There Must Be A Mistake Ch. 34

One day many years ago, at the very start of this program, my daughter, Delicious Luck Thyme mumbled these words, and I cannot get them out of my mind: "For those who shoulders we stand upon." I understand what she meant by those words. I understand what Doctor Warner von Braun meant when he said, "We will never truly get into space, until we find a way not to use hydrogen and oxygen to blast our way into it."

My daughter solved that problem when she was 16 years old, and the government of the United States refuses to believe it's possible. We offered them the technology, and they refused it, saying it was not possible. Today we will prove them wrong. To date there have been six attempts, by various corporations in this country to destroy this spacecraft. The latest one was today, and we were lucky enough to find the explosive device one hour ago. I am not saying this to be dramatic, I am saying this to prove a point. There are too many companies in this country that are feeding at the government trough. The government is their lifeblood and if this continues the government will go bankrupt. Space is the future. Space is not a hole in your pocket that you put money in and lose. The initial budget for this project was $350 billion. We came in $47 billion under budget. We are taking 64 people into space, and we will never return, because we are pioneers. We have chosen not to come back. We know the chances we are taking, and we are taking them willingly. We will continuously send signals back to Earth that may not get here for thousand years, but one day you will hear from us, and be amazed at what we did so early in the search for Earth 2.

The government is spending $1 trillion to send four people to Mars and bring them home. Bravo. Four people, $1 trillion. It's going to take them months to get to Mars, they will stay for a week, hopefully, plant a flag, and then they will return, safely we hope. They will still be using hydrogen, and oxygen to blast them out of our atmosphere, in a brand new rocket, that is yet to be built, and the projected cost is $1 trillion. I can guess which way that number is going to go."

At 5 PM, we will lift off quietly, without disturbing the sand, or Texas grass. We will hover at 500 feet to check our instruments, retract our landing gear, and say goodbye. From that point on, we will transmit everything we do by radio and video. We will be out of the atmosphere in less than 2 minutes, and a few minutes later we will pass our moon. We will put our engines into high gear, and pass Mars in an hour later, at one quarter light speed. Our engines and our technology will help us gain speeds heretofore unheard of. When we reach Neptune, we have to be going at .999 light speed, or higher, our mission will be considered a failure. If we don't reach that speed, we will never be able to reach the next star system. We will return home after doing some science studies on the way. We also have other technical advancements that may allow us to pass light speed up to and including Warp 4. This is not a pipe dream, this is pure science. We hope to prove Einstein wrong, but to do it we have to be out there among Dark Matter, and Dark Energy. I could continue boring you with all these technical items for years but I only have 20 minutes so I'm going to stop here and start thanking the people that made our scientific, and manufacturing family's dreams come true. Again, William Zabo, without him this project would have failed miserably, when I got ill. His name was the only one I could think of who could bear the burden, and take the leadership that was necessary to move this project along. $30 billion of his own money went into starting this project, that's how much he believed in it. As soon as he joined in, with Stephano Valentino, Christian Chase, Dycke Schneider, Celeste Castronova, and myself, everyone else rushed to throw tremendous amounts of their fortunes in this venture. They are reaping the rewards far greater than the money they put in initially.

While I continued to talk about the people who helped make everything possible...Hannah snuck up on the stage, behind me, in a nurse's uniform. She carried a huge syringe, a blood pressure cuff, and had a stethoscope around her neck.

During a pause in my speech, as the audience was applauding, Hannah took my arm, and wrapped the blood pressure cuff around it. She placed the stethoscope in the crook, and increase the pressure. I looked at her in amazement, but not realizing what was going on. She took the cuff off and laid it down with the stethoscope.

She looked at me and said in the microphone, "Doctor, your numbers are all over the place. It's time for you to go to sleep." She picked up this huge syringe, and I panicked.

I yelled, "No, get away from me", and tried to escape from the stage. Everyone was hysterical, except me. I was white as a ghost. William was laughing so hard, I knew he had something to do with it. I was ready to kill him."

He yelled, "That will teach you to embarrass me."

