The Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady

"No, I have kept my condition thus ever since one morning when Michael shaved me after shaving himself. He told me that he preferred my taste that way, and would often prove it."

"I shall see!" Taking the dildo from her hands, I began to thrust it into her, much as she had done earlier, then lowered my lips to hers and took her nubbin between them. This had been a most enjoyable pastime at Mrs. Pembleton's.

Siobhan shrieked in gratification as I stimulated her private parts. Later she would explain that while she had often been taken by men in this fashion, I was the first woman she had ever lain with. It gladdened my heart to learn that I was able to teach my teacher thus. I took her through two courses, and we were both naked by the time I was finished.

Finally, Siobhan reached into her box and retrieved the final item she had secreted away. This was the most amazing contraption, consisting of a long, Y-shaped device manufactured from India rubber. Both ends of the Y were in the form of dildoes, and Siobhan explained how they could both be inserted at the same time, one into your cunny and the other into your arse, and then moved about by way of the handle. The handle itself was yet another dildo, of a most substantial size, larger than the other two, and it could be used as well. While both of us played with the other toys, this miraculous device was left for another time.

Chapter 5 - The Secret Passage

The next several days were spent in a most leisurely and pleasant fashion. Daylight hours would find Siobhan and I working alongside my Uncle in his large and elaborate study and library, reading and taking correspondence and otherwise assisting him in his investments. I soon came to realize the grand scale of those investments, and how the breeding stables he maintained here were at best an avocation. Still, he explained to me at one point that even in this he was successful, and the profit which ensued was sufficient to pay for the lifestyle he enjoyed. Evenings we would dine and then retire, and most nights would find me trysting with Jenny, Betsy, or Siobhan.

One evening with Siobhan, she demonstrated the usage of her elaborate Y-shaped dildo, inserting it into her quim and arse and allowing me to vigorously move it around to her explicit enjoyment. Then I was able to show her a new method of utilizing the device when, while it was still inserted into her, I spread her legs and moved my own limbs into an X-fashion with hers, then inserted then handle into my cunny. Perforce our hands were required to maintain its precarious positioning, but we were soon perspiring with our endeavors and managed a second course as well.

Another night, Siobhan knocked and entered to find Betsy had preceded her. Despite her protests that she would leave us to our play, Betsy and I arose and pulled Siobhan to bed with us and stripped her bare, then managed an absolutely delightful threesome. Betsy and I taught her the most useful means to delight another woman.

In the meantime, Siobhan and I took to sneaking around the grounds to espy on the groundsmen and their methods of finding release. We were fascinated to find that all of the maids and cooks were wont to allow the men to use them for their intimate pleasures. It developed that the ladies all would spend time, as if on a schedule, naked in the bunkhouse, and we were astonished to find that this was not considered a job or punishment, but was eagerly looked forward to. On a separate occasion I witnessed Maude being accosted by several young men in one of the barns. Rather than protest and flee, she retaliated by undoing their breeches and returning the intemperate touchings they performed on her half-naked form. After they had well had their way with her, she invited a pair of passersby in and lay back to enjoy their lovemaking as well!

I also discovered that my Uncle was not immune to dallying with the servants as well. I remember well the morning when I woke early, even before the servants, to discover Charity walking down the hallway past my door. Since the only room beyond me was Uncle James', and since Charity had not walked past towards it that morning, she must have done so the previous evening and stayed the night. Further, both Siobhan and I were to notice how often one of the maids or cooks would be seen leaving his private den after they had 'discussed her work', and how the young lady would leave looking flushed and distracted, while my Uncle would come out looking pleased and satisfied!

It came to pass that one afternoon I felt slightly ill with a headache, so I begged off my duties and retired to my suite to lie down and rest. By mid-afternoon I awoke refreshed and feeling much better. As I had slept in the nude, I arose and slipped on a dressing gown in preparation for bathing for dinner, but as I walked into the bath, I tripped and stumbled against the wall. Throwing my hands out, I fell forcefully against a small fireplace and heard a quiet 'Crack!'. Looking about, I noticed that my hands were widespread and had depressed a pair of cornices along the mantel. Several feet away, the wall to my bedroom had separated and an edge was showing where none had been before. Mystified, I went to examine what had occurred.

