Rain Falls Ch. 07

"Come for me, Baby," he pulled off long enough to say. He snaked his tongue deep in my channel and reached around to grip my cock. That was all it took. My orgasm ripped through me, leaving me panting. It was pretty mild, probably the least powerful orgasm I had ever had with Eric, and it left me wanting.

As I came down from my high, he stopped up the garden style Jacuzzi tub and let it fill with hot water. He guided me to sit between his legs and recline against his chest. He hadn't adjusted the temperature and, the water that was just fine as a shower, was too hot for my skin submerged. I didn't comment on it. I knew it would cool off soon. Eric wrapped his arms around my chest and held me flush against him. Even with the temperature of the water, I could feel the heat from his engorged cock pressing into my spine and I ached to do something about it. I pushed my body up his, planted my feet on either side of his thighs and raised my hips out of the water. He knew what I intended and reached between our bodies to hold his dick up for me. I tried to lower myself on to him but, as wet as bathwater is, it's not lube. It had been too long since I'd had his big dick inside me and I couldn't get my ass to accept the penetration.

"Wait," he husked after a couple minutes of me trying to force him past my guardian ring. He lurched up on his knees, taking me upright with him. Grabbing the tiny bottle of conditioner, he slicked his cock and slowly pushed it inside of me, groaning loudly at the entry. "Fuck, Baby. You're tight."

"Fuck me, Eric," I panted.

"No." He held me tight to him and, careful not to dislodge his cock from its place inside me, he lowered us back into the water. "I liked what you were doing. Fuck yourself on my cock, Baby."

He spread his legs to trap my feet between his powerful thighs and the walls of the tub, keeping me from losing my footing. With my head back on his shoulder and my shoulders on his chest, I arched my back, raising my hips. His breath hissed in my ear as I lowered my hips, impaling myself on his thick cock. I was going slow, testing the water, so to speak. It was on the second down stroke that I realized that this position was doing unspeakable things to my prostate. I saw stars. White lights flashed behind my closed eyelids.

"I'm not going to be able to keep this up. It's too intense."

"Take your pleasure, Rain," he murmured in my ear. "Use my body. It's all yours."

I nodded and rose up again. The water had washed the conditioner off and I could feel my channel catching on his skin. It should have hurt but it didn't. My body was trying to hold on to him and I understood. He was leaking enough pre-cum to keep my insides slick enough to ride him but only if I did it slowly. I couldn't move fast enough to get him off but I was starting to climb. I don't know if it was the change in my breathing or the way my body would start to tremor but he seemed to have some sixth sense that told him when I was about to come. He gripped my cock and began stroking me.

"That's right, Baby," he crooned. "Fucking come for me. You're so fucking hot. Come for me, Rain."

Even with as slowly as I was moving the water was sloshing over my hands with their death grip on the edges of the tub. The floor was getting soaked and I honestly couldn't have cared less. I was in another world. My body was wracked with spasms. It felt like something vital was being forced out of me as I exploded and ribbons of cream decorated my body.

I must have blacked out again because the next thing I knew I was waking up in bed. How Eric had managed to get us both out of the tub without breaking our necks I will never know. I was trapped by his larger body again but, for the first time, I wasn't overheated. I figured out why as soon as I tried to wiggle out of his arms. The room was frigid. I stuck my head out of the cave-like shelter of his body and, discovering the room to be an icebox, I snuggled, gratefully, back into the warmth of his embrace. He hadn't stirred from his slumber and I was soon lulled back to sleep by the soothing sound of his steady breathing.

I was jerked awake by something and it only took me a second to realize what it was. I was cold. "Eric?" I called, trying to snuggle deeper into the soft bed.

"I'm here," he replied and crawled back into bed. I immediately curled up to the heat of his body.

"Why is it so fucking cold in here?"

"I turned down the thermostat last night. You said that you were hot. I forgot to turn it back up before I fell asleep," he explained, spooning me back into the cocoon of his larger frame. "If this is what happens when you get cold I'm going to have an industrial AC unit installed in the bedroom."

I didn't remember telling him that I was hot but I remembered being hot so I took his word for it. "I didn't take you for a snuggler," I mumbled under the blankets.

"I never was before I met you."

"Aren't you freezing?"

"No." He held me tighter. "I hardly ever get cold, or hot for that matter, unless I'm sick."

