Yours Ch. 05

She put her arm across my chest and kissed my shoulder, still feeling that loving rush.

I sat up slowly, and got off the bed.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"I'll be right back." I muttered, pulling on my jeans.

I left and walked downstairs. I turned off the TV, locked the front door, and turned off all the lights. I stood at the bottom of the stairs for a while, hating the creeping emptiness I felt in my chest. I sighed, not wanting to go back to the room. I didn't want to feel close to her.

I went back up to room, opening the door and standing in the doorway.

"Night." I said.

"Wait, where are you going?" she asked.

"The guest room. I can't sleep in here." I said.

"Can't you stay for a little while?" she asked sadly.

With my earlier mistakes, I'd learned that when a submissive is heavily dominated or punished, they might need "after care", basically to be held and looked after, maybe given something to eat or drink. But right now she was fine; I hadn't really dominated her tonight. As I saw it, I had no obligation to be here if I didn't want to.

"The doors locked and every thing's switched off downstairs." I said, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Ok... goodnight!" she called as I closed the door.

I frowned and walked over to the guest room.

"I don't have to be there." I told myself aloud as I undressed.

The guest bed was comfortable and barely used, but it didn't remind me of Jessica.


The next morning the bedroom door was thrown open, waking me with a start.

"Morning little brother." Rose said, leaning on the door frame.

Still half asleep, I barely mumbled in response.

"Come on," she said, walking out. "Jessica made breakfast."

I got dressed and wandered downstairs to find that she had indeed made breakfast; bacon, eggs, and freshly made waffles. She set down a plate for Rose and I, but not for herself.

"Not hungry?" I asked.

"Oh, she doesn't eat breakfast." Rose said, "It makes her sick."

I looked at Jessica curiously.

"Yeah, I can't really eat first thing in the morning." she explained, "It always makes me nauseas unless I've been up for a few hours. This is all I need."

She held up her coffee cup.

"Hm." I said, picking up my fork.

"See, you guys are learning all kinds of stuff about each other." said Rose.

I rolled my eyes at her, and she laughed.

I ate my breakfast quickly, trying not to feel Jessica's eyes on me. I kept thinking about the last time she'd cooked for me, and how happy it seemed to make her.

"So are we going home then?" I asked Rose.

"No, we're staying today too." she said. "If you want." she added.

"Just the three of us?" I asked.

"Yep, parents are gone for the whole weekend. They're both 'on business trips'." Jessica answered, her voice dripping with disdain, "As if I don't know what they're really up to."

I smiled at this. It was strangely comforting to hear that Bob and Alice were on some kind of romantic weekend together, which is what I assumed she meant.

But there was a sudden lull in the conversation, and Rose was looking at me strangely. She looked guilty.

"What are they really doing?" I asked her, seeing she was hiding something.

She just shrugged, and looked away. What a bad liar.

"They're cheating on each other." Jessica said.

I thought she was joking until Rose looked up sharply. She already knew, but I could tell she was surprised Jessica had told me.

"Are you serious?" I said, "No way."

Bob and Alice had been a part of my life since I was a kid; they were closer to me than most of my own family. But Jessica definitely wasn't joking.

"Yeah," Jessica continued casually, "They think I don't know, but it's so obvious."

I was stunned. I didn't know how to respond.

"We've suspected it for a few years." explained Rose, "They're not even that subtle about it any more. I mean, what did you think Uncle Bob was up to while we were in Paris with Auntie Alice?"

I shook my head.

"Never really thought about it." I said, keeping my expression neutral.

"Wow, you're taking this a lot better than your sister did." Jessica said. "She cried when she thought they were going to get a divorce."

"You think that's where it's going?" I asked her, meeting her eye.

"I... I don't think so." she said. "They hardly fight any more. They used to get in to huge arguments about it when I was a kid, but I think now they've just decided to lean in to it. They cheat on each other, and then they're happy when they're together. It works."

She shrugged, and went back to her food. My first instinct was to ask for some sort of proof, but I ignored it. Jessica was smarter than me, and they were her parents. If she was certain that this was happening, what choice did I have but to believe her?

"Shit." I said, still stunned. This was a lot to process.