The wall where the edge showed seemed as if a hidden door had popped open. I tried to tug it open further but had no luck, as it was caught by what seemed to be a latch near the top. Determined to explain this mysterious state of events, I took my father's penknife from my purse and, opening the blade, probed the area where the latch seemed. After a moment I encountered a stiffness that when pushed against made a small 'Click!'. The hidden door opened silently.

This was most curious! Noting the exact location of the door and the latch, I pushed it shut quietly, watching the cornices of the mantel. As I expected, both resumed their original positions. When I went back to them, it was but a minute's work to test them before I heard the 'Crack!' of the door opening. As before, it seemed to hang until I was able to unlatch it with my knife. I had discovered the mechanism to a secret passage!

All thoughts of my toilet had disappeared. Opening the secret door, I stepped out into a dark and narrow corridor, to find that the flooring was carpeted thickly, so that someone moving along it carefully would make little sound whatsoever. The passage went blindly in both directions, so, wrapping my gown around myself, I moved to the left.

The passageway had a number of turns to it, however, since I kept my right hand on the banister railing on the far side, it was impossible for me to get lost. As I came around a corner, I was shocked into standing still, as I found myself on the opposite side of a window staring at Mrs. Rourke. Terrified that I had been discovered, I backed away, yet when she raised no scream of protest, I inched my way back to peek around the edge of the window. Siobhan was calmly brushing her hair, staring at me as if she could not see me, though I could plainly see her.

It came to me that the window was no window, but in actuality was a mirror of the design that allows others to view through it from the opposite side. I had seen one such window at an amusement park in Paris with my parents, and my mother and I had delighted in making funny faces at my father through the glass. I recalled that such worked best when all the light was on the side with the mirror view, and perhaps this explained the darkness of the corridor I was standing in. Feeling bolder, I stepped fully into sight, yet Siobhan completely failed to notice me. I made a funny face in remembrance of the past, then continued in my exploration.

It took me several more days and evenings to explore the full extent of the secret passageways throughout my Uncle's mansion. In brief, let me explain that they extended over all three floors of the house, and that the many twists and turns were necessitated by the need to avoid windows, doors, hallways, and such in the 'regular' house. Several side passages led off the main corridor that my room seemed to be on, and a narrow and steep stairway led to the other floors. Most, but not all of the rooms had doorways and mirrors like I had seen, and some of those rooms which had doorways did not have mirrors, and vice versa. I even discovered that my own full length mirror was only partially silvered, somewhat to my dismay.

One of my friends at Mrs. Pembleton's was several years older than myself, and had graduated the year before. She had promptly been affianced to a young cavalry officer, and in the year of her engagement Mrs. Pembleton had made her an offer of being an instructress at the school. This was not an altogether unusual event. Mrs. Pembleton's reputation for turning out young ladies with a fine conventional education and an equally impressive unconventional one had combined to make her graduates a most marriageable assembly, a grouping which included her young assistants. As such, she suffered from a high degree of turnover among her staff, and was constantly employing her own graduates, which simply reinforced the teachings both in and out of the classroom that we received. In any event, my friend told me once that her fiancée, with whom she was happily sharing the prenuptial bed whenever he was in town (training for her wedding night, she joked), had once taken her to one of the finer bawdy houses in London.

Although scandalized when she realized where she was taken to, she submitted to her lover's pleas, and allowed herself to be escorted with him to a small room. There they had settled on a small divan, a love seat, she said, facing a heavy curtain and were provided with glasses and a bottle of champagne. The proprietress had then opened the curtain, and the pair had found themselves facing a large window, behind which another, larger room awaited. My friend's fiancée had explained how this was all the rage in certain circles. In short order, one of the bawds had entered the other room, trailed by three men, all of whom were boisterous and animated, and who apparently had no idea that the large mirror on the wall had viewers on the opposite side. The tart promptly stripped down and undressed her partners, the three men had their way upon her compliant body for several hours. Meanwhile, my friend and her fiancée toasted each other and watched, as he stripped her bare and took her at the same time.

