Dreams of Destiny Pt. 04

Poor Nate, stuck in DC, Destiny thought, with a small pang of guilt. Then she shrugged the guilt away like a soiled garment along with her travel weariness. Time to hit the beach Destiny decided. She walked back into the room shedding her travel clothes as she walked. She rooted into her suitcase for her turquoise bikini. She had worked out hard over the past month to be ready to sport the swimsuit, and it showed. She was all legs with the French cut bottom. The top was a sleeveless tube allowing for a nice shoulder tan. Destiny wasn’t chesty, but what she had on top was enough for most men to notice with pleasure.

Destiny braided her thick, black hair which fell almost to her waist.

I’m glad Nate isn’t here, she realized with a start. He would have scowled at the bikini. He didn’t like other men taking notice of her - it threatened him.

It was funny, Destiny thought, how this vacation materialized out of nowhere. She had a lot of use or loose vacation saved up from her job as an agency representative for the Environmental Protection Agency. Over the years she had never seemed to have time, or the extra money to take a vacation. Then Nate had seen a contest for free air fare and had insisted that they both put in an entry every day for the month the contest ran. Destiny had hit gold , wining a free round trip ticket wherever the airline flew.

There were strict guidelines as to how the prize could be used. Nothing seemed to fit into Nate’s calendar or financial picture, so, to Nate’s chagrin, Destiny had made plans for a four day package deal to the Bahamas. She had discussed her plans with a friend of hers who told her about San Angeles Island. Her friend, whose family had originated on the island, pointed out that San Angeles Island was out of the way but catered to American tourists. It was off season, but the weather was good, and she could stay a full week for less than she would have spent on the Bahamas deal. It sounded too good to be true.

Destiny looked over the travel brochures her friend had given her and could see nothing wrong with the plan. Nate had hated the idea which, for some reason made Destiny stubbornly determined to take the trip.

Nathan had acted like a spoiled brat. He felt screwed because entering the contest had been his idea. Tough, Destiny thought. This vacation is for me alone. Destiny had been living with Nathan for seventeen years now. The relationship was solid, comfortable, undemanding, unexciting.

Often she wondered what would have happened if she had taken her college graduation trip to Florida rather than staying in Ohio to patch things up with Nathan. Many nights she had dreams of totally different lives that she might have lived.

But that was water over the damn, now, Destiny thought. They would never marry, but there was no point in marrying. After all, there would be no children.

Destiny thought back to the horror of her brush with uterine cancer. One day back in 1990, she had gone to her gynecologist because of unexpected menstrual bleeding. The next thing she knew she was having an emergency hysterectomy. There had been a malignant tumor on her uterus which ruptured. She had been fortunate. If the tumor had gone untreated Destiny would not have survived.

The chemotherapy and radiation had taken every iota of Destiny’s physical stamina to endure. Nate had gone through it with her calm, stalwart and confident. He’d been there through the nausea, the vomiting, the aches and pains, the hair loss, the weight loss, the insomnia, and the ever pressing, almost crippling fear. Any lingering doubts about her decision to make Nate her life partner had disappeared during the year long fight against cancer.

Destiny had been devastated by the hysterectomy. Nate, surprisingly, had taken it well. It seemed to Destiny that Nate must have only been giving lip service to the idea of children and was relieved that there would be no kids to shake up the relationship. Destiny still felt dull, underlying resentment about that.

After the hysterectomy Destiny had plunged herself into work during the days. Evenings and weekends she escaped using romance novels, exercise and excessive sleep as narcotics. She often willed herself to sleep with an erotic fantasy. The fantasies became woven into the fabric of her actual dream life. Sometimes she slept for three days at a time, waking only to pee, or grab a bite to eat. Then she’d sink peacefully back into whatever dream had captured her fancy. Sometimes her dreams felt more real than her life with Nate. And curiously, she never dreamed about Nate at all.

Destiny and Nate had been drifting apart lately. Nate was trying desperately to pull Destiny out of what he viewed to be a self-indulgent bout of depression. Destiny had tried to snap out of it but some days while she was awake she wished she could simply blink her eyes and end up back in bed. This vacation was a God send.

