchen and pulled the vodka out of the freezer. He poured himself a double. He found a hand mirror and double edged razor in the bathroom. Both had obviously been used recently to cut lines of coke. Stephen dumped out a generous portion of cocaine and carved out four lines. He sniffed two. Feeling great he bolted down the vodka. He poured a second drink. Then he snorted the rest of the drug and had his chaser. Now he was ready.

He didn’t want to admit it to himself, but he needed artificial stimulation for the task ahead. Now that the deed was done he was felling kind of queasy. He steeled himself and went into the bedroom. He carefully untied the ties on Kathy’s arms and leg and put them back on their rack just as he had found them.

He gathered up Kathy’s ruined clothing and placed it in a garbage bag he found under the sink in the kitchen. I don’t want any scrap of these to be analyzed he thought. I’ll dispose of them elsewhere.

He arranged her body in the bed to look as if she had been sleeping when the fire broke out. She had enough smack in her system that she could have slept though a train wreck. He covered her with a light blanket and kissed her softly on the brow. “Thank you princess,” he said.

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