For The Love of a Child

"Think about what?" Mom innocently asked, "I was just going to ask if you two had thought about maybe moving in together?"

"In that case I'm sorry, Mom," I chuckled, "At least this time anyway."

"You'd better watch yourself, young man," Mom authoritative replied, making Teela giggle, "You're not too old for me to take you across my knee and paddle your little ass."

"Give the boy a break this time, Mom," Dad grinned, sharply smacking Mom on the butt, "He's not gonna do anything that's going to embarrass us."

"No," Mom angrily glared, rubbing her butt where Dad had smacked her, "You're doing a fine job of that all by yourself, asshole." It was my turn to laugh this time, and that's exactly what I did, and very loud, too."

"That's not funny," Teela replied, trying to keep from giggling and failing miserably.

"She's right, it's not funny," Mom grumbled, "And pay no attention to your father, God knows that I'm not going to later on tonight."

"Come on, Mom," I groaned, "That's a little too much information in mixed company, don't you think?"

"No, I don't," Mom pointedly replied, "How the hell do you think that your little ass got here?"

"Duh, I don't know," I teased, "Maybe the stork brought me."

By then Mom had gotten over Dad embarrassing her, and with an impish smile plastered across her face, she looked at me and said, "If I had known that you were going to grow up to be as big a smart ass as your father, then I would've told him to keep you."

"Yeah, yeah," I chuckled, Teela giggling beside me.


The next day at work was hectic, so much that I didn't get the opportunity to eat lunch with Teela. However, I made certain that I took the time to stop by Jessie's room and look in on her. She'd been there for almost a week and when I visited her room that afternoon, I was greeted with a warm smile from Jayne, her mother, and of course a big hug from Jessie.

"Hi, little angel," I smiled, sitting on the bed next to her, "How're you feeling today?"

"I'm bored," she sullenly replied, "There's nothing to do around here."

"I can't do anything about it tonight," I smiled, "But how about if I take you out of here for a little while tomorrow? How would that be?"

"Really," she asked, "Nobody's gonna get mad?"

"I've got a little pull around here," I smiled, "And everything is going to be just fine, I promise."

"What am I gonna wear?" she said, "I can't go out in my pajamas."

"How about if Mommy brings your play clothes bright and early in the morning?" Jayne smiled, "Would that be alright?"

"Okay, Mommy," Jessie smiled, "Thank you."

"Anything for my girl," Jayne smiled, hugging her daughter.


I stopped by Teela's house on the way home that evening, number one, because I hadn't seen her all day and number two, I was missing her after my encounter with Jessie earlier that afternoon. I also felt something beginning to take shape within me, which, not only did I not have control over it, but I couldn't even describe it if I did. It had been gnawing at me for some time now, I wasn't really sure how long; but I was also noticing that my priorities were now becoming different, too.


"Hi, baby," Teela smiled, hugging me as she greeted me at her front door, "I sure missed you today."

"Hi," I replied, distractedly returning her hug, "I missed you, too."

"Are you alright?" she asked, immediately noticing that something was amiss, "What's wrong, baby?"

"Nothing, really," I lied, "I'm just real tired, that's all."

My reply seemed to have pacified her for the moment, but a voice inside of me was telling me that she knew better. I wasn't in the mood to talk about it, and the only thing I wanted right then was to be in the arms of this beautiful angel that I loved so very much. For it was in her arms, and in her arms alone that I found peace and solace, regardless of how terribly the world around us raged?


After Teela had fed me, and once we were in bed for the night; she snuggled her naked body against mine and breathed, "I know that something is troubling you, baby. I can feel it in your heart, but I want you to know that I'm ready to listen when you're ready to talk about it, okay?"

"Okay," I wearily replied, holding her closely to me, "Thanks, Teela, I love you."

"Aw, I love you, too," she sweetly smiled, "Don't ever for get that, Mark."

"I won't," I yawned, "I promise you."

"That's good," she sweetly cooed, "Because I'll always love you...always."


The next morning was a busy one, and when Mike and I finally had a chance to take a break, we were eating lunch in the cafeteria when Jessie arrived in her wheelchair, Teela pushing her from behind.

"Hi, Mark," she giggled, "Hi. Doctor Mike."

"Well, hello there to you, too, young lady," Mike smiled, "You seem to be feeling better these days, and so soon, too."