Two days before she was planning to leave the friend who had told her about San Angeles Island had called and asked for a favor. Her aging aunt who had been raised on the island but had left decades ago had some personal papers she wanted hand delivered to her son who still lived on the island. The aunt was eccentric, said Destiny’s friend, and didn’t trust the mail service. Destiny was asked if she could bring the package to the island and deliver it upon her arrival.

It was such a small request. Destiny didn’t see any harm in it. She had picked up the package on the way to the office. The aunt had taken Destiny’s cell phone number and said her son would call her when she arrived at the island. Destiny had put the package in her purse and forgotten about it.

Destiny’s cell phone rang, bringing Destiny back to the present.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Ms. Lysander, do you have my mother’s package?” a deep male voice asked in a heavily accented English.

“Yes,” Destiny replied.

“Could you do me the great favor of delivering it to me at a little convenience shop called the Presidio, at 9:00 p.m. this evening? The shop is only about a mile up the road from your hotel.”

“Couldn’t you come here to pick it up?” Destiny asked. I’m here now and could wait for you.”

“No. That would not be convenient.”

“I’m not sure I like this,” Destiny said, suddenly worried. “What’s in the package anyway? I don’t want to do anything shady.”

“Just do as I say,” said the voice. I know what you look like. Be at the Presidio at 9:00. Thank you.” The phone went dead.

Destiny sighed in frustration. What the hell have I gotten myself into? she wondered. This better not be some cloak and dagger bullshit. For a moment Destiny thought about calling Colonel Rodriguez and telling him about the package. She decided he’d laugh at her. He’d think she was an over imaginative , middle aged, American air head. No. I’ll make the delivery and forget about it.

Destiny readied herself for the beach. She popped out her contact lenses, slipped into a cotton shift and donned sling-backed sandals. She grabbed her purse shoving in sunglasses, suntan lotion, a brush and keys. She locked her wallet in her suitcase, picked up her Pentax, and made her way to the elevator.

She reached the beach level and walked out into the brilliant tropical sunshine. The sun and the wonderful ocean air had almost a sexual impact upon Destiny. Its been ages since I felt so good, Destiny realized -- maybe even a lifetime. There were dozens of gulls in the air. The clouds were puffy and perfect. Exotic flowers seemed to be planted everywhere she looked. And it was remarkably uncrowded. This place is like a fantasy island.

Destiny could have had a sedate swim in the crystal clear water of the hotel pool which was on a raised deck overlooking the beach behind the hotel. There was also an excellent looking tennis court. Destiny much preferred the excitement of the breaking surf.

The sea was blue green, with breakers rolling onto the long white beach. The sky was so blue that one couldn’t tell sea from sky at the far point of the horizon.

Destiny found a spot in the sand, well up from the line of the tide. She barely took time to coat her skin with suntan lotion before hitting the tide. The water was bracing, but not cold. Destiny laughed in delight as the water sucked at her feet. The undertow was strong.

She didn’t wait to get used to the water temperature. Instead she dove headlong into the first wave that threatened to break over her head. She was up and out of the wave in seconds but a second, larger wave caught her unaware. Under the waves she went, head over heels, with her mouth, nose and eyes full of salt water. She shut her eyes tight and struggled to get her feet under her before the next wave came to knock her off her feet again. Destiny came up gasping for air and opened her eyes....

Chapter XVI

In disbelief and despair Destiny realized she was in Stephen Williams’s office at RWT. Destiny could tell it was late evening because the sun was setting outside Stephen’s office window. Destiny was on her knees, naked, before Stephen, who was leaning indolently against his desk with his head back and a sated smile on his face.

Destiny’s hair was wrapped around Stephen’s hands. She was gagging and spitting out semen in angry disgust. How did this happen? Destiny wondered miserably. The pig had been groping and eyeballing her since she started at RWT. Her disinterest had only served to make Stephen press her even further. Then he’d given her that whopping assignment with a completely unreasonable deadline.

Stephen’s boss didn’t care about the unfairness of the assignment and refused to listen to complaints about Steve’s contact. So Destiny had given her notice and walked out. Or so she thought. It was late, 8:30, and she had been crying when the elevator doors opened to scoop her out of there. Her contact lenses were filling up and giving her problems which made the tearing worse. She couldn’t see a thing when she had stepped off the elevator and into Stephen’s arms. She was still on the floor occupied by the law firm.