"Lucky. I feel the cold more than most."

"Probably because you're underweight," he replied. "I ordered food. That's why I was out of bed. It's here. Are you hungry?"

"Starving," I admitted. "But I don't want to get up. I'm starting to get warm."

"I'll get it," he offered.

"No!" I exclaimed. "You're the heat source. Stay."

He chuckled. "The food will get cold."

"Better the food than me," I argued.

"I turned it back up," he said. "It will warm up."


"Probably sometime after we've checked out," he laughed.

"Did you open the door for room service naked?" I asked, feeling the heat of his bare skin against my ass.

He hesitated. "Are you going to be upset if I say yes?"

"Not as upset as the waiter probably was."

"It was a waitress," he admitted.

"Oh geeze," I grinned. "Did she give you her phone number?"

"Actually, she didn't bat an eyelash. She probably sees that kind of thing all the time."

"Nobody sees this kind of thing all the time," I teased, arching my back and pinning his cock between our bodies. "Except me."

He kissed the top of my head. "I think it's adorable when you get all possessive. I'm all yours, Baby. You have nothing to worry about."

The movement must have woken my internal organs because my tummy chose that moment to grumble and my bladder started screaming for attention. I groaned and Eric laughed.

"Stay here," he said. "I'll go get the food and you can eat in bed."

"I can't. I have to piss."

He chuckled. "You're on your own there, I'm afraid. I can't do that for you."

"Well shit," I sighed. "Ok. Go."

He crawled out of the bed and I jumped up and hurried to the bathroom to take care of my bladder then scooted back under the covers. He brought a covered tray in and set it on the nightstand before sliding back in bed with me. After much grousing on my part, Eric settled behind me, leaning against the headboard while I sat between his legs and fed us both from the tray. It was almost the exact position that we had been in before I started riding him in the bathtub.

"You didn't get off last night, did you?" I asked between bites of pancake.

"No, but it's fine."

"No it's not."

"It really is," he assured me. "Don't worry about it."

"I'll make it up to you," I promised.

He chuckled. "There's no need. I get more pleasure out of you coming than me."

"That's crap."

"It's not," he replied. "I know it sounds like it. I'm sure it's bullshit for a lot of guys but it's not for me. Making you come, that's the ultimate high for me. I get such a rush from that. When you come for me it's like... I don't know how to describe it. The sounds that you make, the way that your body reacts, everything in me craves that moment when you let go and fall apart in my arms."

What he said sounded like love to me but I knew better than to suggest it. If he loved me he was going to have to tell me, unprompted. I held my breath for a second, waiting. I was disappointed.

"We're going to have to get going soon," he said instead. "Do you want to shower?"


We spent much too long in the shower but, regardless of what he'd said, I needed to make amends for leaving him hanging the night before. After taking me hard against the wall, he clutched my body tightly to his. "I'm going to miss this." His voice was barely a whisper as he fought for breath.

My heart rate was recovering more quickly than his, as he had done all the heavy lifting. "You have a thing about water."

"Yes," he hissed through his teeth.

"You could get a hot tub," I suggested, innocently. "I'm sure it would fit in the mortuary. Especially if you were to, say, finish the statue and move it."

He chuckled breathlessly and shook his head, grinning.

I remembered something after we had checked out and gotten in the car with our coffees and sodas for the trip. "You wanted to go out last night!"

"It's ok," he replied. "We were both tired."

"I'm sorry," I sighed. "I should have tried harder to stay awake."

"It's fine, Rain," he repeated. "I was tired too. We'll do Austin right the next time we're in town."

"We could stay another night, if you wanted."

"Nah." He shook his head. "I'm really itching to get to work."


"Do you mind if I read while you drive?" I asked.

He glanced at me sharply. "You can read in a moving vehicle?"

"Sure." I shrugged. "Can't you?"

"Hell no," he said. "Nobody that I know can either. It makes people sick."

"Sick how?" I asked. I had never even heard of such a thing. People read all the time on busses.

"Headaches, vomiting. Sick."

"Well, I don't have a problem with it," I told him.

"Then will you read to me?"



