Daughter of Ziva Ch. 04

"None of the women here will be subject to that treatment," he told her.

She laughed sardonically. Rorik blinked. She didn't believe him.

He grabbed her chin again, a little rougher this time. He wanted her attention. Her chestnut eyes looked up at him, glossy and wary of him. In this light, he could see little flecks of black throughout the brown. Her eyes looked like the bottom of a river, clear water running over dirt and stones.

"When I say something I mean it, do you understand me?" Those pretty eyes flashed.

"Then what is the treatment you are giving me?" She demanded. The little thing demanded. His ego rose to the challenge.

"Have I fucked you on top of a bloody sword, Sienna? Because I can make that happen." He watched as her anger flickered, fear intermingling. Her quietness soothed him. "No woman who bleeds will be accosted." Her eyes became a swirl of things, so much that he couldn't read her. That in itself was telling. He thought about asking her if she bled, but if he was honest with himself he didn't want to know.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "What of the women who don't bleed?"

He steadied himself for her reaction. "The women who don't bleed will be available to claim for the duration of our journey. They will not be ringed."

Her eyes were slits. "What the hell is that? Claiming? And ringing?"

He jerked her arms back, pulling her back so she was off balance, and loomed over her, making sure she saw how he felt about her tone. She felt godly pressed up against him like this. "You will show me respect when speaking to me, or I will finish with being gracious and move onto different activities."

Sienna was scared, her quick breaths and wide eyes told him that, but still that challenge was there, written all over her face. She didn't speak, just gave him attitude with her clenched jaw and frown instead. His erection told him how he really felt about that.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her farther into his lap to grind against her. "Final warning."

Her blush as she dropped her eyes was extremely appealing.

"Good girl." This time her shift wasn't as obvious as the shivers she had given him when he spoke those words last time, but it was still something.

She likes that. That ferocious part of him was rattling it's cage, demanding she would only like being his good girl.

Rorik had been away from her for almost a week and had been ready to storm his tent when he got back, excited to take his gorgeous prize at last. Seeing her in a potato sack on top of another man, frenzied and screaming about taking his life had taken his breath away. He knew how fucked it was, but seeing Sienna ready to kill someone called to a deeper part of him he was new to discovering. The juxtaposition between her crazy, wild temper and her eyes as she fell into the space where she could submit to him...it fucking honoured him.

He was done talking. Rorik leaned over, wiping the forest floor of anything that could stick into her back. "What are you-" He cut her off, bringing her to the place he had cleared, her legs still wrapped around him, landing him between her legs. The sack shifted and he could see her glorious pussy. His cock throbbed. Just a couple of minutes.

"Rorik, no-"

He let go of her hands and wrapped a hand around her throat. There was no pressure, only the weight of his hand on her neck. She stopped talking, her eyes wide, understanding his silent demand. Her hands went to the edge of her potato sack, pulling it down to shield herself from him.

"Good girl."

She exhaled through her nose, and he was willing to bet if her fear wasn't there he would see relief on her face.

"You like that, Sienna."

For a moment her face was confused, then she was shaking her head. He tightened his grip on her neck enough to get her attention and she stopped, one of her hands going to his wrist.

"I am telling you, not asking you," he told her. "You like when I call you a good girl." Rorik began to grind his shaft on her, lightly, as if he were only shifting his weight side to side. Sienna swallowed. "I can see you fighting against what you desire, and that isn't going to work for very long."


Sienna pulled at the wrist on her throat, terrified at the words coming out of his mouth. She couldn't tell whether or not he was meaning to, but his thick length was rubbing over her folds, making her heart skip in her chest. She had no underwear on and could feel the heat of him through his pants. His eyes had gone from serious but understanding to the Run look the moment he had put her on her back, and she had immediately knew she was in trouble.

"Hands above your head." His tone brokered no argument, but she was too scared to move. She was holding the sack over her crotch and she didn't trust him at all to take her hand off of the fingers at her throat. She knew what was coming, and the emotional turmoil she had just run through head first was making it hard to make intelligent decisions.

