Fire in The Hole Ch. 01

"Aw, c'mon, Collins." said Karl Handel. "Russell's beating that rap already. News I'm getting out of the City is that the D.A. is not going to press charges."

"You are not getting very accurate news, then." said Lt. Gov. Collins, great disdain for Handel in his voice. "Let me paint a more complete picture for you: there is tremendous pressure on the City D.A. to take the Russell case to a Grand Jury. Only the Prosecutor speaks to the Grand Jury, meaning they may not even hear that Senator Russell's wife has made sworn statements defending her husband. They could indict him, and then it'll be up to a Jury to decide his fate."

"The people putting the pressure on the City D.A. are his fellow Democrats." continued Collins. "But they have some strange bedfellows. First, the SBI is pressing hard for charges against Russell, and one of those SBI Agents is its Reserve Inspector, Donald Troy. Cindy Ross, also of the TCPD and a Reserve SBI Agent via a loophole in the laws, has come out even more strongly for charges to be pressed against Russell. Never thought I'd see the Iron Crowbar's closest ally as an activist feminist, but she's pushing it hard."

"Troy has enough to worry about." said Cain Mitchell. "He's not out of the woods yet with the State Independent Counsel."

"Yes he is." said A.G. Handel "I can tell you, in confidence and in the privacy of this room, that Robert Mullen has told me that even with Jared's aides turning, they have nothing on Troy. He's pretty much in the clear, unless someone can wave a magic crowbar and produce solid evidence against him." The statement strengthened the gloom in the room.

"Let's get back to the subject of this meeting: Senator Russell." said Lt. Gov. Collins. "Whether or not he's indicted, he's in a world of shit. The Feds are pushing hard on getting connections between him and BigAgraFoods, and Senator Richard Nunn is behind a lot of that. The pressure on Russell in Washington is really tremendous; Russell is toxic, damaged goods."

"So what are you saying, Collins?" asked Hammonds sharply. "Stop beating around the bush. Spit it out, boy."

Collins looked at Hammonds with derision, but held his tongue and instead said "It should be obvious. Russell needs to resign. He wants to resign and become a lobbyist before he gets too toxic. But that rape charge has to go away, and we have to have a reliable Governor that will appoint an Establishment replacement. Jared will pick a Grassroots Conservative."

"I hate the fucking Grassroots!" Wilson Hammonds exclaimed, fury etched upon his features.

"So we've got to get Jared out, and very, very soon." said Collins. "Before Labor Day, for sure."

"How far along is Mullen?" asked Cain Mitchell.

"Not far enough." said Handel. "Again, keep this in confidence, but Mullen is not going to have anything concrete on Jared at all. He hopes to release his findings shortly before the November elections, and do as hard a smear job on Jared as he possibly can. But his report will not be enough to get Jared out."

"No scandals?" asked Hammonds. "Nothing at all we can use on that bastard?" He was met with gloomy silence.

"Well," said A.G. Handel, getting up out of his chair, "it is what it is. I'm not going to push the City people to do anything to Russell, but there's no telling how that's going to play out. We may just end up with another Grassroots U.S. Senator."

"God forbid that ever happens!" exclaimed Wilson Hammonds. "I'd rather have a Democrat in there than another Richard Nunn!"

"You may get your wish. See you boys around." said Handel. He left the room.

"I have to be going, also." said Hammonds. "Collins, you're the one with skin in the game, here. Get this fixed."

"Why are you putting it all on me?" Collins began to whine, but Cain Mitchell stopped him.

"Hammonds is right, Collins." said the State Senator. "It's your ball, and in your court." Mitchell also left, and Canton hurried along after him, leaving the Lieutenant Governor of the State alone.

"Aw, shit." Collins swore under his breath, feeling a sense of desperation as he reached into his pocket for his cellphone...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Got any plans for tomorrow?" Cindy asked as she came into my office.

"Eastside Elementary's Open House." I said. "We get the tour, talk to the teachers, so on and so forth. And Laura can't wait to join the PTA."

"Are you serious?" Cindy asked.

"Yes, I really am." I said. "Laura says she's excited about being part of local organizations like the PTA. She's been loving the Hot Wives Investment Club and the Ladies Auxiliary more than she'll admit, and I don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to be able to see it on her face."

"Who needs Sherlock Holmes?" Cindy replied. "We've got better: the Iron Crowbar."