"Yes, sir," she smiled, "Mark and Teela are going to take me out somewhere today."

"Oh they are?" Mike replied, suspiciously glaring at Teela and I.

"Yes, Mark said so yesterday," Jessie brightly smiled, "My Mommy even brought me some clothes so that I wouldn't have to wear my pajamas."

Then Mike looked over at me and sternly said, "I don't want to know about this and I don't want to hear about it. Just make damn sure that you have her back here no later than seven o'clock this evening. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal," I happily grinned, "Thanks, Mike."

"You pirate," he teased, "Now I want the three of you to get out of here."

"What about work?" I asked, "Don't we have two cases this afternoon?"

"Yeah," he cockily smiled, "But I can do them both with my eyes closed and won't need you getting in my way."

"Thanks, Doctor Mike," Jessie giggled, "Teela said you were a nice man."

"No problem, sweetie, "Mike tenderly smiled at his little patient, "No problem at all."


We began our excursion that afternoon with a trip to "Chuck E. Cheese" for some pizza and a little bit of fun. And because of the shape her shoulder was in, I did all the throwing of the ski ball, which once we'd finished; we had enough tickets to trade in for a fairly nice sized stuffed purple pony that Jessie had had her eyes on the moment we walked in.

From there we took her for a stroll around the park on order to fill her little lungs with some fresh air as opposed to the semi sterile environment of the hospital room she'd been in. And once we were finished with the park, I could tell by the look in her eyes that my beautiful little Jessie was getting tired.

"I think we'd better take you back now, Jess," I smiled, leaning down close to her, "We don't want to overdo it the first time out, because they might not let us take you out again if so, okay baby girl."

"Okay, Mark," she smiled, hugging my neck, "I love you so much."

"I love you, too, sweetie," I replied, trying with everything I had to control the emotions that were threatening to spill out of me at any moment, "Let's get you back to your room now."


Teela and I said our goodbyes to Jess, and once we were out of the hospital and out by the car; I pulled Teela into my arms and broke down crying like a newborn baby. She simply held me in her arms and said nothing, letting me expel out of me whatever it was she thought was tormenting me.

Once I'd regained control of my composure, she pulled a tissue out of her purse and began wiping my face off. "Are you alright, baby?"

"I am now," I replied, still not too sure of myself, "There's something about that kid that knocks me off balance every time I'm around her."

"It's okay, Mark," she sweetly replied, "Receiving the unconditional love of a child has the tendency to do that to you."


The next morning at work was a good one, not too busy, just enough to make the time pass quickly until it was lunchtime.

"So, how's it going today, Mike?" I asked during lunch, "You still pissed off at me for yesterday?"

"No," he laughed, "How did Jessie do outside the hospital?"

"We were only out for a few hours," I explained, "And then I could tell that she was beginning to tire so; we brought her back early."

"I was on call last night," he told me, "And I checked in on her. I think that taking her out of here for a little while was just the right medicine. Way to go, Mark."

"Why thank you, Doctor," I replied smiling, "That was nice of you to say."

"See what I mean?" he firmly said, "You were born with a gift for this shit, Mark. Dammit, why can't you see that you need to be in medical school, huh, why?"

"Alright, alright," I relented, "You win. Tell me what I need to do?"

"You leave everything to me," he excitedly replied, "You're doing the right thing, kid, I promise."


"Hi, cutie," I said to Jess, as I walked into her room that afternoon," How're you feeling, pretty girl?"

"Hi, Mark," she excitedly replied, "I made you a present."

"Aw, baby girl," I smiled, "You didn't have to do that."

"Well, I did," she giggled, "So, sit down here on the bed next me and give me your arm and close your eyes."

"Okay," I smiled, sitting down next to her on the bed.

I felt something lightly touching my left wrist, stopping when Jessie said; "You can open your eyes now."

The moment I opened my eyes I saw a bracelet made of heavy string with small red, white and blue beads strung neatly and tightly together and tied into a knot, leaving about a quarter inch of space, around my wrist."

"Thank you, Jessie," I replied, as I gently hugged her, "This is a beautiful gift that I'll never take off."

"I have one just like it," she sweetly smiled, holding up her wrist to show me, "See? It means that we're best friends forever."

"We sure are," I grinned, as I held her little hand, "Forever..."