Stephen wore a dark blue suit with a light blue shirt. His tie was blood red. His eyes were as black as coal. His skin and hair, as always were golden. She tried to turn and run. He caught her easily with one arm. She tried to twist away from him to no avail.

“I have you now Destiny, Stephen whispered low in her ear. You just keep on struggling That’s how I like it best. You caused me some problems with my partner today. I didn’t appreciate it. Now your going to make it up to me.” With one fist holding securely to her long braid and the other twisting her arm Destiny was dragged be dragged into Stephen’s office. She started to scream. Stephen pressed his lips against Destiny’s mouth. He bit her lip hard, drawing blood. “Don’t try it bitch, he said.” She relaxed all of her muscles at once and went down. Stephen was so surprised he let go. She tried to scramble away but he was too fast for her. He had his door closed and locked before she even got to her feet.

Stephen pulled a pistol out of his drawer. It had a silencer. When he saw Destiny blanch he said sweetly “you don’t like guns? I have a real big knife I can show you if that’s what you prefer.

“Now we’re going to play strip tease. Sorry I don’t have any music” he laughed. “Real slow, I want you to take off your jacket and blouse. There’s no rush. Why Destiny, no bra? I’m surprised at you. I didn’t think you were that kind of girl. Now the skirt. Let it fall over you hips. Step out of the skirt. Good girl.”

Stephen’s eyes glittered like diamonds. Destiny saw insanity behind the eye. She was more frightened that she had ever been in her life. “Now take off your stockings. Yes. I have to say your body is as sweet as I hoped it would be.

“Kneel down. and undo my pants,” Stephen ordered. Destiny tried to squirm away. She tried to kick him. He was as strong as a bull and as immovable as a tree. Stephen leaned back against his desk holding destiny’s right upper arm. His right hand pressed the gun up to the side of Destiny’s head.

“It would be better if you cooperated. I’d hate to come here tomorrow and find out that you had surprised a robber and gotten brutally raped and then killed. How about a quid pro quo? You be a good girl and do as I say and I won’t fuck your brains out and kill you tonight. I want to take my time in getting to know you.”

Destiny unzipped Stephen’s pants and release his cock. It was engorged and was wet with pre-cum. Destiny felt sick.

“Take my cock into your mouth Destiny,” Stephen demanded. “All I want tonight is a nice, hot blow job. Then I’ll let you go home to your cat. But I’ll be back for more in the future.”

Destiny tried again to break Stephen’s hold. He practically yanked her off of her feed with her braid. “Stop it Destiny. “Do as I say.” The gun was cold against her ear. With despair Destiny complied. “Make it the best blow job you’ve ever given,” Stephen ordered.

The act took only minutes but for Destiny it was an eternity. She wanted to spit his semen into his psychotic face when he finally came.

“See how much more smoothly things go when you cooperate?” Stephen asked Destiny with a silky, insinuating laugh. “Why give me trouble? You knew it would come to this in the end, didn’t you. Its simple. I make the rules and you follow them.”

Tears of anger and frustration began to run down Destiny’s face. God, it was so hot in the room. How can he bear it, Destiny wondered. She was covered in sweat. Her hands were slick with saliva. Steve’s cock was still pressed up against Destiny’s face. It started to thicken again.

Destiny smothered an urge to give Stephen’s cock a good, hard bite. He could read her thoughts, she was sure, and would kill her if she moved.

Realization hit Destiny like a brick! This is a dream. I walked out on Stephen when he made his obscene offer. I lost the job but I retained my dignity. All I have to do is blink and I’m out of here. Destiny blinked, hard....

Destiny opened her eyes. She was in the ocean and wave was coming in fast. She was on her butt in the sand and gagging salt water. Destiny stood up and walked out of the water. That wasn’t exactly the swim I expected. Christ, I hope that scene wasn’t a glimpse of Hell. If it was, I’ll have to be a very good person for the rest of my life. I do not want to go there again. As she toweled herself off, she thought about what she had just seen. It was fading so quickly. Who was that man? I knew him in the dream but now I can’t even remember his face.

Exhausted, Destiny spread out her towel and lay down to soak up some of the late afternoon sun. She willed herself to relax. She slowed down her breathing, She let the sun and the song of the sea lull her into a peaceful sleep....

Chapter XVII

Destiny awoke with a start. She was in a hospital bed in... Where?... She was sixteen years old. She looked at her surroundings. She couldn’t remember anything except being restfully asleep on a warm sandy beach.

