It's All About Luca

He heard her sigh just before she resignedly asked, "What do you want, Luca?"

He waited until he was sitting again and more comfortable before replying. "What I want is for you to turn around and look at me, drop to your knees and crawl over here begging for forgiveness over the misery you have made for each of us for the last five years."

Turn around and look at him she did, with a mixture of shock, disgust and disbelief. The stress and the pressure she had been feeling since seeing him made her yell at him for the first time in five years.

"Yeah Luca," she spat harshly, "It's entirely my fault that you had your dick in that bitch's pussy isn't it. I drove you to it, with my unwillingness and by not letting you do and have what you wished, when you wished and how you wished it." She paused only to gather more breath. "Well fuck you Luca, its never going to happen! The days of me crawling to you are well and truly over sweetheart." All the while he just sat there coolly sipping his scotch listening to her tirade.

"You know what, Luca, get the fuck out of my house."

She went to move down the hallway to open the door for him and found herself quickly, and without warning, pinned against the wall with Luca's hands holding her head by the roots of her hair. His face was inches from her own. This close to him she could smell him and how good his scent was.

Being this close to him bought back sensation after sensation; it was always the same thing that happened when she was near him. She began to get aroused by his maleness, by the strength and power that she knew he was capable of inflicting and using against her; the same feeling she always felt so hopelessly lost against, so hopelessly drawn to.

She let herself feel him as his body pressed hard against her own; she felt herself sag under him and looked up into his eyes to see if he felt it too. He leaned in and kissed her, not even kissed her, but raped her mouth with his lips and tongue like he had never done before, even when she was being punishingly fucked by him. As always, the harshness of his touch set the woman off with in. The sexual need she felt stirring within her was hard to resist as no man since had even got close to making her feel what his lips could do to her with just one kiss.

Dangerously close to accepting him and wrapping her legs around his hard body, she pushed desperately against him, bringing her knee up to kick him in the balls. He however was ready for this and grabbed her by the throat pushing her further into the wall. There was no fear of him hurting her, she knew his control, knew he wouldn't really hurt her, he was just holding her, containing her, empowering himself over her, letting her know who it was that had the greater control.

She hated admitting to herself but there was no denying that she was as turned on by him and his ways, as he was by her and her ways. Slowly she lowered her knee and felt the pressure on her neck tighten, forcing a tear to roll and her face to feel as though it was on fire. He held her like that for a moment more before he released the hold on her gradually, but never completely letting go of her fragile throat. He still held her against the wall, while quietly explaining.

"You owe me the right to explain that night. I have waited long enough for you to come to me, Angelina, I am not waiting another five years for you to come to your stubborn senses."

He let go of her suddenly causing her to slide a little down the wall. She stared blindly at nothing and was relieved that he wasn't touching her, but was disgusted with herself that so quickly, feelings contained for so long, could be allowed by her to come rushing back with just one touch.

Emotions high she daringly stated, "I owe you nothing you bastard." He turned away from her quickly making her flinch at his sudden movement. He went and sat down on the chair until she moved back into the room.

When she took up her spot at the window he continued on. "That kiss, the way your body reacted, that I can smell your cunt from here and the fact that no man has ever stayed more then two and a half hours here tells me, Angelina, that you do owe me an explanation sweetheart."

She turned once again from shock and bewilderment, trying to ignore the cunt comment as she could smell herself and focused on the larger issue instead. "You've been watching me?" She accused.

This time it was his turn to salute. "Did you think I wouldn't, Angel? Did you think after all we had shared, how much we had loved each other, that I wouldn't be watching. After all this time, Angel, there is still no man in your life that has come back twice, why is that?"

She screwed her face up and turned back to the window shrugging her shoulders. "You seem to know me so well Luca, why don't you tell me what the fuck is going on in my head."

"You swear at me one more time or speak to me like that again, in that tone, and we are going to have some real issues Angel."