By Friday morning of that week, Mike and I were standing in the VIP lounge at the airport, waiting for the private jet that was going to take us to Nashville, Tennessee, also the home of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.


"Are you sure about this?" I asked, once we were in the air.

"Trust me, kid, "Mike knowingly grinned, "The Dean is an old friend of mine."


By two o'clock that afternoon, Mike and I were seated in the reception area of the office of the Dean of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Dr. Jeff Balser.

"Doctor Balser will see you now," his secretary politely told us.


"Holy cow," Dr. Balser said, at seeing Mike, "How the hell are you, Mike?"

"I'm doing real well, old friend," Mike happily grinned, "How are you?"

"Oh, you know," he grinned, "Dealing with students, teachers, you know how it is. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"I've got a young surgeon in the making, Jeff," Mike said, referring to me, "He's a seasoned combat vet and was a Navy Corpsman, who I think has it in him to be one of the most gifted surgeons any of us have ever seen."

"Is that a fact?" Jeff said to Mike, looking at me, "What were your SAT scores in high school?"

"Not that it matters," I cockily replied, "But my scores were in the high fourteen hundreds."

"He sure is an arrogant little shit," Jeff laughed, "Just like somebody else I know."

"Aw, man," Mike chuckled, "Don't start that shit again."

"So, what is you name?" Jeff asked me.

"Mark," I replied, "Mark Howard, sir."

"It's nice to meet you, Mark," Jeff cordially said, "What kind of experience do you have?"

"I worked on the hospital wards for almost four years, at Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego," I proudly replied, "And then I was attached to the Marine Corps in Beirut, Lebanon for four more years until I was discharged."

"Honorably, I assume," he replied, much to the disdainful look I gave him, "I'm sorry, kid, but I've got to ask."

"Yes," I curtly replied, "I was honorably discharged," Mike laughing right next to me.


I was subjected to a battery of several different tests over that weekend which lasted for twelve hours Saturday and Sunday. And when I was finally finished and the tests had been graded, I was pleased to find out that I would only have to do three semesters of medical school. I was also told that because of my experience in the Navy, I would not have to do an internship, nor would I have to do my residency. All in all, I was rather pleased with myself and ended up looking forward to beginning school the following spring.


On the flight back home that night, I sat looking out the window of the aircraft, relaxing and thinking about all the things that were ahead of me. However, the two things that were most prevalent in my mind were, of course, my relationship with Teela, and how I was going to manage going to school.

Then there was Jessie, and what was going to happen to her. Of course, I had no control over what would happen to her once she left the hospital. But I still couldn't help but be afraid for her, and wonder about that abusive son-of-a-bitch she was cursed with having as a father. I swore to God right then that I was going to protect her, regardless of the cost to me. I had to...I simply couldn't help it."


When the plane finally touched down on the runway back home and had come to a stop, the pilot opened the door for us to exit the aircraft. I was the first one out, and much to my surprise, there stood Teela waiting for me with a smile on her beautiful face.

"Hi, baby," she smiled, kissing me while I held her in my arms, "How did you do?"

"He did great," Mike replied, from behind me, "You're boyfriend is going to be attending Vanderbilt University School of Medicine this coming spring."

"Oh, Mark," Teela smiled, "I'm so proud of you, baby."

"But what about us?" I worriedly asked, "What am I supposed to do about you and me? I don't want to leave you behind."

"I wouldn't too much if I were you, sweetheart," she knowingly replied, "These things always have a way of working themselves out, just you wait and see, baby."

"Don't worry, kid," Mike proudly smiled, "You're gonna be a surgeon, Mark, and a damned fine one, too."

"Oh yeah?" I flippantly teased, "And where did you go to medical school, Doctor?"

"Vanderbilt University School of Medicine," he smirked, "Jeff Balser and I were room mates."

"You son of a bitch," I chuckled, "You set me up, didn't you?"

"Maybe just a little bit," he laughed, "But you'll be alright, the both of you."

"Yeah, yeah," I laughed, "I'm going to have to start keeping an eye on you, dammit," Teela and Mike both laughing.


Chapter Eight

A week had passed since my trip to Nashville and Dr. Schwartz couldn't have been happier about my decision to go to Medical School. He even let me do some of the more minor cases that came in, and of course he stood right next me to oversee. I think it was his way of more-or-less passing on some of his knowledge to me, before I went to school.