"It's not that bad, really." Rose said, as if still trying to convince herself, "I mean, they're both happy like this, right?"

"Right." Jessica agreed, her tone sharp.

This bothered her, but this wasn't really the time and place to talk about it. Or was it? I found myself wishing Jessica and I were alone so I could ask her how she felt, but why would she have to hide that from Rose? She knew her better than I did, probably.

"Well, at least someone in the house is getting laid." Rose said, looking pointedly at Jessica.

I laughed despite myself, and so did Jessica. Rose had a knack for diffusing tense situations that I'd often envied. She could make people feel so at ease, even with an atmosphere like this.

After breakfast Rose decided that we were staying the whole day, and overnight again, and the two of us walked home so I could shower and get a change of clothes.

On the way back she steered the conversation back to me and Jessica, although I was still trying to process the bombshell that had just been dropped.

"So you had fun with Jessica, then?" she asked, not too subtly.

I sighed.

"Why does it matter so much to you?" I asked.

"It... it just matters." she said. "I want you two to be close."

"What, are you trying to set us up or something?" I asked bitterly.

She laughed loudly.

"No, no. Jesus, don't be ridiculous." she said. "I mean, you're not exactly her type."

I let out a breath of relief. This thought had been swirling around for a while, but I wasn't sure how to ask her. I still wasn't close to ready for Rose to be involved with this, and her trying to secretly get us together would just complicate things.

"No, I just want you to be friends." she said, "Not just my friends, you know? Like, friends with each other."

"I get it." I said.

"So," she continued, "We'll hang out today, all of us, but I'm going to leave again, and you and Jessica can watch some movies or something, get some dinner. Just... just hang out with each other."

What she was describing sounded a lot like a romantic night in, but I guess Jessica was so beautiful and I was so overwhelmingly plain that she couldn't even consider that something might happen between us. She was just too out of my league.

I would have been really offended if it wasn't so accurate. Also all the sex we'd been having sort of took the sting out of it.

"Ok?" she asked.

"Ok." I said, "I'll do what I can."


The rest of the day should have been easy. We just watched TV and talked, but I couldn't shake the tension I felt in my stomach. Rose was being even more obvious now, trying to encourage us to talk to each other and laughing a little too loudly at the jokes we made. Or maybe she'd always been doing this and I was just noticing it more.

At around 5, Jessica got up and left the living room with no explanation. She was gone for about 20 minutes when we smelled something delicious.

"Is Jessica... cooking?" I asked.

Rose and I looked towards the hallway, in the direction of the kitchen.

"I don't know... I thought we were ordering pizza again..." she said.

We shared a look of confusion before we got up to investigate. I followed Rose into the kitchen to find Jessica wearing an apron, chopping vegetables.

"Wow Jessie, I've never seen you looking so... domestic before." Rose laughed.

Jessica turned around, looking embarrassed.

"Well, I don't normally have guests..." she said blushing.

"Smells good." I said, gesturing towards the oven.

She beamed at me.

"Another 45 minutes." she said, "You two can go watch TV while I get everything ready."

Rose and I shared another look before heading back in to the living room.

"I didn't know Jessica could cook." I said as we sat back down.

"She can't really." Rose said, "Well, she can make a few things, but she's not as good as me."

She said this without any trace of arrogance. She was just stating a fact.

"And you're not as good as me." I said, mimicking her deadpan tone.

She laughed, and didn't deny it.

"What happened with that?" she asked, "The cooking thing. You were getting really good!"

Our parents always made sure we knew how to cook a few decent meals, and had been teaching us since our early teens. I'd gotten a bit obsessed with it for a few months when I was around 16. I'd cooked every single meal we ate as a family for weeks on end, trying out a new cooking styles and perfecting my favourite meals.

I shrugged.

"Just got bored with it." I said, "I mean, once you've cooked the perfect steak, what else is there to learn?"

"The perfect steak?" she asked disbelievingly.

"Of course." I said, continuing my serious tone, "I learned how to mix a steak sauce so delicious that if I ever bottled it, I would be a millionaire. Combined with your preferred preparation of meat, sides, and seasoning, it's simply impossible to beat."