"I'd love that." I grinned at him and fished around in the back seat until I found the Anne Rice book. I locked the door and got cozy leaning half on the door, half on the seat. I started reading. "I see... said the vampire thoughtfully, and slowly he walked across the room towards the window." I read through the entire drive, pausing only to moisten my throat and when we stopped for a restroom break. By the time we made it to Dallas, I had just gotten to part three where Louis and Claudia move to Paris.

I closed the book. "Are you stopping?" he asked.

"For now. We're almost there."

"Will you read to me while I'm working?"

"If you like but..." I paused.

"Why don't I like the sound of that?"

"I was wondering if you would take me home," I told him.

"I am taking you home," he replied.

"You know what I mean," I sighed. "To my own apartment."

He took a couple of shaky breaths. "Are you upset with me?"

"No," I assured him. "I have to pay rent tomorrow and you want to start working. I don't want to interrupt you once you start. I think it's best if I stay at my own place tonight. Besides, I haven't been there in a week. I should check up on it."

He didn't respond but he passed the exit to his place and got off the highway at my exit.

"Rain? Are you going to come back?" he asked me quietly when I opened the car door to get out.

"Yes." I gave him a reassuring smile. "You have most of my clothes."

He chuckled. "When?"

"Tomorrow I guess," I said. "Unless that's too soon for you."

"It's not too soon."

I got out and then stopped and leaned in the car. "How will I get in?"

"Use the code."

I laughed. "I don't know the code."

"Ten thirty-one," he replied.

"Halloween?" I smirked.

"My birthday," he responded.

I smiled. "And that's one less question I have to ask."

He laughed. "Asshole."

"Your asshole."

"Mine," he nodded.

I closed the door and watched him drive off. I was his, that much was a given, but I couldn't help but wonder if he was mine.

All I did that night was think about Eric. I knew that I was in love with him. I knew that I had probably always been in love with him but had never acknowledged it. What was the point? It was like falling for a movie star, futile and impossible. But, by some twist of fate, I had attained the unattainable. Eric loved me. Or did he? He hadn't said it but the way he treated me spoke volumes, right? Action speak louder than words. He didn't like to talk about himself, that's all it was. If I wanted to know how he was feeling then I would have to pay attention to him. It's what a lover should do anyway. Even though I was alone, I didn't have a problem sleeping. I had made the decision to be with Eric. I was going to move in with him. It would mean giving up my independence but Eric was worth it, right? I would have to rely on someone else for the first time in years. I was terrified.

At sunrise, I walked to Target to buy a new backpack. The one I had was falling apart and it was at Eric's. When I got back the manager was in so I paid two weeks of rent. It was a lot of money to me but I had no idea when I would be able to come back for my stuff. I cleaned my apartment and organized everything so that I'd only have to run in and get it when Eric brought me back. Then I packed the rest of my clothes, except the suit, in my new backpack, donned my cowboy hat, and set off for the nearly seven mile trek to Eric's.

It had to be around noon when I got there. The sun was bright and hot and directly overhead. I was thankful for my cowboy hat. I had no idea what my ancestry was but I tanned really well and almost never burned. However, living with Eric would mean that I would be doing the Goth thing more often than not and a Goth with a tan was just weird.

I turned the corner and walked up to the gate with a smile on my face. My hand froze as I reached for the keypad. There was a car parked next to Eric's and I was certain that it belonged to that girl, Irish. I stood there for I don't know how long, staring at that dark green convertible something-or-other until the warehouse door slid open. They were laughing, Eric and that girl. I watched, rooted to the spot, as the man that I loved bent his head and captured her lips in a kiss. I didn't move. I didn't even breathe. He, eventually, pulled back and said the words that I ached to hear.

"I love you, Irish."

I felt sick, physically ill, and I could hear the blood pounding in my ears while my heart shattered. I turned and walked back the way that I had come.

"Rain!" I heard him shout as I walked away. "Fuck! Rain! Stop!"

I kept going. No matter how much I wanted to, I didn't run. I knew from experience that he couldn't open the gate from that side. He'd have to pull a car onto the pressure plate or use the opener that was locked in his car. How had I let this happen to me? I knew. I knew from the get-go that I could never aspire to be his. No. That wasn't true. I had been his all along. He had just never been mine. I'd had a week with him. I should be happy with that. It was more than I had ever hoped for. Far more than someone like me would normally ever have. I had gained so much and lost so little. He had my best clothes but I was sure he'd give them back. He'd have no reason to keep them. The only thing I'd lost was my heart. It was of little consequence. Whores had no use for a heart.