Now, I was faced with the possibility, nay, the probability, that someone was watching me! Needless to say, that someone must be my Uncle! It was his house, after all.

It took some work with a pad of paper to trace out the various paths around the house, and the belief that this was my Uncle's doing only grew stronger. First, there were certain rooms which had no mirrors, only doorways, such as my Uncle's suite and his study. Why should they have means to view in, when he was the only person with keys to enter these rooms, and thus would never be on the outside looking in at any occupants and their trysts? Second, the servants' rooms, as well as Mister Singh's, all had mirrors but no doors. He had free reign in his household, and his staff of maids and cooks were delighted by any attentions and liberties that he took with them. Why should he use a secret door when they would be happy to open the regular door to allow his entry?!

The guest rooms, as well as Siobhan's and my own had both mirrors and doors to allow his secret entrance. This made a certain sense as well, if you considered that Uncle James practiced his charms upon almost every woman who took residence in the house, which was not at all apparent when first I arrived. This way he could arrange a tryst with a lady even when her husband or father were upon the grounds, or even in the bedroom next door, and all without raising a hint of suspicion! Indeed, the very act of admitting such an entry would damn the lady as much as my Uncle. The door latches were all such that they had to be unlocked from the corridor side in order to function. Even if the mechanism was released from the inside, unless the door was unlatched, the door would remain locked. A most curious means was afforded to the hidden latches, whereby a system of cables would engage the opening mechanism. Mine had partially broken, allowing me the ability to discern the method of entry, and I used a certain degree of cunning to disable the latch without it seeming to be broken. Thus I too gained entry to the secret corridors of my Uncle.

I discovered soon enough what my Uncle was viewing through the mirrors when late one evening I strolled the corridor to Ahkbar Singh's room. There, through the glass, I witnessed both Jenny and Betsy, who seemingly enjoyed mutual participation in their affairs of love, satisfying Ahkbar's pleasures as well as their own. It was fascinating to watch. Mister Singh was for once completely naked, without even his turban, and he was laying on his back on his bed, his manhood, admittedly of an average size, pointing at the ceiling. The two sisters knelt, equally bare, with their heads at his loins, licking and sucking as if it were a candy cane. After Jenny swallowed his spending, the amorous pair continued using their mouths to rejuvenate the Sikh, then Betsy straddled him and impaled herself on him, while her sister saddled herself on Ahkbar's face and rode his questing lips. They stimulated each other mutually.

I was much flushed at the scene and returned to my room, where I doused the lights and slid under the covers. Only then was I able to use my 'Patent Cure' to relieve my 'Feminine Hysteria' as I so richly needed, without the worry that Uncle James would be able to view.

Further such forays showed that the entirety of the household staff reveled in midnight trysts. While many of the maids and cooks would spend the night elsewhere, I suspect either in Uncle James' chambers or in the bunkhouse, the rest would invariably invite a workman or two to join them in their room. While I could make no statement about my friend Siobhan, I truly began to wonder whether I was the only resident not so occupied, and why I was not!

Chapter 6 - We Have Guests

As the month of August approached, Uncle James informed both Siobhan and myself that the start of the Saratoga social season was nearing, and suggested that we both make sure that any dresses and such that we would be in need of had been procured by then. It seemed as if the local merchants all had two sets of prices and menus. The normal one was used but for eleven months of the year, the other showed double prices and was used in August, a fine example of Yankee ingenuity!

By then, I had written Mrs. Pembleton to send any remaining possessions which might be in storage, along with a lengthy letter of thanks to her and an appraisal of my new circumstances. I lied only by omission, leaving out the facts of my Uncle's permissive and libertine household, and simply told her the truth that I was enjoying myself immensely. Within a few week's time, several large trunks showed up, much more than I had realized, much of it my parent's clothing, but also a few keepsakes, and my mother's meager jewelry.