She refused to look at him in fear of giving away the excitement that threat had caused in her already taut body.

He continued on at her silence knowing full well she was debating even now the merits of swearing at him again. "It tells me, Angel, that you can't get what you want and need from anyone else. It tells me too that you still hold a place for me in your heart. It tells me too, Angel, that you still aren't ready to move on and accept another man in my place. I fear, Angel, that I have ruined you for any other man's enjoyment."

She knew he spoke the truth, hell she had been there, she was the one who'd laid listlessly underneath the very few men she had brought home in an attempt to put some normalcy back into her life. She was nearly 30 for god sake and still couldn't find a man with one tenth the amount of sexual expertise that Luca had given her.

"It's just sex, Luca. I do have blood in these veins and find I need a warm body every now and again, as opposed to something other then a battery operated machine, You'd appreciate the need, Luca," she turned her head to look at him. "I'm sure your hands are still as calloused as they ever were."

He laughed loudly. "Ah Angel, how venomous your tongue has gotten. But tell me can they give you the rest too baby? Can they give you the stability you need, the organisation and the control that you feel when I am controlling you?"

Her mind screamed at her, No they fucking cant you prick, her mouth simply said, "Well if they had of, Luca, there wouldn't be a need for you to feel like you have to keep an eye on me anymore would there? What happened, Luca? Your little slut leave you and you're looking for another to fill her place?"

He walked up behind her and put his arms on her shoulders. She jumped at the contact even though she could see him coming up behind her in the reflection of the window. He trailed his big warm hands down her arms and mistakenly she leaned back into him, feeling the security and warmth his body had always made hers feel. She closed her eyes and luxuriated in the feeling.

"Ahh Angel," he whispered, "she was never my slut, and the only person I ever belonged to was you."

Memories too painful to want to think about flooded her vision so she pushed away from him with a sob that was soul deep. She flung herself across the room away from him, from his touch, knowing she couldn't be trusted unless she kept her distance from him.

"I was it, was I?" she cried brokenly and let him see the tears that still fell for them, for the life that once they could have had. "If I was it, Luca, then why? Why did you lie to me that night? Why were you fucking her without me? Would you ever have told me? Would I have had to look at her across some room and have her know, everyone know, but me? If I was it, Luca, why break the trust we had built between us?" Through her tears she stared at him voicing her pain and anguish still at the memory of that woman's face as Luca fucked into her.

His voice soft, his hands positioned against each other he asked, "Are you ready to hear it now, Angelina?"

"It's why you're here isn't it, Luca, to tell me? To give me an excuse."

He sighed and walked back to the bar, tilted his glass towards her, to which she shook her head no. He poured himself another drink. "Will you at least sit down while I tell you this please?"

She wanted to hear his side of things, but she also wanted to run and hide at the same time. However, she did what she thought she would never do, she sat down on the lounge and waited with her hands in her hair, elbows on her knees and resting her forehead against them in preparation for the worst.

He moved over to sit next to her on the lounge.

"Don't touch me, Luca." she said warily as she looked at him sideways. "I couldn't bare it. Just don't touch me."

He conceded that point and put the glass at the side table next to him; she went back to contemplating the floor through her hands and waited for this tale to begin.

"Do you remember that Dom Brian who I had been talking about, the one that had the problem with his sub?"

Angel cast her mind back to that time frowning and shaking her head. "Yes something vague about him thinking she was screwing around on him."

He nodded his head. "Yes, well the woman you saw me with was her. Her name was Eliz."

She cut him off quickly and forcefully. "I don't want to know her name, Luca." If she had been looking at him she would of seen the smile that he gave her in return and was relieved in his own mind that at least she still did care enough not to put a name to that face.

"He asked me to set her up for him, test it out, and see if she was willing to go home with a man. If she did he asked me to punish her in a way that she wouldn't forget." He laughed bitterly at himself, "She never forgot Angel, never once in the last five years has she forgotten what she had done and what all three of us have done to you."

