Secret Smiles and Three Little Words Pt. 34

He looked at her without lifting his head and she saw the smile. He meant it, but not in a harsh way.

"Yes Sir," she whispered back. "I am sorry."


"Are you and Mom alright?" Livy's voice caused Al to turn.

"Yes," he said turning back around to keep the lie from her.

"Try again," Livy demanded.

"Your mother and I are fighting," Al said. "It's nothing new, after all these years we have a right to fight!" He turned and winked at her. "Don't you agree?"

"That depends on why you are fighting," Livy said coming to him. "I'm sorry that it's me."

"It's not you," Al said firmly. "It's us, this has nothing to do with you."

"I love you Dad, but you are so full of it!" Livy smiled. She appreciated the effort he was giving to try and protect her. "If I hadn't gotten a divorce..,"

"You would have been miserable," Al cut her off. "That would have made Nora miserable, which in turn would have bled into everything else!" He turned and put a hand to his daughter's face.

"This is my fault," Livy said again.

"No, it's mine," Al told her sharply. "I let her push one daughter away with her religious bullshit with me on the sidelines. To this day I haven't forgiven myself for my silence. I won't make that mistake again. No matter what that entails."

"Dad," Livy let the tear fall. "Don't...I'm not worth losing everything you have worked so hard for. All the years of marriage...I'm just not worth it!"

"Bullshit," he said firmly. "You are worth it all! You deserve it all, like Alex has. She has a good man, a timeless love. You deserve that as well. What you did took incredible courage! Incredible sacrifice! No, this fight should have been had years ago, I just lacked the courage."

"But your marriage is important!" Livy cried. She could feel the decision was made on Al's part. His line in the sand was drawn, and it was drawn around her. Would he end over thirty years of marriage because of her?

"My marriage will live and die with your mother," he told her. "She must decide, her church or me."

"Dad, don't!" Livy begged.

"It's already been done," Al exhaled deeply. "Now...well now she must decide."

Livy clutched at her father as she cried into his chest. His Old Spice attempting to comfort her through her tears. She was now jeopardizing two marriages. Her own now failed marriage, and because of it, her parent's.

Al shooed her into the house so he could finish working on the mower. He needed to get it ready for the mowing season. She hesitated at the door, but went in. Her mother was at the table with her Bible and her preacher, Rev. Sellers.

"Good afternoon, Olivia," Rev. Sellers said as he held her mother's hands.

"Good afternoon," Livy said back looking at her mother. "Is everything alright?"

"You mean besides the fact you have destroyed your marriage? Besides the fact my youngest daughter doesn't want me at her wedding? Besides the fact my husband is forcing me to choose between him and my faith?" Marylyn snapped.

Livy lowered her head.

"I hope you are satisfied with yourself," Marylyn told her harshly.


"Because of your selfishness, the devil has entered our lives to destroy us!" Marylyn barked angrily. "You opened the door for him, invited him in and now look at the damage he has caused. All because of your selfish desires to divorce!"

"That's not fair," Livy said softly.

"What's not fair," Rev. Sellers told her angrily. "Is that you have opened yourself up to temptation and now the infection has metastasized into all of your lives."

"What about Don?" Livy asked him. "Have you said anything about his sin?"

"Don has been forgiven," Sellers told her. "He paid his debt to God and the Church."

"He has gotten another woman pregnant! A woman who was not his wife!" Livy growled the tears flowing down her face.

"What he did was not a sin," Sellers told her. Livy's jaw dropped. "Even Abraham had multiple wives. In second Samuel, God says that if David's wives and concubines were not enough, He would have given him more!"

"Are you saying polygamy is ok?" Livy gasped.

"I'm saying God does not punish men for taking multiple women," Sellers told her. "Perhaps if you would have done your wifely duties to his satisfaction, Don wouldn't have had a need to seek it elsewhere!"

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Livy gasped, her brain fighting with itself to understand what was being said. Because what was being said surely wasn't being said! This must be some sort of nightmare. To have her mother and her former preacher telling her that it was ok for Don to take multiple women. That it was her fault for her mother's unhappiness as well as Don's unfaithfulness.

"Get out of my house!" Marylyn barked, standing up suddenly. "Take you sin and your devil and never come back! How dare you speak to my guest in my home like that?"

Livy's lower lip trembled as she looked to her mother. She was shocked into her frozen state.

"I said get out!" Marylyn said again. Livy left in a run, her hands shaking as she started her car and sped off.


