Extending the MILF List Ch. 10

"We were getting down to the nut cutting..."

"Nut cutting! Shit, I don't like the sound of that!" I interrupted.

"Castrating pigs, down to the finest points of a deal, I mean."

I grunted discontentedly. Sure that's what he meant but I still didn't like the sound of that! I sat forward. My personality had gotten alcohol transparent. "What are you telling me all this for?"

Borland sat back, drained the scotch and then tossed it a little way onto the glass table. It rattled for a moment before he answered. "Well, let me explain. This deal with Mr. C is a huge deal in eastern Europe, where he's from. Not a guy you fuck around with, mind you but still, a good enough guy. He, he and I have been staring at each other over the fence for six months and we are just about there and by that I mean he is about ready to sign a construction contract with my client.

"I, I let him meet Suzanne at a party and then let him understand I could include her in the deal. He didn't believe me. He said such a thing could not be included in any contract and that no man would include his wife in such a deal and I was lying to him. I thought I had fucked the duck completely. But then he sat forward and said he would give me the chance to prove I was being honest with him.

"He has a woman, the woman you met..."


"Yes, Pixie. Exactly. She, she works for him. Turns out sexual favors are not that rare, and my penchant for including them in the undocumented portions of deals happens more than I understood. I am not that much smarter or lower than everyone else. Anyway, he gave me a night with Pixie and then he told me I should play poker with him, for her if I won, for Suzanne if he won.

"He explained clearly what he was after. If he won, he'd fuck Suzanne and he'd know for sure I could include her in the deal. If he lost, Pixie would have to verify it. She'd go home with me and at some point, my wife had to fuck another man and Pixie had to be there to taste him in Suzanne. See, Pixie has prosopagnosia. She does not recognize people by their faces. Her brain does not register your face and differentiate it again in memory. She has no idea who they are but she has a wonderful, encyclopedic recognition of tastes.

"She consults for all sort of people in the culinary arts, for governments looking into adulteration of food stuffs, that sort of thing. Her real talent, though is recognizing cum. She can taste a man's cum and even after ten years, she'll recognize his specific taste and can connect it to his name if it was connected when she tasted it the first time.

"I cannot explain how she gained this particular skill or the reputation that allowed her to put it to use. Several guys have used it to find out who was boning their wives. No matter. She just doesn't recognize faces.

"So Mr. Crakowovski, that is this guy's name, he, he wants to know for certain that my wife will fuck a stranger. So, he sends Pixie home with me as a Christmas present, gives her away...shit, you've met her, it makes sense that she could be given away. She tasted us separately and as a mixed drink in Suzanne's pink chalice. I had a pending punishment, one I had been coddling against the Crakowovski deal for several months.

"Sometimes, I just keep her dangling till she begs to be punished, after she confesses I mean!" Northcutt looked really pleased with himself then. "It is so fun to see her lose her shit just from the stress of waiting for me to decide. When this came up, though, I told her she had to find some strange and have him in her when Pixie arrived. Usually, there is no explicit consequence if she skipped a punishment within the timeframe but, whenever I am trading her around, I have fit it into a time limit to ensure she doesn't duck it and fuck me up, thinking she can do it later.

"There a a few things Suzanne really hates and I use that to motivate her to stick to the punishment. I did this time."

I nodded. "So, you don't need me. I did my part I can go, right?" I grinned then, feeling all sparky and shit. "Unless she is here and you want me to fuck her again. She's a great piece of ass, so you don't need to ask twice!"

Northcutt's face darkened.

Uh oh.

"No need to be crude, Mr. Duncan and sit down."

I sat down, immediately and did not even apologize. I felt the voyage over the line and I wanted nothing so much as to voyage right back into safe harbor.

"I do need you but I did not think about it when I started. In order for him to know that Suzanne fucks other men than me, he needs to have you go meet him and let her, Pixie, suck you off and see that she recognizes you. Don't say your name, or she'll know that name, even if she doesn't recognize you. Mr. C wants her to identify you using Pixie."

"I am sorry, Mr. Northcutt, wouldn't it just be easier for him to hire a gigolo and have him do that all for him. I mean really, it seems like a lot of fucking trouble."