She looked up at him, tears still in her eyes, understanding was there too. She could understand the situation perfectly, she had been involved with the lifestyle for too many years not to know how it could work and how one man could ask another to do that to their sub, their woman.

She shook her head. "That's fine Luca. I understand that, I can even understand why you would do it for him. I wouldn't have had an issue with it, but Luca, you didn't tell me on the phone that afternoon, and in fact you lied to me and said that you were working back. You had no trust in me, in telling me; even now, Luca, the story doesn't change what you did to me. Cant you see that."

"No, I can see that it doesn't, Angel, but you need to know I always planned on telling you. My plans were to come home that night get changed and go to your place and let you know what was happening. I didn't for the life of me believe that I would be picking her up after one night. I thought stupidly, apparently, that it would take a couple of nights but she was so easy, and when I put it out there, and she accepted, I couldn't back down. There was no way to reach you by then, it was too late. We were in the car on the way to my place and I had to keep the pretence up as long as it took to get her home. Then I was to punish her, tell her that Brian had organised it and if she felt her punishment now was bad then wait till she got delivered to Brian's doorstep in nothing but the clothes she still had on and the smell of me in her pussy and that's when you came out."

"What about the lie, Luca? What about the working back when you knew this was planned?"

"Angel," he sighed. "I was down stairs about to go and get a bite to eat when Brian rushed up to me and told me where she was that night. He asked me to go then, that minute because he needed to know exactly how far she was going to go. It wasn't planned the way you think it was Angel."

God she wanted to believe him, with everything in her she wanted to believe him and if it was true how sad did that truly make the last 5 years of her life. She couldn't bear knowing or thinking that he was someone else's Master when she knew all along that he was hers. It's what kept her away from him and prevented her from ever going to him and asking him what had happened that night. In her mind she had always wanted to believe the most damaging so she could keep her heart frozen from him and the memories.

"So what now, Luca? What do you expect now; to just pick up the pieces and pretend that the last five years didn't happen is that what you want?"

She shot up and started pacing around the room; he watched her going back and forth and couldn't help but hide a smile as he watched her. He could remember her like this when she was thinking something through, there was always the pacing and the mumbling. At first he hated it and wanted to break her of the habit but it wasn't until he realised she always came to the conclusions that he wanted her to come to when she paced and mumbled. When he tried to put a stop to it she never came to the same decision that he wanted her to come to. He always blamed the lack of pacing for not getting his own way and made the remarkable choice to never forbid her to do it again. For some reason it seemed to work and here she was doing it again.

"No, Angel, I don't expect that we start from where we left off. I think it can be better then what we had before, if you're willing to try. I think we should just start to get to know each other again first."

She waved him away like she would a fly and continued to pace around the room mumbling, "Better then before. Trust. Heartbreak." He was sure he heard a bastard, in there too. "Expect me to give it over. Me to let it go. Arrogant, selfish." After five minutes of listening to her and watching her pace he was harder then a rock and satisfied that she would give them a second chance.

"Angel," he said quietly, knowing that if he didn't put a stop to this, it could go on forever. She stopped abruptly and turned to look at him and look at him she did. She etched every line of his face and his body in her mind.

She looked sadly at him. "I can't, Luca," she whispered, choking on tears. "I can't love you that much ever again, it nearly killed me the first time. You broke me, Luca, I cant risk that again, it would kill me the first time I doubted you. I'm sorry."

"You," she stuttered, "you have to go, please. Just go," When he refused to move off her lounge she begged him, "Luca, please, ohhh god please go."

He could see the anguish and the love for him in her eyes. He could also see the fear of loving him again and loosing him. He got up and watched her move over to the solitary spot near the window, where she felt safe in her gazing.

