A Different Kind of Woman

"Pretty?" Sec snorted.

"Yes. It is so big, it looked like one of those big Polish sausages just hanging there like that." She beamed at his discomfort.

Sec had no real idea at all what a Polish sausage was for sure.

"Hey, do you always talk about a man's thing like that?" he asked.

"No. That is only the second one I ever saw. I liked looking at it, what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, I guess."

"Can I see it again?"

"No!" Then he laughed, all of this sounded ridiculous.

"Oh, you are no fun." She giggled.

"I can be." Sec was starting to banter a little now, she really seemed to be unconcerned. She scooted over closer to him, that made him suddenly nervous again.

"Want some coffee?" He asked her, trying to change the subject.

"Sure, that would be good, it's a little bit chilly out."

Sec got up, he had some water boiling in the pot over a low fire he had built earlier. He got his cup, poured water in over some grounds. He let it simmer a bit, then poured in a dab of cold water to settle the grounds.

He walked over and handed her the cup. She took a tiny sip, pursed her lips and blew on the hot liquid.

"That's pretty good! Aren't you going to have any?" She asked.

"I only have the one cup."

"Oh. Here, we can share." She handed him the cup. That surprised him a little, but then so far everything she did was surprising him.

They sat quietly for awhile, handing the cup back and forth. When it got down to the grounds, she got some in her mouth and spit them out.

"You aren't supposed to drink that part." He told her, getting up to rinse out the cup and make another.

"So why do you live out here like this?" Alice asked a bit later.

Sec told her some of the story, how he had been a company cop in a mining town, and how he had ended up on the road. She listened quietly, as they handed the cup back and forth.

"Wow. I have heard of things like that but I never met anyone who just lived outside before."

"A person gets used to it." Sec told her.

"I suppose. Hey! How would you like a place to stay?"

"A place?"

"Yea, we have a little cabin down by the lake, it has running water and a shower and stove and everything, even a dock."

"I don't have any money, I can't afford...."

"Maybe for working? Daddy hasn't hired anybody yet this year and usually when he does they stay right there in the lake house. There are lots of fish in the lake, too."

Sec had never done any fishing before, there had been some lakes back home but nothing lived in any of them because of the mines.

"Maybe. What kind of work?"

"Mowing and yard work and whatever needs to be done. Plus he always pays too, about $400 each month and room and board."

Sec just stared at her. That was about what he was paid as a police officer and he had to pay for his own room and board. Somehow that had always managed to come out even every month, there was never any left over.

"What makes you think your father will hire someone like me?"

"You let me take care of Daddy, and I will make him pay you $600!" She grinned.

"OK. We will see." Sec knew he could use a job but he also didn't want to be around people any more than he had to be.

"I will be back in the morning, please don't leave, OK?"

"I won't." He said, planning to do exactly that.

"OK. Well, bye!" She got up, smiled at him and in just a few steps she was gone into the darkness.

Sec sat there with the remains of the coffee in his hand. He was wondering if that had really happened? She had appeared like a ghost and left the same way.

He rolled out his bedroll under some nearby bushes, tugging his sheet of plastic snugly around himself. He had seen the evening clouds rolling in, and it had cooled off some. Being early Spring, he knew it was likely to rain.

The rain started to fall lightly just after midnight. He tugged everything tighter, folded the plastic sheet so the water would drip off and went back to sleep.

Sunlight woke him up, he went over to his fire, but it was out of course. He sat at the picnic table and ate a cold can of sliced beans. After several hours with no sign of her, he started to stow his gear away. It started to drizzle rain again, so he quickly gathered up his gear, knowing he had to keep it all dry as possible. He had just finished rolling up his bedroll into a very tight little ball, his few possessions wrapped inside when he saw her.

She was soaked, her hair hanging in strings. The heavy knit sweater she had on wasn't the best choice of clothing for a wet day.



"Are you ready?"

"Sure, I guess. What's the deal?"

"I had to wait for Daddy to get done with one of his silly meetings. I told him I had hired you, he said OK."


"Yes, really. Daddy lets me do whatever I want to because he knows if he doesn't I will throw a fit." She giggled at that.