Her eyes searched the room. Her old boyfriend, Stephen was sitting on a chair looking at her with curiosity. That couldn’t be right. Stephen and I broke up two years ago and now he was in the Army. No, I remember now. We got back together just last week and... OH GOD. Shame and anger poured through Destiny.

Destiny and Stephen had been desperate for a place to consummate their new found love. They’d put together a picnic and broken into the abandoned house at the end of the block where Destiny lived with her father.

They entered through the back door on the first floor. Stephen had tested the stair case and found is steady, so they had gone up to the second floor where there was a master bedroom with a balcony. They’d fed each other bread and cheese, and drunk cheap wine. Destiny hadn’t really wanted the wine but once they blew a little coke the wine seemed perfect to mellow things out.

Now Destiny was to learn about the glories of tender lovemaking. She’d lost her virginity two months previously in the back seat of a Sun Bird at a drive in movie theater. The experience had left her feeling empty inside. Was that all there was to it? She hoped not.

Stephen spread out the blanket and lit the candles. They stood together and kissed while they peeled each other’s clothing off. Stephen couldn’t touch her enough. His caresses were soft and sensual, yet demanding. He reached between her legs and rubbed the nub between the lips of her vulva. A shock of pleasure rushed through her. Steve laughed. He slid his index finger into her, rubbing her nub all the while. Then he wrapped his left hand around her hair and pulled her head back. He kissed her neck, her breast. Softly he bit her nipples, each one in turn. He sucked on them until they were sore and swollen.

Then he had Destiny lie down on her back.

“Open your legs” he urged her breathlessly.

“Destiny complied.

Stephen ran his tongue down from her nipple to her belly button. He played in the crevice there for a moment. Then he moved further down.

“Put your knees up.”

He took her clitoris into his mouth and sucked on it gently. He ran his tongue over it again, toying with it. Destiny cried out. Climax after climax went shooting through her body. Her body jerked with pleasure.

“Where did you lean to do that?” Destiny asked with a hoarse laugh.

“Oh, I’ve had my teachers” said Stephen. “Now its my turn.” Get on you hands and knees. I like that.”

Destiny complied, fully aroused.

Stephen kept his thumb on Destiny’s clitoris as he pushed his fingers into her vagina from the back. Then he mounted her in one big hard push.

Destiny cried out in pleasure.

“Now I get to ride,” Stephen whispered in her ear. The candle light on the walls flickered and caste sinister shadows. The air was smoky. The walls of the room seemed to be made of red and black and white marble. Destiny thought she heard water rushing though the room.

Stephen rode Destiny hard, using his thumb to keep her excited. He wanted her on the edge. Yes. He had her. She’s on the edge.

Just as he was about to pour into her, Stephen pulled out. He spread the cheeks of her butt apart wide with his hands.

“Oh no!” Destiny cried. “Don’t.”

“Yes,” Stephen moaned. He was lost in his fever.

Stephen rammed his cock hard into Destiny’s rectum. He was in with one fierce shove.

Destiny screamed in pain, but couldn’t stop the climax that drove through her like lightening .

Stephen’s balls were pressed up against Destiny’s butt. He shouted in triumph. It was better than he had imagined. His orgasm was hot, hard and long. Never ending.

Despite Destiny’s pleas for him to stop, Stephen drove himself inside her six, seven, eight more times before collapsing on top of her, sated.

“You mother fucking bastard,” Destiny cried. She was in pain. And she was mortified.

“Oh but Destiny,” Stephen crooned, it was so good, so sweet. You loved it. I felt you come.”

“I hated it. It hurt. You humiliated me. You raped me. I don’t know why I ever wanted to make love to you. You ‘re evil. I’ll never let you touch me again.”

“Oh yes you will,” Stephen said. “You’re mine. I’ll take you when I want you.”

“No I’m not.” Angrily Destiny pulled on her clothing. She tried to leave the room but Stephen blocked her way.

“Destiny, be fair,” you wanted me just like I wanted you.”

“But not like that, that was horrible”

“Destiny walked out onto the little balcony that overlooked the courtyard. She leaned against the rail. Stephen came up behind her and leaned against her. With a lout crack, the railing gave way. Destiny and Stephen fell headlong onto the cement below. Stephen landed gracefully, cat like.

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