Charlie's Awakening Ch. 02

Fifth period was a little different though. Still finding my way around, I managed to find a slide into a seat in back just as my English class started.

"Ok students, welcome to English as it pertains to Journalism," the teacher, Mr. Williams began. "Let's jump right in and pair up, we'll work on writing short biography style intros for our partners. Spend the class learning details people, this will be due Friday! Devin, why don't you work with our new student...Charlie is it? You are my ace reporter, try to spread some of your knowledge!"

Devin stood up and turned to scan the room. And of course it was the hot boy from the mall. Well, all I could do was grab my stuff and go introduce myself.

His face registered a bit of surprise that I was the body attached to the name.

"You're Charlie?" he asked, still a bit shocked.

"Charlotte, but nobody really ever calls me that except for my mother." How were his eyes so blue?

"Devin McAllister, pleased to meet you...Charlotte!" he said teasingly, extending his hand.

I reached out to take it, god his hands were warm, and somehow soft, tough, and strong all at the same time

"Well, if you insist on being so formal, Charlotte May Walker, pleased to make your acquaintance!" I said giggling, with a tiny curtsy.

We passed the hour quickly, him telling me of his sports prowess, which I could tell he was being very humble about, and his love of writing about it, which may have eclipsed his love of playing it. And me filling him in about farm life, barrel racing, and home schooling so I could help out around the farm, keeping me out of the public schools, which he found very caring of me.

Then as class drew to an end, I couldn't help myself.

"Didn't I see you in the mall yesterday?" I asked curiously.

"That WAS you, I thought you looked a little familiar. Was that Lilly with you? She cuts my mom's hair. How do you know her?" he rattled off.

"Yeah, it was,and she'll be my sister-in-law in couple weeks."

"Awesome, my mom loves her!"

I then it came out, "You had quite the group with you. Was that your girlfriend?"

He pondered for a second before answering, "Crystal? Well...yeah...I guess. I feel like I'm more of a trophy to her, if that makes any sense. Crystal is used to having anything she wants, and well, to be honest, she's a bit of a bully."

He seemed down, so I tried to pump him up a bit.

"Big strong guy like you? She can't be that scary."

He quickly answered "I'm not like scared scared of her or anything, it's just the way she treats people, like she smashed some girl into a locker just because she returned a pen to me and smiled, I don't know."

He started writing as I pondered how much I hated bullies, bringing back memories of middle school.

He snapped me from my thoughts by saying "You know, we may not get all the time we need to work on this in class, here's my number, maybe we could work on it then you could teach me how to run a farm!"

"You might be able to keep up!" I said, writing my number down for him (since phones weren't allowed to be out in school) right as the bell rang, ending class. Everyone filed out, and we went our separate ways, although I thought I heard a raised voice as I walked away.

Devin's blue eyes and warm smile occupied my thoughts as I cruised through the rest of the day, the work in English being the only effort I had to put in all day, and I was walking out to my truck when I heard a yell.


I turned back to see what was going on. Of course it was Crystal stomping towards me, wouldn't that figure. I turned and continued walking.


I turned to face her again to a chorus of 'oohs' from the growing crowd.

She stormed to a stop right in front of me, two of her friends right behind.

"We have a project together that Mr. Williams assigned us, and I like to do well at school." I said, simply and calmly and turned and walked away from her again.

"Don't you walk away from me you little redneck farm bitch!" she said, as she shoved me in the back.

"Leave it," I said, again calmly, not wanting this to escalate to where neither of us would like the outcome.

The last thing I heard was Devin yelling in the distance "CRYSTAL, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?"

Then she had to go and grab my shirt yanking me back by it and nearly tearing it clean off of me in the process, all the buttons were gone. She swung as hard as she could, thumping me right in the ear.

Now like I've said numerous times, I grew up on a farm. I've been swatted, rammed, and kicked by numerous animals. And I grew up with two brothers who, up until very recently, I rough housed with like I was their size and gender. I'm sure she thought I would go down in a heap bawling my eyes out.

She hit me again, right above the temple. So much for being calm.