This was almost the exact description on the website I'd gotten the sauce recipe from. It really was incredible, by the way, better than any of the many varieties I'd tried from the supermarket. I could never figure out why the cooking blog I'd found it on wasn't more popular.

"Oh wow," she said laughing, "That sounds amazing!"

"Yeah, it really is." I said, finally smiling.

"You should think about cooking again." she said, "I miss trying out your more... experimental dishes."

"Maybe I will." I said.

"And... you used to play guitar too, what happened to that?" she asked.

"Wow." I said, "What brought that up?"

It had been years since I'd even touched a guitar.

"I was just thinking about it." she said, "You played, like, every single day for a while."

"I used to do a lot of things." I said, "I just get bored, I guess."

"You were getting good." she said.

"Always getting good, never actually good." I joked lightly.

"You could play a whole bunch of songs..." she continued absently.

A memory twitched to the front of my mind from nowhere. I'd been into guitar when I was maybe 12 or 13. I had learned a lot of songs, but at some point Jessica had decided that she didn't like the sound of guitar. She'd scream at me when I tried to play, or sing over me in an off-key wail just to annoy me. It was when she started barging into my room to demand I stop, because she could apparently hear it from downstairs, that I gave up trying.

I sighed, trying to suppress the long forgotten annoyance. My life was filled with things like that, a thousand little ways that Jessica would make my life just that tiny bit darker.

But to be fair to her, I was never going to be a rock star. Before guitar it was skateboarding, and afterwards I think it was the telescope and long nights trying to make out stars through the light pollution. I had a habit of getting really interested in something for a few months before dropping it. It was like I would find a point where I was decent, good enough to play a few songs perfectly or cook a few perfect meals, then just stop. The mid-point between being a complete novice and being an expert. The problem was that it wasn't hard to get good, but it took years of dedication to be amazing. And there was just always something more interesting to explore.

I still had that habit. Even the camera I'd gotten as a gift for Christmas was because I'd had a few conversations with my aunt about photography, which I'd been interested in up until just before last Summer.

"Fuuuck!" Rose shouted suddenly, "Talking about that steak made me hungry! How long do you think she's going to be?"

"Hopefully not too long." I said, realising that we'd only eaten a few snacks since breakfast.

It wasn't too long, and soon we were at the table with an aproned Jessica serving us our meal. The talking stopped abruptly as three hungry teenagers tore into their food.

"Meat's a little dry." said Rose off-handedly a few minutes in.

Jessica glanced at me, worried, as if she cared more about what I thought. It was a little dry, but I was trying to be polite. I just smiled at her and kept eating.

"You cook it next time, then." Jessica told Rose.

"I will." Rose answered "And it'll be awesome. And then Steven can make his perfect steaks, right?"

"Perfect steaks?" asked Jessica, picking up the exaggerated tone.

I just rolled my eyes at them.

"I'm not sure you could handle my steaks." I said, "It would ruin all other meat for you."

They laughed, and kept eating.

Dinner was over quickly, and no sooner had Rose laid down her knife and fork than she jumped up and announced she was leaving.

"Got to go, losers." she said jokingly, walking into the hall.

"You're just running out again?" Jessica called out to the hall, "Not staying for dessert?"

Rose, now wearing her jacket, stood in the doorway to the kitchen.

"Nope, I'm already late." she said, smiling.

"Good, 'cus there's actually no dessert." Jessica said.

Rose laughed, and blew Jessica a kiss. She winked at me, then walked out to the front door. Just like yesterday, Jessica and I sat in a silence punctuated only by the sound of Rose driving away.

"Wow, she got out of here in a hurry." Jessica said, standing up to clear the table.

"She's just nervous." I said, "Hasn't quite mastered a subtle way to leave yet."

"Nervous?" Jessica asked. "About what?"

"Yeah, she's obviously nervous. She blew you a kiss for God's sake, has she ever done that before?" I said. "She's not confident about this plan, leaving the two of us. She thinks there's a chance it could backfire, and we would end up at each other's throats again. She'd been considering just staying for a while, in fact I don't think she planned to stay for dinner..."

I was just thinking aloud, trying to work through the impressions she'd given me.

"Did she tell you that?" Jessica asked.