Hannah was laughing at my expense, and I couldn't blame her. I totally lost my composure, when she told me I had to go to sleep, because my numbers are all over the place, and she picked up this huge syringe. It brought back terrible memories, but memories that saved my life.

When I regained my composure, I took Hannah by her hand, brought her to center stage, and introduced her.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like you to meet Hannah Miles. She, was one part of my terrible trio of nurses who are the reason I am still alive today. After my bout with pancreatic cancer, I had two choices: I could go to a facility where I could be looked after night and day, or I could go home, and have nurse's look after me night and day as long as I followed their instructions to the T. Hannah never yelled at me. She was as professional as any nurse you would ever meet. If I did something wrong she would wait until I was happy or comfortable, and then stick me with a pin 9 inches long. It was part of her knitting ensemble, and I never knew when it was coming. After a while, when Hannah was on duty, I became the best patient you have ever seen. I'm happy that she's here today, and wish she was coming with us, because she is a fantastic nurse."

Hannah replied, "Doctor Luck, your wish has been granted. I am going with you. Mister Zabo and Mister Valentino having given me the opportunity of a lifetime. I have accepted it. It will give me a chance to take care of you for the rest of your natural life."

I turned and looked at my two so-called friends who were having a hard time trying not to laugh at me.

"Hannah, since you're coming with us, you'd better get on board. Our agents will have to show you how your seat works, and strap you in for take-off. Welcome aboard."

"Thank you Doctor Luck, you have no idea how much I am looking forward to this."

"Yes I can, because this will be my first time too."

Hannah left the stage running towards the spacecraft. Jeff stopped her, and made her walk the rest of the way.

"They need you in one piece Hannah. They don't need you broken before mission starts."

"Okay, I'll just walk fast."

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the last call for personnel leaving on the Good Luck 1. Fortunately for you, that means me also. It is almost 4 o'clock, and I must join the crew and begin the countdown to launch at 5 PM. As you can tell this is not like a NASA launch, where everybody has to wait for hours while they load the liquid hydrogen, and oxygen into the massive storage tanks that take the rocket into space. We have three engines, and they are all online already. You are less than 200 feet from the spacecraft, and you are all safe, because there will be no explosive take off. I wish you all along life, good health, and enough money to help launch the next 10 spacecraft's to teach private enterprise that space is not the new frontier. It is the next great way to make money. Goodbye all, my fellow passengers and I will never see you again, by choice."

I received another standing ovation, as I walked around and said goodbye to all my friends and those who helped finance this wonderful spacecraft. When I reached Celeste I said to her, "Do you see what you started all those years ago with your first investment in me. I don't know if there is ever a way I can thank you for giving me the chance to grow, and go this far."

"All I did was give you money, and I made money with you. We made tons of money together through the years, and my investment in you has been more than just money it has been friendship. I'm going to miss you Even. I am going to be poorer, because of you."

"No you won't, invest in Richard and Holden, and I guarantee you, you will make more money, then you have sports bras."

"Dammit Even, I get enough of that shit from Antonia. I don't need to take it from you."

"At least I didn't call them Michelin's."

"Phillip kill him."

"If I kill him, who is going to pilot the spacecraft?"


"Teddy isn't three years old yet, I think I will let Even do it for a while longer."

"I have to go folks, our spacecraft is waiting."

I waved at everyone as I jogged off the stage towards the Good Luck 1. As soon as my feet hit the ground, Jeff stopped me.

"Doctor Luck, you made the rules. Do you want to recite this one to me?"

"No, not really, I will walk to the spacecraft, I will not run."

"Good boy Doctor, however I think I will escort you the rest of the way, just to make sure you follow the rules, and don't break your neck."

"Did she come today Jeff?"

"Yes she did, and so did I, almost."

"What did you get from her?"

"I accidentally got both breasts, and they are real. There is nothing fake in there holding them up."

"That's wonderful to know Jeff. Now that you have fulfilled your life's dream, this is your last chance, would you like to come along with us to the stars?"

"Doc, everyone knows I'm crazy, the only people crazier than I am are on board that ship. As soon as you enter that elevator, I can put you in that category also."

