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Pete's Pub

She closely examined those two worlds as she walked. Her professional career was right on track with her lifelong pursuit of excellence and overcoming the odds that had been stacked against her. With the revival of the project and the possibility of its implementation, she felt she was on the cusp of further advancement at BH&H. It wasn't the money she craved as much as it was the prestige, the reward for hard work, and the proof that you could accomplish anything you wanted if you set your goals high and worked hard to accomplish them.

And then she thought of the world that included Pete and the pub. It was a world she didn't even know she wanted up until a month ago, when she stepped inside the pub just to stay warm until the next train came along. Yet as the new world gradually enveloped her, she knew some of the best times of her life had been with Pete and Brian and the customers and now even Nora, who had opened up to her and accepted her at her father's girlfriend. Most important was the intimacy she and Pete shared as they made love – his first time in years, her first time ever. Their connection was established before they became lovers; after, she couldn't imagine her life without Pete ever again.

About half a block from the pub entrance, she heard her phone beep, indicating a message had just arrived. She dug it out of her pocket and saw that it was from Pete – Any way you could find some time for us at the pub soon? Nora is here and she says she has a surprise for us! The message had mixed results on Sarah – though it was unusual, it was always great to get a message from Pete, but it signaled another example of the problem she faced – one world was asking her for time from the other world.

With these conflicted thought troubling her, Sarah pushed open the doors of the pub and let the warmth and ambience sweep her away. She sought out Pete, and once locating him, walked quickly to him and surprised him with a hug and a kiss. As they had done in the past, the pub customers hooted and hollered at this display of affection, causing Pete's cheeks to turn a bright shade of crimson. Nora came over to greet her with a hug as well. Temporarily, the conflict within Sarah muted itself as she let this world take charge.

Nora pulled Sarah and Pete behind the bar, obviously excited with something she wanted to share. "I have some big news – actually, two pieces of big news. First things first – Daniel is coming to visit with you two this Sunday at 9:00 in the morning. He wants to talk to you, dad, and he wants to meet Sarah as well. Isn't that great?"

Pete's mouth hung open as he heard the news. "How did you get him to agree to that?"

Nora flashed a sly smile. "Actually, it was easier than I thought. I brought in my "secret" enforcer – I called mom. I told her what was going on – and by the way, dad, she says she's happy to hear you have a new friend – and explained how it was time for Daniel to put aside his desire to cling to the past and move into the future. She agreed and called him and told him to get his ass in here and talk to you."

Pete beamed now. He was glad to hear Gina still cared enough to see that Daniel needed to be pushed into resolving his differences with his dad. And he was glad to know that at least on the surface, Gina was happy that he and Sarah were in a relationship together.

It was easy to see that Nora still had something else to share, so they turned their attention back to her. "Since you two are an official "item" now, I thought you needed an official date, so I've spent the past few hours setting it up for you. This Saturday, I've made you reservations for dinner at the Downtown Club, and then you'll walk over to the Metropolitan Theater and see the musical that's playing there. How's that for an official date?"

Sarah was stunned – she had never had a romantic evening like this before, and the thought of being out in public at two prestigious venues raised her spirits tremendously. "Nora, wow, what a present! It sounds like a magical evening!" She raced over to give her a hug, and held her for a long time.

When Sarah stepped back, Nora continued, "Sarah, that's not all. Since I know this is probably your first time to go on a date like this, you and I are going to spend a girls' day together – you know, shopping, manicure, spa, the works! We'll get you some makeup and fix you up so that daddy will have a hard time being a gentleman the whole evening!"

Sarah was overwhelmed. She had felt very good about her relationship with Nora after they had worked together the previous afternoon, but this was more than she could have expected! She had wondered how Nora would include Sarah as she dated her dad. She didn't want to consider Nora as a step-daughter, especially since they were only four years apart in age. The thought of Nora as perhaps her best friend was amazing – not only was she gaining an incredible man in this relationship but to now have a close confident in Nora was above and beyond her wildest dreams!