Northcutt chuckled. "Fucking trouble!" He shook his head. "You don't understand. The point of these little burrs on deals is to make them perfectly doable but difficult, complicated, even awkward. That is part of it. The other part is that I have no wish for some third party to know she likes strange. Not under those circumstances and frankly, Mr. C doesn't want that either because it would provide unequal leverage in the deal. If he did that, he'd have to provide his wife in some equal way and I am pretty sure that would not fit his ideal of marriage. This way, you end up being an anonymous party that no one can easily connect to Suzanne and Mr. C at the same time. Pixie provides the proof and everyone is happy. I can include her in the deal and everyone is happy."

"You could have just thrown the poker game."

"Yeah, I'd be broke now. Nor was that the point. I think he threw it because, well, he wanted to give me some experience with a sexual savant like Pixie, as part of the deal without lording it over me. This way, he throws her in and gets Suzanne later on. Don't try to figure it out, it works in my world and his."

I nodded agreement, agreeing not to try and to assure him that I did not understand. The basics, yes, but in general, not a bit. "Okay, so why are you telling..." I got that far. "You need Pixie to suck me off with this Mr. C watching."

Northcutt nodded. "Is that so bad? Remember, I have been in her mouth too."

I shook my head. "No, god, I get that she is a sexual savant. I have a list of things I'd like to try with her but, no, I get it. So? When?"

Northcutt shrugged. "I have no idea. He'll, he'll be back in town eventually and the subject will come up. He was here yesterday and the subject came up obliquely, he mentioned that Pixie was judging some food show in Cologne or somewhere, so I knew it wouldn't be this trip. What you really want to know is why I called you, why Suzanne didn't."

I shook my head. "No, that's clear. Suzanne doesn't know about my connection to this deal or how it relates to her."

"Right. I, I expect she has a number of other cocks scattered around. That is part of the tacit agreement. She, she always has something I can punish her for, she makes sure she has something to confess. As time has gone along, it has been important that she always be guilty so I can use her in the deals I broker. As far as I have been able to determine, she has no understanding of that side of the proposition and if your account is indicative, my understanding is perfectly accurate."

I nodded. "Yes. It is. What she told me, as best I can remember. As to what she actually thinks..." I shrugged.

He regarded me with his light gray eyes.

I could tell he was waiting for something but I had no idea what it was. I searched through my brain coils and found nothing. "What?" I said finally.

"Aren't you going to ask me what's in this for you?"

"No." I said immediately. "The way I see it, I get a blowjob from Pixie and get to continue the affair with Suzanne till it is time for you to catch us and hand her over to Mr. C for a good rogering."

"Don't you want a commission or something?"

"What? No. No! Shit, man, I bucked your wife in the stairwell the other day and you haven't killed me. I figure I am way ahead of the game. Suzanne is..."

He held up his hand. "I know what Suzanne is." He said. "Okay. If, if you are fine with that..."

"Really. If you don't want to kill me, I am good. Really! I warn you, I am just a tiny bit twisted and I might try to twist your wife up a little before you finish with me."

"Good luck with that. I imagine she would tie you in a sheepshank long before you showed her anything new."

I grunted. "So we are good?"

He nodded.

I stood up and walked out. I think he felt a little let down but that was all I wanted at that moment, to walk out of the door upright and using everything the same way I was using it when I walked in. I never felt threatened, I just feared, even expected it. I was fucking his wife, after all. Getting to leave with only the prospect of Pixie sucking me off again, that was just fine with me, better than fine.

Now, it is a little strange to have a brush with this sort of high finance and not try to dip my beak in. Maybe. Truth is, I felt like it was similar to Sid's world. And I wanted nothing to do with it. All I wanted was to fuck their women and go home and have a beer with my friends. Call me simple but that was me.

Oh, well, there is the whole thing about Sonny's harem. I had let that percolate and nothing had happened yet. Tawny called me Monday night and in a whisper asked me what the fuck I was thinking by turning Annie over Chris while she was prancing around in her altogethers. I wanted details in the worst way but knew if I asked, I'd be tipping my hand and my big sister would dangle it in front of me. I wasn't exactly in the best position to pump Chris for those details, if you'll pardon the expression.

Georgia had called and said she'd be home Friday. With Dalia, of course, but she didn't say anything about Dalia. I got the distinct impression that my sister planned on taking me to bed and fucking me to death. You can imagine my chagrin when Friday arrived and I got a call from Sean, since that was more or less my plan too.