I had gone maybe four blocks when a car pulled up behind me, on the wrong side of the street. There was only one reason anyone would go to such lengths to get my attention. I wasn't in the mood to party but I would need the money. I didn't even attempt a smile, hoping the brim of my hat would hide the despair on my face.

"If you're hoping that he'll chase you, he won't," she said. It was the first time that she had acknowledged my existence. I wasn't sure how I felt about it but at least it wasn't a John.

"I don't expect that he will." It was true. I hoped he would but I had learned a hard lesson about hope.

"Get in the car," she ordered.

"Hundred bucks," I snapped at her.

She glared at me. She was beautiful even angry. I could see why he would want her. "I'm not looking for a date. I just want to talk to you."

"I have no desire to talk to you," I replied. "I don't even know you, Irish."

"It's Jessica," she told me. "Only he calls me Irish."

"Well, I'm sure that you can understand if I don't say it's been a pleasure meeting you." I turned and resumed walking. I could hear the distinctive sound of her getting out of her car. I whipped around. "What are you doing?"

"If you won't get in then I'm getting out."

"You can't leave your car like that. It's in the middle of the street and facing the wrong way," I pointed out.

"Do you see any other cars around here?" She held out her arms and spun around, indicating the deserted street. The area was full of old industrial buildings that had long since closed. Some of the buildings, like Eric's, had been converted into apartments but it was a new trend that hadn't really taken off yet. Most of the local denizens were shady, at best.

"Jessica, that's a nice car." I lowered my voice. "If you leave it there it's going to be jacked in about five minutes."

"Then it would be so much easier on everyone if you would just get in the damn car," she demanded. "I will even take you wherever you decide that you want to go... After you hear me out."

I sighed, defeated, and got in her car. It was way down on the bottom of my list of things that I wanted to do but I cared about Eric too much to let his girlfriend risk herself or her car. The headliner was low so I had to take off my hat. I set my backpack on the floorboard and my hat in my lap.

"Cowboy hat?" she asked as she got behind the wheel.

"Don't judge," I snapped. "It's a nice hat." It was a Stetson and it was a quarter of a size too big for me but that was ok. It rode low on my brow and didn't smush my hair too badly. A John had given it to me as a tip after a wild ride. He'd said I was the best fuck he'd ever had. I believed him because cowboys didn't just part with their hats. It was unheard of.

"It's Rain, right?" she asked as she pulled the car onto the right side of the road.


"Ok. I wasn't sure if that was just what he called you."

"Like Irish?"

She grinned but kept her eyes on the road. "Yes. He calls me that because of the freckles."

I studied her profile. "I don't see any freckles."

"I cover them up," she admitted. "He started calling me that when we first met, before I was old enough to wear makeup. We grew up together."

"Oh." How nice for them. Childhood sweethearts. I never stood a chance. I looked out the window. I didn't know where we were going but I didn't care either. Maybe she'd drop me off the highest bridge of the mix-master. Eliminate the competition, so to speak. Not that I thought I was competition. She had already won.

"What you saw back there..." she said. "That's all there was. He spent the whole night talking about you."

What I got out of her statement was that they had spent the night together. I was ready to throw myself off the bridge if she didn't do it for me.

"I wanted more but he turned me down. He's never done that before," she went on. "He's got it bad for you."

"He loves you," I argued. "I heard him."

She pulled into the parking lot of the farmer's market, shut off the car, and turned her body to face me. "He loves me," she agreed. "But not like he does you. He told me that we could never be together again. He was with you. He's never denied me before, no matter who he was dating. What does that tell you?"

"Not as much as that kiss," I mumbled. "Actions speak louder than words."

She nodded. "It was a goodbye kiss, Rain. We've been lovers on and off since we were kids. We're best friends too but now, it's all we are. He won't come back to me even if you leave him. He'll just self-destruct. I know that you have known him for a while but I don't know if you know that about him. He's not going to chase you. He's made his choice and you have to make yours. He's never given his heart to anyone like this. If you walk away from him, he'll just let you. He'll believe that you didn't want him and it will kill him but he won't try to change your mind. He's never really believed that he was worthy of being loved. I blame his parents for that. They were never around. Their jobs were more important than their son and he never really learned how to bond with people."

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