Father Jack opened his door to a crying mess. Livy nearly collapsed in his arms and he had to half carry, half drag her into the residence. Livy struggled with her breathing and with her tears as she retold what had happened.

"Jesus Christ," Jack gasped. He tilted Livy's head up. "Listen to me, the problem isn't with your mother. I thought perhaps she was just misinterpreting God's word...but now I know. This has nothing to do with your mother. This has to do with her spiritual leader!"

"What?" Livy asked him.

"I am responsible for my flock," Jack told her. "If they fail, the fault isn't their own, its mine and I will answer for it! I must lead my flock with the true word of God. This man, your mother's spiritual guide...he is no better than David Koresh! He is using God's word to twist and turn his children against God himself!"

"Then why is it in the Bible? Does God say men can do that?" Livy begged for clarification.

Father Jack stood and nearly flipped his coffee table over as his temper was oozing out. Livy watched him go to the window and stand there for a few moments not saying anything at all.

"We are not Hebrew," Father Jack finally said. "You cannot take one book and separate its rules from the new book!" He turned around. "Only the Israelites are to follow the Old Testament alone...Christians must follow Christ!"

"In the Bible, the Old Testament allowed that. The first instance of polygamy was in Genesis...Lamech married two women." Father Jack turned around. "Yes Abraham, Jacob David and Solomon all had multiple wives. But again, only the Hebrew follow the Old Testament exclusively. In the New Testament, Timothy and Titus describe marriage as the husband of one wife."

"So he is wrong?" Livy asked.

"In the beginning there was only Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Eve, and Jessica, Stacy, Lucille, Janet or any combination thereof!" Jack said smiling. He came back and sat with Livy. "Marriage, is of one man and one woman. The vows are very specific. 'Forsake all others'."

Livy fell into him and he hugged her firmly.

"The problems with that church reveal themselves," Jack whispered. "It is led by an immoral man, the roots. If the roots are decayed, the tree will be decayed."

"How do I save my mother?" Livy asked him.

"I don't know," Jack admitted. "This will sound harsh, but...I don't care about your mother. You are in my flock. You are my charge. I will do whatever I can to help you in your times of need, but I will not try to save those who do not wish to be saved."

"Thank you Father," Livy smiled enjoying his embrace. "Why are all the good men taken?"

"What do you mean?" Jack asked swallowing hard.

"My sister Alex found a great man, here you are, another great man...taken," Livy whispered. He didn't respond.

Instead he held Livy and after a few moments she began to think of something Alex had joked about. Thorn Birds. She sat up quickly.

"I'm sorry Father," Livy said as quickly as it popped into her head.

"For what?" Jack asked her confused at her sudden distance.

"I'm being inappropriate," Livy told him. Jack shook his head.

"How?" He asked her.

"I've got to go," Livy left hurriedly leaving Jack on the couch.


"What happened to your hand?" Alex cringed as soon as the question left Madelyn's lips.

"A temper tantrum," Alex admitted turning to the woman in the doorway.

"Has Gavin seen it?" she asked. Alex nodded. "Are you ok?" Again she nodded.

"Family problems," Alex told her.

"Your mother?" Madelyn asked point blank. Alex looked up at her and stared for a moment before nodding. "Is she angry that I want the wedding here?"

"No! Nothing like that! She believes I am the work of the devil," Alex told her. "That I have infected my sister into a divorce."

"The fucker that knocked up another woman had nothing to do with it?" Madelyn hissed as she sat down. Alex blurted out a laugh at the venom. She shrugged.

"My mother felt Livy should have stayed with him, not gotten a divorce. She said it looks bad in their church," Alex whispered as she flipped through the bridal magazine.

"Hmm," Madelyn sighed. "What does she say about your proclivity for kinky sex?" Alex laughed heartily. "I see, she doesn't know!"

"No way, no how!" Alex laughed.

"Well, I guess I'll have to eliminate the whips and chains room!" Madelyn said seriously as she wrote it down on the note pad then drew a firm line through it. Alex looked to her with her jaw open. Madelyn winked at her that she was kidding.

"I want to throw you an engagement party," Madelyn told her as she took a sip of her tea.

"No, that is not necessary," Alex shook her head. Madelyn dropped her head down to the table exasperated.

"Are we going to have to go through all this fighting...again?" the elder woman asked.

"No," Alex laughed at her demeanor.

"I want to meet your family," Madelyn told her lifting her head. "I want to meet your friends. I want to make sure everybody knows just how happy you two are. I want the world to see what love is!"