She moved to hug Nora again, this time with tears of joy in her eyes. Pete and Nora saw the tears and misinterpreted them – thinking something was wrong, Nora asked, "Sarah, are you okay?"

Sarah stepped back and smiled. Seeing that, Pete and Nora relaxed as well. "This is just all so amazing – I've never had a day with a girlfriend like that, let alone a romantic night with a handsome man like you, Pete. It's all just so overwhelming, but in a fantastic way! Thank you both for including me in your lives. I feel so blessed!"

It was Pete's turn to hug Sarah. As he held her, he turned to Nora and said, "Nora, it's an amazing gift! I, too, am overwhelmed at the thought of it. Now if we could just get Daniel back, it would make the happiest man in the world even happier!"


The week continued – Sarah spent half of her time reviewing the completed document of the project, and the other half on the routine work she normally did at BH&H. When she was working on her routine items, she still was plagued by the daydreams – thoughts of Pete, of Nora, and of the pub, only now she added dreams of her Saturday to come. She had no idea what to expect from a girls' day out – that was the kind of thing career ladder-climbers never bothered to worry about.

But when she was reviewing the project, she was able to block out those distracting images, and keep her focus on the task at hand. The latest word was that negotiations were ongoing, but the possibility of a resolution was still hopeful at best. Sarah and her team could not let their guard down for one minute – when the time came, they had to be ready to work.

Nora was back in the pub working her regular shift on Wednesday night. When Sarah walked in from work, she and Nora exchanged smiles. Sarah trudged over to her usual spot at the end of the bar – it had become a running joke that the end seat was reserved for her, so much so that one night one of the patrons had made a sign that said those very words and hung it on that stool. When Sarah saw it, she laughed and said, "And don't you forget it!"

But tonight there was little energy in Sarah's walk, and Nora noticed this immediately. As soon as Sarah was seated, Nora came over and set down next to her. "I can tell that things aren't all rosy inside of that brain there. What's going on?"

Sarah decided this is when someone could really use a friend. "I've been struggling this week. While I'm doing my normal work at the office, I keep having daydreams of things here – being with your dad, hanging around the customers, even being here with you! They are strong enough that they interrupt my work, and that's just not acceptable. But for some reason, when I'm working on my big project, there are no interruptions. It's almost like my brain is in control for the really important things, but my heart wants to be in control all the other times!"

Nora looked incredulously at Sarah. "So you mean you've never before had a daydream or memories interrupt your work before? That happens to people all the time!"

Sarah shook her head. "I can't think of a time ever. I've always been able to focus on the work at hand – school work, studying for the bar, and now in my career. If I set out to complete something, it's all that I think about. But this is driving me crazy, because it's like I have no control over it."

Nora replied, "Let's look at the reality of this. Before you came in here the first time, the only thing in your life was your career and the preparations to achieve the career you desired. After falling for Pete, suddenly for the first time in your life, there was something else that was just as important as your career. Your heart is causing the conflicting emotions to clash, and something's got to give. The result is these little daydreams pop up to keep reminding you of the other side.

"It's clear to see how the project is still important to you – after all, you spent the better part of two weeks of your life being consumed by the need to get it accomplished. Now that there's hope that it might be used for real, you've kicked back into that priority mode, so when you're working on it, nothing is going to get in your way."

Sarah looked at Nora, trying to figure out if what she was saying was an actual phenomenon. "Is there validity to what you are saying? I've never heard of anything like this before."

Nora laughed – once a researcher, always a researcher, she thought about her dad's girlfriend. "I don't know if anybody has ever studied it, but I do know that anybody who has ever been in love has experienced it. Love is the most powerful force of all – when it gets rolling, it's hard to stop. You and my dad may not be all the way in love yet, but I can tell it's not far away.

"Look, this has happened to me on several occasions, and to tell you the truth, with guys whom I don't think I was a close to as you are to dad. It will pass – soon you'll be back to being in charge of everything at work. But enjoy it for now – it means you are making memories so strong that your heart is forcing them through."