Mind you, I am not complaining. When I showed my father's uniform, sword, and pistol to Uncle James, he very tenderly took them and said they would be treated well. I cried at his kindness, and in remembrance of my family, and he took me in his arms to embrace me until I felt well enough to continue. The uniform he had cleaned and stored away properly, then he personally took the sword and revolver. Taking me downstairs, he had Ahkbar take the blade to the wheel and put a good edge on it, then led me to his gun room, where he maintained a small arsenal of lovingly kept pieces, and cleaned and oiled the weapon. Afterwards, when he asked if I knew how to shoot and I replied in the negative, he took me to his shooting range beyond a hillside out back, and taught me to fire the weapon. It made the most frightful noise and kicked like a mule, and was really far too heavy for me to use, but he was most insistent that I should learn to protect myself if necessary.

Mama's jewels were few but of good quality, he announced upon seeing them. They consisted of a strand of pearls, a pair of small diamond earrings, and her engagement and wedding bands. He allowed me to store them in his office safe, and offered to loan me a few trinkets if I ever felt like wearing anything else. He said that he had picked up a few items in the Orient, but they were such that he would look awfully silly wearing them.

Mama's clothing proved surprising for a number of reasons. First of all, she had an inordinate amount of fineries, fit only for viewing by Papa, I am sure. To be delicate about the matter, she had the most complete and indecent trousseau! While I knew that she and father were a most loving couple, I had no idea they were that, well, adventurous! In addition, she and my father had the same tastes for public display as Siobhan and her late husband had. While she always acted and dressed as the pretty yet demure mother when with me, she had the most extensive array of dresses which emphasized her bosom. I should mention that while Mama was not as well blessed as I in this regard, she was still above the average, and she delighted in displaying her charms to my father and others! These dresses I showed to Siobhan, and she squealed with delight. A seamstress was in residence, a charming girl named Nancy who was a full member of the household, in all its meaning, and she was summoned. She eagerly undertook the assignment of modifying the dresses to fit my frame, which was shorter but more buxom. Nancy explained that while her talents were sufficient for what we wanted, any special outfits must be done up by one of several seamstresses in town. Regardless, my supply of clothing which would highlight my finest assets and prove intoxicating to the male spirit multiplied severalfold with this acquisition!

Midway through the first week of August, Uncle James informed us over dinner that the next day we would be receiving our first guests of the season. The social season in Saratoga revolved around the races run every Summer, and our guests were all individuals associated with the thoroughbred trade. They would be staying to view the stables, attend a few races, and perhaps purchase some of the colts and fillies he bred. I asked him who was coming.

"Well, there will be about six, I should say. First off is a breeder from Kentucky and his wife, John and Hope Bainbridge. Very nice people, very much salt-of-the-earth types, quiet but solid. He's a bit more of a professional about it than I, but I like to think we have some good bloodlines here, and he is looking for a few additions to his stables. He'll be looking for quality, not quantity, but will pay the price if he thinks it worth it. We've dealt before, and I think you'll like them.", he replied.

Continuing, he said, "Then there are the Kendricksons, Harry and Robert. I've never met them before, so I really don't know much beyond what Harry wrote me. It seems that when their father died they came into an inheritance from, of all things, the manufacture of pickles! They also received quite a bit of property, including a stable, and plan to revive it as a going concern. They are from Connecticut, and that is about all I know of them."

"The last is an old acquaintance, Mister William Harrison Rutherspoon, the Fourth. You remember him, don't you Ahkbar?", asked Uncle James.

Ahkbar muttered something in an Indian dialect, then said, "Verily, and if Allah has put a stupider fool on the planet, I will become a Jew!"

"And I will join you, my friend. We shall look quite ridiculous reading the Torah, eh?"

"I don't understand, Uncle, I thought you said he was your friend?", I asked. Siobhan looked at him curiously as well.

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