"Yes Mistress," Alex said with a shake of her head.

"I like this new Alexandria," Madelyn smiled. "Less argument!"

"That's only because I know it's a losing fight," Alex told her with a kiss to the woman's hand.

"I was married a long time Dearie, I know how to win a fight!" Madelyn smiled. She stared at Alex for the longest time. Alex saw it but said nothing at first.

"Problem?" She finally had to ask.

"You really are quite spectacular," Madelyn smiled. "I knew it that first night. There was something about you...something I couldn't place."

"Really?" Alex scoffed.

"I have watched him over the years," Madelyn said with a tear in her eye. "I have watched Carla's infection of him with a disease of sadness and fear and knew that there was only one cure."

"What cure was that?" Alex asked.

"You," Madelyn replied plainly. "You are a walking, talking cure of broken hearts."

"Whatever," Alex shook her head.

"No," Madelyn said firmly. "Not 'whatever'. You saved his life, and mine."

"How did I save yours?" Alex asked her.

"By reminding me of what I had," Madelyn smiled. "Reminding me that love is truly a gift...I wanted Gavin to find it, so I could see the transformation."

"What transformation?"

"From cold, unfeeling doctor," Madelyn said softly. "To warm, loving man. He was so gifted with his abilities, but he hid behind them so well! All his relationships became a patient. He giving his best, but leaving himself distanced enough to be unemotional."

"Then you came along," Madelyn laughed as she relived that first night, their first meeting.

"Elizabeth brought me in to replace her," Alex shrugged.

"Do you think, for one moment, that Elizabeth made the choice?" Madelyn asked.

"Of course," Alex said to her.

"Do you think you were the only girl Elizabeth tried to bring in?" Madelyn gasped. Alex nodded. "Oh please! That girl was looking for her exit for months! Gavin turned down each and every pet she tried!"

"What?" Alex asked, the shock causing it to be a whisper.

"Oh yes! Elizabeth tried multiple different pets! Kelly for one, Julie for another. There were several girls that Gavin rejected," Madelyn told her. "We talked about it, he knew Elizabeth wanted an out, she was looking for it. He also knew she was using as well."

"So why did he not turn me away?" Alex asked her.

"Because, you are radiant! You are the absolute example of perfection!" Madelyn told her. "It radiates off you, any Dom can see it! That your submission is the greatest of gifts! That you are one to experience. That you are one in which other subs will be measured!"

"I wasn't even in the life!" Alex argued.

"Doesn't matter," Madelyn laughed. "That moment I first laid eyes on you...I knew. I knew then that we would be sitting here talking about a wedding!"


"By the way he looked at you my Dear," Madelyn told her as she took her hand. "The way his breath caught in his chest when you smiled. The way his lips curled at the edges when you were near. The way he watched you walk around the party. Memorizing your every move, your every angle."

"And I knew with every stolen glance by you towards him," Madelyn continued. "The way when you were close to one another, you acted like your bodies were drawn to one another like a magnet to metal."

"I have known every sub," Madelyn smiled. "None held the power over that Dom. Make no mistake, you claim to be the sub. But there is no way! That magnificent Dom now bows to you!"

Alex sat back and looked at her. It was normal for Madelyn to gush praise on her, she was used to it. But this was different. Normally it was praise on her looks or her abilities to be a sub. This was about her. The relationship she now held with Gavin. This wasn't about how her body looked in a dress. Or the way she wore her makeup. This was more than that.

"Now," Madelyn continued. "I'm thinking a week from Saturday?" Alex nodded.

"I'll call home," Alex pulled her phone to her and dialed her Dad's number. He was thrilled at the idea, he also wanted to meet Madelyn and argue with her in person. He assured her that he would make sure everybody was there.


Chapter 44

"I've got it Charles," Alex told him as she went for the door. He nodded and waited at the staircase.

"Hey!" Alex smiled broadly as Al stood there. He hugged her warmly. "Hey," she said to Livy who hugged her as well.

She nodded to Ken and Krista, as well as Brandy and her husband Jeremy. Trevor was proudly displaying his Penguins jersey and Nora rushed and jumped into Alex's arms.

"Miss me that much?" Alex asked as she held Nora tightly.

"Yes!" Nora squealed. "Sir Charles!" she yelled in Alex's ear. She let the girl down and she ran to Charles who bowed formally at her.

"Good afternoon, Princess Nora!" Charles smiled from his bow.

Alex looked and didn't see her mother. She looked to her father who nodded at her.