"Not yet," I said, "but give it about 18 to 20 years, and then you're going to see something." I was referring to a future with a Detective Carole Troy in it. With my powers of observation and the Power of Cindy's vibes... sheesh, look out. And I didn't need to explain that to the Green Crowbar for her to understand what I was saying.

"So," I said, "your reason for asking is because you are planning on doing something. Spill it, what is it?"

Cindy smiled. "Didn't need 18 years to figure that one out, huh?" she asked. I chuckled and she said "I'm going to the City. Britt Maxwell wants me to talk to Russell's wife about her story... and maybe persuade her to tell the truth, that Russell raped that girl."

"Think you can change her mind?" I asked.

"I dunno." said Cindy. "I can appeal to her being a woman, and standing up for women that have been violated. But she has everything to lose and very little to gain in changing her story, so we'll see."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As the afternoon waned, I felt good that my paperwork was caught up. Which meant it was caught up until the next morning, when the whole cycle started all over again. Then my phone buzzed, and the Chief asked me to step into his office. On the way out, I told Helena she could could go on home. She did not need to be told twice.

After I reported to the Chief's office and he had me sit down, he said "I just thought I would update you on this mess with the Fire Department. Lieutenant Rudistan joined Commander Ross's formal complaint against that Fireman. Quinlin had wanted me to retract it and let things go on all sides, but neither Ross nor Rudistan want to let it go, and they could go to their respective Unions if I unilaterally went over them and withdrew the complaints."

I nodded. "Why did Rudistan get involved? He never said anything to me, and he usually does get my feedback on things like that first."

"I don't know," said Moynahan, "you'll have to ask him that yourself. Anyway, the Sheriff could've stepped in and cooled things down, but he's chosen to let it roll with the I.G. I don't know if that's a political decision or not." The derision in the Police Chief's voice was unmistakable.

"The bottom line," said the Chief, "is that an hour ago, Quinlin made his complaint about you formal, and took it to the I.G. with a request that a formal Board of Inquiry be held."

I groaned. "Good grief." I said. "I guess I better call my lawyer and get ready."

"I've already talked to Paulina and to the City Attorney." said Moynahan. "They both told me that you've done nothing legally wrong; in fact, you acted after the Firemen blew you off and refused to act."

"Still, Chief," I said, "I need to have my ducks in a row. It is really getting ridiculous, what's going on around here. Oh... I'll just tell you now: get ready for more complaints about me. I'm not letting that Harlow ad using Charlie's photo go unchallenged."

"Heh heh heh heh." chuckled the Chief. "Just make sure that whatever you do, it makes the enemy so furious that the complaints I hear are the juiciest and bitterest possible." I had to smile at that.

Part 7 - I Am Woman

Late afternoon, Saturday, August 18th. "Thanks for coming over." said Britt Maxwell as she escorted Cindy down the corridor of the Westphalia Police Station. The building was new, modern, and very nice, though seemingly more compact than TCPD Headquarters. "You may be our last hope to get her to turn."

"I don't know that I'm going to be able to do much." Cindy said.

"Before we go to City Police HQ," said Britt, "let me get you up to date on what we've one, and the current legal situation." They went into a conference room and sat down.

"Senator Russell is currently under house arrest with an ankle monitor." said Britt. "His security is forbidden to be in the Cannon Building, and City Police are guarding the two floors of his suite. He can go to his office on the top floor only with a City Police escort, and cannot be left alone while in the office, not even to use the bathroom. So he basically just doesn't go up there."

"His wife is under arrest as a material witness." Britt said. "She is staying in a room at the Marriott Grande Hotel. Her lawyers are starting to fight like hell that we either charge her with a crime or let her go completely. So your moment with her tonight might be our last. We expect she'll be released, and only disallowed to go to the Cannon Building. She can go back down to Polk County, or to Midtown, or anywhere in the State, and we'll have trouble keeping up with her."

Britt continued: "She's Mirandized, and she insists on legal counsel if we so much as say 'good morning' to her. So if you start trying to convince her to turn, her legal beagle can shut you down."

"The answer to that is simple." said Cindy. "I'll go in there before her lawyer shows up. She'll ask for counsel, and I'll say I'm not asking any questions, but making statements that she has to listen to. And then I make my pitch."

"I dunno." said Britt. "You might get away with that, at least not get in trouble. But right now the City D.A. is really sitting on the fence, debating whether or not he'll go to a Grand Jury. If Mrs. Russell's lawyer makes a big enough stink about it, the D.A. might just wash his hands of the whole thing, and Russell gets away with it."