It was Friday afternoon. The cold snap was lifting in the back of a front of clouds and predicted new snow. Sean called and said his mother was home and furious. She demanded he quit bringing Laura to "her" house and they were in the midst of a huge fight and could I get over there right away.

I told him I'd try. I rounded up Brent and Sammy, told them to meet me at Annie's house. I called her to see if I could borrow her Caddy and her ass. She agreed, almost asking why but leaving well enough alone.

In the car, I explained to Sammy and Brent they needed to keep absolutely silent and never smile. I did a u-turn to get Chris' bat from my car. I hoped I had everything set up perfectly and this would end up the way everyone hoped. Well, maybe not Lydia Favors, at least not at the beginning but eventually, I hoped she'd be happy about how things turned out. You gotta try or no one ever grows up, right?

We got out of the car in the Favors' drive way and walked as a huddled group up to their door. I handed the aluminum ball bat to Sammy, slipped my arm around Annie, dressed and shivering in very revealing hooker clothes. By hooker clothes, I mean she had on garters that stretched down her lean legs in perfect view under a frilly red and black skirt. A tight little black blouse that hid nothing and left her midriff bare in the cold. So she wasn't a very smart hooker; I didn't say that, it would have been rude.

I rang the doorbell.

Lydia Favors opened the door and her red face went completely white.

"Oh god!" She whispered.

"I know she's here, Mrs. Favors. Don't make me come back. Let us in and this will be over quick. I'd like to say painlessly but that might prove to be a lie."

Lydia did not move, she stood with her hand on the door, blocking our way. Her eyes flicked from me to Annie and the two guys. I am sure I could see in her eyes when she registered the ball bat Sammy had over his shoulder. Her eyes snapped back to me.

"Let us in, Mrs. Favors. Its cold out here. If you close the door, I fear your son will spend a lot of time looking over his shoulder if what I think is true, is actually true. Mrs. Favors' little boy has fucked up and you know it. Better to settle things now and get on with life and not make things more complicated for everyone."

I did not move. I did not speak. Annie shivered against me, constituting a greater urgency. Neither Sammy nor Brent moved or spoke. Perfect.

"Oh god, no." Mrs. Favors whispered finally, her mind resuming operations. She stepped back from the door and then retreated into her house, leaving the door open and unobstructed. Me and my entourage shuffled in out of the cold and closed the door.

"Mrs. Favors, I am only going to ask you this once and I expect the exact right answer. The truth because if I find out you lied, dear little greedy Sean will need you to hold his dick when he pees because my friends here will have to break his arms and his legs." I whispered this, staring into her wide eyes.

"Oh god, no, please, please." Her voice quavered.

At that perfect moment, we heard the wailing scream of a woman in ecstasy issuing from the top floor of the house, swirling around us like spirits fleeing the maw of hell, at least that was what Mrs. Favor's face registered.

"Mrs. Favors, I am just going to ask you this once. Does your son have my blonde upstairs?"

Laura wailed again.

What could she do? Mrs. Favors nodded.

I was still turning to Sammy when she skipped past me and stood at the bottom of the little flight of stairs up to the second floor of the split level house.

"Oh god, don't hurt him! Please, I beg of you."

I saw Brent and Sammy look at each other. Their looks said confusion to me, but to a mother looking on, it must have looked far worse.

Mrs. Favors wailed and sat down on the stairs. "Oh god, no, please, don't hurt my boy! Please!"

I almost broke then and went home. I really don't have the heart for real cruelty and this came as close to that as I wanted to be. But Mrs. Favors saved me. I'd been prepared for greater negotiation but she broke like a champaign bottle on the prow of a new destroyer.

"I'll do anything, anything if you promise not to hurt my son!" Lydia Favors cried.


I had taken the bat from Sammy. You should have seen his face but he kept quiet. He looked as scared as Lydia Favors sounded.

I turned slowly to look at the woman and found that she was not weeping. She, she looked horrified, terrified even, but she did not weep. She stood up.

"When you say anything, Mrs. Favors, just what do you mean?" I asked softly.

We heard thumping, like ass on bed, up stairs. That percussion needed a melody but as it was, it sounded like music to my ears.