"It was my doing," he said quietly. "Not hers. I told her to stay home."

"Why?" Alex asked immediately.

"Because, this is about you," Al told her. "When she figures that out, then she can become a part of it. I will not allow her to hurt you, or taint your day. Never again."

"Dad," Alex whispered as she put her face in her hand.

"Trust me," Al smiled as he lifted her chin. "Now is your future husband here?"

"No," Alex shook her head. "He had to go to the hospital."

"Damn," Al groused. "I'm gonna need a cut man, if I'm going fifteen rounds with Madelyn!"

"You'll be done like a fight in Tyson's prime. First round knockout!" Alex teased.

"Maybe," Al nodded. "But even Mike Tyson got knocked out by Buster Douglas! Just need my shot!"

"Wow," Alex drawled trying to put the distaste of her mother not coming out of her mouth. "You really are glutton for punishment, aren't you?"

Just then Nora shrieked as Madelyn came in from the library.

"Queen Madelyn," Nora said bowing to her.

"My little Princess!" Madelyn smiled kissing Nora's cheek. She took the girl by the hand and walked to Alex's family.

"Good afternoon," She said warmly. Her eyes searching for the one woman she was looking forward to destroying. She then smiled at Al when she realized Marylyn wasn't in the group.

"Mrs. Faultz," Al said narrowing his eyes playfully which caused Alex to laugh.

"Mr. Lasko," Madelyn gave back. "Ready to lose again? Alex warns me that you still think you are going to contribute to this?"

"I am going to contribute!" Al said forcefully.

"Just like all men, thinking they are in charge!" Madelyn teased which made them all laugh. "Charles, take their bags to their rooms, while Al and I start round two?"

"We are staying at a hotel," Al told her.

"No, you are not. You are staying here, with Alex and I, so that we can get the wedding planning done without a bunch of travel time wasted," Madelyn told him. She waved her arm to the dining room and the group followed her.

"Down goes Frazier!" Alex teased her father.

"I'm using the Rope-a-Dope," Al glared at his daughter.

"She is Ali, you are the sparring partner!" Alex warned him.

"No faith?" Al gasped.

"Faith can move mountains, but Maddy? Not a chance!" Alex said tucking her arm into Al's and guiding him toward the dining room.

They ate and laughed together. Madelyn and Al argued with smiles. Alex loved it, she was only reminded from time to time that her mother wasn't there when she looked around and didn't see her there.

"Uncle GAAAVIINNNN!" Nora screamed as she ran from the table to him and he scooped her up lovingly and hugged and kissed her. He carried her to the table and kissed Alex gently on the lips causing her to blush at the way he was looking at her.

"Losing again Al?" Gavin smiled while staring at Alex.

"This woman is impossible!" Al growled at him.

"Try living with her!" Gavin gasped as he put Nora in her seat and kissed Livy on the cheek. He shook hands with the rest of the family and then kissed Madelyn lovingly.

"Where are we at?" Gavin asked as he sat next to Alex.

"Well, Dad had her on the run early...talking about how it's the bride's family that is supposed to be the one's paying for was tradition!" Alex said looking at Livy.

"Then Maddy threw a roundhouse right into Dad saying 'come into the twenty first century with the rest of us'," Livy teased as Al looked on in shock that his daughters were enjoying their argument, giving a humorous play by play account of the lost battle.

"Dad was staggered momentarily," Alex said dropping her head and moving it side to side as they did the hilarious play by play. "Tried to connect with an uppercut of 'she is my daughter', missed completely and Madelyn slammed an overhand left to his available jaw with 'she is about to be my daughter too!'"

"Are you done?" Al said glaring at the two. They looked to one another and laughed as they nodded.

"Yeah, that is pretty much it," Alex nodded. "We had to give Dad the standing eight count."

"Loser," Gavin smiled. "Al, the chick is just too good at arguing! I haven't won a fight with her in years, and I knew her husband, and he never won a fight either!"

"So I should just give up?" Al asked him. "Not help out with my daughter's wedding?"

"No, you can help...I'll even let you decide how you are going to help," Madelyn smiled putting her wine glass down. "Your daughter indicated you were to walk her down the aisle...well if you want, I'll change jobs with you. You pay, and I'll walk her down the aisle. I mean, fair is fair, I want to be a part of her special day as well!"

"You are out of your damn mind!" Al laughed. "I'm walking her!"

"Then it's settled, you have your job, and I have mine!" Madelyn said firmly.

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