"You know, that's a thought." Cindy said. "And I just had an idea that might work better... a whole lot better..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ruby Russell answered the knock on the door to find Cindy Ross and Britt Maxwell outside.

"What do you want?" Ruby asked, derision in her voice.

"Can we come in and talk to you for a minute?" asked Cindy.

"Oh, what the hell." Ruby said, opening the door further to admit them. "Do I need to call a lawyer for this?"

"You have that right," said Cindy, "but I'm not here to ask questions. I'm here to appeal to you to intervene with your mother, and ask her to come forward with the truth that your father raped Jayne Hallerton and had her and your brother beaten up."

"My mother is already telling the truth." said Ruby. "My brother is the liar---"

Cindy held up her hand. "Let's just stop with that. I saw Jayne and Billy, I saw what was done to them. I also know that your father frequently hit Billy when he was a kid, and may have slapped you around, as well. Your father is a violent, dangerous man, Ruby, and I think you know that to be true."

Cindy knew this because her father knew a great many things. Even so, Ruby looked at her scornfully and said "You don't know shit. Nothing you can prove, anyway. But there's no way my mother is going to recant her story now."

"So you're willing to let your father keep getting away with stuff like this," said Cindy, "and maybe someone in the future gets hurt, or murdered. And as a woman you're really willing to protect a violent rapist?"

"Like your cousin, the Iron Crowbar?" shot back Ruby.

"Oh please, stop it." snarled Cindy. "You dare try to defend your filthy father by accusing the Iron Crowbar of---"

"Yes, but that's not important right now." said Ruby. "So I'll spell it out for you. If my mother were to recant her story, she might be charged with Lying to Police in the first place. But worse, whether or not my father beats the rap, my mother's life would be over. She has no job prospects, no money, everything she's ever had is what has come from my father's political career. She knows that if he is no longer Senator, she has no friends, no family, nothing."

"She's not stronger than that?" asked Cindy derisively. "But what about you, Ruby? You're okay with a woman being violently raped? Your own brother being beaten to a pulp with nearly-life-threatening injuries?"

"I truly do not give a shit if my brother lives or dies." said Ruby. "He can go fuck himself with that crowbar of yours, for all I care. But you want to talk about me? The only reason I have a job on 'Point Taken' is because of who my father is. If he's gone from the Senate, for any reason, I won't have a job any longer. Those bitches hate my guts like you wouldn't believe; they cannot wait for an opportunity to get rid of me. So no, Commander Ross, I will not be intervening with my mother. If anything, I'll be encouraging her to hold fast and not be dissuaded from standing for the truth by the likes of you and your God-damned cousin."

"I think we've heard enough." said Britt Maxwell. "Let's get out of here."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As the door slammed behind them and they made their way to the parking lot, Cindy's 'Spidey-sense' began going off in her head.

"Something's wrong." she said, looking around. And she was right: several limos were pulling into the parking lot. The doors opened and security men exited the vehicles, rapidly forming a perimeter, their guns drawn. Britt drew her gun, as well, though Cindy only brandished the green crowbar in her hands.

Then a security man opened the back door of a limo, and out stepped United States Senator Samuel Russell. With his six security men flanking him, he came up to the two women.

"What the fuck are you two cunts doing here?" Russell snarled.

"None of your fucking business. Rapist." Cindy replied.

"You're about to find out about rapists, bitch." threatened Russell. "These security men will gang-rape you until you are dead, if I tell them to. You'd better watch your fucking mouth with me."

"Go fuck yourself, rapist." Cindy replied. "You won't live to see the sun rise---"

"Now you listen up, cunt, and you listen good." snarled Russell. "You stay the fuck away from my family, and stop trying to get my wife and daughter to lie about me. This is your last fucking warning. I don't play around. Now why don't you try telling me what your cousin the Iron Crowbar is going to do. Go run to him, you worthless little lezzie. I'm going to destroy him, too."

"I dunno." said Cindy, as if talking to Britt. "I dunno. Maybe I'm not making myself clear. The true piece of shit here is you, rapist. Like my cousin says, Senator or not, if you can't outrun a bullet, like your buddy Mitt Willis couldn't, then you ain't the badass you need to be to take the Iron Crowbar down. But why bother with him? I'll take care of his lightwork right now, and there's not a damn thing being a vaunted U.S. Senator can do to help you."

"Why you fucking cunt!" snarled Russell. "You're about to find out differently. Men, teach these bitches an unforgettable lesson." The guards prepared to advance, their guns drawn.