Her eyes rolled up into her head and then relocated me. "I mean anything, just like you think I mean." She said firmly. "Nothing is worth having you hurt my son."

Sammy cracked and at the perfect time and in the perfect way. "She'll call the cops when we're gone, Sonny."

I thought he'd say more but I looked at him and something in my face reassured him and his mouth snapped closed. I handed him the ball bat back and he relaxed a little. He knew he couldn't hit a curve ball but Mrs. Favors didn't know that. Ignorance is a potent weapon.

I looked back at Mrs. Favors, turning my head very slowly. "She's up there, then, right Mrs. Favors?"

She nodded. "Yes. My son is having sex with, with your blonde."

I nodded. I cocked my hip to the side and tilted my head. "Mrs. Favors, may I call you Lydia, Lydia, just what do you think I have in mind when you say you'll do anything? Say it out loud, so we can all hear what you think I'm thinking."

She did not even hesitate. "I'll have sex with you."

I let my eyes get very wide along with my mouth. I turned to look at Brent and then Sammy. I released Annie and pushed her towards the couch. She sailed the rest of the way and sat down, flopping in the perfect image of a bored woman, legs sprawled and open, one hand rubbing absently at her breast.

I turned back to Mrs. Favors. "You'll have sex with me? Is that what you think I am thinking?"

She nodded.

I smiled. "May I have a drink of water. My throat is dry."

For a moment, I don't think she could understand what I had said. Finally it got through all the chaff in her brain.

"Yes of course." She went past us to the kitchen and stopped when I mounted the first steps. "Oh no, don't. Please." Her voice was strong. "I am completely serious. I, I will do anything you wish."

I turned around on the steps. "Oh? Like suck my cock?"

She nodded, firmly. "Of course. Everyone knows that is having sex, even if the media doesn't."

I smirked. "It apparently does not take much to fool those boys. I, however, it takes more to fool me. So? You'd put my cock in your cunt?"

Mrs. Favors nodded again.

"And how about the ass? Would you put my cock in your ass?"

She hesitated now, but then nodded.

I gestured at Sammy. "An him? You fuck him too?"

She looked at him, the merest white hesitation in her face. She grimaced and nodded.

"And if we all did you at the same time? You'd be okay with that?"

She nodded, her face flexing around a core thought that I could not quite decipher. I wanted it to be the exposure of a secret desire to be group fucked. I determined to discover what she was working so hard to disguise.

I nodded. "The water." I sat down on the stairs. Sammy went to a chair by the window and sat down, peering out at the gathering gloom. Brent leaned against the foyer wall near the front door. Above us, the thumping of sex on a bedstead resumed.

"Noisy." I said. "How do you put up with that?"

She handed me a glass of tap water. "I don't. I mean, I insist she leave when I get here."

I drank down half the glass. My mouth was dry. "Now you are lying, Mrs. Favors. Just how many times has my blonde visited? That you know of?"

"I, uh, three or four. Maybe more."

"More? How long has it been since we last spoke? When I promised you I'd never see you again?"

"Three, maybe four weeks."

"Four weeks. And you are telling me that my blonde has only been on her back three or four times in your house? That you know of?"

Now Mrs. Favors looked very uncomfortable. "Okay, more. I said more, didn't I. I know that many times for sure, because, because I saw her. On her back, I mean. Yes, in his room."

I nodded. "What about a kiss."

"A kiss? You mean do they kiss? I, I don't know. I have never..."

"No. I mean, when you said you'd do anything, does that include a kiss?" I made this a real question.

"I, well, I don't know, I suppose, if I wanted, I mean if you wanted a kiss, I suppose, yes, of course."

I nodded, clearly happy. "I do want a kiss. Now."

Mrs. Favors looked like I had slapped her. That shocked, blank look of confusion and non-recognition that says she has no idea how she got to this point in her life. She never saw the signs pointing her way or the exit that would allow her to avoid it and now, here it was and it surprised and shocked her.

"Now?" She whispered. Suddenly her hostess routine had been interrupted by the reality of what she was busily negotiating away.

"Now." I assured her.

She nodded. "Oh, well, okay." She didn't move. I didn't move. "Aren't you going to stand up?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Comfortable here." I sat on the fourth step with my feet on the first step. I had my knees open wide, like a harbor to a ship. To kiss me, she needed to get between them or bend awkwardly into the stairs.

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