From where he stood he spoke softly with resignation to this being the end of them. "Angel, I won't claim to have been a saint these last 5 years, but I have missed you more then you will ever know and I have loved you from a distance. I have stood back and watched the men you let in even for a moment. The ones you seduced and just as quickly kicked out of your house. I have watched you grow more in the last 5 years, then you did in the four we were together and still find myself unable to love anyone else. I came here today Angel because my life isn't complete without you and yours isn't without me in it either. If you let me walk out of that door it's the last time you will see me or hear from me or have me watch you ever again. One chance only, Angel."

He could see her shoulders shaking as she cried and wanted to comfort her. He didn't want to give her an ultimatum but he had no other choice. He couldn't bare living this way any longer and he doubted that she could either. They were both miserable and he knew if he didn't force the issue she would have him going around in circles forever. He waited for what felt like and eternity before he turned and sadly walked towards her door.

She could see him walking away in the reflexion of the window and her choices flashed before her. Stay the way she is, always looking out this window glancing at memories that made her ache with loss or make new ones, take another chance on the one thing in her life that she knew would love her freely.

He was right, she had grown in the last 5 years and who really knows what would have happened to them if they had stayed together. Would that time of blissful ease have remained the same or would it have died and been destroyed forever with no thought of ever going back, like so many other people she had known.

Was that night fated to happen so that they both could learn and appreciate each other more in the future or did that night happen because she was scared of what her future would be with Luca; afraid perhaps that love would die and he would do just what he did that night, without there being a reason for it. Who knew, she didn't, all she knew was that he had awoken a beast inside her, one that she'd forced to lay dormant within her for too long. She turned just in time to see the door about to click shut on her future and her life.

"Luca!" She cried loudly and was about to run down the hallway after him when he pushed open the door and walked back towards her. She stood there shaking like a leaf before him.

He moved back into the room and sat down slowly with his heart in his throat, in the chair across from her. Silence stretched before them, neither making a move nor a sound as they both stared at each other fearfully.

"You know what I want, Angel."

She smiled nervously at the hitch in his voice. She closed her eyes, tilted her head towards the ceiling, took a deep breath and smiled for the first time in a long while.

Angel dropped to the floor and began to crawl, keeping her eyes fixed on his face. She had forgotten how hard it was to crawl and her knees felt as though she was crawling through glass to get to him. She realised she probably would if that was the choice to go on living with him in her life, and here she was crawling like five years wasn't the chasm between them.

She made it all the way to his feet; she sat there a moment, thinking of what to do next. One thing she did know was this time round he better understand that it wasn't going to be all his way, it would be hers too.

She pulled at the laces of his shoes and slowly lifted them off his feet. She pulled down his socks and threw them behind her. He smiled at her until she leaned up and began working at the buttons of his trousers. She continued to stare at him with that, don't even think about stopping me, look and when his lips opened to say something, she placed her finger upon his lip and told him, "Shh".

His eyes hardened as he watched her. The look he cast down on her made her insides melt with anticipation. She knew she was pushing the line but figured he needed pushing just as much as she did. When the buttons and fly on his pants were down she knelt between his thighs and placed her hands under his ass, forcing him to lift up as she pulled them down over his legs and off to be thrown somewhere over her head, presumably to end up with his socks.

She had always loved his habit of not wearing jocks and loved it even more now as the engorged cock, staring at her, twitched a little more in her presence. She moved back on her haunches and began making love to his toes. Something she had always known he liked, however never really got into herself. This time however she sucked his toes like it was the cock straining towards her and began trailing her tongue up the insides of his legs.

He was moaning and grabbing her hair by the time she got to his knees. Her hand came up and hit his, reluctantly he let go. She rose to her feet and played around near the button on her leather pants till his guttural, "Get them off now," forced her hand to undo them and slide them down her legs to pool at her feet. He saw the red thong and growled at her. He placed his hand on his cock and began rubbing it, when she turned her back to him showing the tattoo that she'd had recently had inscribed on her ass. It was a little pair of handcuffs and that was all.

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