I yanked myself the rest of the way out of the shirt and spun around. Even though she was quite a bit taller, I swung as hard as I could and smashed my fist into her jaw, sending blood spraying from her mouth and her directly to her back. As soon as she hit the ground I mounted her midsection and smashed her in the face twice more, instantly raising a huge lump. She was done, and not wanting to put her in intensive care, I hopped off.

"I told you to LEAVE IT!" I half shouted, suddenly realizing I was standing there in a very small tank top, meant to be covered, my huge breasts heaving with my heavy breathing, and why wouldn't my nipples choose right now to react to the cool breeze and go hard as rocks. Snatching up what was left of my shirt to cover up, walked to my truck and left.

I was sitting in my room doing something very uncharacteristic for me, crying, when the phone rang.

It was Devin.

"Hello" I answered with a sniffle, trying to bring myself together.

"Charlie, are you ok?" he asked, his voice very concerned.

"Devin, I swear, I tried to walk away from her, she just wouldn't let me go!" I said, losing my composure again.

"I......told......we're....." Then the call dropped.

I fell back on my bed, sobbing, completely not noticing the car pulling in the drive.

A minute later, my dad yelled up the stairs.

"Charlie, you need to come down here." then the door shut.

Pulling on a big hooded sweatshirt, I walked downstairs and out the door, not bothering with shoes. I was greeted by my dad talking to the chief of police in front of his cruiser.

"Charlie, this is Chief McAllister, he needs to talk to you about altercation today."

"Miss Walker, mind filling me in on what happened after school today?" the chief asked.

"Sir, I promise, I tried my best to walk away," I choked out through sobs. "She wouldn't leave me alone! Dang it, I'm sorry I sound silly, I've been crying since I got home"

McAllister...why was that name familiar.

I jumped a bit as the passenger door of the cop car burst open. Devin jumped out.


"Dad, Charlie did nothing wrong, that bitch Crystal started everything! It's not Charlie's fault she's just tougher than her, she was just defending herself. If anything, it's my fault cause Crystal saw us working together on a project for Mr. Williams!" he blurted out.

As sad as I was, my heart warmed a bit when I saw Devin jumping to my defense.

"Son, we're talking here, and watch your mouth. Fortunately, my son's impassioned defense aside, there are other witnesses who have given statements. Miss Walker, just hang on a minute while your father and I talk."

As they walked onto the porch, Devin came running up to me.

"Charlie, I'm so sorry," he said, placing a hand gently on my shoulder, as the other cradled my other upper arm. "My dad drove by on patrol right after you left, and saw the crowd right as Crystal was getting up. I would have called you earlier, but there was a bunch of questions and I left my phone at home."

I started sobbing again immediately, and instinctively snuggled my head into his chest. Wow, I'm bawling my eyes out and a thought like 'wow, he's all muscley' pops in my head.

Again through sobs, I hiccuped "Devin, I tried, she wouldn't....I thought I might hurt her..."

"Charlie," he said, tilting my head back to look at him in his amazing blue eyes, my chin still resting on his chest, "she hit sucker punched you twice, hard, before you even turned on her. She was asking for it."

"Well," I giggled through my tears, "I guess she got her answer."

"You answered the shit out of her" he laughed.

We stood staring into each other's eyes, when Devin squirmed almost unnoticeably. I suddenly became fully aware, that with our height difference, and even though I was in no way leaning into him, my heavy breasts were pressed pretty firmly into his torso, right above his beltline, and I swear I felt something poking into the bottom of one. The part that scared me was that even in the midst of all the garbage going on, knowing he was still capable of that reaction made me feel really good.

"Charlie, you're so....I..."

"Miss Walker," the chief's voice interrupted from the porch, "Can I talk with you alone a minute please?"

Prying myself from Devin (which had all of a sudden seemed like fighting gravity) I walked toward the corner of the house to meet the chief.

"Miss Walker, officially I have to tell you that behavior of that kind will not be tolerated anywhere in my town. Fortunately enough, you just made it off school property, so they have no recourse against you." He crouched down to my eye level (I see where Devin got his height from) "Unofficially, I would like to thank you for finally putting that girl in her place. How my son ever put up with her is beyond me. I thought I raised him better than to spend time with a girl who expects everything to go just the way she wants it. I'd much rather him spend his time with someone who's hardworking, caring, and willing to bust their tail for whatever they need. It showed character walking away from that situation, even when it was chasing you as hard as it could. And it showed compassion to stop the second you knew she was licked, cause lord know you could have pounded that girl into a coma. You handled yourself very well in a very tough situation." he said, his smile growing greatly throughout the speech.