Sec realized that this was probably a spoiled little rich guy's daughter. He would have expected her to look fancy or something, instead she looked like a tomboy if anything. She had on blue jeans with holes in them and that heavy sweater, no makeup and her hair was a stringy dirty brown. It had now quit raining. Looking her up and down, he saw that she was skinny, flat chested and her neck seemed to be way too long.

Alice wasn't that pretty, just attractive in a weird way. She had a little pug nose and round cheekbones, with the sharpest blue eyes he had ever seen. Her hair hung down in her face, causing her to almost constantly push at it.

"Well, come on. It's only about a mile." They started walking.

"Daddy runs a company that makes stuff for computers, he is gone a lot. Since Mom left, Daddy has me run the house and things, he is always off with some girlfriend so it's just me and the two maids. Plus Henry."

"Who is Henry?"

"He is an old guy that takes care of the cars."


"Yea, Daddy is nuts about old cars, he has two dozen of them. Henry is the mechanic, plus he also fixes stuff that breaks around here."

They came to a clearing, a tall chain link fence ran all the way out of sight up a long hill towards a giant house. She did something at the gate and it slid open, they walked inside. The grass was greener than any he had ever seen before, and there was a lot of it. There was a cabin by the lake down below, and a dock. A large sailboat was tied up there, along with a 16 foot aluminum boat with an odd looking short top on it.

"You can use the outboard but don't touch the sailboat, that is Daddy's pride and joy."

The cabin was much larger inside than it looked to be at first glance. There was a bedroom, separate bathroom, kitchen and combination dining/living room. It had a TV set on the wall, everything one could imagine.

It was like a mansion to Sec, he almost couldn't believe the place.

Alice sat down at the table, pulled out some forms from somewhere.

"We have to fill this out, it's for taxes but you won't have to pay much if any. Daddy insists on the tax stuff since he uses the property for meetings and writes everything off."

Sec filled out the forms, Alice looked at them.

"Thadious?" She asked with a grin.

"Yea, but I don't use that."

"Are you Polish?" She asked.

"I don't know. Dad always said we were part Polish, part Greek and a whole bunch hound dog."

She just laughed.

"I really like you, you are different. Well, the mower is in the shed outside, that is the first job. Everything has to be mowed at least twice each week."

"OK." Sec wasn't looking forward to that part, the place was at least five acres of lawn and he knew that pushing a mower would be several day's hard work.

"I will go to town and get you some food, what do you like?"

"I could use some beans, and some flour would be nice, or maybe some cans of stew?" Sec hadn't expected that. He was used to dumping cans of whatever was available into a pot of water.

Alice laughed.

"I better just get what I think you will like."

"OK." After she left, he went out and looked in the shed. There sat a perfectly spotless Craftsman mower, he had never seen one before. It only took him a few minutes to figure out how it worked. He started in doing the lawn, it looked like it hadn't been done for more than a week.

He was halfway done when he saw a little silver car drive up to the main house, Alice got out, waved to him and went inside.

About a half hour later she came out wearing different clothing. It was hard to tell from the distance but it looked like a dress. She drove down the narrow paved road to the cabin. Sec turned and headed down there.

He saw that Alice had on a short white skirt and matching blouse. The blouse was unbuttoned quite a bit, showing a lot of bare skin between her smallish upper breasts. Once again he noticed the overly long neck. She was carrying sacks inside, he parked the mower and started to help her.

The next thing he noticed was that each time she bent over the back of the car, her breasts came into view. There was no bra and her titties were tiny, capped with hard looking nipples, each with a round button on the end.

She had to know that he could see, and she was completely careless about that.

The amount of food was beyond belief, there was everything a person could imagine. He picked up a giant ham and just stared at it. It had a mesh wrapping around it, he had seen Hams before but they were always tough and scrawny. This one had veins of fat running through it.

"I hope you like meat, I got some steaks, too." She picked up a stack of big T-bone steaks and walked over, lifting the lid on what he had thought was a counter of some kind. That turned out to be a deep freezer, he had never seen one of those. They had a tiny cooler on top of the little white icebox back home but it only kept things cold, it didn't really freeze anything.

There was also a fridge with two doors on it, she was stuffing it full, too. Sec picked up some big odd looking hot dogs, he had never seen any like that before either.