"Better be sure!"

The voice, a woman's voice came from behind them. Russell and his men whirled around to find themselves surrounded by at least twelve persons, clad in all black, all wearing masks... and a couple of them wearing Japanese swords in their belt sashes. One of them was shorter than most of the others, was obviously a woman by the way she filled out the clingy black clothes she was wearing, and she alone had an icon sewn onto the front of her shirt: a red ring with six red diamonds inside in a sunburst array.

The ninja were armed swords slung over their backs, but they also had M-4s and other high-powered arms. They had the drop on the Senator and his guards, who quickly moved to surround and protect him.

"Who the fuck are you?" snarled Russell, trying to keep fear from creeping into his voice.

"Your worst nightmare, Senator." said the woman, her voice quiet but very menacing. "I suggest you leave. Now. Before the Police get here. And before we kill every last one of you."

One of the security men came up to Russell and whispered something. "All right." Russell said. "Let's get out of here." Surrounded by his men, he made his way to his vehicles, and the convoy pulled out.

After they were gone, all of the ninja except the two with swords in their sashes melted into the darkness. Those two took off their masks, revealing themselves to be Teresa Croyle and Todd Burke.

"Aw, you spoiled my fun." Cindy said. "It was only six-to-one odds."

"Yeah, I know." Teresa said agreeably (for her). "But I wanted to see that bastard shit in his pants. He's wayyyyyy too full of himself, dontcha know?" Todd was grinning his brilliant grin.

"Did Don send you here?" Cindy asked.

"No." said Teresa. "This one was my own doing."

Just then, several cars pulled into the parking lot, blue LED lights blazing. City Police came out. Cindy, Britt, and Teresa were holding up their badges, causing the wary Uniformed Officers to hesitate.

"Well, well, well!" said City Detective E.J. Jefferson as he got out of a vehicle. "Stand down, guys, we're among friends! Hello, Captain Croyle! It's been a while. Nice to see you tonight."

"Hi, E.J. Nice to see you, too." said Teresa. They knew each other from when E.J. worked for the TCPD, of course.

"Officers! I'm the one that called the Police." shouted Ruby Russell from the balcony outside her apartment. "These people are making trouble! Arrest them! I'll press charges."

"Miss Russell," said City Detective Tony Long, "shut your mouth and go back into your apartment... or I'll arrest you for Disturbing the Peace, and your daddy will have to come bail you out of jail." Ruby turned on her heel and left in a huff, and a second later the slamming of a door was heard.

"You guys have carry permits for those swords?" asked E.J., meaning it humorously.

"Actually, we do." said Todd Burke, still grinning like the Cheshire Cat...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As the four of them ate at the City Diner, which was not far from the Federal Building and the Cannon Building, Cindy said "I was kidding about the six-on-one. I'm glad you guys showed up; we've got armor on, but they had some serious firepower."

"What caused Russell to show up?" asked Teresa.

"I think Ruby speed-dialed him on her cellphone when she saw who was knocking on her door." said Britt. "May have left the connection open for him to hear what was said, too."

"That makes sense." said Teresa. "And Ruby called the City Police, too, when she saw we had her father and his men at bay."

"Yes." said Cindy. "Hard to believe Ruby is so 'all in' to help her father."

"You of all people know how tight family bonds can be." said Teresa.

"Speaking of that..." said Cindy, "come on, out with it. Don sent you to watch over me, didn't he?"

"No, he didn't." said Todd. "Seriously. Word of honor."

"He's right." said Teresa. "Don did not send us."

"Who did, then?" asked Cindy. "I mean, Don knew I was coming over here, but I didn't tell anyone else, except... oh." It hit her.

"Callie." she said, then looked at Teresa, and saw confirmation in her BFF's eyes.

"What can I say?" Teresa said. "She loves you."

"But to send the whole Clan of the Crowbar?" Cindy asked. "Not that I wasn't grateful to see you..."

"Well, that was my doing, and Teresa's." said Todd. "Let's just leave it at this: the Establishment Elitists are running scared right now. Russell is scared shitless that he'll be indicted by a Grand Jury for rape. Grahamnesty Collins and Wilson Hammonds are wetting their pants that Russell might resign, and Governor Jared will appoint a Grassroots Senator in Russell's place. And all the Establishment Repukes are scared of a 'blue wave' of Democrats winning the Legislature in November. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and you saw that in Russell tonight..."

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