In one fluid movement, he grabbed both of her wrists and slammed them into the ground above her head. It hurt, but she was too busy focusing on how much closer to her the movement put Rorik. His face was hard and angry and close enough that if he wanted to, he could kiss her.

Her heart burst into erratic flutters. This time when he rolled his hips it was intentional, pressing directly into her. She bit her lips together, the pressure and awareness of every part of him affecting her breathing. The hand that was at her throat moved down, drawing a slow line of fire down her side.

"You like that too," he snapped. "And not just the dick that is about to be deep inside you." Air caught in her throat. "You like when I take control. You like when I show you that you have no choices."


No! No! Where was he, you idiot? Out killing and taking your people! No, you do NOT like this.

She shook her head vigorously and he pressed his hips forward. "Do you want to know what I like Sienna?" She continued to shake her head as he drew his hips back, then pressed forward again. Swallowing, she realized he was mimicking sex. It was taking all of her attention to keeping her facial reactions negative, even with the tirade going on in her head. The way he moved was languid, not just the up and down, in and out movements she knew from her last experience with sex. Sienna was extremely over her head, and being over her head with a man she hated burned. "I like that the moment I touch you, you stop speaking."

Mother, was that true? Here she was, biting her lips together, clenching her face so he couldn't see any of the warmth he was spreading across her skin, but that was to protect herself. The moment she spoke when he touched her he threatened to choke her into submission. Of course she wasn't about to speak.

"You know there is no need until I ask it of you," he said, his voice dropping registers. She could feel his breath on her face. "You like knowing there is nothing you need to do or say until I say so. Everything I am doing calls to a part of you that fucking loves being controlled. A part of you that wants to be free, where you can worry about nothing but pleasing me. And Gods, Sienna, you do please me."

A very, very small part of her wanted to know just how she pleased him, before the much larger part of her squished it. She couldn't deny that there was something about his words that shot right into her channel, bringing a wetness that made her panicked. He was going to feel it on his pants if she couldn't calm down and reacquaint herself how much this man scared her.

Sienna forced herself to speak, pushing against the part of her that much preferred his kind touch to the cruelness he gave to her when she talked back. "You choke me whenever I try to talk."

His free hand slipped under the fabric of the sack, skimming his hands over the skin of her stomach and sides. "Only when you lie to me about how you don't want this."

"I don't want this!" She cried. He just smirked.

"Yes, you do. Remember my fingers fucking an orgasm out of you?" Rorik said, his fingers continuing their dance over her skin. She shuddered at his crude words. "You liked the pain I gave you. You liked me bringing you to that place where you only have to feel."

His touch was sent shocks through her body. She fought the awareness and clung to the frustration at his arrogance of what she liked and didn't like. "My body liked it, not me. I don't want you, Rorik."

He splayed his hands over her stomach, seeming unaffected by her words. His hips continued their mind-boggling twists and thrusts.

The fight to focus on her thoughts was getting harder as his erection ground against her. She was staring at the mass pressed up against his trousers. Sienna's insides clenched, ignoring what this man had done to her and her people. Her brain forced words past her lips, hoping for the slimmest chance of convincing him to get off of her. "Doesn't that bother you? That I don't want you?"

His smile was feral as his fingers moved to press on her clit, right under his dick. She gasped, the sensation scattering her resistance. "No." She bit her cheek. For some stupid reason, she had thought her rejecting him so poignantly would stop him. So arrogant.

Rorik rolled her nub between his fingers and her back came off the ground with a gasp, the energy flowing through her body screaming for an outlet. She bit her lips closed as his hand went back to drawing over her stomach. He truly didn't care? What offence could she use against a man who's ego wasn't bruised by a woman not wanting him? This man seemed like he had no tells, and his tendency to fly off the handle at any given moment was terrifying. The inability to predict what was going to happen had her on the edge of a cliff, and for some reason, that seemed to only increase her arousal.