"Polish sausage." She said, looking at him standing there holding them. Then she giggled.

Now Sec knew what she had been talking about, he laughed.

Alice finished up, went in and sat down on the couch.

"Well, you are all set." She smiled.

"Hey, thank you, I really appreciate the job." He started to sit down in a chair.

"Come sit by me." She patted the couch beside her.

Sec went over and sat down. She started telling him about everything around the place, and all the things she wanted him to do. There were fruit trees to trim, grass to mow, hedges and bushes and it sounded like a lot of them. Sec had no real experience in any of that but how hard could it be?

He was trying to not look inside her blouse, which was not easy to do since she sat there with it hanging open.

"You can look at me if you want to." Alice said suddenly.

"I don't..I just never.." He mumbled.

"I saw you naked, don't you want to see me naked?"

"I..I don't know." He blushed furiously.

"Well, maybe later then." She hopped up and left, Sec sat there wondering what in the hell he had found here?

Finally he got up and went back out to finish cutting the grass. He got to the top of the sloping field when an old black guy came walking out. Sec shut off the mower.

"You the new guy? I'm Henry."

"Hello Henry, I'm Sec."

The old man nodded, looked him over.

"Don't ya go sniffing around Alice, that is the boss's pride and joy." Henry glared at him. Sec started to say that he thought the sailboat was the boss's pride and joy but kept his mouth shut. The old man had a no nonsense look on his face.

"I raised her from when she was a baby, I mean it. She is innocent and don't know nothing about men." Henry scowled.

"I'm not..I didn't..."

"OK. Anyway, you come see me before you go using any more tools." Henry said, looking at the mower like he didn't like the idea of Sec being on it.

"OK." Sec was trying to be agreeable, he didn't know his place as yet.

"And clean that up before you put it away!" The old man turned and walked away. He stopped and looked back.

"It pisses me off when a man don't clean up after hisself, hear?"

Sec nodded.

He finished the mowing, then carefully wiped down the machine, he even washed the tires and reached under to clean the blades and mower deck. After he had it gleaming just like when he first saw it, he put it away in the shed.

Then he went inside and got some of those sausages, cooked them in a pan and ate them. They were good, he ate four of them. He made some coffee, boiling it in his own pot and putting a little cold water in to settle the grounds out. There was a coffee pot sitting there but Sec gave up after several minutes of trying to figure out how it worked.

Later he looked over a box of some kind that was sitting on the counter, he finally found a button that made a light come on and it started to hum. A plate inside went in circles. It looked like something he was supposed to cook in but it didn't heat up, he opened the door to check.

He gave up with that, turned on the TV. At least he knew how to work that, then he found the little thing with buttons all over it. He played with that for an hour, it made the TV change channels and do all sorts of things. That really didn't make any sense, the TV set had a switch right on it so what was the point?

Sec realized he had a lot of things to learn, finally he went to bed. The bed was so soft and comfortable he was asleep in minutes.

A pounding woke him up, it was still dark outside. Opening the door, there stood Henry.

"Ya gonna sleep all damned day?" Henry grunted.

"OK. Give me a minute." Sec shut the door, quickly dressed.

They spent the morning moving some huge beams over to repair a walking bridge over the creek. By just after noon it was finished. Henry never said anything all all the entire time except to bark orders.

"Well, at least ya will work, more than I can say for the last one." Henry told him.

"Now, just keep the grass cut and trim the bushes. Do the fruit trees too."

"How do I know where to cut them?" Sec asked.

"Ya just cut off anything that looks like it is growing where it ain't supposed to. The boss likes them tall enough the Deer can't reach them and short enough that he can." He cackled, his expression more like a scowl than a smile, and left.

Sec spent the rest of the day wandering up and down the paths looking for something to clip off.

He did see Alice a few times over the next several days but always from a distance. She would wave and get into her little car and leave, then return a few hours later, always carrying an armload of sacks.

Sec asked Henry after a couple of weeks if he could take a day off.

"Sure, whenever ya wants to if I ain't got something I need ya for. Go catch a fish or go to town or whatever. Don't go bringing no women out here, and if you get drunk fine, just stay in town." He turned and went back to what he was doing, working on a tank and pump of some kind.