"Thank you for understanding. And don't worry, you've instilled plenty of fine traits in your son, he can be awfully sweet when it moves him." I replied, my smile widening to match his.

He placed his arm gently around my shoulder and walked me back over to dad. Devin, who had been standing as close as he could, hoping to hear the conversation, joined us.

"Clay, if all the troublemakers in this town were as upstanding as your daughter, my job would be a whole lot easier!" he said, with a little wink for me and a laugh.

"Well, we just try and raise em right, don't we? Devin, it's a pleasure to meet you, that was a heck of a game you had against Evans last year."

"Thank you, sir."

"You decided on a school yet?" dad asked.

"I've got it narrowed down, still weighing my options." Devin answered.

"Smart, make a well considered decision, don't wanna end up chasing small town lawbreakers like your old man." dad chuckled.

"Or little girls who keep me from watching the Monday Night Football game!" retorted the chief.

"Fair enough Dennis. I suppose I'll see you at the homecoming game then?"

"That you will, I look forward to it. We can admire the fact that these boys pale in comparison to our unmatchable football skill." The chief laughed, and with that, he patted me on the shoulder and went to shake my dad's hand heartily. Devin did the same, then walked over to me.

"Like it needs saying, but it's over between me and Crystal." he said, kind of nervously shifting from foot to foot.

Not that he needed to say it, or that it had any bearing on my actions, but I stepped forward and hugged him tightly.

"Thanks for everything."

"Anytime," he answered. "Besides, something tells me you're totally worth it."

"DEVIN! We can still catch the second half, so let the pretty lady get some rest, she's had a long day!"

Devin laughed as I begrudgingly let him go to climb in the car and head home with his father. As they left, I walked up to my dad and snuggled into his side, forcing him to cuddle me like when I was little, like he needed to be forced.

"Daddy, I didn't know you were friends with the chief of police."

"Yeah, we played ball together back in high school, His son's a hell of a ball player, got almost every college in the country after him."


"Yeah, really." he continued. "Charlie, I'm sorry you had to go through that today, but I couldn't be prouder of the way you handled the situation. I guess my little girl's growing up, doesn't need her father so much anymore."

I nudged him with my elbow. "Don't be silly, I'll always need my daddy. Soooo......have you seen Devin play before or something? He's really that good?"

He broke into laughter, knowing exactly where this line of questioning was headed. "Yes, I have, and yes, he's a fantastic player, one of the best I've ever seen. And to answer the question I'm sure is coming, yes, you could do a WHOLE lot worse than Devin McAllister princess."

"Night daddy," I said as I walked back to my room, amazed at how my dad could read me like that.

I guess my total emotional exhaustion was what allowed me to sleep so well, but whatever it was, I awoke refreshed, ready to face whatever it was that was waiting for me at school that day. Or at least I thought I was. Throwing on leggings and a big sweatshirt (I was going for total comfort, and the weather had changed awful quick) I headed out the door.

So imagine my surprise when I was barely two steps in the door only to hear my name being called summoning me to the principal's office. When I arrived, the secretary pointed me in immediately. The conversation was brief, but apparently what Chief McAllister said about not being on school grounds wasn't the full case, because I was in violation of the student conduct code being in eyeshot of any school activity or function. Details, details, details. Bottom line, I was to turn around and march myself back out of school, I was suspended for a day.

With no other choice really, I headed back home, pulling in the driveway only to see a whole bunch of trucks and trailers loaded up and hitting the road.

My dad saw me and I rolled down the window.

"Charlie, why aren't you at school?"

"Apparently I violated some student conduct code or other, I got suspended for the day."

He thought a second. "Well, I suppose it could be a whole lot worse than a one day suspension from school. Me and the boys are taking a load to the mill, then we're all gonna head out and pick up supplies. Your mother's coming along to run some errands as well, so we probably won't be back till dinner time or so. Why don't you rest up, you still look a little tired."

"Not too tired daddy, just a little frustrated at already missing a day of school one day in. Maybe some rest will be a good thing."