Even through the haze of her nerves, she could feel herself itching to lean into his calloused fingers, wanting more contact than the light touches he was giving her. The sack was slowly lifting, revealing the place where they were pressed together and the lower half of her stomach. Her face heated and she tugged at her hands so she could pull the sack back down. Rorik held firm.

His pace was increasing. The way his body rolled into her was intoxicating. He wasn't just flexing his hips anymore, he was rolling his body in a sort of animalistic dance that had her salivating.

This is Rorik. I do not want this. I do not want this.

She looked up, trying to get away from the thoughts at what him rolling into her would look like if he had no shirt on. What his muscles would be doing.

Rorik was having none of it. "Look at me!"

The bark shot straight to her core and, without thinking, she obeyed. His eyes were pure as sin.

I have to stop this.

She made herself open her mouth. "No- Rorik stop."

His smile was predatory, so much so it was barely a smile at all. "Why?"

"I don't want you."

This time he responded directly. "You're lying."

Sienna tried again. "No-"

"I can feel how wet you are, Sienna." He was looking at her like a morsel he knew he would devour. Like a wolf stared at its hurt prey. "I can see it in those eyes when you look at me."

"Stop!" She couldn't feel anything but the rock hard dick rubbing on her and the hand that was pulling her makeshift dress up.

"Why?" He asked, his fingers reaching further and further up her shift. "We both know you want what I can give to you. Why should I stop?"

Calloused fingers reached her breast and she jerked. She could feel the wind on her stomach and the sack bunched up behind her back. "Because you're killing my fucking people!"

The bastard didn't even pause. "That's enough," he snapped, as if she were bringing up mere semantics. Rorik lifted his hand off her wrists and dragged it down her arm. The hand kneading her mound pulled her dress and the other hand lifted her briefly, tearing the itchy fabric up past her face and off of her arms.

He must have seen her hand move to cover herself because he snarled, "You move your hands and I start treating these nipples like I did last time."

Fear raced through her. The urge to cover herself increased tenfold, warring with the part of her that knew the inevitability of him putting her hands above her head anyways. Slowly she lowered her arms back onto the ground, feeling the cool leaves on her skin. The way his pinches had hurt was scary, but the arousal it had brought on afterwards was terrifying. It had left her brain empty.

Oh, my fucking Mother.

Rorik was stripping his shirt off.

Before he could see the look on her face she turned her head into her arm, desperate to escape from that spectacular visual. As she stared at her arm, eyes wide open, he pried open her legs. She was embarrassed to figure out her legs had been clutching onto his waist.

Sienna pressed her legs together as she watched in her peripheral vision as he took his pants off. Her heart was pounding and her mouth was dry. This was not her element. Sienna had seen other naked men, mostly by accident, but being naked with someone else was not something she had experience with. Last time she had sex the guy had taken their pants off and lifted her shirt, but that was it. Her inexperience didn't stop the little voices in her head demanding she look at him and soak every bit of it up.

"Look at me, Sienna." He rasped. She swallowed, drawing up every bit of self-control she had, and looked at him.

She could have conjured self-control for years and it wouldn't have helped. The scars took the word beautiful out of the occasion, but the lines and ripples of his body covered a strength her body craved over hers. His body spoke of hardship, peril, and many, many adversaries. That same part of her that had been moments away from driving a stake through that man's throat appreciated the strength Rorik had to have to survive through the marks he bore and earn the muscles that graced his body. A more rational voice reminded her that this man and his war-like body was responsible for the kidnap and murder of her clan's people.

Finally, the sentiment broke through her arousal. Her legs stopped twisting and her hands stopped gripping the earth above her head. Rorik saw the change, and at the same time, they both realized nothing was keeping her where she was.

He was standing an arm's length away from her, both of them buck naked. The chain that was at her foot had been removed, supposedly when he had picked her up while she was attacking that bastard. Her stomach was a mix between blue, tinges of green, and yellow on the outside, and she hadn't winced once during this whole excursion.