Sec decided to go fishing.

He had found some fishing poles, one of them had a big lure that looked a little bit like a colorful fish of some kind. He was looking at it trying to figure out how it worked when he heard her.

"Hello, what are you doing?" Alice asked.

"I was going to try to fish."

"Can I go?"


They loaded up the little aluminum boat, Alice went into the shed and came out with two fishing poles and a metal box. Sec got the motor running, it started right up. He managed to run into the dock a couple of times before he got the thing pointed out into the lake.

Alice expertly tied on a shiny spinner and a hook on each line. Then she reached into the box and pulled out a plastic carton, grabbed a huge worm and pinched off part of it.

Sec realized she wasn't the least bit squeamish as she slid the bit of worm onto the hook.

"Let it out about a dozen feet and go slow." She told him, handing him the rig. He let it out, watching the tip of the rod bounce up and down.

The breeze was cool, he tugged his heavy shirt snugly around himself. She had on a sweater and jeans. There was no sign of makeup, and her hair was every which way as she tied some intricate knots attaching the other lure. It just took her a few minutes, he watched with interest as she finished, tugging on it a couple of times, then lifted her rig into the water.

"Head over there by that point." She waved her hand towards some large trees on a spur of land that stuck out into the lake. Just as they got close something bit his line, then bit again and the pole bent down.

"Reel it up!" She said, suddenly looking excited.

Sec started to turn the handle.

"You have it upside down." She giggled.

He turned it over and started to reel. Whatever it was was pulling pretty good, finally he lifted a nice foot long Trout into the boat. Alice grabbed it as it flopped around all over the place, undid the hook and tossed it back in.

"Hey! What did you do that for?" It was the first fish he had ever caught and she threw it back?

"Too little." She grinned at him, just as her own pole bent over. This one was much larger, but she unhooked it and threw it back, too.

"How big do they have to be?" Sec asked her.

"You will see." She grinned at him.

It was almost an hour later, they caught several more about the same size, when suddenly her rod went down hard. She handled the rod easily as the fish stripped off line, until finally he looked down and a giant Trout lay beside the boat.

The thing was at least two feet long.

"Wow!" Sec said, as she reached down and slid the hook loose, letting it go, too. Alice glanced up and saw the look on Sec's face.

"Daddy buys the fish and puts them in here, he gets mad if anyone takes them out. There are lots of them in here great big like that."

They caught a few more on the way back, he got one almost as big as the one Alice had caught. Finally Sec managed to get the boat back up against the dock, after banging into it a couple of times and going right on by once too far away for Alice to grab it.

"Closer!" She told him, giggling at his efforts.

"This thing needs some brakes!" He laughed. They were having a good time.

Alice put the gear away as he tied the boat up.

"That was fun, thank you for letting me come with you." She said.

"Hell, it's your lake."

"Yes, but thank you anyway." She leaned in and kissed Sec on the cheek, then she turned and left him standing there.

Sec felt a little flutter in his stomach when she did that.

The next day was much hotter, Sec was cleaning up the mower to put it away when he looked up to see Alice walking across the fresh cut field.

"Let's go swimming!" She said.

"OK." That sounded good to Sec. She handed him a plastic bag.

"What's this?"

"Swimming suit. Daddy probably wouldn't like it if you went..the other way. Although I would prefer it." She smirked at that.

Sec went in and pulled on the suit, it was black and stretchy and a good fit. Alice was down on the dock by the time he came out. He saw that she had on a conservative two piece outfit. Just as he got there she dove in, her body was long and slender, she formed a perfect arc as she slid into the water.

Sec just jumped in with a big splash. They spent a solid half hour swimming and playing in the slightly cool water, then finally getting chilled they got out and sat side by side on the edge of the dock.

"That was fun!" She smiled at him as she sat there leaning back on the palms of her hands, her eyes closed, letting the warm Sun hit her face.

Sec took the opportunity to look her over closely, her stomach was flat as a board, her hipbones thrust forward, creating a small gap in the front of her suit bottoms. He could see just the upper tracings of her pubic hair, it was the same color as that on her head.

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