"So you don't think I have anything to worry about?"

Nora smiled and said, "Look, I'd be more worried if you weren't having daydreams about my dad! That might mean you're not into this relationship as much as he is. But I'm pretty certain you are."

Sarah felt a wave of relief wash over her. She believed Nora knew what she was talking about. After all, it made perfect sense. Sarah could not deny this was the first time she'd ever had feelings for another man before, so naturally these important feelings were going to find their way into her thoughts. She just hoped Nora was right about these feelings subsiding in the future and staying away from her while she was working. She liked Pete a lot, but she didn't want her performance to become sub-standard at the law firm.

"So, Sarah – are you getting excited about our little girls' day coming up? I'm going to open your eyes to so many new things! It's going to be a blast!"

"I'm a little nervous – certainly this is something else I've never done in my life!"

Nora chuckled and answered, "I have a feeling this will be so much fun, we will have plenty more days just like it. Trust me – I'll show you how girls have fun together!"

With that, she was back out to wait on customers. Sarah was exhausted after three straight days of over 12 hours each, so she found Pete behind the bar and gave him a kiss, and told him she was tired and heading straight up to the apartment so she could sleep. He kissed her again, and she turned and walked toward the back.

As she climbed the steps, another thought hit her. When she had first agreed to stay in Pete's extra bedroom, the arrangement worked very well for her because their schedules were so opposite that they never really knew each other was there. Now that she and Pete were more than just friends, their schedules worked against them. The only difference was the fact that now Sarah was sleeping in Pete's bed, and when he came up after closing the pub, he would crawl in behind her and snuggle, waking her up just enough so she would know he was there. She knew couples who were intimate with each other needed more than that. If they were going to be successful together, that schedule had to change.

Being with Pete was important – in fact, she was sure she was in love with Pete. But that love came with a price – Pete was settled in his operation of his pub, and Sarah was settled into her career as a young up and coming lawyer in the city's most prestigious law firm. Unfortunately, those two career paths did not make successful bed partners.

She had to talk to Pete soon. There had to be a solution for these potential problems. She decided she'd talk to him after Daniel came to visit on Sunday. She'd know more about how Daniel felt about her and her relationship with his father. That would also be after their date, something to which Sarah was looking more forward each day. Perhaps that magical evening would clear her mind as to what she should do.

It was with these thoughts going through her mind that Sarah rested her head on her pillow and closed her eyes. She fell right to sleep, but it wasn't a deep, relaxing sleep. Instead it was fitful and interrupted. Only when Pete finally joined her in the middle of the night did she see an opportunity to feel relaxed, but she wanted more than that. As Pete was sliding behind her, she unexpectedly turned to him and looked at him longingly and said, "Pete, make love to me, please – I need to feel you in me tonight, right now!"

He could see the urgency in her eyes, so he climbed over between her spread legs and pushed her panties to the side as he guided his cock into her wet folds. Sarah moaned as he penetrated her, taking her slowly and gently. He leaned down to plant a kiss on her forehead. She kneaded her breasts through the simple cotton undershirt she was wearing. Pete established a rhythm – still not pressing, still not fucking, but making love with his beautiful girlfriend.

They looked deeply into each other's eyes. Without saying a word, they expressed love for each other. Sarah needed Pete to hold her, protect her, to help her grow as she learned to be a loving woman. Pete needed that loving person to share with, to laugh with, and to love unconditionally. As they made love, they bonded, and the world around them ceased to exist.

All of the evening's troubled thoughts left Sarah's mind as she looked deeply into Pete's soul. All that remained was the fact that she loved this man, and somehow, someway, she needed to hold on to him for the rest of her life. She could tell that Pete was getting close to his orgasm, so she began to move with him. As he started to breather harder and more rapidly, she whispered to him, "Fill me, Pete – claim me, make me yours forever." A few seconds later, he did just that, calling out "Sarah!" as he came inside her tight little flower.