I'd made sure that I saw Jessie every single afternoon, and before I even realized it; that precious child had stolen my heart. I came to love her very much, which made my fear for her grow even worse. But I had to let her go when the time came for her to be discharged, and I'll tell you now, it was one of the toughest things I'd ever done. But I was going to be a doctor and I was bound, as a soon to be doctor, to act professionally."


My nights were spent in the arms of my beautiful Teela, who had the power to soothe my fears and chase away the bad dreams I began having not too soon after Jessie's release. It's been said that all good things come to an end, and there was no exception in my case.

The following Friday afternoon, I'd been helping my response team restock the surgical suites when we got the call. It was from Teela telling us that we had an emergency case coming, and that Mike had asked to assist Dr. Schwartz and I.


Mike, Dr. Schwartz and I were scrubbed and waiting when the patient arrived. Imagine my shock when I discovered that it was beautiful little Jessie with a traumatic wound to the head. According to the intern in the Emergency Room, the wound had been a result of the child falling from a moving car.

However, upon closer examination, there were no cuts or abrasions on the child's body that would be associated that type of injury. I knew first hand, because I still bore scars from accidentally falling from the back of my uncle's truck when I was young, but there were none save for one. I saw a single horseshoe shaped cut below her right eye, which it self was bruised and swollen.

The back side of her little head had been almost laid open and the skull was fractured, she been monitored by an electro encephalogram, and according to Dr. Schwartz, as well as Mike, her little brain was beginning to hemorrhage. Holes were drilled in her skull and I inserted the hoses to begin the evacuation of blood from her cranium. The moment I turned on the pump, copious amounts of cerebral fluid mixed with blood began to fill the reservoir bucket.

We worked on her for a solid thirty minutes; my heart was about to beat out of my chest. Finally Dr. Schwartz made the call when the cardiac monitors went flat line.

"NOOOO," I screamed, beginning CPR on her. "Come on, baby girl," I cried, "Don't do this, please come back, baby girl, please."

"Come on, Mark," Mike softly replied, gently pulling me away from her, "She's gone, man."

"Let go of me, God dammit," I viciously growled, while violently jerking myself away from him and resuming CPR on Jessie.

"That's it," I heard Mike say, and then he grabbed me, using a martial arts hold to restrain me so that I couldn't move.

Then after taking me out of the surgical suite and into the hallway of the O.R., he released me, pushing me away from him as he did. I wanted to confront him, but my heart was so deeply broken, that I did nothing more than crumble to my knees, tears raining down my face.

"Come on, Mark," he gently replied, helping me up off of the floor, "Let's go outside and take a break, little brother."


"Her father did this, Mike," I said, "I know it in my heart."

"You've got no proof," Mike said, "And you'll get all of us in big trouble if you go making veiled accusations."

"I'm gonna get the proof," I adamantly replied, "And when I do, his ass is mine."

"Come on," Mike replied, "We've still got to break the news to Jessie's family. You're welcome to tag along, but I want you to keep your mouth shut while Doctor Schwartz and I do this, okay?"

"Yeah," I replied, "I want to see the look on that cocksucker's face when he find out that he killed his own daughter."

"I mean it, Mark," Mike warned, "Not a word, alright?"

"Alright," I replied, "Not a word."


"I'm very sorry," Dr. Schwartz told Jessie's parents, "We tried with everything we had, but your daughter didn't survive."

"Oh my God," Jayne cried, "My Jessie is gone."

While Mike and Dr. Schwartz were trying to console her, I stood fast, steadily glaring into Jessie's father's eyes, which by the way, I could smell the alcohol on him from where I stood several feet away.

"What're you looking at, asshole?" he drunkenly said, pointing his right index finger at me, "I don't fucking like your fucking long haired ass anyway."

When he pointed his finger at me, I saw that he was wearing a diamond horseshoe ring that matched the size of the cut on little Jessie's face, and when I looked closer, I could plainly see the blood that was still on the ring, Jessie's blood.

The last thing I remember was yelling, "YOU SON OF A BITCH," and that my vision went completely white. When my eyes finally cleared a few moments later, fifteen security guards were restraining me as I laid, face up, on the floor of the waiting room.


"Have you lost your fucking mind?" Mike heatedly asked, as I sat in the security office, awaiting the police to come and take me to jail, "What's wrong with you."

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