All of this information seemed to pass between them. Rorik tilted his head, tense, the look on his face filling her imagination with all the punishments he would inflict on her if she ran. The worst one was Yasim dying, holding her throat as blood spilled through her fingers. The tension that permeated the air could have swallowed her in its wide mouth.

"Don't move." His fingers twitched, moving towards her with excruciating slowness.

Indecision ripped her in half. Did she run and chance it? Or stay and save her people from within? Her feet dug into the dirt below her, her fingers clutching onto the leaves above her head.

"You execute Yasim if you move one more muscle."

Would he do it? It was highly unlikely they knew if Yasim bled or not yet, and if they had travelled as far as they did, they wouldn't go executing their quarry just to prove a point, right? Or would he do it out of desperation for obedience?

Shit shit shit shit shit!

Rorik was about a foot away, and it was the unpredictability of his dark look that made up her mind for her.

Her leg shot up and she kicked for his crotch. Though his hips twisted just in time, she still got enough of a connection to leave him groaning.

Sienna didn't even register getting up. Her feet were suddenly under her and she was flying through the forest. Her soles tore into the dirt and leaves, digging as hard as she could into the Earth to launch herself forward with each step.

As she ripped through a small space between two tree trunks, a space she knew Rorik would not fit through, the tiniest sliver of hope sprung up in her heaving chest. She might actually be able to get away.

Small branches whipped her naked skin, the stinging sensations only fueling her adrenaline. Her heart pounded in her ears, so much so she could barely hear the pounding footsteps she knew were behind her. The thought of Rorik nipping at her heels kicked her into a gear she hadn't even known she had as she soared through the forest.

The smacks and crunches of his feet slapping over rocks and leaves kept Sienna in a near panicked state, her feet moving faster than her head could take in her surroundings. The Mother seemed to be arranging the forest to accommodate Sienna as she fled, keeping anything that could slow her down out of her way. She said a small prayer to the Life Bringer and pushed away from Rorik and towards the people who needed her help.

As Sienna launched herself over a rock, a calloused hand closed around her calf.

Her heart reached her throat and her breath left her lungs, so when she smacked into the ground all thought of breath left her lungs. The never-ending well of tears she seemed to have slipped out the sides of her eyes as she moaned on the ground, Rorik's hands pushing her body into the dirt as he crawled up her body.

No! I was so close. I was so CLOSE!

Sienna's hands reached around her, scrambling to pull herself out from under him. He ruthlessly pinned her to the forest floor, his body smothering her back, seemingly uncaring she was gasping for breath.

Rorik's mouth pressed so close to her ear he practically had her whole ear in his mouth. His hand fisted in her hair, keeping her still, and made her listen as his breathing slowed. She took a small bit of pride that he seemed truly winded. It took her a moment to realize that the quick but rhythmic breaths pulled at a part of her that made her want to calm down and stop fighting. So fucked.

She jerked her body, just to show both herself and Rorik she wasn't pacified. His whole body tightened over her, pressing her into a Sienna-sized indent in the damp forest floor. The fist in her hair jerked her head and the flat of his tongue ran right up her cheek in what seemed like just another way to claim her as his own. His lips moved back to her ear.

"That was fun, wasn't it Sienna?" Rorik snarled, his wet lips moving over her ear cartilage. "I didn't know how much someone running from me in terror would turn me on, but we're learning many new things together, aren't we?"

She was tired. Mother, she was tired.

"Especially naked. Seeing that beautiful ass bouncing in front of me, mixed with those beautiful panicked noises you made as you ran..." He groaned and crushed his thick column in between her ass cheeks, grinding himself into her in what almost seemed like a punishment.

She sniffled. "Please stop."

Rorik didn't listen. He pulled her towards him a final time, though she really couldn't have gotten any closer. He flipped her onto her back and wrenched her legs open, using his grip to fold them around his waist. She unwound her feet and placed them on the ground, not wanting to participate any part this. Her hands were up and she was pushing his hands off her thighs frantically. The intensity he was projecting was scaring the breath out of her. "Stop! Fuck off!"

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