They held each other for what seemed like hours. Finally Pete started moving to his own side of the bed. He had reduced to the point that he was about to slip out of her, but she stopped him and cupped his face in her hands as she said, "Pete, look at me and listen carefully. I...love...you! I've known it for a while now, but I had so many things I needed to be sure of. Now I know there is nothing of which I am surer in my life, Pete – I love you, and I always will!"

Pete smiled as a tear formed in the corner of his eye. "I'm so glad to hear that Sarah, because I know I love you too! I've known for a while now as well, but I was afraid to say anything because I didn't want to scare you away. I can't imagine spending another day in my life without you by my side. I am so thankful you missed the train that first day. I'm a firm believer in fate, and that's a prime example!"

They kissed again, and then Pete rolled over and cradled her in his arms. Sarah thought about telling some of her fears, but decided that could wait. This moment was too perfect. She knew now that sleep would come – deep, restful sleep. She knew now that she was in love, and that the man she loved was next to her, holding her, and making sure nothing happened to her.

With those thoughts caressing her soul, Sarah drifted off to sleep...


Finally Saturday arrived. She woke up earlier than normal for a non-work day. There was still no word on the negotiations process for her project, so the last two days at the office had been primarily routine items. Nora had been correct about her daydreams. Sarah had discovered that as the week went along, the interruptions in her train of thought were less and less, and she even began cherish them, as long as they didn't interfere too much in her production.

The office was the furthest thing on her mind as she awakened. Today was the day she and Nora were going to have a "girls' day out," with the goal of getting Sarah ready for her big formal date with Pete later this evening. She anticipated it would be one of the greatest days of her life! Little did she know at the time that it would actually be one of the most difficult days of her life.

Nora picked her up at the pub at 9:00, and they immediately headed to one of the suburban malls in the area. First on the list was a dress for Sarah for the evening. After looking in a couple of stores, they settled on a simple light blue shirt dress with buttons down the front that would allow Sarah to show the amount of skin with which she was comfortable. It was form-fitting, showing that Sarah had more of an alluring body shape than was normally present when she wore her business professional wear for work.

But the main attraction of her new dress was the fact that the hem stopped well short of her knees, showcasing her long legs. When she stepped out of the dressing room wearing it for the first time, Nora put her hand to her mouth in disbelief. She knew Sarah had the potential to be a beautiful woman, but the length of her legs showing beneath the simple dress was stunning! With the perfect shoes to match and some seductive make-up applied, she was going to be a fabulous date for her dad that night.

They found some lacy lingerie next, as Nora explained that even if she didn't show them to anybody, just the fact that she had them on would make Sarah feel even sexier. A stop at a women's shoe store for a pair of black strappy three-inch heels completed her outfit for the night. The heels would put her eye to eye with Pete, along with accentuating her sleek calf muscles.

The next stop was at a department store to purchase some make-up, which Nora would teach Sarah how to apply later. They were just ready to sit down for some lunch together when Sarah heard her phone ring in her bag. Immediately her heart dropped – her phone was primarily for her legal work only – in fact, only about six other people knew her number, and one of those was Pete. With trepidation, she looked at the number, and her fears were confirmed – it was Robert Ward, the senior partner in charge of the product.

Meekly, Sarah answered the phone, "Hello."

The voice on the other end was bold and rapid. "Hello, Sarah, this is Robert Ward. Great news! The project is a go again! Both companies are in agreement in principle, but there are several changes and additions that need to be made before they will accept the agreement in full. I need your team down here ASAP so we can get the final product updated and distributed. How soon can you be here?"

Sarah lowered her head, as a thousand thoughts came crashing down on her all at the same time. Before, this call would have been a shot of adrenaline for the project and naturally for those who had created it, including her. It would not have mattered what she was doing – it would have been dropped and left behind as she raced to the office. But she realized things were drastically different now. Even if it had just been a regular day with Pete – and with Nora, for that matter – they would have understood how important it was for her to complete this project and see it successfully implemented.

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