"People have been calling me crazy since I was 16 years old. I invented and patented the headsets everyone wears when I was 18, and became an instant multimillionaire. I'm still making money from those headsets, and people are still telling me I'm crazy. Don't worry about a thing Jeff, us crazy people, are the most talented in the world."

"Doctor Luck that is the finest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you very much, and I hope you find what you're looking for."

"Thank you Jeff, I hope for your sake you do too. Remember, you are now William Junior's close body support. Wherever he goes you are a shadow. Even Lucius Canyon said you are the best there is, and coming from him that is extremely high praise. I want you to go up on the stage and introduce yourself.

"I'll take great care of them doc, you can count on me."

"I know that Jeff that's why you got the assignment. Goodbye."

I took the elevator to the second floor, removed my shoes, and put on the shoes made especially for the floors for when we were in space. I hit the button on the speaker, called for the final headcount. Monty was taking care of A through F of the manifest. As she went down the list checking each name off as she went along, she called out the name Janet Dover, and the young woman said 'here.' Monty checked off the name and went to the next one. All of a sudden her brain stopped working. It couldn't be. She called the name out again. Janet Dover. 'Still Here.'

Monty walked towards the voice and when she reached the couch with the woman strapped into it her mouth opened, but no sound came out.

Janet said, "Cat got your tongue?"

"You little bitch, you never said a word."

"You never asked."

"Is this why you disappeared for the last month?"

"You never looked for me, I thought you didn't care."

"I am going to have so much fun on this ship. I have two people to kill now."

"Has Gordon told you he's been holding back when he fights you?"

"He's been doing what and when he fights me?"

"He doesn't want to hurt you, because you mean too much to him. He holds back, so we won't hurt you. We talked about it at length, when I made the decision to come along on this little ride."

"I'm going to take that little turd apart at the seams."

"I've seen him in action against Jeff's best people Monty. He is almost as good as Jeff, so I would be very careful if you decide to go all out against him."

"You're just saying this to worry me."

"He took me down in six seconds, and I never knew what hit me. He looked at Jeff and bowed because you told him not to fight him. It took everything he had in him to walk away."

"Six seconds?"

"We bowed, stepped back, took our positions, and the Master said fight. The next thing I knew I was on the mat, facedown, with my left arm touching my head and his right hand holding my chin. He asked me did I submit, and I said hell yes. He was fast as lightning."

"He never shows that speed when he's on the mat with me."

"I told you he holds back when he is with you."

"I have work to do. I'll talk to you later, while I'm sitting on your head."

"Good luck doing that, I've been sparring with him, and I've gotten much better."

Monty moved away and continued calling out names on her list until it was full. The three lists were compared, and it came up to 66 people, which was the correct complement.

It was now 4:30 PM, and I announced, "Strap everyone in tight, bring nuclear engine up to 7% and test magnetic engines

Gordon replied, "Nuclear engine now at 7%."

Delicious announced, "Magnetic engines are online, and running at 40%."

"Nuclear engine to 9%, and test the Ion/H2 engines."

The guests watched as the exterior doors opened and slid back into the spacecraft, as the Ion/H2 engines were moved into place. When everything was ready Delicious set off a five second burst of power through the engines, and the crowd was stunned. They couldn't believe these little engines were capable of taking the Good Luck 1 into space. They were happy when they saw the engines move back into the spacecraft and the doors close around them.

At 4:45 PM, I called out for everyone to do their final checks, seal the elevator shaft doors, and advise when they had green lights.

"Gordon nuclear engine to 10%."

"Nuclear engine to 10%."

"Delicious, magnetic engines to 700 MW."

"Magnetic engines to 700 MW."

I turned to my wife, and pulled her towards me. "I kissed her, and told her our twins were going to enjoy this ride."

She looked at me and asked, "I hope they are, but am I?"

"You started this, and now you worried?"

"Can I help it if I'm horny all the time?"

"I love it that you're horny all the time."

"Teddy, do you like your new seat?"

"Yes, tall like yours."

"I had to make it tall, so you could see everything. Did you say hello to Callie today?"

"No I forgot. Callie, I sorry, I not say hello."