I pulled out of the way as they left, parked, and went up to my room. When I got up there I was amazed by how warm it was, even with the cooler temperatures outside. I pulled off my sweatshirt and realized that since I was home all day, there was no need for a bra. I unhooked it and slipped it off, finding an old t-shirt that was too small years ago, but somehow I managed to stretch it over my expansive bosom, although it gapped quite a bit at the bottom and barely covered any of my midriff. Pulling open my window, I laid down for a nap.

I was awakened from my nap by the phone ringing. Not even looking to see who it was, I answered groggily


"Charlie? Hey, I just got done with morning practice and heard what happened.

Sorry about that." Devin said, again sounding concerned.

"Ssokay, it's only one day, I'm just sorry we'll lose a whole class working on our project." Still half asleep.

"Well, I have spares most of the afternoon, I could grab some lunch and swing by and we could do some work."

"Mmmm, burgers." I mumbled. "Doors unlocked, just come on in. Everybody's gone for the day."

"See you in a bit." he said, as I hung up and fell right back to sleep.

I was just waking up when I heard the door open.


"Come on up." I yelled throatily, still waking up.

He climbed the stairs and I smelled the food before he got there. Boy, was I hungry. Holy crap, my hair was a wild mane and I was braless in a shirt that would barely fit a 10 year old, and of course it finally cooled off and my nipples were fit to cut diamonds. And when he got up there, they would have gotten harder if they could have.

He looked great in just a workout t-shirt and pants. I folded my arms over my chest for a little modesty and invited him to sit on the edge of my bed so we could eat. I absolutely devoured my burger, and to his credit, he did his best not to stare at my clearly visible melons and rock hard nipples poking out of my way too small shirt.

"Sorry I ate like a pig, I was really hungry." I said, to break the tension.

"It's ok, you're pretty cute when you eat, actually, you're pretty cute no matter what you're doing." he said, all the while staring down at his feet.

"Devin, can I ask you a personal question?"

"Yeah, sure I guess."

"What did you ever see in Crystal?"

He paused for a moment, "I dunno, I guess it probably ended up being a total teenage guy thing, I'm not proud of it, but she was pretty hot, very aggressive, and she had really know."

Typical, but that last part left me an opening.

"In fairness, I did feel quite a bit when I was sitting on top of her. So that kinda thing gets you going?" I asked.

"I mean, I am a guy..."

I took my opening, swinging my leg over and straddling his lap.

"You were a total sweetheart yesterday." I whispered, my desire to kiss him reaching its breaking point as I leaned in to passionately smother his mouth in a fevered kiss.

I could feel him growing harder underneath me as I pulled back.

"So, you like girls with big boobs, huh?" I asked, with a hungry grin on my face.

"What guy doesn't?" he replied, still flustered from our passionate kissing.

With that, I leaned a little further back and slowly gave the little tug that was all that was necessary to cause my massive breasts to burst free from the tiny top struggling to contain them.

He was instantly hard as a rock.

"What was her name again?" I chided, very teasingly.

He was speechless.

"Since we're getting to know everything about each other for our project, they're 32H's."

His jaw dropped as he continued sit there in stunned silence.

"Well, since you brought me a meal, why don't you come enjoy the feast I have for you." I said, as I grabbed his head and buried his face in my gigantic chest.

He attacked it like a starving man. Feverishly kissing my cleavage, alternating breasts and down my breastbone, he slowly made his way outward, finally reaching my right oversized gumdrop nipple. Sucking it vigorously into his mouth, he began to gently nibble, heating up my body instantly.

"Oh god Devin, that's it, suck my big tit. Baby, your mouth feels amazing!"

He had me tingling, I wanted to feel his tongue in my mouth again, but it's ministrations on my straining nipple felt so good. Wait, I wonder.....

I pulled my breast from his mouth with an audible plop, then lifted it towards my face. Staring him intensely in his gorgeous blue eyes, I gave my nipple a flick with my tongue and said, "Wanna share?"

His eyes almost exploded out of his head as he dove in, simultaneously playing his tongue across my nipple and kissing me as feverishly as he could. I ground my crotch against the sizeable lump in his pants as my body reached that point that I was quickly realizing meant I would have absolutely no control over my lascivious actions.

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