"No, it's just... I don't know, a feeling. You didn't notice?" I asked.

Jessica shrugged. She'd finished cleaning the dishes, and she'd moved to stand beside the table. I got the feeling she didn't want to talk about Rose any more.

"I'll be right back." she said.

"Ok." I said, standing up.

"No!" she said, "Just... wait right there. Wait right there."

"...Ok?" I said.

I sat back down and waited. She bolted upstairs and came back about ten minutes later.

She'd dressed up for me.

She was wearing something I'd never seen before, a yellow piece of lingerie that I would later learn is called a "babydoll", a thin gown that left virtually nothing to the imagination. It was similar to the black one she'd worn on our first night after New Year's, but this one was frillier, and obviously much brighter. She'd put on more make up too, her eye lightly shadowed with purple and her lips dark and full. She was wearing matching yellow panties, and her toenails were painted to match, as always.

"You look...nice." I said, understating just how rock hard I'd become in the few seconds I'd taken to study her.

"Thanks." she said.

"So I guess it's just the two of us." I said innocently. "What do you think we should do?"

"Whatever you want." she answered.

"Good answer." I smiled.

She took a step towards me, but I suddenly didn't feel like standing.

"Get on your knees." I ordered gently.

She obeyed right away, gracefully sinking to the floor.

"Come on." I said lightly, tapping my thigh. Calling her like she was a dog.

She looked embarrassed, but crawled under the table anyway. She got in front of me and just waited.

"Take it out." I said.

"Yes Sir." she said, and slid both hands up my inner thighs.

She unzipped me and pulled out my hard cock, holding it with both hands. It was a little strange, not being able to look down at her while she touched me, seeing only the table. Kind of a waste of the new outfit, I thought.

I could feel her hot breath against my cock, but she didn't try to lick me. I realised she was waiting for me to order it, but was so eager to begin that her mouth was only an inch away from me.

"Suck it."

I suddenly felt her tongue swirling around the head before she took it into her mouth. I sighed with pleasure, leaning back into my chair. She was limited by her position, and the fact that she couldn't access my balls from inside my jeans, but she still tried her best.

I just sat there, enjoying her hot mouth around my cock and wondering, not for the first time, just how this had happened. To be pleasured like this by her, in her own kitchen, in the middle of the day. So erotic and exciting, and if I'd been told at the end of Summer that this was how I'd be spending my senior year, I never would have believed it.

My thoughtful silence was broken when I felt Jessica's teeth scrape against the head of my cock, causing me to grunt with displeasure.

"Watch it." I said.

She didn't respond, but slid my cock out of her mouth to kiss and lick along the shaft.

I relaxed again, but a few minutes later I felt it again, this time in a slightly more painful bite.

"Hey!" I said, reaching down to her hair to yank her away from me. "Watch the teeth."

"Sorry." she said, and squeezed my shaft reassuringly.

I was confused and slightly angry at her mistake. I hadn't felt her teeth on my shaft since the first time she'd tried to pleasure me. Well unless you count that time she nibbled my scrotum, which was actually kind of nice, if unexpected.

"Ow, fuck!" I grunted as I felt her teeth again. This time it was definitely a bite, and was way more painful than uncomfortable.

I slid my chair back and yanked her forward with me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I demanded.

She looked up at me with those wide green eyes, and I immediately saw what her game was.

"I'm sorry Sir." she lied.

She wanted to be punished. She wanted me to spank her, but didn't want to ask for it. She was hurting me on purpose, so I would punish her for the mistake.

The little bitch.

"You're doing this on purpose." I accused.

"No, I-" she protested.

"Don't lie to me, slut." I said, "You want me to punish you, don't you?"

She hesitated, opening her mouth, and then closing it again.

"Get up." I said angrily.

She ducked quickly out to the side of the table and stood up.

"Are you going to-"

"Shut up." I grunted standing up with her.

I stood behind her and grabbed her hair, forcing her towards the table. She collided with it, and bent at the waist to press her face against the cool wood. I flipped up her skirt to reveal pale blue panties, which were already starting to get damp at the crotch.

"Naughty slut." I growled. "Biting me because you want to be hurt. We can't have that, can we?"

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