"I know, very busy day for everyone. We will play later?"

"Yes Callie, I like that."

"Doctor Luck, we have green lights on all exterior doors."

"Very well, disconnect all exterior connections."

"Lights indicate all exterior connections have been withdrawn, and the doors are closed."

"Very good. Jennifer open the outside speakers and tell them what's happening now. Is 4:47 PM, you have two minutes, take off will be on time."

"Ladies and gentlemen this is Jennifer Luck. Everything is proceeding smoothly, and lift off will be at 5 PM. This is what is happening now, and what will be happening in the several minutes. At 5 PM we will lift off, and climb to an altitude of 500 feet. At that time we will hover, bring in the landing gear, and do our final tests on the engines. Once that is completed, we will talk to you by radio link as we proceed on our flight plan on a southeasterly heading of 138° and increasing our speed to more than 28,000 miles per hour until we pass through the Earth's atmosphere and into outer space. Our speed will increase dramatically, at that point. We will only be using our Magnetic Drive Engine during this time, and we will proceed towards the moon picking up speed exponentially. We will pass the moon in 9 minutes, and proceed towards Mars which is 140 million miles away. We will pass Mars in one hour at one quarter light speed. As we pass by Mars, we will attempt to fire a rocket containing a message back towards the earth. A message from the 'Curiosity' rover takes 13 minutes and 48 seconds to arrive at Stanford University. If this rocket works, as we hope it will, the message will reach Earth within one minute and twenty seconds. I am running out of time, we wish you all well. We are approaching one minute to lift off. When we approach 15 seconds, I will begin the countdown."

Teddy said, "Me do it?"

I said, "Count backwards from 10 to 0 and you can do it."

"Easy. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0. Mommy teach me."

"You did very well little one. You can do it. You can tell everyone it's you."

"We have to be sure to take off on time are you ready?"

"Jennifer announced that Teddy Thyme will be doing the final 10 second countdown."

Jennifer did as I asked and we waited

At 20 seconds I said to Gordon, "Nuclear Engine to 45%."

"Aye Captain, nuclear engine to 45%.

"Delicious, magnetic engines to 1800 kW."

"Magnetic engines 1800 kW."

"Teddy tell everyone 15 seconds to go."

"Hello, 15 seconds to left off."

"Teddy, its lift off, not left off."


"Start Teddy."

"10 seconds to left off. 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-left off."

"Go Delicious."

Delicious moved the switches that focused the energy away from Earth's core, and the Good Luck 1 lifted smoothly into the air, and hovered at 500 feet.

"All stations report."

One by one all of our stations reported everything was nominal, and we were ready to go. The landing gear retracted perfectly, and you could hear the thump as they locked into position.

All of our honored guests, friends, and the general public both in the NEST and lining the highway could see us, as we hovered. They cheered and applauded as they knew this was part of our flight plan.

The press was having a field day, applauding our accomplishment, and accusing the government of waist taxpayer money, because they we beholding to big business.

Jen open your communicator and say goodbye to everyone from the Good Luck 1. This is the last time you will see us."

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Mrs. Jennifer Luck. We have green lights across the board, and are ready to go. For the last time we wish you well, and we hope our governments will watch us and learn that we are the future.

"We The Space Pioneers Say Goodbye!"

"Gordon, nuclear engine 65 percent, Delicious, GET US OUT OF HERE."

"Your wish is my command dad."

Gray said, "She never says that to me."

"Not now Gray, you have heard of burial at sea, you could be the first burial in space."

"Delicious, why are we still here?"

"Oh, sorry about that dad, I forgot to hit the big blue button."

"I do it."

"No, not now Teddy."

"Hang on everyone, here we go."

Gray asked, "Are you colorblind?"



She did, and we were all on our backs, for the ride of our lives.


Chapter 34

There Must Be A Mistake



Note: I guess I forgot to tell you that I was headed back to Houston for my last series. I will forward this home and have my son put it into my computer and submit it.

There was no way I could satisfy all of you with an appropriate ending. I had four great ones lined up, including both Captain Kirks, but each of them would have require at least 8 to 10 more chapters. I could not see myself doing it.

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